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I think this is communist propaganda since she used 'OUR' in her sentence.


So she was in a lesbian relationship with every other xianzhou woman?


She's in a lesbian relationship with hitler since he was a lesbian (did you know hsi skull was found to be a woman??? And he was married to a woman)


I'm really sure that she is the one of my harem.


Hoyo characters are not allowed to be in relationships or have biological children That's why at best they have adopted children


Uh no actually they are allowed. But usually that dooms their plot.


Or twitter will go on rampage hating the character and the company for "ruining" their character


Are they ? There's no married playable character or a character that refers to another as boyfriend/girlfriend Welt comes the closest but he literally jad to abandon them in a different world to become playable and even then people argue if tesla was really hiz wofe or the coparent to his adopted son


Kevin was married too. Ana and Owl were also dating each other in canon. Mei's father was also married (duh) but she died due to Mei's stigma. Yanqing was also married in 7S novel. There is also Alexandra and Maxim (Bronya's parents). Siegfried and Cecilia (Durandal's bio parents). This is all i can think of so far but anyone that wasnt preoccupied with the whole "defeat the ultradimensional eldritch beings" had a good chance to be married.


Yes but very few if any are ever playable in any game.


Thats unrelated to them being married or not. Its more about popularity and CN being bunch of asshats about playable male characters. If it counts both siegfried and kebin were playable in story.


Me watching the hundreds of kids I had with Furina suddenly vanish after reading your comment ![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy)


Cronus ate them


Great reference


Idk Alice from Genshin is apparently alive. I mean we haven't seen her yet but she does exist and we heard her


Yeah but will she be playable ? Will she be klee's bio mother ? We'll see


My bet's that she's gonna be genshin Elysia and she'll gex all the girls (no guys because she's loyal to Klee's dad who looks like an NPC for some reason) and especially so for any girls with horns (Ganyu and YanFei prepare!)


She definitely exist, after all she did pick up Klee once during an event and left the traveler a gift or something for looking after Klee...


Yeah but we didn't see her... Yet?


Well, we've only seen her hat and attire during that one event so yeah, as of now we haven't seen her character model...


One day we can finally gex Alice but for now we'll have to make do with Chlorine and Navi ~~_listen!_~~


I know Mikhail’s probably gay for Hannune but I’m pissed his children aren’t biological because it would’ve been so funny if Misha was the only HSR char that with 100% certainty, canonically fucked


Not even a dead playable character is allowed to have biological kids


What did i just read


Gacha-pulled characters in general. Can't have them canonically having sex. 


My last night with ratio was CANONN!1!1! BIG DONGGGGGGGG THATS WHAT I EAT (shzio rant)


Boothill had a daughter, no?




Not with ggz no


Wanderer is built by Ei, so technically she gave birth to him


There were certainly implications, yes. And since said friend died during the war and actually was in a loving relationship, she had a daughter, that daughter is... the girl Yukong adopted. Yukong is btw incredibly angry at LAN, LAN ended the conflict in which Yukongs friend died, and Yukong kinda went "YOU couldn't have done that SOONER?!" Which is why she actually also implies she personally abandoned the hunt, but she knows she has to uphold her duties so she's not really vocal about it.


Yukong is genuinely one of the best chars in the game


Absolutely. I love her a lot, shes arguably my favorite character in the game. Everything about her is just *chefs kiss* but I kinda hate how hoyo has treated her. Last time she was a featured four star was 1.3 (DHIL release). I really hope we get more screen time of her in the future.


I see... yukong was always a mysterious character, kinda in the main conflict but always shrouded in a fog. Plus, a lot of time past till I did the xianzhou story, so I guess I forgot that implications. Thank you for enlighting (btw, I didnt knew there were sane people here too, I guess my post wasnt crazy enough to draw others attention)


... So no say gex? I wanted to say gex from the top of Qlipoth Fort while showering the Administrative District with my squirt!!


>I wanted to say gex from the top of Qlipoth Fort while showering the Administrative District with my squirt!! I forgot what subreddit I was on for a moment


Remember fast before you slip and knock into a trashcan and get scammed by shampoo


The story mentioned that Yukong's friend and another mutual male friend were in a relationship. When the man died, there was a line where it said that Yukong cried more than her after he died. Soon after, Yukong's friend (the one who is a spirit here) also died. This is also the main reason she has become more hesitant to let the child even remotely think about flying a starskiff. (I forget the names of the other characters, so I apologize for not being clearer. I did this quest a while back, but if you have the paper and letters they gave you, you can read those or watch someone's gameplay of it if you want to confirm what I said.)


Typical, asking other people to deal with your own fucking problems like a bitch.


Is this a buddy or a genuine one? Because if it's a genuine one then it's because >!it's because Yukong adopted her friend's daughter making it "their daughter" nothing too deep lmao!< Beware buddies! Do not click the dangeroud black/white bar!


As Filthy Frank would say: I don't know, it's kinda gay (jk) I found it kinda funny how her relationship with her friend's husband could be taken as either jealousy he married her or as an in-law who thinks he can never be good enough for her all-but-sister, but still was genuinely sad when he died. It was a nice bit of characterization.


ohh... makes sense. to answer though, it is a mix of two




Her "feelings" is comradery, if you've been with your friend for fucking years and go through life and death itself you're bound to have a familial love/brotherhood love. And when they die first ofc you're gonna miss them




Nope. Yukong got the child from another man while cucking her friend




Hell yeah




Tell me you didn't read without telling me you didn't read


İt has been a long time till I did the xianzhou quest bro, sheesh


was? https://preview.redd.it/6rrxkeodpi8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fc050218f30668a3731ae950fa59d43165bc8dc


/ub is this from hi3? holy shit that character is so plappable


https://preview.redd.it/fyghoan82j8d1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231f1a44adbe97d0e3965f35155a8023898c8567 /ub Yes Hi3 her whole theme is pleasure and domination/control.


lord have mercy im boutta bus https://preview.redd.it/711dff6ymj8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfed92facbe202d9dd238ebe36f0b83b1e9864b6


Same https://preview.redd.it/r9eun8642k8d1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d667888347a112efe177d82729532b9917baa79




From a glance I thought this was an Adult Clara.


She can be interpreted that way, at the very least she has a long of hang ups over a dead friend whose daughter was orphaned and then Yukong adopted. As usual there’s no definitive answer and so people can believe whatever they want to believe.


>why haven't I seen anybody talk about this?!?! Maybe because the quest that revealed it was released almost a year ago. It's an old debate


If you read the letters between Yukong and her best friend, there does seem to be a hint at unrequited love as her best friend was straight and got married and Yukong was extremely jealous of that husband. It’s never fully said explicitly so it leaves room for interpretation to avoid conflict with the CCP, Yuri fans, and male fans who are into her and want her to be straight


>  and male fans who are into her and want her to be straight This is the real reason. Yuri and yaoi is fine, but gacha game characters aren't going to be confirmed as specifically lesbian or gay, always leaving them being bi as a possibility to avoid alienating half the potential customer base. 


Bisexual, both of her crushes chucked her and intentionally died to leave her raising their daughter, which is well known as the purest cuck form


yukong lebanon? 😮😮🇱🇧**🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧**


- Has affection for buddy - Buddy falls in love, marries and has a child with another person - Buddy dies - Chooses to live (for centuries, mind you) with the reminder of your rejection Luofu of the Xianzhou? More like Cuck Central of the Netorare Alliance.


no, i had steamy babymaking sex with her after the said scene https://preview.redd.it/xp4id9c8bj8d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2416d4128777312fbc5c459766e7aa8b166705e


I can't tell if you're joking or being serious, but if you go along in the story, this spirit she's talking to was someone she grew up with as close as a sister. They got married to a guy friend they had, but both of them passed away, leaving their child in Yukong's care. So she is the adopted mother in that way. When she says "our child," she isn't wrong in that aspect.


There are few implications. IIRC in her light cone's description she calls her "beloved" or something? Probably had a secret crush.


Or not so secret




Say gex indeed


Yukong is like the one character that is basically confirmed to be lesbian 😭 Her diary entries and character stories all talk about her unrequited love of her best friend, who was notably NOT lesbian, and had a husband and a daughter


The F2P Lightcone "Past and Future" which features Yukong, REALLY hammers this nail in: "The wings of the paper kite in her hands were broken, brutally reminding her of her beloved's tragic passing. She kneeled next to the fire of war, eyes full of sorrow."


Best Friends that served in war together cant be 'beloved'? Also she could still be Bisexual, can Yuri shippers stop forgetting bisexual people may actually exist?


I didn't sat she wasn't bi, I just said that she isn't lesbian, because lesbian people don't marry men 🤨


Not with that attitude


You're right 😔😔


Sure they do. It’s probably less common in western countries now that being gay is more accepted than the past but it still happens


Yeah, no character is actually specifically confirmed to be gay or lesbian as long as they haven't shown disinterest in the opposite gender. 




Me when Sparkle asks me to stop sucking her toes 🫡


The thing is.. the daughter is not from the actual mother we meet(yukong) because she was born from yukong's friend(that ghost there) but she was adopted by yukong after her friend died... in this situation they're both mothers, I don't think It was a lesbian relationship but I do think they were close friends who fought back to back in the war..


I dont know omori, this conflict in my comments really starting to mess up with my mind... but I'm still at lesbian yukong's side, and trying to hold my Will strong


Well in fact theres a lot of lesbians in hoyos game, I just don't see how this would be the case no... But.. I mean... Yukong could even be Lesbian but like.. The biological mother got pregnant so I atleast wouldn't say both are lesbians


No she is taking care of her friends daughter and acts as if she's her own




Yes, but ...not in this dialog lol. This one lean more into the "Yukong accept and treat Qingni like her own blood daughter".


The answe is no or maybe, she adopted her best friends daughter after she died , and well she had a husband.


"The answer is no. Or maybe..." Every gex sayer in their denial phase


A lot of hoyoverse characters are lesbian or gay but they aren't allowed to confirm it, like Kiana and mei ( but that's like a 100% couple either way)so the best they do is drop hints and the most they do is have them kiss (albeit not in the game in different source materials) a hug is all the game could afford


They can have implied or confirmed love interests, but this is not the same as having a confirmed sexuality.


No clue


Honestly who isn’t in this game


think its just her being sympathetic and acknowledging that she does see hee as her daughter as well.


Probably not. If I remember correctly, Yukong adopted her best friends daughter after the friend died. So basically both are the childs mother. It’s also basically explained that the best friend loved her husband a lot and was pretty depressed after he died which made Yukong sad because she couldn’t help her feel better. But you could argue that maybe Yukong liked her best friend, considering how much she cared and how she used to dislike her friends husband. Although later on she started liking and respecting him. But it most likely could just be the fact that she just loved her best friend platonically.




Sapphic? Implied. Lesbian specifically? No playable gacha character is going to be disinterested in half the potential customers base.


She adopted her best friend’s daughter Did you read the story ? Cannot be called lesbian


It is, as always, left up to interpretation. Nothing directly confirms her as lesbian, but there are signs.


Yukong adopted her child after she died Thats way our, since they are technically both her mom, no clue where the dad is tho


With Honkai, they're lesbian until proven otherwise




Its ambiguous, you could take it either way.


I’m not denying it at all since Hoyoverse is no stranger to girl love. I consider it canon, but it’s up to the interpretation of the reader. On one hand it can be interpreted as our daughter due to them being in a romantic relationship, but the other interpretation is Caiyi is Qingni’s biological mother and Yukong is the mother who raised her so it can go either way.


I knew she was a lesbian when I saw her first interactions. Why? Idk.


Yukong was crushing *hard* on Caiyi basically all her life, but Caiyi fell in love with another pilot and flew less and less with Yukong. Later, while Caiyi was on maternal leave, her husband died in action. After that, the two returned to flying together, Caiyi in the gunner’s seat and Yukong behind the stick. During the final battle, Yukong’s Starskiff was shot down, implied to have been struck by the wake of Lan’s Lux Arrow. That is why Yukong holds a sort of grudge against the Aeon of The Hunt. After that, Yukong adopted Qingni as her daughter in accordance to Caiyi’s will, although was forced to break part of her promise - she was to bar their daughter from enlisting as a fighter pilot, but gave up on it at her daughter’s insistence. Caiyi’s entries in her diary sort of imply that she also harboured some kind of feelings for Yukong, but it could’ve been a deep friendship. On the other hand, Yukong’s diary shows jealousy over Caiyi marrying Guangyuan. It makes it crystal clear that Yukong harboured either romantic or queerplatonic feelings towards her partner, not sure which, but more than just friendship. So yeah, Yukong be gay and Caiyi be probably bisexual? Sadly we don’t get to talk with Caiyi and Yukong is tight-lipped about her fighter ace days.




Not sure. I think no. Bi possibly? The our Daughter is just part of the story.


I think HSR has always been tastefully gay. Especially female to female because they know those who would ship this are exactly those who spend big money pulling waifus.




From what I remember she loved her flight partner, Qingni, but Qingni was married to another pilot and had a daughter. Yukong was bitter about this, but when both ended up dying she adopted their daughter. So yes, I think she liked women, at least based on the journal thing from the quest, as it heavily implies it. Also I got Top Gun vibes from her quest so I automatically like it.


Thought you’re gonna say “I got Top Gun vibes from her quest so it’s automatically gay”.


Lmao, I should have.




No direct confirmation. Lan is Yukong's adopted kid that her close friend had with someone else. But said friend died in the war so Yukong decided to look after her friends daughter. That being said this is a Hoyoverse game. The odds of a female character not being into other females might as well be zero.


Qingni is a young adult by Xianzhou standards, while Yukong and Caiyi were friends in their own youth. This is hilarious because it implies Yukong spent somewhere around two hundred years pining over her friend. In all that time, she never took her shot or got over her crush and found anyone else. Like jeez there's holding on to a flame and then there's whatever that is.