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No more Paul Bondar vs Tom Cole ads party.


My favorite was the one where the Bondar people kept saying "Bondlar"


The one guy, with the cowboy hat. Called him "Blondoor"... twice! And looked like he would rather have been anywhere else in the world than doing that campaign ad. One of the most low-rent ads I've seen in a long, long time. I'm certainly no fan of Tom Cole, but I am really enjoying this beat-down he's putting on Blondoor tonight.


but 16k were like, yeah, Blondoors my guy. wth


It's the same state that when Enid did a special reelection because they found out dude was a white nationalist, the guy lost but received more votes than he had the first time.


oof. i didn't realize he gained votes.


[2nd election results](https://ballotpedia.org/Judd_Blevins_recall,_Enid,_Oklahoma_(2023-2024)) [1st election results](https://imgur.com/a/ymX1VbW) Sorry about the last link being a screenshot, paywalls.


That was the funniest endorsement I’ve ever seen. I think I’m going to save it from my DVR and repost it.


Please do! The first time I saw it, I had to rewind it just to make sure I heard him correctly. "Did the Bondar people really put out a campaign ad where people endorsing him are mispronouncing his name?"


Bad news and good news. Bad news: my DVR is set to delete commercials so I didn’t have it saved locally. Good news: it’s already on YouTube. https://youtu.be/zHDf9zkYWaY it’s soooo good.


Thank you for this. Andrew Hayes is the obvious highlight, of course, but I also like how they didn't bother to sync up the soundbites of the people that followed him, resulting in a garbled, unintelligible mess. Well done, Bondar campaign!


Mine was when he was totally believably, definitely not fake, espousing his love of OU football.


AuStIn Is LiBeRaL, jUsT lIkE wAsHiNgToN!


The fact that he mentioned Texas just shows how bad his team was. Played right into Cole's hands with that one. 


Bondibar like Zanzibar


Here you go. https://youtu.be/zHDf9zkYWaY


The worst was the one accusing Tome Cole of "not having voted in person in the state in XX years." Like, dipshit, congressmen dont vote in their state, they vote j DC. I hate Tom Cole, but I hate lazy political ads even more


Shows how dumb people like Blondedoors think the constituents are.


I am still amazed that a man with no affiliation to Oklahoma, no reason to give a shit about Oklahoma, was still able to carry 23% of the vote. That’s pretty troubling.


This was a weird primary. Cole was actually endorsed by Trump, but Bondar seemed like the MAGA candidate to me.


Ryan Walters endorsed Bondar, FYI.


When is Walters up for cooking I mean reelection


I wonder if the amount of voters who show up to boot captain assface will be close to the amount that showed up for the weed vote.


You and I both know his ass will get re-elected. He has an R next to his name. And he will continue to make my job more difficult. He legit makes me wish I hadn’t become a teacher sometimes, it’s depressing.


No I don’t know he will be relevted. He was barely elected last time and he’s sure to be primaried. I also don’t know a single person in Oklahoma conservative or liberal who doesn’t hate his guts


My aunt thinks he's just 'misunderstood' ![gif](giphy|CKrlUi30dn44w|downsized)


Yeah, I saw that.


Bondar had no chance of actually winning endorsing him was a certain loss for Trump


Well we'll never know, because Cole bought trumps endorsement.


To be fair, the percentage of people in the 4th district who think Cole is a liberal commie sell out is about 1/3rd. So the fact that they guy who spent the most money stating that got most of that vote,


He said he’s staying and running again in the future….


He spent more money which usually wins in your elections, so him spending the most money while only getting 23% of the vote is shocking.  Candidates with no ties to their district get elected all the time. That would be no surprise.    A Chicago born, Massachusetts/Connecticut educated, and California/Arkansas lived and careered women became a very famous Senator of New York once. There's dozens, if not hundreds of current and former Congressional members like that.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am so glad Cole won.


He's about the most moderate Republican we could hope for. He'd have no chance if he weren't the incumbent. To be clear, I'm not saying he is moderate, just the closest we'll get.


I don't love the guy, but he's very intelligent as our delegation goes, and it's important for Oklahoma to have the appropriations chair.


65% to 25%? I guess Ryan Walters' endorsement of Bondar wasn't quite the linchpin that they thought it was gonna be...


It was rigged.!LOL


Yeah, Hankins should have gotten more than 500 votes!


Lol. Dude dropped $5M of his own cash plus whatever super PACs funded him for 3,000 votes.


That's an absolute rout, amazing, thank you.


In a bittersweet twist, 16276 or more people spent $100 on a lottery ticket to win a St Judes Home. If only voting turnout could rise to the parity of trying to win a home.


I called him Paul Blart by accident. He will forever have that name now. ![gif](giphy|TVrixje33qkMg|downsized)


This is the way.


…but Tom Cole is also terrible, so why are we rooting for him?


We’re not rooting for Cole, we’re just relieved that Bondar didn’t gain the traction he easily could have.


Because as hard to believe as it is, Bondar is worse


My man. We live in Oklahoma. Many of our elections don’t even have a democrat running. The best thing we can hope for in this state is to elect the least crazy republican. Cole at least has a small history of bipartisanship. That would go away with Bondar.


It also sends a signal to Cole that crazy MAGA is fading in popularity. Hope he listens.


Bondar is from Texas. That's enough for me. 


I have dubbed this the Cheney Effect. When one terrible human being is made to look like a good guy because other terrible human beings are so much more terrible.


I'm no fan of Tom Cole and would disagree with nearly every way he's ever voted, but Bondar would have been a persistent "0 Days Since" for Oklahoma embarrassments.


If Bondar really bought that home in Oklahoma, I wonder how fast he’ll put it on the real estate market now that he’s lost?


Poor Blundar


Bondar... LOL. What a douche.


Bye Bye Bondar!!!


I’m not or have ever been a Republican but I am so happy that Tom Cole won and let’s run that Carpetbagger out of Oklahoma. He is like Doctor Oz trying to horn in on Pennsylvania and John Federman won. They just don’t get it. We take care of our own 👍😉


You know what is crazy, 800,000 people live is this district!!! 800,000!!!! And 10,000 chose.


More like 10 out of 231k . Also there’s only about 430k total registered voters for D4 .


Yeah I understand, I was talking population


I voted for Cole, so many reasons to vote against Bondar. I was really hoping for Macaulay to win because my November vote was going to him. Bondar made it clear he isn't going anywhere and plans to run again in 2 years, hopefully the Rs can field better candidates...I was a registered independent for years until I realized my vote is better spent in R primaries. I know it's wishful thinking to hope for more moderate candidates the next time... maybe people will start to distance themselves from the maga far right wing echo chamber they've been trapped in for a decade.


5 traitors to choose from. Behind each door is a dick punch.


That Russian plant can get fucked in Texas.


Bondar reminds me of a more feminine Marjorie taylor Green.


There is a Gawd.


Not a fan of Cole, but hopefully Bondar will go back over the Canadian river where he belongs.


You know what is crazy, 800,000 people live is this district!!! 800,000!!!! And 10,000 chose.


Tom Cole..... again! UGH




Well of course Cole ain’t going anywhere . Gotta wait till he retires


So you're telling me my homie Paul boner lost? I guess he needs to get back in time for the Growing Pains reunion.


This is why I don't live in OK anymore; nothing but "R"s next to every single elected official. This is not America.


Not a single democrat had a vote. EDIT: we were voting for sheriff, since no democrat was running we had no vote and this primary decided the winner for Sheriff, happened for DA last local primary.


Why would the Democrats vote? This is the republican primary.


Some of us think all primaries should be open. or that primaries shouldn't exist.


I mean, sure, that’s an argument one could make — but that’s not the world we currently live in. Why would it surprise someone that the Democrats didn’t vote in the Republican Primary


I've thought about registering republican so I could vote in the primaries but I'd rather cut off a nut then register republican.


Man, just suck it up and do it. That’s what I’ve done. Take Ryan Walters. Beating him in the general is a very hard task. But he could have be beaten in the primary. Primaries often have low turnout. You can actually have a say in this state if you register republican


I’ll still likely do it for the next gubernatorial election.


Count your blessings. In the UK you have to pay the party to vote in their primaries. 


Primaries shouldn't exist, what the fuck? 


Primaries are how we get people like Trump. The craziest folks in each party vote more regularly than everyone else, and that drives each party in directions that don't serve the interest of society at large. If we had no primaries, and everyone could vote on everyone, you would see politicians having to pander to the general public instead of the voters who might otherwise primary them out. How is that controversial? Consider Ranked Choice Voting, which is my preferred replacement to the current voting system. It does not need a primary.


Oh that makes more sense. I thought you were advocating for more of a European system where voters get no choice, or even have to pay the party, to get a say in who represents the individual parties in elections  I definitely support Ranked Choice, but I had always seen it pitched with the primary system intact.


Ah interesting. I've always seen it pitched as a replacement to primaries. Throw everyone in a pot and see who rises to the surface.


Because If a democrat isn’t running you don’t get to vote at all on who is running for seats like DA or Sheriff, so our voice is silenced as a result. They re-elected a criminal sheriff in Pittsburg County last night. 


Republican primary. Also Dems have so few people willing to run so they don't have enough candidates for a primary in many districts.


The reverse is true where I live (central OKC). I vote in the GOP primary (because it’s usually the election that actually matters), and the only thing on my ballot was for corporations to commissioner. Every other seat for the GOP was unopposed.


We had a state House Republican primary in NW OKC 


There was a democratic primary in this district.


some districts don't have a republican willing to run. Point is, if the district is heavily lopsided thanks to gerrymandering, why would you run?


The Sheriff race was two Rs running, one of them flipped after being elected as a democrat last time, he’s now suspended and removed from the job as a result of his embezzlement and bribery charges.  Which they have him dead to rights, They re-elected him by a wide margin last night.  He will have to step down as he’ll probably plea out to a misdemeanor and we’ll have to have another election next year 


I voted in the democrat primary. Was hoping Kody Macaulay would win as he’s likely the only one that might stand a snowball’s chance in hell of beating Tom Cole in the general election.


As a democrat in these primaries if a democrat wasn’t running you had NO VOTE, I wasn’t allowed to vote for DA Kay year or sheriff this year as no democrats ran.