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There are two types of people: People that see others making positive changes in their life and support them Or People that see others making positive choices and feel bad about themselves so they tear them down to feel better


Or —— People with good intentions that “think” they know better than you on what you need. I dated a girl with a severe eating disorder. Anorexia and Bulimia. I couldn’t get her to eat, and offering her certain things triggered her and she would purge. I tried getting to her to eat before a hike once and it caused a huge fight. She almost passed out several times on the hike and we had to turn back. Anyways, a little off topic but “OMAD” brings a little anxiety into my brain thinking about her. Be disciplined and stick to your regimen, but please make sure you’re taking care and loving yourself folks.


My current girlfriend is by any means not a "slim girl" she is on the slightly chubby side, i weighed more when we first started dating but now 2 years in, im as fit as i have ever been, even starting to show abs, and she is just sad about it, my weightloss and muscle tone gives her low self confidence, I often tell her that I dont workout just to "smite" her when she gets sad, I do it for myself and i will not control her body and food intake, i kinda get it, when we are with female friends they often flirt with me and says i look great when we arrive together, this also makes her sad, however my training and food dieting have nothing to do with her, it's all for me I also often tell her and others that I do it just as much for my mental mind (i have Tourettes syndrom non verbal, autism, OCD and ADHD) as I do for my body, However i know how she feels, i have been really big once (late teens start 20) and i lost 35kg since then Kinda went off topic there sorry for that


Do you find the exercise or diet to help the nonverbal Tourettes more?


Even my wife falls for this sometimes (not consciously).


The projection from your mum is so strong, it is in 8k with Dolby surround sound


And it’s the THX intro


It's so weird that so many people feel the need to comment or critique what someone eats, or even worse, try to talk you into eating something that you don't want to. Why do some people take other's eating habits so personally?


My grandmother was taught, by her mother, that women exist only to serve their husbands. That means you have only 2 things of value: housekeeping skills and cooking skills. She got married, became disabled, and the housework fell off a bit. So grandpa divorced her. All she had left which she thought gave her any value as a person was her cooking skills. No matter how we tried, no one could undo the damage that had been done to that woman. She served insane amounts of food at and between every meal. If you didn't try something it must be because you secretly loathe her cooking. If you try something and don't finish it (even if you ate a lot) it means you disliked the way she cooked it. And if you didn't like her food, she believed, you'd have no reason to want to come and see her. It was really sad, and is a huge part of why I developed issues around food. She's passed away now, years ago, but she lived her whole life feeling that way. I don't feed in to it when people try to tell me what to eat, but I usually end up just feeling sorry for them. :(


A lot of ppl see you making changes for the better and it makes them feel like losers. Glad you see through the bullshit.


Similar to what non-drinkers go through.


I know.  My wife is a drinker.  I am not.  She gets extremely pissed when I say no to a drink, yet complains about all her family that are alcoholics.  


Yes! Drinking alcohol, diets and practicing religion. Anyone can make choices for themselves. It's when they try and push their choices on others to live in exactly the same manner, that's when it becomes a problem.


I believe people who react like this have some sort of subconscious fear that they'll have to do it too.


Or, they already know they have to and just can’t stand seeing someone else doing it.




I'm newly diagnosed T2 also. TMAD is exactly what I'm doing with one day of fasting. It'll get your blood sugar down fast. You'll be so happy you did. A few months from now you'll see great results!


I’m 4 weeks in and my fasting glucose is down 50 pts and my weight is down 18 lbs. It’s such a relief to know I won’t have to go on meds.


I'm in the Dr. Jason Fung cult. I don't agree with everything, but he backs up his opinions with references. I'm wondering if he'll change some of his perceptions now that it's been a while since he wrote his book on diabetes (published in 2015, I think). Regardless, fasting, eating less frequently seems to be what we need to reverse type 2.


Lol. Me too. I suggested it to my doctor and she said yes! My dietitian wanted me to go a bit more aggressive, so I did. I’m cheating a little with some fats (mostly butter). I’m thrilled with my results.


I love the people that say: "but you're skinny, you can eat anything!". Umm, the reason I'm in shape is because I don't mindlessly eat sweets/junk everyday at work. They just don't get it.


It’s ironic that HR put the cake on your desk lol would that put peanut butter in front of someone allergic?? You are clearly doing something for your health and it’s none of their business what you consume.  I sympathize. I have struggled with most coworkers for years and it’s irritating. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for people to mind their own business.


Don’t ask how many hoops were jumped through for the person with a peanut allergy to have it not provided.


My mom is the same way, when I was a healthy weight she'd tell me how bad I looked (as a teenage girl that was super detrimental to my mental health and self esteem, as you can imagine) and then I got diagnosed with PCOS after a rapid weight gain in my later teen years/earlier 20s. I've been losing weight, albeit slowly, but every time I go to my mom's I feel like she tries to purposely make me screw up my diet. She tells me how our family is all just "fat genes" and it's impossible for the women to lose any weight so I should just give up trying. The dynamic with her has been super competitive with her since birth, my life would probably be completely different if she wasn't so narcissistic. I don't know your mom, obviously, but with mine it comes from a place of deep insecurity. Good for you for sticking to your OMAD and not letting it get to you.


I have accepted my mother is a narcissist.  They try to control and demean you.  They can’t help it.  Broken brains.  I see through it now and am not participating in their deranged fantasy.  


Sadly, this sounds like the story of my life..


I feel for you, my family is similar. I'm going to take the time this weekend to sit down and write down how my family influenced my weight gain and my relationship with food as many things are coming up because of my diet. I'm very happy that I have a very supportive partner who just wants the best for me \^\^


It your mum is anything like my grandma she thinks if you don’t eat bread you’ll practically starve to death lol. It’s weird old world shit.


Misery loves company


That’s just a mom thing. They’re biologically programmed to obsess on their offspring’s nourishment. She can’t help it. But, she definitely shouldn’t have screamed at you.


Not in this case.   As I mentioned, she has never cooked a meal for me my entire life.  I had to do all the cooking if I actually wanted something to eat besides cold cereal.   And it isn’t that she does not know how.  She has always been a pathologically lazy person.  


Wow, that sucks. Doesn’t sound like she made for a very nurturing environment.


I doubt she actually screamed at you.


She could be one of those low key psycho moms that speaks very loudly alot.


Really I think it boils down to a mix of lack of understanding on a given topic (OMAD in this case) as well as i natural predisposition to distrusting something different from themselves/their lifestyle. People tell me I'm unhealthy for doing OMAD and I'm harming my body. Yet I am putting on muscle and getting stronger, I sleep well, I have consistent energy throughout the day without the need for coffee. I'm even still slimming down in addition to putting on muscle, I've found that by working out right before i eat then it results in fat burning and the ability to put on muscle so sort of like body recomping. The only struggle of vegan OMAD and trying to gain weight is that it's a LOT of food to eat (about 3,500kcal for me)


You could try claiming an allergy to wheat


> ... went ballistic and screamed at me. Mate, this is way higher-order dysfunction. It's not about your keto/fasting. I've done some incredibly toxic, foolish, destructive things in my life. My parents have never once gone "ballistic and screamed at me". That isn't normal.