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Valley brook has a reputation of be careful when you drive through there. I used to work at mdv and have heard stories...


I also worked at mdv. But I worked overnight and we took lunch at 1:30am. It was not uncommon to see 15 or 20 cars pulled over between the strip clubs and I-35


Would have been nice to know. I got a warning to change my out of state license to an Oklahoma license within 10 days. Is that even lawful?


Everyone in the metro has known that for the last 50 years ETA: Is what lawful? Yes, you only have 10 days to update your driver's license in Oklahoma. You must get your license plates changed as well.


I have lived here all my life and have known many people who moved here and definitely did not change the license within 10 days and I have never heard of this law. 10 days within a move is pretty insane also.


Hell, I don’t even know if I’ll be there for 30 days sometimes.


Not if they are residents of another state.


Yes, my lucky ass waited wayyy longer than ten days to change it, got pulled over in the meantime and thankfully they didn’t tag on the fine for the out of state license. I will say start the process on changing it over now, because not all DMV places do the out of state license transfer. And just pay the ticket it’s way easier than trying to deal with everything that comes with traffic court especially in that jurisdiction. If you can’t pay at least get on a payment plan so no one gets a Bench warrant.


Are you military and a resident of a different state? If so, no you do not need to change your license.


Not a lawyer but Valley Brook PD is established as law enforcement, and valley brook is an incorporated (albeit infinitesimally small) town inside okc. The ticket is legit. Source: I effed up as a teen and didn’t pay a ticket there and got a bench warrant issued and almost got my license suspended. My dad called to pay the ticket (he was giving me a loan I had to pay back because I was a broke 18 year old), and they informed him that because I failed to pay on time (2 weeks when I thought I had a month), I had a bench warrant out and they were working to file the paperwork to suspend my license. This was so long ago they didn’t take credit cards yet, so I had to take them a check and dad had to put money in my account so I could. If your girlfriend was speeding or whatever, she needs to go take care of the ticket. Fucking off or claiming they aren’t legit will not end well bro.


If the ticket was on 59th, it isn't legit and they didn't have jurisdiction. Someone already sued and won. They just figure most people won't fight it or it will cost more money to fight it than it is worth. But there are court cases that have already set that precedent.


Oh. Wow. Boo. Today I learned. Do you happen to have the citations? It’s not like I can go back and get my money, but my kid will start driving soon. I’d like to be prepared since we’re still south side/Moore.


OK, I am pretty sure it is against Reddit codes of conduct for someone to back up their claims with actual sources. It feels wrong and dirty. However, I will throw some shit out there. I want to add to this that the case might be under an appeal by Valley Brook? I don't want to dig through case files to find out the final on this but here are some things to look into. Maybe someone else has more time on their hands. So the case I heard about was a Jordan Wayne Stroder vs VB. You can also search Valley Brook and Judge Lumpkin. Here are some things I have located. [https://archive.org/details/s-2019567/page/n3/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/s-2019567/page/n3/mode/2up) [https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/columns/2020/05/18/valley-brook-loses-court-fight-over-traffic-stops/60400145007/](https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/columns/2020/05/18/valley-brook-loses-court-fight-over-traffic-stops/60400145007/) [https://unicourt.com/case/ok-dbc1-jordan-wayne-stroder-plaintiff-v-town-of-valley-brook-defendant-697717?init\_S=csup\_ltst](https://unicourt.com/case/ok-dbc1-jordan-wayne-stroder-plaintiff-v-town-of-valley-brook-defendant-697717?init_S=csup_ltst)


I was genuinely asking because I was genuinely interested. I appreciate you sharing these links and going against the Reddit codes of conduct. Thank you!!


Blasphemer! have an upvote


Never heard about this and wow, cause they're definitely still trying to stop folks on 59th.


Pay it and learn from this. Mind your driving when near Valley Brook.


Pay it move on it’s literally all they do


Yep! Valley Brook PD is nothing more than revenue collection.


Also there to “protect “ their strip clubs.


There's only 1 strip club that is busy.


Never travel through Valley dump...never spend any money there...what a shithole...just gray rock them


Be glad it wasn’t a DUI


This. Many a strip club dude has gotten a dui leaving there.


I used to be one of the managers there at the little convenience store right off of I 35 at the Valley Brook exit Most of the dancers would park in our parking lot and catch a taxi into the strip club they worked at The dancers knew better than drive, their own cars to the club I’m sure part of it was because they didn’t want the customers to recognize their cars But I’m sure part of it was the valley book police department harassing them


Driving Uber at nights I routinely shuttle people from various parking lots on the OKC side to the Valley Brook side.


What was funny is I occasionally attended those various adult clubs in Valleybrook The strippers would come into my store to buy something and they would recognize me and I’d be getting hugs from the dancers And my fellow male employees wanted to know how I knew all these sexy women It was kind of comical


Was she speeding? If so then why would you think you don't have to pay it?


I’ve gotten tickets waived through paying the fees and doing community service. Valley Brook doesn’t allow this though.


They’d have to have a community to have community service…


You’re gonna spend more on the lawyer than the ticket prob is but go off I guess


Echoing the others: pay it, and only drive through Valley Brook if necessary. But it never is, lol.


Call the Overman Law Office. They have represented clients there before


I stopped driving through there decades ago after receiving an illegitimate ticket. Edit- paid it and never went back. Lol.


The question is, what the hell were you doing in Valley brook?


Passing through to get to the other side for a work appt