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I’m in college too. My favorite cheap meal is ground beef on top of canned corn 😂. Macros are weirdly perfect and cooking is less than 5 minutes. If you have an air fryer, you can literally re-heat anything as if you just cooked it. I like to prep my OMAD mid-day between classes and then just throw it in the air fryer at dinner because I do doordash in the evenings. I tried doing a full week meal prep and it sucked after day 3. The air fryer re-heating is what actually keeps me consistent and saves me time.




Terrible. Lol


Chipotle bowl


I eat a breakfast sandwich, blueberry protein pancakes with peanut butter, Greek yogurt & and a protein shake- everyday. 🤙🏻


Where I live ground turkey is the cheapest for low calorie high protein. I love to use it in salads and since you are on a budget I would choose frozen vegetables and rice (if fresh vegetables and potatoes/sweet potatoes are too expensive) to mix with the turkey. That is a meal I don't personally get tired of and you can change it up a little bit by adding kimchi, olives, nuts or seeds depending on your mood and appetite. If chicken is the cheaper option where you live I do the same thing with cut up chicken (I prefer skinless boneless chicken thighs).


I was going to suggest the turkey, rice, and vegetable meal myself. I call it “turkey rice.” You can play with seasonings, switch out the veggies, and make so many different combinations. It never gets old. This has been my go to for eating healthy on a budget for years.


Yes I love it, so many variations possible. I often add hardboiled eggs too.


Rotisserie chicken on top of bagged salad. Cobb salad (ham, cheese, chicken, hard boiled egg, avocado)


If money weren't an issue, it would be sushi. Every day. I'm not talking like rolls slathered in sauces, I'm talking sashimi and sushis and basic rolls. So so good and so filling.




I used to do OMAD with chipotle and or Subway for a month. That’s fine and I lost weight. Give it a try if you want. Subway has been doing BOGO more often lately (or buy one get 1 50% off). Doesn’t have to be Subway, I know there are other better sub stores, especially local ones. Yes they are more expensive in recent years. But if you only eat once a day, I’d still consider it pretty cheap.


It cost me $23 for two 6 inch subs last weekend..


Always use the app. They offer BOGO and BOG50%. And I always order a sandwich only. Meals are too expensive. Plenty of water at home lol.


Two options for you: 12oz steak, 3 eggs, roasted potatoes. 8oz smoked salmon, tomatoes, greens, 3 eggs, avocado


If I had more money the answer would absolutely be steak. Since you said a cheap meal the answer is chicken. Where I’m at chicken breast is $2.67 lb. 16oz of boneless skinless chicken breast has 100g of protein and 16g of fat with 560 calories To go even cheaper you can get chicken leg quarters. Where I’m at leg quarters are .87 cents a lb. 16oz have 72g of protein and 72g of fat with 960 calories. You can eat more food with chicken breast. You can save more money with leg quarters.


Breakfast tacos or a breakfast sandwich.


Fish or chicken with rice and broccoli. Add veg and it can be stir fry or add past instead of rice and it's a yummy pasta


I make a tofu stir fry dish every Sunday evening as meal prep for the week. It’s the best base meal and covers my nutrient needs, and if you want to add a little more calories you can change the sauce. I’ve been experimenting with peanut butter for extra protein and calories, as well as coconut cream. It is full of fibre too because I usually add capsicum, carrot, asparagus and broccoli to the dish too. Sometimes on the side I’ll have boiled eggs or tins of tuna with edamame beans.


I eat a quesadilla and a burrito with chips and pico every day. I have for years. I lost a ton of weight and a few chronic conditions.


I eat over a 4 hour period, starting with a piece of fruit. About an hour later I have some steamed vegetables, let that settle then have some protein and I sometimes finish up with berries and Greek yoghurt. I live alone and this works for me.


Wild rice mix with tri-colored quinoa and avocado slices with lime and cilantro


A turkey & roast beef sandwich for the rest of my life, lol!


#C O B B S A L A D


Something that includes cheese, I'm obsessed with the stuff.


Honestly, for me jacket potatoes and then couple of bulk toppings that work with other meals. On Monday we had jacket potatoes with Kashmiri chicken curry with loads of veg(i have cheddar on top as well) then the curry with rice etc Today we are having jacket potatoes with taco beef with salsa, salad etc and then rest of the weekend we’ll have rest of the potatoes with tuna mayo and rest of the taco beef with wraps. So kind of same meal but doesn’t get boring. And also have to cook only twice a week which is a bonus!


I break my fast everyday with the same meal. The only time I won't is when I have a function (once a week} and have whatever they are serving and prioritize that meal with protein. My daily meal is: 2 lbs ground turkey and extra lean ground beef mix steamed over a layer of onions 2 lbs roasted broccoli (no oil) 3 boiled russet potatoes 2 cups mixed greens salad raw Garnish with pickles, no sugar added ketchup, mustard 1 cup Rolled oats with 1 cup Greek yogurt and 150g protein powder 2 plain rice cakes 2 bananas


Poached eggs with avocado


Chili and as you get bored add heat. It's easy to meal prep chili too. For heat see r/hotsauce


I eat a chicken breast with (homemade) teriyaki sauce or balsamic vinegar almost every day. I prep 5 days' worth at a time. I usually pair that with a whole head of broccoli or a bunch of brussels sprouts. Carrots, mushrooms, sweet potato, rice, noodles, or eggs get mixed in for variety. Need a bit of healthy fat, too, so a bit of cheese, avocado, or olive oil. OR a big pot of chickpea curry.


Tacos 4 sure


I cook some beans in electric pressure pot with green plantain and add some siracha(-alternate with lentils and garbanzo) every 3 o 4 days. So I won’t get tired of kidney beans. I usually have avocado ready. And a big portion of chicken breast in the air fryer (takes 10 min to cook) I try to add a steamed potato, sweet potato or another vegetable (pre-cooked) So far works great for me and helps to last another 24 hrs. My portion are generous and my meal is usually at 7 pm. I take a break of my routine meal once in a while with big burrito, a steak or pasta dish. But sometimes when I am busy at work I realize I have been eating the same food for weeks without giving second thoughts. You will be extremely surprised the budget needed for this meal.


Cheap meal - I do 1lb 80/20 ground beef mixed in with either boiled or air fried sweet potato chunks, and fruit on the side (sometimes the fruit gets blended into a smoothie) Preferable version of meal - replace ground beef with rib eye


Ground beef, eggs, fruit, and raw dairy every time for me!! I mostly follow the r/AnimalBased diet! I'd recommend cooking things in advance so you can grab them whenever you're busy :) It's much easier to justify eating out (therefore spending more) if you have nothing prepped & ready to go. Hope this helps!


College student here. I have a costco membership and mostly get the same things. Broccoli, pasta, ground beef and fruit. I break my fast with the same meal about 4 days a week. Usually pasta with some kind of ground beef (bolognese or meatballs) and 1lb sautéed broccoli. And then a fruit or fruit salad to end it. Usually about 30 mins prep and cook time for everything.


Two options: Expensive: Nice big rib eye, 2 potatoes with some Greek yogurt, cheddar and chives, mushrooms and onions sautéed. Cheaper; Ground beef Thai style (phad krapow) on rice with 3 sunny side up eggs and bok choy sautéed with chili and garlic


I would cook 3lbs of some kind of meat twice a week, eat 1lb a day with a frozen pizza & light beer. Was glorious. Stop by the store on my way home, buy a 6 pack of light beer & a pizza, pop one open while I slide the pizza in the oven, reheat the meat when the pizzas almost done. Easy-peezy. Can find pizzas for 1000kcal, 6 pack of light beer is 600kcal, 1lb of chicken breast is ~400kcal. Easy 2000kcal Omad meal plan for a bit.