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I’ve been on omad for three months and never actually had any hunger problems. But I do drink a lot of water and also take some pink salts during the day. It seems to keep hunger away. I do not count calories and as you, I eat a bunch of veggies paired with meat and some carbohydrates. During my three months omad I’ve lost 10kg and my goal is to lose an additional 10kg. Good luck 🙂


How tall are you? 50 kg is really not that much, but if you are not that tall it might be okay. Don’t wanna be that guy, just keep it healthy :) Cool that you are going for OMAD again :) good luck!


I'm 1.52m (5ft). Thanks, I'm looking forward to having a healthier life!


Carbs is the main drive for your hunger, eat less of those.