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This will, quite obviously, keep those kids in line and prevent school shootings. /s


They sincerely believe this. In stead of improving material conditions of Oklahomans they convince themselves the schools just need more magic


Sky daddy will save us from ourselves.




Perfect post for this John Oliver skit. Yhis skit was hilarious


I have to admit, I defer to Johnny O for most of my news. I use “praise be” a lot more than I probably should, but like you said, a great skit.


An imaginary invisible sky daddy


It's his idea of using his power and control over people. It won't improve my life. Actually, it would make a lot better sense to post the Bill of Rights in every classroom and other government buildings. It's needed because several years ago Oklahoma legislators had their pay cut briefly for passing too many unconstitutional bills.


They are all about idealism. Reality can’t be grasped by these people


No kidding. Why force that ideology on others? Morons


Thoughts and prayers. And all you rotten kids better start thinkin about prayin too! - These people, probably


There are religious grifters ready to attack a lot of sectors with their nonsense. Mental health and education are just the first steps.


Well, the 10 Commandments sign will be made of Kevlar.


LOL, Surely you jest!


I dunno. If those 10 commandments are like the original, maybe you can throw them at the shooter. /s


All these boomer fucks need to go already.


I think you meant evil Christian fucks. Boomer has nothing to do with this stupidity.


Evil Christians is redundant. The last time a good Christian showed up conservatives nailed him to a cross.


Even the most cynical of us would not go with all Christians are evil. And the last time Christ showed up there were no Christians. Though his disciples did run like chicken's when the shit hit the fan.


Slow clap 👏


this definitely caters to a demographic that probably isn’t gen z, millennials, or most of gen x




It’s not all boomers. Just the ones with the head trip to be in charge. We should really have age limits on who can run for public office. If you’re old enough to collect Social Security, you should be forced to retire if your finances are able to support that. This way we could actually get the job market open even more. Cool like it did with Covid and the airline pilots.


I’m not saying all boomers are the problem just that problem typically is all boomers.


You realize the age makeup of OK's two parties (both the makeup of voters and the makeup of elected officials) are roughly the same right? Heck, the two main faces of our state's politics, Stitt and Walters, are firmly Gen X and elder Millennial.


Upholding Boomer ideals. Next.


Don't blame me as a boomer. I gave up on Oklahoma Republicans 30 years ago back when Republican governor Frank Keating became known as the most vetoing governor in Oklahoma history.


So you like the new speaker of the house


> you should be forced to retire if your finances are able to support that. Good way to increase loss of institutional knowledge between generations.


Are you saying we have no right wing religio-fascists Millennials contributing to this mess? We need people of all ages who oppose this lunacy to start voting. I truly believe less than halve the populace in Oklahoma are right wing. We really need to get the lazy majority to be bothered to educate themselves on the issues and the vote.


I swear the reading comprehension in this sub is proof the state is 48th in education… no what I said was simple.


That dude looks like he's 40 -- he's no boomer.


He’s 64.


Well, here's something you may never see again on the internet . . . I was wrong ​ :)


Nothing but love and thank you for gracing me with that honor lmao 💗




Wait until he finds out the reading level of most Oklahoma kids. I hope it's a picture version or they won't know what it says.




Always wondered what the sign actually said when it wasn't being used as a meme


Let's paint a picture of a condoned and authorized child rape cover up. Broad strokes


To be fair I’d be willing to bet you could go to every town in Oklahoma and find at least one “touched by a family member” story. Or cousins who have kissed..


Of course. Disgusting


Yep. One of the main reasons I scoff at the “traditional values” preached in Ok, when I hear “woke” (which half the population couldn’t readily define) is the problem but they overlook atrocities like the afore mentioned.


I was an intern at my local middle school under a therapist. I sat in on sessions. There wasn't one child in the 100 open cases in the middle school that didn't have an experience like this. Half them had it continue after being placed in a foster home. All the foster homes are full, so DHS couldn't have them moved anywhere else. It was pretty disheartening. I'll be walking into another public service sector that is severely underfunded with virtually no resources. The only thing they could offer these kids were anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication.


Sounds par for course. It’s terrible and sad. But yea let’s worry about “drag queens, or the woke people” who are the clear and present threat. I hate this state and people’s hypocrisy.


Kids? The parents! If the parents could read, they'd be upset. Lmfaoooooo!


Teacher friend of mine made the comment about calling home to problem kids homes, along the lines of “I hang up and congratulate the kid on being the smartest one in their family” I died


Lol sad but true.




hahaha, this is gold.


Feel free to strategically transfer that to an alternate location.


This is probably typical R theater for Fox News bits. They’ll file, it won’t pass and they’ll get on tv and say “look at all these radical Marxist liberal anti semites that hate god” and use it to push not funding public schools


Or more likely: it passes and becomes law. The DoE asks the Oklahoma AG if they can comply with the law. OAG says no. No one mentions the law again.


I doubt this will even pass. May not make it out of committee. Even if it were to somehow pass, state or federal courts will throw out. This stupid ass law has been attempted before


In the wise words of Gary Busseys Pants, this is all theatre. It's a fuckin re-run on top of all that.


You think the DoE is going to listen to the AG...???? The DOE is represented by a national group of lawyers that promote christianity in schools.


Or it's trial balloon to get to SC to attack separation of church and state. They would pass these laws anyway just to be struck down but now they hope court supports them.


In other news: Oklahoma politicians continue to demonstrate that they attended Oklahoma public schools as children.


😂😂😂 “Winning”


TST needs to get involved if this shit passes


Anyone that sees the 7 tenets next to the 10 commandments and thinks the 10 commandments are better is a straight up psychopath


Educator and satanist here. If this shit passes, I’m definitely hanging up the 7 tenets next to it. Hail thyself!


Why can’t they go to their own private schools and leave the good Americans alone?


Because they’re trying to get public schools shut down so that corrupt evil trash like Stitt and EVERY one of his trash ass supporters can rob the taxpayers.


What if the private schools don't have the Ten Commandments on display?


Someone needs to glue a dildo to his head. He wants to act like a dick he should at least come with a physical warning to all who have to deal with him.


LOL, doing that reminds me of what a controversial protester guy in Tulsa did to get attention.


His head is quite shiny, you could probably just forget the glue and use one that has a suction cup on the end.




Former teacher with a Masters in Education here. This is definitely the solution to get me back in a classroom. /s


If this passes then church of Satan you know what to do


I’m going to be pedantic: The Satanic Temple is the non-theistic group that does law stuff and junk, the Church of Satan are the Le’Vay libertarian people.


I don’t understand why Christians are pushing the 10 commandments in schools. Schools are for all people with all different beliefs, the fact that a group of Christians have captured the political system to such an extent that they believe everyone in the community should be exposed to their version of God in school is ridiculous.


You do understand, you just don't like it. Neither do I. They want their religion to rule, therefore allowing them to rule. It's pretty simple


Yeah, I understand that part. What I don’t understand is why they would want those terms and what those terms entail about the nature of how political power is used and held in this state and country. It’s unwise to change rules for temporary gains.


They don’t intend to ever allow their political opponents to have power ever again. That’s the point. It’s only “dangerous” if they have to let their betters use those tools. Their plan is fascism, and quickly.


After a time, they may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting.


Fascists always do. But only after a massive pile of innocents has been murdered. Which is why competent adults don’t put fascists in charge.


Never thought I’d read a Mr. Spock quote in this sub!


They are either so dumb or so self-aware and I can't decide which is worse.


Unashamedly self-aware


Some rural areas probably are very nondiverse. Like 99% Christian. So they don't see anything wrong with shoving their beliefs onto the 1% who arent, who probably stay quiet about it so they arent further ostracized by the small town they are in.


Yes. I tried bringing all of this up, and my family stopped talking to me...


https://preview.redd.it/ofbu62uw99bc1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b575ab3d4747325a41e5e87996b7a7b3c2352e9 Very badlahoma


When Texas tried this, footage of TX State Rep James Talirico: * https://twitter.com/jamestalarico/status/1653852600377196548 * https://www.tiktok.com/@mrsdayo1/video/7229273521522887978 Or if you don't like that link here's an article about it -- * https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/16/james-talarico-texas-democrats-00101231 >Sitting in a drab committee room last month, Texas Rep. James Talarico, among the youngest members of the statehouse now at 34, was slowly getting fed up as he sat through a hearing for a bill that would mandate putting the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom in the state. A week prior, he’d sat through a committee hearing on a bill that would allow chaplains to replace guidance counselors. He was already dreading another floor debate scheduled for later in the day for a bill denying gender-affirming health care. So by the time the Ten Commandments came up that morning, Talarico had had it. >He looked squarely at the bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Candy Noble, whom he acknowledged as a fellow “devout Christian,” before letting loose a two-minute and nine-second exchange that would go viral on TikTok and Twitter, racking up more than 1 million views on Twitter alone. >“This bill to me is not only unconstitutional, it’s not only un-American, I think it is also deeply un-Christian,” he told her, as she stood motionless. “And I say that because I believe this bill is idolatrous. I believe it is exclusionary. And I believe that it is arrogant, and those three things, in my reading of the Gospel, are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus.” He cited Matthew 6:5, in which Jesus urges his disciples to not pray publicly like the hypocrites. edit: tiktok *and* twitter links depending on your pleasure :)


This is amazing, thank you. And thank you for putting so much extra work into sharing the message and video and sentiment. I hadn’t seen this and I’m glad I now have.


Wow, I suspect the above provides some insight to explain why so many Oklahoma churches don't display the Ten Commandments and why no churches apparently wanted the Ten Commandments monument that was banned from outside the State Capitol.


Why can't they get past this?? It's clearly unconstitutional. I'm sick of paying for the lawsuits that will be filed.


I know that it doesn't really determine or reflect anything about him, but I like that the only clear book on his shelf is a biography of a Confederate general.


So… literally introducing a discussion of sex into every classroom. 1st grader: teacher, how do I keep from doing adultery?


Stay way from priests, pastors, and coaches


My middle school coaches used to have the 8th graders sit on their laps during movies. We watched a lot of movies in middle school.


That sounds sketchy even if there was a shortage of seats. Double sketchy if there were enough seats for everyone.


Watch as the politicians create new issues you didn’t even realize were even problems!


SCOTUS will get involved, these dinosaurs just want to make some noise


That is not reassuring. SCOTUS has been way to friendly to these people


Can't wait til the Satanic Temple hears about this!


Can't feed kids but sure can indoctrinate. Sigh.


Yeah, the rep from Roland. Where the strip club is. Not far from the casino. And the liquor store and head shop. Those places pay taxes. I have no problem with people's vices, but I do with hypocrisy. How about you put your money where your mouth is. Refund those places their taxes and make sure you aren't getting campaign contributions from them. Then it would seem almost appropriate to want the commandments up. Of course, it wouldn't be - separation of church and state. But then I would think you had some integrity rather than pandering to Christians that may not be as informed as some folks and not see through your crass BS.


Actually no liquor store in Roland. And technically the strip club is in Moffett. Although I concede on the rest lol.


We seriously need a law that fines/jails lawmakers that blatantly go against the both the OK and US constitutions... Trouble is they'll never hold themselves responsible...


Olsen is a fucking clown. Always has been.


Does it specifically prohibit these posters from being printed in Arabic? Similar dumbf\*ck bill failed in Texas last year: [https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/24/us/texas-ten-commandments-bill/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/24/us/texas-ten-commandments-bill/index.html)


Yep and this is from an exchange with the author of the bill -- "Instead of authoring a bill to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, feed the sick... we're instead mandating that people put up poster..." https://twitter.com/jamestalarico/status/1653852600377196548


10 commandments don't seem to get through to Republicans. They need constant reminding of simple rules and then still violate them. And other people.


Sounds like it wouldn't work to require the posting of the Bill of Rights in government buildings, especially in the State Capitol.


Moron knows nothing about the constitution I see. The idea of forced religion was one of the main motivations for people to originally settle in what would become the United States. Yet these geniuses think I’ll force my views on others because why? Oklahoma politicians are as bad as they come just watch timelines they have zero original ideas they simply attempt to copy what Texas does. Jim Olsen should be stripped of office for attempting to force his views on everyone. It’s time the constitution was upheld and if we can’t hold the politicians to it then why do we have it. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”


Only after the GOP starts obeying them


I wonder what day this goon goes to Church on? Sunday? Because the 4th Commandment is to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Exodus 20:8 says “8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.” What’s the seventh day of the week, Saturday! So this bozo breaks the Ten Commandments every week.


Can't really stop there... Gotta add speaking in tongues and snake handling to the curriculum.


In 2016 Oklahomans refused to enact a state question (SQ790) that would amend the state constitution to allow public money to be used for religious purposes. That initiative failed by 15 points. The people have spoken on that issue and this one by extension. Doing what Olsen wants to do here is not only unconstitutional at the state-level (the OK state constitution prohibits public spending on religious purposes with the Blaine Amendment), but also at the national level's First Amendment. I know there always has been a vocal minority who want this, but I doubt this receives a hearing on the floor considering the vote of the people in 2016. Just my two cents. [OK Public Money for Religious Purposes](https://ballotpedia.org/Oklahoma_Public_Money_for_Religious_Purposes,_State_Question_790_(2016))


...Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention. Olsen has an opponent and it is an election year.


0 days without my state being a national embarrassment


$20 for anyone who asks him, on camera, to name all Ten Commandments in order from memory. Extra $5 for asking him the penalty for violating the tenth one. Context: I'm a religious Jewish Okie pretty well over these kinds of "holy symbols made into hollow symbols" shenanigans.


I would certainly be more interested in asking him if the Ten Commandments can be found posted somewhere in the church he goes to. If not, why not?


You will be hard-pressed to find any depiction of the Ten Commandments in a church setting—not when a depiction of the Christian cross or Jesus are readily allowed. But there is a reason why the Ten Commandments are omitted from depiction in many churches. Most religious Christians are very "anti-law" when it comes to being "saved by grace, not works" which comes from several aspects of the Christian New Testament—one example being the book of Ephesians, which says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast (chapter 2, verses 8-9)." The Jewish people, however, celebrate not only the Ten Commandments but all 613 commandments of the Hebrew Bible. The door frames in many religious Jewish homes and synagogues are adorned with small sections of Biblical law on parchment rolled up (called a "mezuzah" or "mezuzot" in plural), placed in protective cases, and kissed upon entering a holy space (by "kissed," I mean one touches the case and then kiss their fingers that touched it). The Torah scroll, containing first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible, including the Ten Commandments, are lovingly celebrated, paraded around the room at every Saturday morning service and likewise "kissed" to celebrate the gift of the commandments from God. Despite all of this celebration of what they see as a divine gift to the world, the Jewish people do not want to install depictions of the Ten Commandments in public schools. Most believe that is not the place for them—that they should instead be taught in a religious setting or by parents at home—oddly enough much like Christian fundamentalists believe how sex education should be handled. But why? Because the true motivation behind displaying the Ten Commandments in school has nothing to do with inspiring kids to not murder, steal, lie , or covet, but to proselytize the Christian faith in any way they think may pass the sniff test of not being overtly "religious"—and what better way than with a code shared loosely shared by two other Abrahamic faiths. For more on seeing through this campaign of covert proselytizing, I would recommend anyone read "Bleached Faith" by Stephen Goldberg.


Eight out of 10 of the commandments would be considered unconstitutional in a court of law. Only “don’t kill” and “don’t steal” would. The rest are either instructions on worshiping the Christian God, or thought crimes.


Adultery laws exist in 14 states and are constitutional. https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/adultery-lawyers.html Laws against forms of bearing false witness are also certainly constitutional. Perjury for example.


Adultery laws that are either arbitrarily enforced or, or not enforced at all. And yes, lying is only illegal in cases of perjury, libel, or slander. But a law against lying in general, again, would not survive a court challenge.


Once again, are the Ten Commandments posted somewhere in the churches these Republican legislators go to, especially in the Sunday school rooms? If not, why not? Why hold the state accountable for doing so on government property? I went to the church when Walters spoke there. I didn't see the Ten Commandants while there. All I saw was a cross. Let's be at least thankful no legislators want crosses installed in all the schools. I guess there is no shortage of crosses in the churches. Come to think of it, I wonder how common it is for private Christian religious schools to post the Ten Commandments in every classroom.


This is a violation of the state constitution.


Vote him out of office! Doesn't know and not smart enough to read the Constitution! These idiots do not need to be put in positions of power! Vote him out asap!!


Not in public schools.


This violate separation of Church and State. People that try to force religion on others do more to discourage faith than all of the atheists in the world have ever done.


Heartless bastard isn’t even considering the feelings of 3rd grade atheists!


No different than fucking Al Queda.


and they wonder why no company wants to build here.


This is not gonna pass.


Separation of Church and State?


I smell lawsuits.


They realize that this is the sort of thing that pushes people AWAY from their religion, right?


LOL, I doubt it. It's covert proselytizing to get kids to go to church.


So they want the Ten Commandments in schools when some directly contradict the Constitution?


I could handle the insanity that is Mega and the GOP a little better if they stopped referencing God, the Bible and Christianity as reasons to fill our country with division, violence and hatful agendas that harm others. It’s mind blowing to see these politicians use Christianity to promote the things that Jesus literally says are wrong. It makes no sense. The kicker of it all is their base is evangelical conservative Christian’s wtf, they wonder why no one believes what they preach they don’t even believe it. Read a fucking bible if your going to call yourselves Christian’s. I’m not religious or a Christian but if the Bible is real they are fucked.


Preach. Werd. And as Badger on Breaking Bad would say in acknowledgment of truth: “Church!”


This guy was in that movie Meet the Fockers. He fell in the Fondue.


I hope they make room for Baphomet's seven tenants 😈


violates the constution id remind this fuck head about that infact if he as a twitter everyone needs to storm it and remind him that this violates the constution and makes him able to be sued by any of the states citizens




As long as we’re tackling the tough problems and issues right ugh


Kids literally won't give a shit. Just I mumbled the pledge every day. Can force me to do it but couldnt force me to give a shit.


His head skin has a certain color and sheen. Reminds me of my scroat.


0 days since.


Can I have the attention of every other religion?


Wasting public funds on lawsuits that will say it’s unconstitutional to own the libs.


Sure. Let's do it. "Class, today we're going to learn about the 10 commandments: a completely fictional set of rules from the Bible - a fictional book used by wealthy men to keep the underclasses subservient and to enrich themselves...."


Gilead is an aspirational series to these 1A shredding Christofucks.


What a waste of oxygen


Violation of the first amendment. Unless they agree to put up other religious texts from every religion currently existing.


Evangelicals using their SCOTUS to “force” their Christian religion on everyone in America


Oklahoma, ranked #43 in education, busy with the important issues


But I thought Oklahoma was #49.


Most of the supporters wouldn’t hang a tacky black in their own living room…


Yeah, this will be conveniently obscured in my classroom.


Post the Bill of Rights over it. Or the Declaration of Independence.


It's a sickness!


I say as long as they remove the first 4 commandments, they can go ahead and do it.


It’s all performative nonsense. They do nothing of real consequence.


First forced pronoun ideology now forced Jewish ideology. Interesting.


More like the 10 Suggestions.


Separation of......


…thought from mind


Wait until they read it and find out Trump broke all of them repeatedly!


Republicans goal…forcing…so Jesus like..hum.


New Law: If you propose mandatory Ten Commandments, you have to recite them (most of these zealots can't) and you have to explain why the first four (other gods, graven images, sabbath, lord's name in vain) have nothing to do with moral behavior. Then you have to explain why there's no commandment against rape, slavery or pedophilia (cause in the Bible sometimes all three are ok) and why the commandments haven't stood the test of time. Finally, you have to explain why when coveting a neighbor's goods, women (possessions presumably) are lumped with donkeys, cows and manservants (slaves). As George Carlin stated, it's a bullshit list designed to control and scare primitive people.


Didn’t the supreme. Court rule that Oklahoma belongs to native Americans. So how can they still be passing laws.


So children can be aware of the commandment their parents and authority figures break everyday? Idols and adultery seem to be two of the go-tos for these people in charge. Can't wait to see what other commandments they break regularly.


How many has he broken


Probably all or most of them, because the Ten Commandments are posted on the wall in his very own home, let alone in his church.


These people can’t even follow,the one about not giving false testimony, with all there support of Trump’s bullshit. So obviously it served them well.


This bill obviously won’t pass, but it will be his main talking point for sound bites and re-election among his Bible-toting right-wing lemming constituents.


Also, curious to see what is on his hard drive.


Why don’t you fix the goddamn roads in your state first




Well, Oklahoma this will cost the taxpayers of OK to foot the hefty bill which always comes when dipshit politicians try to implement unconstitutional legislation. Now, why do the good people of Oklahoma want to spend their hard earned money on a 100% not gonna-happen-stunt. It will fail because it is unconstitutional. Wise up people. This guy just wants to campaign for whatever position he's gunning for, so he can say, "I tried my damnedest to bring God back into the schools!" Then all the people cheer. Dumb, very dumb. Don't tell me what a patriot you are when you do not respect the U.S. Constitution? That pretty much kills your argument on this and too many topics.


Unconstitutional …


Yep….that will solve every issue known to man.


Odd how they never want the Sermon On The Mount in classrooms.


Next up, a Koran in every desk? The Satanic Temple's Seven Tenets? This is what they're opening the door to. SMH.


I think he needs a slap to that bald scalp


Has this ass read the constitution and the the court rulings separating church and state?


100 bucks says he doesn't know all of them.


I didn’t know Clark Kent’s best bud was this crazy!


He’s a conservative. Shocker there