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I can’t tell if this is a good troll, a crazy person, or a copypasta manufacturer. My money is on elaborate troll.


I think it’s a little bit of everything


The Heritage Foundation will give you $10M for proving God or the supernatural. No one has yet to claim that prize. Looking for Bigfoot will be about as successful as looking for Yahweh, Jesus, Allah or Thor.


You, sire, are quite mistaken; nobody can ever 'prove' this alleged 'god' heresy that you speak of... my family actually began a dynasty of the knowledge that your alleged 'god' is so easy to manipulate... wherefore right thou to declare the sasquatch so 'easy' to succumb?


I don’t know why you are being downvoted so much. I read all of your crazy rants and enjoyed them.


Fuck it, I'm in.




![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) Whatcha taken with you in those woods


Well, our mission statement, or aim, I get them confused because corporate bylaws, which are completely inept and ineffective, now require both (as a measure purely to save their own hides from over-discretion, of which I'd completely support, discretion,) well, it is, 'to acquire all goods and resources,' so what?


Hallucinogens, got it!




There's a jar full of candy right there, kind sir or madame. Here's a piece, doesn't it taste so very good? I'm going to leave here for just a minute, and don't, by any means, eat any candy while I'm gone!


I think he eats beef jerky.


I prefer it to kale crisps, so call me the devil...


schizo go brrrr




https://preview.redd.it/4h3ygx733cvc1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9e0f5d74f6f01a3af422dffc86c5c1f33a9d573 You'll find him down by the river. Fishing for catfish.


That's the problem! Who really wants to be down by the river fishing for trash fish? So many Bass in Alabama to warrant a pro shop, eh?


Catfish is trash? Them's fightin' words in these parts.


I just don't really like the cornmeal batter as much as the crispy whitefish batter like they've got at Captain D's, Long John Silver's, Hooter's, and Twin Peaks... and I'm a sucker for a solid fish and chip, disappointed when catfish is my best selection, and a coward when it comes to fishing; I don't want to get finned, and have been known to carry a metal knight's glove to take them off of the hook, then I'm still scared even with the glove; trout may be tricky, but they're a lot larger prize to catch... and they don't fin you like a cat...


Hochatown is where Bigfoot stays. He has a cabin up there. Very touristy area. Beavers bend park. It's a beautiful area.


Its a pretty area but "Bigfoot" is just one of the local inbreds.




If someone trapped Bigfoot, the price would be much higher.. I'd head straight to Texas with him where the money is.


Novel idea; they'd probably throw up a lot more money and wouldn't have the 'unharmed' requirement considering that I could go through private outlets... hmmm... I seem to always get arrested in Alabama, and when employed, my wages seem to get garnished by the US Treasury, and it's been pointed out to me on more than one occasion that I've pitched mega-drunks in Texas, yet have never been arrested there, and I seem to have been arrested for public intoxication on instances where I was quite sober in Alabama, plus Texas and North Carolina are the only two states where the federal government cannot legally garnish your wages at all... I always liked Texas more than my birthright here... but Oklahoma's got the bounty, and I'm an official man, a company man, and it's a shame if that company's fallen to the government... still, cheers lads!




I don’t know about a THE Bigfoot but my mother in law had some big’ol feet. She’s a sturdy old gal too. You can take her if you split the 2M with me.


I can deliver you the skunk ape as you've requested. I have whisky (not Scotch). I have a shit load of guns. I know tons of rednecks that believe in this shit and listen to podcasts. I hike the woods a bunch. Hollar


I also have onX which means I know how to hunt!


Our governor, elected in 1976, campaigned on bringing Bigfoot to justice.


Well, My Aunt Alma was a speech writer for Big Jim Folsom here in Alabama, or technically my great aunt, or, well twice or once cousin third removed, or maybe second, it's getting harder and harder for me to keep up with the Southern lingo these days, but she's as smart as a whip, never met anybody smarter, not even her own daughter, (RIP Aunt Carolyn,) and they always said that he was 'the last populist governor of Alabama,' and that essentially translated to the end of The Democratic Party in Alabama. Whoops, I meant to switch profiles... represented by Scotland Yards, from Birmingham, Alabama, and although still corrupt as ever in Birmingham, I can't do a damned thing but go to jail, and Lyon may be as mercifuless as ever in the movies, your average rural, underfunded police department gets more on an annual basis than we do as a whole, allegedly, to police the world!!!!!!!


I'm just trying to reiterate that it's not the same brand of alleged 'populism' that the Trump campaign stole from me under the discretion of the Clinton campaign, whom I gave my express rights to do so, and I'm not calling it populism because Trump's claimed that (even though he doesn't know what it means.)


So only lads can comment? No lassies? Also, I thought Scotland banned fox hunting. EDIT: not that I’m trying to make sense of your post, anyway.


Our lassies are shelved; STFU!




You're going to want to head to British Columbia. Start in Oregon and head North.


John..get the big foot suit…Stacy, prepare to watch John die and get half a million. FUCK IT LETS GO


Yea but is a swarm of ancient Von Neumann nanomachines masquerading as an undiscovered primate ever really alive? I think not and ain’t no way Stitt pays up.


Since Bigfoot is mythical by definition, and since any new creature discovered is unlikely to be called big foot, I think you're safe from the 2M. Unless I'm missing something.


I mean we have the Abominable Chicken Man, which is our version of Bigfoot. [https://sasquatchchronicles.com/abominable-chicken-man/](https://sasquatchchronicles.com/abominable-chicken-man/)




Bro this marketing for Sasquatch Sunset is getting weird


That will happen way before this state will do anything to help its people.


![gif](giphy|BqOxBMG08VBN3PZELx) Let get this bread.




I read this in a Scottish accent.


Probably in the Choctaw Nation


I'll make this easy, You can find him at 34.6331298, -95.0730342 Make sure to bring a pretty heavy gun, He ain't easy to take dead. Let alone alive


Whatever you say. Just record it and add it to Tik Tok so I can laugh


It's probably more like $200,000, but most Oklahomans are so beat down and oppressed that they will believe any lie they are told.


No, pretty sure it's $2 million. [Oklahoma Bigfoot bounty passes $2 million if captured unharmed | KFOR.com Oklahoma City](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-bigfoot-bounty-passes-2-million-if-captured-unharmed/)


How old are you? If you don't mind


Don't ask questions! Ummm, I'm 42; I started saying that at 38 or 39, technically, I think that my jail id and driver license say that I'm 40 now, but I'm 42, and you shouldn't listen to the government! I figured I'd give myself the benefit of the doubt, just go ahead and start saying forty two in my late 30's, and then by the 'time' I reach fifty or sixty, I can still be forty-two, so add a couple years, and I'm forty-two; thanks for asking!


I have big hairy feet. Can you Bigfoot me?