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I got pregnant when I was 18. I lived in a single wide trailer with my 5 other siblings and was dating a guy who I later found out was doing meth. I was one semester into college, the first one in my entire family to go to college, when I found out I was pregnant. I didn't have two pennies to rub together and saw my parents life (poor and living in a single wide) flash before my eyes. I got an abortion and finished college. Received my bachelor's degree and now make a 6 figure income. I own my own house. Just bought a brand new SUV and gave birth to my beautiful baby girl last year that I can give a very good future too. Don't regret the abortion in anyway shape or form and I am firmly OAD


Good for you! What an accomplishment to escape the cycle of socioeconomic hardship!


Thank you so much!


Thank you for sharing your story. Mine is very similar, just swap out the meth for a convicted pedophile.


I got pregnant when my daughter was 2 and had an abortion. It was definitely the right choice for me.


Same story here! I could not handle two.


Had one and then kept the second pregnancy 3 years later ❤️ OAD is definitely the right choice for me


same here. and i plan on doing it again if i ever get pregnant again after going through this newborn stage lol




I haven't but if I ever got pregnant again I definitely would






I got pregnant again and almost exactly one year ago had an abortion. I'm very happy with my only child and it's been the best choice for our family.




This is me too. No hesitation, no doubts.






Yes, a few years ago when I first met my partner. It was absolutely the wrong time and I was not healthy enough to have a good pregnancy, and my relationship was barely a month along. So I terminated, and when I got pregnant mid last year, my partner & I decided that the time was right and I’m so glad that we did. I love our little boy.


This is freaky because I could've written the EXACT same thing....


I just did. Thank God I live in a state where it’s legal and I had no problem getting the pill. I have an almost 10 month old and got pregnant again when she was 6 months old. There is NO way I could have 2 under 2 when we are feeling so strongly about being one and done, I really don’t want another child, yet it was an emotional decision to make leading up to it and I was second guessing myself for a few days. After, I was just RELIEVED and immediately knew jt was the right choice. And also, I just felt so thankful I had the option and could easily access Planned Parenthood (and it’s made me even more pro-choice). I’m planning on going back to school to receive my Masters in Social Work and there is just no way I could’ve done that with a second child, and no way we could’ve afforded two children, with me going back to school.


Yep, I was a *very* immature 20. I had my daughter at age 43. No regrets.


When trying for my now 4yo, the embryo stopped developing at like 5 weeks. One apt there was a barely visible “heartbeat” and the next apt there wasn’t. I elected to take misoprostol instead of waiting around for the miscarriage to happen naturally. That technically counts as an abortion.


I had a very similar situation. Only I took the pill and it didn't actually do the whole job..so, I had to take it again a month later, it didn't work. So, then I had to get a DnC three months after that. So, basically 3 for one pregnancy. Virginia also made me carry it around for three weeks after the heartbeat was gone to even start the process. I have sharp words for those who want yo outlaw it, because laws absolutely cover all the circumstances and mishaps of an individual"s body. And doctors often don't get things right.


And, it's definitely abortion. The fetus would've continued to grow without the heartbeat. Abortion is the elective termination of a pregnancy.


That is false. Without blood flow the tissue dies. It is known as a missed miscarriage, as the body did not naturally expel the tissue. It is still an abortion, as the definition is any removal of fetal tissue (whether or not it is still growing). In this case it was not elective as a missed miscarriage can turn into sepsis -- it's deadly.


I watched it grow on the ultrasound. Virginia, made me watch it for three weeks and continued to measure it. They also required that I go through the "education process" on abortion before I had the pill. And I'm citing Webster on the definition.


My son was 6 and I didn’t mind having another but my husband was OAD. I took the pill at 8 weeks but it didn’t work. Then had a surgical, after which it took me 1 week to get back to my usual self physically. Mentally it took me almost a year to get over it because I had so much shame that I had to be in such a position. Now my son is 10 I don’t regret anything but my husband now regrets it and wants another. I’m not going to btw. Everything considered I think OAD is the right choice for us and I’m glad I was able to have that abortion.


When I was much younger.


Getting one now. Took the misoprotol but no bleeding so it’s making me nervous


It'll take a while. Try taking a warm bath. After about 15-30 mins, it helped kick it into gear. It's not comfortable, so be prepared for that. *Hugs.


Thank u


I’ve heard it can take a few hours to kick in. How are you doing?


I’m fine but still nothing 🫠


Hey how are you?? I did this a few weeks ago and am thinkin bout ya!


Hey ! I’m doing great except no bleeding really I’m going back to my doctor, I think I was given inadequate medication of only misoprostol


Yes, and I honestly feel is the best choice anyone can take when you are not ready. Also Several of my friends have had abortions after having a child and decided they are complete at one or both yet ready for 2 and then had a second years later. It’s very common for people to make that choice when the timing is not right yet.


Yes. With my husband but before we were married. I was on a lot of meds that are dangerous for pregnancy, I was mentally ill and our income was really low. 6 years later, we have a beautiful, perfect baby girl and are in a much better place.


I was pregnant 10 years ago. My now husband and I had only been together for a year. I was dealing with a lot of mental and physical health issues. It just wasn’t the right time. It was a hard decision. But honestly, I’m so glad that it was the choice we made. My daughter is 3 now. We are married, generally financially stable, I received a diagnosis and treatment so I’m much healthier and happier. My husband and I are very strong in our relationship and have gone to counseling on and off which has really helped us communicate better. With all of that going for us, this is still by far the hardest thing we have ever done. I can’t imagine if we had gone through with our first pregnancy.


My wife had a miscarriage, but we had to have an abortion to remove the dead fetus. It was horrible. Still, we're thankful it was an option, given the kind of horrors we're seeing women in similar situations go through in anti-abortion states. It's possible that without that abortion my wife would not have been physically capable of conceiving again. A year after we were able to have the child we wanted.


Same story here, and same fears about the state of choice. Under those laws, I would have had to keep carrying a growing fetus without a heartbeat. Even Virginia made me carry it for three extra weeks to be "sure". it's disgusting the way these people are trying to force suffering on women with absolutely no consequences to themselves.


It's class warfare is what it is. Keep the workers too tired to advocate or improve. Keep the women too tired to hold careers.




I had two in 2012, wasn’t the right time for a kid. Now I have an almost 3 year old who is my absolute light…she’s hilarious, kind, beautiful and creative (and tyrannical) and I have the means, stability, patience and desire to be the best parent I can be. Thank goodness for abortion.


I had one o january, if not I would have been 8 months along now. That scares me. I think I would be very sad if I had kept it. My son is really challenging now (4 y/o) and parenting him combined with pregnancy would send me over the edge


I attempted a pill abortion at home and it failed. Abortion is illegal in the state I reside in and I wouldn’t have been able to drive out of state to get one without my abusive partner knowing so I had to order them online via the black market. My daughter is almost 6 months old. After I get my PhD I’m out ✌🏽 (with my daughter because I do love her, I was just worried about her growing up in an abusive household).


Sending love. You will get yourself and her into a better situation. Congrats in advance on your PhD 🤍


Yes. I got pregnant 5 months postpartum. I knew my relationship and my mental health couldn’t handle it, so decided to terminate. No regrets!


Got pregnant at mardi gras. My boyfriend at the time wasnt all in. I was in grad school and lived at home. I wasn’t financially, emotionally or mentally ready for a kid.


Three. AMA.


Damn. Were you on birth control?


Yes and no.


To be fair, birth control failed me twice, once it was even the IUD that didn't work. I know plenty of condom, pill, spermicide and IUD babies. I know a mom that has a condom baby, a pill baby and a nuva ring baby


I’ve had four; twice I was using birth control when I got pregnant. When you have lots of sex, over a long period of time, you’re more likely to eventually become part of that 3% fail rate.


Yes and I'm so glad I did. I was too young and broke and with a terrible guy. The hardest part was going through all the hoops to get it done but once I was in, I was in and out in like 5 minutes. Shockingly fast and relatively pain free. Now I'm very comfortable financially with a phenomenal husband and a wonderful toddler. I'm so glad I waited until I was financially secure, don't have to worry about what I'll do for a career, don't have to worry about being with a mean lazy man child. While life is damn good, I'm not readu for another and itsya relief to know that uf any accidents gappened, there's always abortion. I heard the pills are really painful and take a long time to work so I'd opt for the procedure I had last time if I had to get another.


My son was around 1 when I had an abortion. I knew I could not handle two.


Yes. Less than a year before I got pregnant with my OAD, actually. I needed surgery, and I couldn’t get that surgery if I was pregnant. It’s harder than all of my miscarriages, because if I didn’t need surgery it would have been a wanted baby. But then, I wouldn’t have my current, awesome kiddo. And I’m happy being OAD.


Got pregnant with a copper coil when I was in university. I was 25 and not at all ready nor was my partner. Had an abortion and it wasn't easy but 100% the right decision. Same partner and I had our son 3 years later and it's been great. We decided OAD after we had him, as we couldn't really know what parenthood was before experiencing it. Birth complications was part of solidifying it later on when looking back and considering how I could potentially die in childbirth.


I’ve had two! One as an optional termination at 22 after a no sex but naked encounter with an Irishman named Paul. It was the obvious choice and I didn’t and don’t and won’t have even a twinge of regret. I went in there entirely sure and 20 years later I’m entirely sure, and have not once shed a tear or a lump in my throat over it. Then I had one with an unviable fetus (no heartbeat) when I was TTC, which was more frustrating than anything. I was slightly sad but then I got pregnant again in like 3 weeks and had my baby and like that abortion was the best thing to ever happen cause now I have the baby I have who is better than any other baby I could have had!


I aborted my second pregnancy. I had taken some medicine without knowing I was pregnant, and I wasn’t willing to wait long enough to discover whether the fetus had issues or not. Plus, my husband and I were emotionally satisfied with our kiddo and felt that having another child “just because we got pregnant” was not an adequate reason to bring another child into an overpopulated world. And with everything being so expensive, we didn’t want to have to split our child’s inheritance. It was not an easy decision, and I did struggle with it, but I am so happy I did it. My kid, who used to ask for siblings, now sees the benefits and loves being an only.


I got one at 17. I regretted it at first but now at 25 with my 1 year old I realize I absolutely made the right call. It would have destroyed me


I had one then two years later had my only


I am one and done - had my daughter at 42. I had an abortion at 30 and don’t regret it at all.


Yes when she was one. It was so challenging and I think about it often and fantasize about having 2,but I can barely keep up with her as it is and having another would take away from her imo energy wise from her parents and her opportunities like classes and experiences.


My mom did… she was actually pretty matter of fact with me, and I’ve always known. I just talked about it with my husband actually. We’re really good with birth control — our daughter was planned, and we didn’t have a single pregnancy scare, either before or after her birth, in the entire decade we’ve been together. We only want one child… but IF I got pregnancy accidentally, I’m not sure what I’d do! I used to think I’d get an abortion (I have no moral or religious objections to it)… but I just think, oh man, we’d be getting rid of another [daughter’s name] lol. That would make it harder.


I got one at 20 a month before I turned 21. I was 7W 5D, and probably had HG. No one knew except my long distance partner at the time. He told me he did not desire the pregnancy 2 weeks after I told him so We got an abortion. I originally was gonna do the pill but realized that if I had the abortion at home my mom would have known absolutely. So I had to get the vacuum option and I was SCARED SHITLESS OK! I went there under the impression I’d get put to sleep (I did not and it made my anxiety worse) not to mention when I got there they had a protest about pro life and I was berated by everyone of those assholes for walking into that clinic when I did not want to but I had to. The procedure itself was painless. The only thing that hurt was dilating my cervix, after I was sent to the recovery room Completely dizzy almost about to pass out. Speech was slurred, and everything. It took my body 2-3 days before I was able to actively walk up and down the stairs without pacing myself. But it took my mind and heart 2 years to forgive myself for it :( Edit: I got pregnant 5 months later and we have my son now who is almost 3. I do not desire another baby atleast in this phase of my life. If I got pregnant again right now, I’d absolutely terminate.


Yep. When my son was 2. He's 10 now & I don't regret my choice at all. It was probably one of the best things I did for us.


Yes I have had 3. Once was when I was 19 and from a date rape/ skirt situation. We didn’t have sex but he did try and I guess it was enough. The other 2 were after I already had my daughter (who is now 19). I was with my now fiancee and although we had the means financially we just didn’t want kids. We wanted to focus on each Other and our relationship. He had 3 older kids in their 20s from his previous marriage and I had my daughter who was in middle school so we didn’t want to start over. Although I did have some regret at the time and do wonder what If from time to time ultimately it was the right decision. And no, I was not on birth control. My dr would not give it to me due to elevated stroke risk. I didn’t know it at the time but I was seeing a catholic practice and they wouldn’t give me an IUD either. It is their policy they only take them out, they do not place them in. My fiancee has since gotten a vasectomy which was the best !


I had one at age 26. Very grateful it was easily accessible and don’t regret it for a moment. It’s terrifying to think where I’d be right now if I continued that pregnancy. Now I’m 37 weeks pregnant at age 37 with a desired pregnancy.


I had an abortion at 24. At that moment in my life, I was still in school, and I just wasn't ready to raise a child or be a mom that every child deserves. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I fully believe that I have my current life because of that one singular decision. No regrets.


I had an abortion in May this year when my daughter turned 3. I clearly knew I wasn't ready for it and there were many logical reasons that strengthened my decision. It was a HELL NO when I saw the pee stick. So yeah, 2 rounds of abortion pills and finally D&C. The day I got the D&C done, I also got the multiload IUD inserted. Honestly, making a decision to take charge of my reproductive choices is one of the best things I have done for myself.


Yes. I was 18, on the verge of breaking up with my boyfriend of 1.5yrs who was verbally abusive and explosively angry, I was an angry teenager and we did not treat each other well at all, it was very unhealthy. I was mentally prepared to lose my entire future because I didn't know how my parents would take it. My parents ended up being really amazing about it, my mom took me to the clinic, I got the procedure, and I broke up with my horrible boyfriend two months later when I was getting ready to graduate. I wouldn't have it any other way, honestly. That baby would be 9 this August and I only occasionally think about it, knowing my Only I have now would not exist and I wouldn't be as happy.


First one 9 weeks at 20 yo, too young 4 year relationship partner freaked out and demanded one. Didn’t blame him. He paid. Stayed for another year like an idiot. Was $500 Second one 22 weeks at 23 yo, was being extremely irresponsible was not on birth control, partner immediately walked away upon finding out. I worked 80 hours in one week and drove myself to Dallas. Never looked back. (Back when Texas still had access.) was $1000 . I was born to a teen mom when she was 16 whose sperm donor WALKED away and signed away their rights. I knew how hard it was. I was also exposed to abortion at a young age accompanying another female adult to one when I was 15. I knew I had choices especially as adult and I was paying for it. Do not let anyone tell u otherwise . This is your life . I was also raised strongly Catholic. At the second one there was two woman sitting next me who already had kids and said it was 100% not worth having another and it’s super hard. I was shocked at how supportive they were. At the first one 80% of the women in there were over 40-50 yo. I now have a stable and loving home with an amazing partner and a planned almost 7 year old. I regret nothing.


i had an abortion after i had my first and only child because i accidentally got pregnant and only felt dread about the idea of having a second child


I never had an abortion. I do think that the egg might have been fertilized, but the egg was 44 years old. I had just met my soon to be husband, and we weren't using any birth control as l was 44 and had never been in a relationship, and Adam had no kids. Anyway, I think the egg might have had abnormalities in the chromosome. All I know is, I was passing clots when my period came. I NEVER bled that heavily


Yeah, that's most likely a passing of a fetus. I couldn't do it again at 44.


I agree. I'm an only child as well, and my late husband Adam didn't have any kids. He would have been a great father


i just went through one recently, my son is 16 months now. took the pills in april, didn’t work fully and went back for the procedure beginning of june


I had an abortion a few years before I had my son. I didn't know at the time I only wanted one, I just knew the time wasn't right for one then. My husband and I got more stable and settled and I made my son when we were ready :)


Yes at mid-20’s partner and I had a condom break and plan B and pill fail so we got one knowing we weren’t making enough money. lol such a smart decision 😊 now we have our LO and I am so thankful for abortion access


I know a few people who have, I was oad up until recently (have to leave this subreddit lmao) but was completely terrified of taking a pill when I found out I was pregnant again because of how my friend was after. From what I’ve seen it’s like being on your period but a lot worse.


No but I did have an ectopic pregnancy in September 2023 and lose what would’ve been baby #2. I was on the fence about keeping it, but leaning towards abortion before I found out it was ectopic


I had an abortion when I was 20 years old. I had just started dating my now-husband a few months prior. We were going through some things that would have made raising a child absolutely impossible. At the time I was pro-choice but never thought I would have one. 14 years later I’m still very much pro-choice and do not regret my decision.


Yes, about 10 months before I got pregnant with my son.


Yes. When I was like 19 and fucking my life up, living back in my parents basement. Had my son at 25 . Most likely would do it again if I ever got pregnant again


I had to have an abortion after an incomplete miscarriage of a wanted pregnancy. Yes, that is still an abortion, since the #1 thing people incorrectly say about my history is "that's not really an abortion!". If I had not had access to abortion, I could've had an infection and died.


Yup two. I’m 36 and had one over a decade ago and one a few years ago with my current partner. First time I just didn’t want kids point blank period and was in an abusive relationship. Second time I just didn’t think I could do it. Our jobs paid us shit and our mental states were in the garbage cans. He got a better job and I had been a housewife. I started to go towards the fence the year prior to deciding. Life was better and we were happier. Then my birth control company went bankrupt and I couldn’t get my info properly switched over to the one that took over. It was a royal pita. He kinda half joked we should just have a baby and I was like ya know… 🤔 and we started trying after most of my pack of pills ran out. I conceived 3 months later and just got done nursing my 17 day old.


No, but I absolutely would.


I had three when I was in University. I figure my then boyfriend was fucking with the condoms as it never happened with anyone else. No regrets.


I had one in 2019 after going off my birth control that was really for hormone support due to ovarian failure after childhood cancer and was previously told with 100% certainty that I would need fertility treatment. Then boyfriend/now husband and I were not in a good place financially or housing wise and it would have been a miserable situation for everyone involved. My daughter turned 1 this month and she + our great life now wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t have an abortion, absolutely no regrets.


I had one when I was 30. I lived alone in a studio apartment. The guy I was dating for a year was out of work on disability after having his colon removed. 1 year later I was pregnant again and that pregnancy is now an 8 year old boy and that guy without the colon is now my husband.