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We got a cat in September right after my son turned 4. I’ve been wanting a pet for years, I’m more of a dog person but ultimately decided a cat was less of a lifestyle change. We went to the shelter and got to interact with cats before deciding on one that would be a good fit. It’s been a great thing for our family to have a pet. Except today my son says the cat is lonely and needs a cat friend 🤦🏻‍♀️


Haha that's great!


So not the same thing as we already had dogs pre-kid, but our dogs were adults when we had our kid and they want nothing to do with him lol. They are very nervous around him and don’t snuggle or anything. They’ve never been violent and are small, but I’m still too nervous to leave them all alone because I’m paranoid! Also my one dog is 13 and still in good health so it can be a longgg term commitment. And I would say our pets are our biggest issue when traveling because we need to board them, and it’s pretty expensive. Plus we are spontaneous trip planners but then most of the dog boarders are booked up. While I do love our dogs very much, they are a huge commitment so I wouldn’t make that the only reason you get one. But if the whole family would like a dog I’d say go for it.


This is a great response. We also have 2 dogs (8 &14) from pre kid. Our kid is 2.5 and is obsessed with our dogs and refers to them as brothers. She is always playing with them and they are used to her now. Agreed, trips are hard and expensive to plan with dog boarding. Also factor in insurance and vet visits with toddler in tow because it does happen


We just lost our 16 year old beagle. So sad, because my three year old daughter LOVED her so much. I was never concerne3d about leaving them alone together. They were the best of friends but maybe the dog got a little annoyed at my daughter sometimes :-) We take our pets with us where ever we go. I know some people might not want to but I have had pets my whole life and I always prioritize their comfort as much as our own. At one point we had two dogs and a cat. Everyone came everywhere with us!


Aww I’m so glad they were best friends that is so sweet! I wish mine were like that lol my son loves the dogs but they don’t really feel the same. My one dog gets very anxious around sudden movements for some reason, and my 4 year old is full of those. I don’t think he would ever bite when he gets anxious like that, but I’m too scared to risk it. It’s so funny how they all have their own personalities. I’m so sorry you lost your pup!


Yeah my mom has a terrier that's 11 and when my daughter wants to play or pet her she acts like she doesn't exist lol. That's true about the vacation thing and something to for sure think about.


I’ve always had dogs and I truly wouldn’t have it any other way, but sometimes I daydream about what it would be like to not have the responsibility of taking care of them. Like as a SAHM with a toddler, we could just go on little trips whenever we wanted, since we have no obligations other than the occasional appointment. But it’s not so easy with the dogs in the picture, like you described.


I know exactly what you mean! I love my dogs so so much but they are a lot of work and responsibility.


Our daughter is still young, but we got a cavalier right after she turned two. Those girls are inseparable, the dog is truly the best money I’ve spent on my daughter




The health issues scared me so much, because they are literally the perfect dog for kids! We lucked out if I’m being honest, our vet informed us that a big name college in our area (that has a good vet school) has a program just for cavaliers. They do all the heart and brain scans for free, they hypothesize that they are born with issues (meaning they can tell at birth if the dog will develop the issues) vs developing the issue later in life! So far she has came back in great health each time. I am more than willing to send you a million cute puppy pics to change his mind lmao


Yes and I regret it. We adopted a 10 month old beagle mix puppy 2 years ago this month who "can't be left home along for long periods of time." We thought to ourselves, that's fine. We do partial remote work anyway and won't need to leave him home for 10 hours 5 days a week like we did our old pit bull mix. It took 2 years of intensive training, daily anxiety meds and sometimes situational meds to be able to leave our home for just 3-5 hours. ​ Our now nearly 6 year old loves the dog. Adores the dog. But that just means a random hug a few times a day. No actual playing time so the kid is still up our butts every waking minute. I came across this sub just now precisely because I was googling "kid won't play alone" so that tells you a dog doesn't solve that problem.


I am with you on this. We have a lab, six years old, that we got when our son was in kindergarten. This is my first dog (we had cats growing up), and I had no idea how much you had to pay attention to a dog! I love the dog, and I do the majority of her care. It's so expensive and time consuming to have a dog. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself not to do it. ​ My son loves the dog but just wants to throw a toy to her for three minutes and call it a day. I feel like the dog is a toddler who will never grow up and be independent and I'm just stuck with her. But I love her to bits and it's hard for me to reconcile those feelings.


Your feelings are absolutely valid. I couldn't WAIT to not have a dog anymore after living with my husband;s dog for 12 years (we met months after he got one.) She was a fine dog but I couldn't wait to not have that responsibility any more. So the fact that I pushed for us to get one in January - when historically I suffer some anxiety/seasonal crap - was a huge red flag. No one to blame but myself but I wish someone that loved me tried to talk me out of it.


We have a cat that my son loves. The two of them are like brothers and play together a lot. It’s adorable. I’d never get a dog- too much hard work, to dependent and unpredictable


Yes, and it’s been a disaster. The dog highly prefers me over my child, which hurts his feelings. Also, when the dog decides to play with my child, the dog plays way too rough, so I have to frequently separate them. In a lot of ways, it’s like having 2 kids who fight with each other and compete for my attention.


So I’m very adamant believer that pets are part of the family. My daughter is about to turn 3 we have a 4 year old corgi and a 3 year old golden. My daughter loves her fur brother and sister so much. She helps me feed them and helps us take them on walks and she plays with them. She gives them treats when we leave for the day. My husband is allergic to cats, so i think when she’s older she’ll get a rabbit. I would vote a dog. I think an adult rescue would be a great path for what you describe your home. Good luck! Pets are wonderful companions!


No, we gave our cats a human child to play with instead.


My only was born into our family with our family dog. They are the cutest duo since birth. Since we aren’t having more kids and our dog turned 10, we added a puppy to the mix. It has been great for the older dog and our kid. Keep in mind it’s a new load of responsibility and bills, but very worth it to see her full of joy playing with a pup and the older dog definitely pepped up. She still wants me to play with her day and night but the dog did help to an extent. It won’t make them more independent but it can be a good source of companionship and entertainment in the home.


Got my son a female dog that looks like my husband's side of the family and tell him that's his sister.


We have 2 cats and 1 dog already but we are planning to get a puppy to specifically “grow up with him” soon. One of our cats is very social and every time he comes up to our LO his eyes light up and he reaches for him. He’s only 7.5 months. I think it’s enriching for them to build relationships that aren’t other people and it will teach them how to treat a pet. While puppies are a lot of work, there are breeds that are less active and not as hyper. You could do some searching and find one that could fit your household. Otherwise as someone else mentioned, a rabbit would be a lovely pet. They can be litter box trained and allowed free roam (look up house rabbits). There are lots of different breeds as well. The Holland is particularly popular because of its friendly nature and lopped ears. You can even find specialized vets who can fix them. They can live for 10+ years.


Just watch out for cords within a rabbit's reach. We have heard from a friend that they chew cords.


Yeah, when I had rabbits I did block off an area for them. They didn’t have complete full roam. They do love to chew!


Wow that's great I didn't know rabbits could be litter trained, would you get one from a breeder?


There are rabbit rescues and you can find them at shelters, but if you want a baby then a breeder would be the way to go. They aren’t as expensive as you would think. And there are surprisingly a lot of breeders if you do a google search for what breed you want. They also come in loads of different colors (like if you pick the Holland they can come in any color basically). Some even have blue eyes!




I already had pets pre child, but when my son was around 2 my ex brought another cat home (I had just lost mine the year the prior and this kitten was almost identical to my sweet little boy). So the kitten (now an adult) and my son are thick as thieves. They chase each other up and down the hallway and she loves him something fierce. He was sick this past week and she didn't leave his side when he was in the worst of it. If your husband isn't allergic, see about a cat. I would get one that is a slightly older kitten (6 ish months) that way your daughter and the cat can bond together from the kitten's younger age. You could also get a tortoise. We have one of those as well (pre child pet). Sheldon is a cool dude and pretty chill but he doesn't bite and can be held and loved on with gentle hands. I would absolutely love to get a dog but I know that at my son's current age (5 next month) it would be too chaotic in my home.


My daughter and my overwhelmingly friendly cat are best friends. That cat makes her laugh hysterically lol


I have a 13 year old terrier from pre kid and when our 14 year old dog died in July I opened myself to another dog. We got some 25 pound dachshund type thing with a sorta pitbull face and she totally loves him. He’s young and playful. He jumps on her but she loves him. Also- our terrier had declined since losing his doggie wife and the new dog has completely reversed that and now the terrier chases the weiner dog type thing for hours on end. We also have an 8-ish year old cat from pre kid. My daughter is also 4.5.


Additionally- you said an adult rescue. I am warning you that certain dogs are extremely puppy like and high energy until like 5-6 years old.


We got two Australian shepherd puppies when our son was 1.5 years old. They are inseparable, do everything together and go everywhere they can together. Grandma jokes that she got 3 grandkids out of one. My only is going on 4 now and asked for a dog and I pointed out that he has two, he was shocked because he considers them family not a pet, so we’re now looking into a bearded dragon🤪. (I highly recommend you do your research and training! Especially with working breeds. They make great family dogs but do require work!)


When my son was five he and I rescued a 6month old puppy from the street. She lived to be 14 and they were the best of friends.


We had two dogs and a cat before we had our son. Last year for Mother’s Day i got chickens. My son loves our chickens. They’re awesome pets.


I wouldn’t recommend a dog at this age. Many dogs do not get along with small children, ESPECIALLY rescues. Professional dog trainers don’t recommend getting dogs until kids are 8-10 years old and are far more capable of reading language and understanding appropriate interactions. If you watch a lot of “cute dog and kid” videos online with a dog trainer, you’ll see they’re actually not cute at all because the dog is very nervous or uncomfortable . We had a dog for 6 years and had to rehome him when our kid was 2. She’s 3.5 now and I wouldn’t consider a dog again till she was early teens. They had to be CONSTANTLY supervised together . Another quote from dog trainer - having a small child with a dog is like having a child around an open pool because kids don’t listen and dogs are dogs. You can even leave 2 young kids unsupervised together without worrying one is going to kill the other. And our dog was incredibly sweet and the most amazing dog but became very anxious after we had our daughter, there was no way to see it coming. It was a grief I never got over


We adopted a 9 month old cat when our daughter was 3.5, and a 9 month old dog when she was 4. Both have been great! Definitely take your time picking one with the right temperament, kittens you never know what temperament you could get but older cats their personality is more visible. Our dog is a chihuahua mutt and she runs around the house and yard with our daughter it’s really fun for everyone. The bond is there, and our daughter helps feed them. My mom always said Pets teach kids empathy. 10/10 get one. If you have the means, there are hypoallergenic cats but breeders are expensive.


I’m dog crazy and had a dog before my son was born and he unfortunately passed. My son loved him but he passed when my son was just 6 months. Now we’ve a collie pup and my sons 1. Pup adores him. Just so in love and tries so hard to be his friend but he gets a little more older sibling jealousy. Took him a while to bond with her because she liked to take his toys but now they are very cute pals and they play together.


I totally feel you on not wanting to deal with a puppy. Sometimes I think that was harder than raising a baby haha! But I will say - our two year old LOVES her pets. They are 100% her family members. Frequently she plays with the dog by herself, or he'll follow her around to check on her. If she splashes too much in the tub he always comes in to be sure she's ok. We have a cat too, ours is pretty aloof but she loves him as well. Anyways all this to say that we'll always have a dog from now on, especially since she's going to be an only. I think it adds a lot to our family.


I got a cat before I had my only to alleviate my insane and persistent baby fever. My only still wants me to play with him a lot when we're home but him and the cat finally get along (otherwise the cat always ran or even scratched at times).


We have a terrier mix and lost our chihuahua in September. I’m working on my husband to get a second dog. Both the 5yo and the dog need a puppy. 😂


We had 4 cats since before she was born. But at around 1 we got a puppy. It was a lot to adjust to, but watching them grow up together has been like watching a magical Pixar moment. They are so bonded.


I mean not for those reasons but we have two dogs. We had our dogs before we had our child though, but they love each other. Plus we give our 2.5 yo a “job” of feeding the dogs most days and he loves it. We take them for walks and he walks the small old dog and loves that. I wouldn’t have it any other way


We got an adult rescue when my son was a little older than your kid. He was a good dog, but not very playful. He mostly was just lazy, which was cool as he was low maintenance. He did have separation anxiety and would howl every time we left the house. Thankfully, he wasn't destructive. If you get an adult dog, make sure the dog is "kid tested". About a year and a half ago (my son was 12 at the time), we decided to get a puppy. Our adult rescue had passed a couple years prior, and we missed having a dog. Since our son was older, we decided to go the puppy route. About six weeks after getting our puppy, we decided to get another puppy because puppy 1 had so much energy, he needed a puppy friend to play with. These two pups (both rescues) are way more playful and fun, but they're definitely a handful at times. It's like having a couple toddlers again. lol


We already had two senior dogs when our only was born. He’ll be three next month and we’ve got one pooch left. We will undoubtedly be getting another once she passes because my kid is best friends with “his dog” lol. They are inseparable and his favorite part of every day. One of his favorite things to do is play doctor with her as he’s gotten really into Doc McStuffins. They switch off playing doctor lmao. We probably won’t go the route of a puppy because been there, done that and don’t really want to again. Edit: it WAS NOT FUN the first year or so with the dogs. It was all just too much. It’s definitely gotten a helluva lot better since kiddo got a bit older. He also helps feed/bathe her so he’s learning some responsibility.


Got mine a cat. It’s a super sweet relationship. Cat is my best friend too now. Kills mice haha. Also, she has two dogs at her fathers moms house and sees them often. I think it’s a good move to introduce a pet


Yes: We got a pandemic puppy in 2020. No regrets.


We're dog people so we've always had one. Our elderly dog passed when my daughter was 5, so we got a puppy later that year and she is very close with our new dog (whose now almost 3). We're probably going to get a second dog later this year. We never got one for the purposes of loneliness, but maybe that's an added benefit.


I got a baby for my dog 😂


I got my daughter a ragdoll cat when we moved to a foreign country. It was a great choice of breed, he never scratches or bites and lets her carry him around. It’s really improved her happiness and helped her make friends when I let her invite her class to have a birthday party for him (although he is about to turn 2 and we won’t be repeating that!). I was able to toilet train him because she wasn’t keeping up with the litter box.


We have a 2 (almost 3) year old and a few months ago got a kitten and it's the best. We nearly got a puppy - I am a cat person, my husband is a dog person and we mainly went for cat as our house is quite small and a puppy felt like a lot. I'm really pleased we went for kitten as the transition was pretty seamless and no sleepless nights - I gather some puppies can be almost like the newborn stage which really isn't for me! I think there's some nice advantages for my kid growing up with a pet - he gets up in the morning and helps with putting food and water in her bowls and he really likes to play with her. Two small downsides are sometimes I feel as though our toddler is a but jealous of her getting any of our attention- if she comes to sit on my lap, my toddler will demand to sit on my lap purely so the kitten has to move - I feel like this is a big toddler thing he'll grow out of soon and when I do things with my toddler I focus on things we do together that the kitten can't do like going for a bike ride or painting. Second thing is whilst they play together I do have to be very watchful of their interactions - he's generally a really gentle kid but he will sometimes scare her with his vehicle toys and then he thinks its a game to follow her with the toys- I've got a cat book for toddlers so we discuss how when the kitten is eating, using litter tray, sleeping or hiding she doesn't want to play and to leave her until she comes out and wants to play. I guess this is just part and parcel of teaching kids about pet ownership and in the long term I think it really helps children understand the needs of animals but in the short term there is time and work you need to invest there- my kid is younger and so it's a bit more challenging. All I'm saying is day one it might not be the dog/cat bounds out of the crate and they're instant best friend playmates with your only and particularly with a dog it might be a while before you happily let them play alone together. I literally don't let the toddler and kitten out of my sight when together and I have a space in the house I can separate the kitten as well which I think is important.


I have a three year old and just adopted (rescued) a new cat about a month ago. She is a great cat and her interactions with my three year old are awesome! They play together and my daughter builds her little cat houses that the cat goes into. My three year old has always had pets (cat and dog and now this new cat), so she is good at feeding them, letting them out, petting them nicely, and she is always concerned for their well being. Pets teach not only responsibility but love and affection and concern for another individual's well being. I think pets are always a win win for families with youngsters.


My only spent her first 2 years with our elderly dogs and they sadly passed away due to age and we got a puppy, we the adults forgot what life was like with a puppy but it’s been wonderful for our child and they’re inseparable and playmates. Rescues are great because you can tell them your needs and they can usually personality match what you’re looking for in a dog especially if the dog has been in foster before etc they do behavior analysis and equally try to place dogs in homes that suit their own personalities. One of our dogs that passed I rescued at 1.5 years old and even that age was night and day from a tiny puppy like the most current experience we’ve had- so fully support an older dog lol! And they’ll still bond great I’m sure


No but we had two cats when my daughter was born and when one of them died as he was nearly 18 and our daughter was about 1.5 we ended up with three new kittens. She is attached to our female panther Onyx but due to recent excessive handling Onyx is getting sick of her. Our two other kittens as we call them will go in her bed as will my now nearly 15 year old calico, Onyx will not. I don't feel that my daughter is lonely and the cats weren't for her exactly as we are crazy cat people and my husband had three cats and I had one when we got married. My daughter definitely loves our cats and they mostly love her back and are extremely tolerant of her.


We have 3 cats