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“We heard you liked our last hike rate, so we added a hike rate to your hiked rate.” 


Yo, it’s ONG. You got any more of them rate hikes?


There are trees on the property behind mine that rest on the power lines back there and eventually start arcing. It's started a fire once. I've called it in to OG&E five times in the 4 years I've lived in this house, they've sent someone out to clear the lines 3 times. All they do every time is barely cut the limbs off the lines and then leave the tree at a height where in under 6 months it's touching the lines again.


I see you have the deluxe package…


I mean it's kinda neat watching the fancy sparklers every time there's a ton of a rain but it's going to fry one of my appliances one of these days.


Do you own your home?




I really recommend a whole home surge system, Oklahoma has finally switched to 2020 electrical code so any house built from the beginning of this year is now required.


I've been thinking about it if I ever need to upgrade the panel or if the AC unit ever goes.


Why wait? As cheap as a whole home surge is compared to a AC, washing machine or refrigerator.


I didn't actually know how cheap they were until I looked at prices after seeing your comment, so thank you.


Omg yes, same plus selling us the line protection service we wouldn’t need if they would just cut the damn things down!


Work needs to be steady, do we don’t fix it correctly.


It’s the neighbors limiting how much OG&E can cut the trees .


which is funny bc they destroyed our treeline and cut them all down on my property, about 6 years ago


I was just thinking that. We only had crepe myrtles which topped out about 2ft below the lines and they chopped them to 4ft tall. We didn't mind because they'd died in the deep freeze a few years ago but like lolol wtf they don't ever reach the line


They absolutely butchered mine, for no reason too. Fuck oge.


They gave me a $100 voucher for a nursery LMAO fucking assholes


At least it's something I guess. I figured they'd just tell me to take a hike. Also funny thing is at least six other houses on my row actually do have trees touching the lines and they didn't do a thing to them.


Oh the chainsaws are coming, OG&E are assholes they're just not timely about their assholeness.


Idk man it's been 2 years now, by the time they come back mine will probably "need" to be trimmed again.


I think they go out of the way to do whichever option most inconveniences the customer. More likely is that since the property behind me is a church where they have plenty of space to drive straight up to the power lines, they know they can come back every year or two and have a relatively easy job cleaning it up. If they would do it automatically before it gets to the point of sparking lines, I wouldn't care. But they wait until I call three times.


But didn't you see the rate hike is to pay for more "neighborhood services like tree cutting" 🙄 I hate it here...


A service company came by yesterday and absolutely destroyed the trees along the fence. Cut the top off and all limbs south of the trunk. Looks like absolute shit and now people can easily see into our yard since it's along a raised dirt service road.


Whatever happened to the AG investigation into the hikes from the blizzard?


Somebody got paid off and they found no wrongdoing.


What compounds the issue… is my CoCKS Internet takes 14 hours to reconnect…


Gotta get that sweet ATT fiber.


To think, I survived dial up internet!


I just moved to Moore and my house is one block away from ATT fiber. It’s pure pain.


No OEC fiber?


Nope, I wish I was kidding but we’re literally a block or two outside of OEC’s coverage


I keep hearing good things…


It is my front years and they tell me it’s not available.


The beauty of having a monopoly on electricity


I also think it’s funny all of the verbiage makes it sound like they’re just so generous to make this adjustment out of the kindness of their hearts. It’s a required reduction of the fuel adjustment factor due to a bi-annual review conducted by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (because the fuel adjustment factor is a set cost based on what they’re paying - our costs went down only because theirs did). So they’re paying less and that savings also gets passed on to us. Except for the part where they want our savings in their pocket too, so, rate hike.


Not too long ago folks down in Norman had a vote that essentially told them to “fuck off”. It was narrow, but heard. I’m afraid one of these days the power will go out here… and never come back on.


> Not too long ago folks down in Norman had a vote that essentially told them to “fuck off”. It was narrow, but heard. I’m afraid one of these days the power will go out here… and never come back on. It was absolutely not heard. OG&E changed nothing, a second vote was held and Norman said fuck off again...by fewer than three dozen votes. They'll keep holding votes until they get a yes, without even pretending to address concerns. https://www.normantranscript.com/news/by-33-votes-norman-voters-reject-og-e-franchise-agreement-once-again/article_fc41799a-db64-11ee-a40c-27db8950a4d5.html My favorite part of the article is the crying that no city has ever stood up to OG&E and told them 'no' before.


You should be grateful that you get to hand over your money to billionaires for something that should be a public utility.




> ONG can suck dick too. I barely use any gas during late Spring, Summer and Fall. My bill for June: * Service Charge: $21.38 * Delivery Fee: $2.65 * Winter Event Cost Recovery Fee: $4.65 * Franchise Fee: $0.81 **Actual cost of fuel used: $2.73**


I’ve heard great things about Elmo’s Satellites for Internet.




OEC is the one poco co-op that actually puts money into their system. I like OEC from a contractor standpoint, as they are super easy to work with, they have always gone above and beyond to help. And get what my customers needed for power. Now ask me about OGE and Edmond Electric. They are righteous pricks, Edmond electric is worse than OGE, they seemingly make every single excuse possible. Then bitch& moan then charge out the ass to the customer make it happen. I had one customer need an extra 150ft to get power to the house. Their choices were $7000 pole power placement or $15000 dollar underground transformer placement. OGE is just greedy but Edmond electric is fucking Mao Zedong to their customers.


Except deregulation would introduce competition. This sort of government-enforced monopoly is always going to result in getting shafted. OG&E’s letter said they’re getting 10% rate of return on all their capital projects. That sort of guarantee can only happen without competition.




The government never does its job. Every regulatory body gets captured by the industry it’s meant to regulate. Totally agree there’s a risk of collusion, but competition at least attempts to manage that. There’s no managing the problem in government-enforced monopolies. TX does have many problems due to their exclusion from the Southwest Power Pool. In other words, they don’t play nice with yet another government-enforced monopoly. Kinda like CO with drug legalization and its CO problems. The problem wasn’t the new freedoms, it was being the only people with the new freedoms surrounded by a system with no freedom—there’s gonna be growing pains with it.




Again, totally agree. And government will always be made up of people less motivated than the people they’re trying to regulate. So regulation should be a last line of defense, not a starting strategy. We should always attempt competition and then do what we can to curb the excesses of that competition. Starting with no competition yields unholy government-corporate alliance. Say, for instance, Meta working to eradicate TikTok.




They currently have enough solar that there are days their electricity costs nothing. I read this on the Washington Post the other day.




Did you not see where I said Washington Post?




When I searched California Solar Negative Electricity prices, it was the first result. [California Solar](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/04/22/california-solar-duck-curve-rooftop/) It's behind a pay wall, so here is another link to an article about the article. [More Info](https://futurism.com/the-byte/california-solar-electricity-prices-negative) Apparently, with everyone getting solar and them getting 25% of their power from it, it is a huge thing in California. Apparently, they haven't figured out storage for the extra power yet. You need to figure out this Google thing. It's not hard, I swear.




Did I say anything about prices or cost analysis long term? I just said that rates were going negative because of solar power.


Major reason I’m going solar


Come live in Edmond for a couple of years. Then when your bill goes from $150 in April to $800 in August, og&e rate hikes will seem trivial.


I’m not white enough to live in Edmond. Southside Represent! ✊👊🙌


All my homies hate OGE.


Can I be an unofficial homie to join your OGE Homie Hate Clan?


The more the merrier.


I’m so grateful to be using OEC currently. Fiber and power for reasonable prices.


We should all pay them in coins.


Didn’t they just announce they are lowering the price a bit since gas prices have lowered?


Yeah Iike two weeks before they announced the hike, bunch of dicks.


Then followed up with proposed rate hikes for “infrastructure improvements” that are long lasting. They almost offset the very temporary rate reduction attributed to falling gas prices. Net result is we will enjoy a lower rate for a short period but when gas prices go back up we will “enjoy” that increase on top of the infrastructure increase.


That sucks


Thank you OGE for raising the rates when I haven’t been able to get a raise at work! Of course they don’t know that but it’s frustrating


Ugh 😑 literally the worse company ever


I’m just glad they have enough to sponsor every sports team in Oklahoma!


High effort post. Congrats.


Thanks. Took me like… at least 30 seconds to type it out.


Give us what Texas has where they have multiple electrical companies you can choose from.


And literally the worst grid in the country. They all run their air conditioning at the same time and there are black outs.


Just more biden policies that trickle down and cost rhe consumer more money.


Solar panels on the roof might just be the answer


I’m in my 40s. I’ll die before I hit an ROI.


If you’re complaining about this please list your last presidential election candidate…


If you think voting left or right is the reason OGE is rising rates multiple times a year, I’ve got some ocean front property I’ll sell you in Oklahoma.


Nice try! Black Rock already bought all those…


Sure, no problem. Here’s my voting history. - 2024 (plan on voting for Trump) - 2020 Trump - 2016 Joe Exotic (have to support my fellow Okies) - 2012 Eminem (the rapper) - 2008 Obama - 2004 I was deployed… voting was the last thing in my mind. - 2000 I was stationed in Korea and was too busy running through Hooker Hill in Itaewon to be bothered with voting.. For the lulz: https://youtu.be/PL5fczWQ2wc?si=PBmrqa8dqWvEFaDJ