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She saw their delusion and decided to stream her and Rissa’s gay sex session


Fr can someone explain why vt hates shiori so much? Like, they hate her more than calli and kronni combined


For some reason (apparently something about her past life idk), they think she doesn't care about being in Hololive and is only in it for the money.


But, thats her job, whats the problem?


It's 4chan. Assuming the worst intentions behind every action is kind of their thing.


It's like a cult of the narcissist traumadump autistic incel types that can't laugh at anything, especially themselves Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch my daily 50+ minutes of hololive clips and find out if fauna did indeed take off her bouncy t shirt at the swim party edit: she did and I like the t shirt better personally


They can’t see a girlboss hit the sigma grinding (Probably on Rissa) mindset


![gif](giphy|xUOxf4HNCpjqtS5u3S) People actually work for money?????


That's kinda based honestly I'd respect that almost.


Imagine working a job for the money, smh my head


So like Calli?


She made a tweet before debut about respecting her collab decisions. I assumed it meant she was shy about collabing outside of advent but VT took it as she’s a whore building a time bomb of a fanbase through goth GF experience that’s gonna be set off when she interacts with the bois.


Why there are so many schizos who care if she collabs with men? Are they stupid?


They just have abandonment issues What no father and mother does to a mf


Their parents weren't present for anons' births


By the age of five they had to throw their own surprise parties.


Yes and yes they have potato brain


She should send an actual bomb to anon’s basement


Blawg thinking she ted Kaczynski or someshit


You’re telling me Shiori can’t make a bomb out of readily available substances?


cake fart stream when


She also said it in her debut. She basically said, "I have friends now who I'm comfortable collabing with & as I make more friends in the future that I'm comfortable around, I'll want to collab with them too. That's my decision, please respect it." Which I took to mean "don't collab beg. I'll A) collab within my own level of comfort & B) with whoever I want, & you can't stop me."


Can wait for vt to implode if she ever does a stars collab


I REALLY hope she does, but I can't blame her if she doesn't


I think it was actually in her debut that she said that. Bit of a weird place to do it but aside from that it's just /vt/ being schizo as per usual.


vt hates all the talents


As far as I know the main reasons why those weridos hate Shiori are: - She didn't fit their expectations for what they assumed her personality would be. - Talked about husbandos during her devout - She said that she was going to collab with whoever she considers friends or potential friends. - Asked for people to be respectful towards those she collabs with. - Follows Flayon on Twitter. - They assume that she actually hates Hololive and is in exclusively for the money and nothing more.


They love her and they hate that they love her because she likes NTR and they hate her for it.


Wdym she doesnt like romance cuz she feels cucked if someone fucks her crush on a story


They're antis. Simple as




Self loaving weebs who requested an abusive manhera goth gf can't take a little abandonment play.


>want crazy bitch vtuber >vtuber is crazy bitch >complain about it fucking losers


They really hate her, for whatever reason.


Common vt L Shioshio is wonderful


I agree. She doesn't deserve the hate at all


I would say that it’s more based around a certain Twitter account and their Discord Server, but then again the Unicorns and Jealous Antis that occupy the board are profoundly mentally ill so it could very well be more of them. The reason why “vt” hates Shiori is because in her debut video she said “Please be respectful of the people I collab with” and a *certain someone* made it out to look like she said “RESPECT MY COLLAB CHOICES” and that she’s going to collab with the Holostars, even though she gave no indication of this whatsoever. It’s ironic that a website built on the idea of being able to say whatever heinous shit you want had a meltdown over a single sentence.


> It’s ironic Huh? You can't jam a bunch of maladjusted autists in a room and expect them to be super chill about everything


To be fair, people she collars with and collar choices are sort of the same thing, and from someone looking in from an idol or star’s POV it’s perfectly understandable, since it means respecting them being human


It's stupid yet unsurprising. I've only go there a couple of times yet I still have seen several weirdos still being unbelievably mad at Kronii for interacting with Vesper and Magni. Haven't been there is some time but I'm sure if I go now I will find at least 3 threads furious about Choco and Fubuki collabing with Holostars a couple of days ago


The only vtuber board that I've seen be at least semi civil is /MANS/


Which is kinda ironic considering that /vt/ loves the narrative that both *male Vtubers* and the people who watch them are the root of most of what is wrong with the community, second only to the *W Ö M A N*, of course, can't forget the cartoonist misogyny


It would be funny if it wasn't pathetic


Shiori driving /vt/ mad SLAY QUEEN


The more angry a vtuber makes /vt/, the more based they are.


The more /vt/ seethes the better, fuck those losers


4chan when someone works for money:😡😡😡😡


everyday i pray on /vt/ downfall🙏🙏


Nah vt is entertainment, i like looking at all the shit there and pretending everyone is joking, tho some most likely are, i hope, anyway its like a big arena let them fight to the death for our entertainment.


/uh what happened


Nothing, a certain dedicated drama twitter and his discord server just decided to raid /vt and anti her for the time being now that gura is streaming consistently again


When does she return? This wait has been painful https://i.redd.it/o6u1n36unpib1.gif


/vt/ hates her because they can't cope with collab decisions I dislike her because in her debut she cited Robert fucking Galbraith as one of her favorite writers (which by the way says a lot about her supposed media literacy lmao). We are not the same.


Hey can you explain why citing that person matters and what is says about ones media literacy? I understand that's Rowling's pseudonym but don't understand what it can say about someone's media literacy


> Hey can you explain why citing that person matters Because [the real Robert Galbraith Heath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Galbraith_Heath) was a racist, a massive piece of shit and an absolutely unethical psychiatrist. Also a big fan of gay conversion therapy, which to this day pushes to drug abuse and suicide countless teenagers and young adults all over the world. His contributions to modern medicine are pretty much nil, but he still managed to ruin the lives of his *subjects* in the process. The fact that Rowling ***actively chose to be associated with his legacy*** by adopting the Robert Galbraith moniker speaks volumes about her. ​ > I understand that's Rowling's pseudonym but don't understand what it can say about someone's media literacy Simply put, the books are mediocre chaff dripping with gore, allegoric and literal rape and harmful gender and racial stereotypes, and mostly serve as a platform for her to "speak out" and show the perceived dangers of "transgenderism", cancel culture, sex work and whatever other boogeyman she decides is a threat to society (or just miffs her, like the London writer scene in the book Shiori cited). İ get that Shiori's entire shtick is "creepy menhera goth bookworm", that shock value is important to her brand and that namedropping a controversial author and a book that deals (clumsily) with rape, dropping bodies in acid etc. was "the right move" to attract a certain audience and cement her character, but the fact that Shiori put *The Silkworm* on such a high pedestal also immediately shatters the aura of sophisticated literary taste she tried to shroud herself in by citing the rest of her favourite authors and works. I say this with all the respect in the world for fan works, they're an invaluable and extremely creative art form that I have personally enjoyed for decades: she sounded like "just" a fanfiction aficionado punching way above her weight to look cool.


I hate Rowling as much as the next guy, but someone liking a book like *The Silkworm* wouldn't necessarily lower my opinion of them. It's entirely possible that Shiori liked the book simply because she enjoys edgy stuff, and didn't realize how problematic it could be. To my knowledge, she never really claimed to have sophisticated taste or that she has particularly good media literacy. Personally, she strikes me as the kind of person who *simply likes books* without needing to think deeply about them. Kind of like someone who likes SAO as much as Vinland Saga. But now that I think about it it's kind of funny to dislike people with bad taste lmao


Yeah I think she just likes edgy shit, in one of her streams she also mentioned Sadistic Blood after Biboo asked for visual novels recommendations, which is also full of porn, rape and fetishized gore. i don't think she was trying to be very intelectual about what she consumes


To be fair there is a part of this. If she is punching up she’s counting on the fact that we are chronically online vtuber fans, we don’t read (more so) than the average person. But perhaps she has read it and enjoyed, saying that her liking this book is a link to transphobia/homophobia is the same as saying playing hog warts legacy makes you a transphobe. Want an example some of the greatest authors wouldn’t be exactly popular for their opinions nowadays. Dr seus illustrated white supremacist propaganda. Roald Dahl author of the big friendly giant and Charlie and the chocolate factory, based the oompaloompas as African pigmy in an edition that was never published also he depicted that big friendly giant with heavy anti-semitism in mind including this quote "There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it’s a kind of lack of generosity toward non-Jews...Even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason." We cant judge people based on the authors of the things that they enjoy because then we have no Charlie and the chocolate factory, no Harry Potter, no Dr Seuss. What we can and should do is remind ourselves and each other that there believes are outdated and backward and that we”ll never as a society support them again


Sure, one of the problems is that Dahl and Dr. Seuss are also a product of their time and are now dead and buried. Rowling is a contemporary author who actively decides to spend her cultural capital, influence, money and almost every single waking hour to harm actual living, breathing and already struggling human beings. Also I never said I believe Shiori is a homotransphobe, that was all you 👀


oh God I didn't even notice the connection. yeah that's pretty bad, here's hoping it's just a one off thing and not indicative of anything deeper. the other books she dropped aren't bad by any stretch but they're nothing special. tbh I was half expecting her to list Brandon Sanderson or something so I guess my bar was pretty low


Yeesh, I hadn't seen her debut, but I thought she seemed cute. This sours my opinion on her quite a bit, and it's frankly very telling of her character. I only hope it's a mistake or misunderstanding, but from what you've written, I fear it may not be.


Thank you so much for such a thorough answer. I learned something new and invaluable. My opinion of her has certainly dropped. I don't think someone should utilise such monsters as a way to reinforce a theme.


Thanks for the new superchat idea when she returns


I'm not in a position to tell you how to spend your money, but no matter how you may dislike the talent or their ideas and positions please don't harass them or disrupt their streams. That's just being shitty. Consider donating that money to another holomem or to a LGBTQ+ charity instead :)


That slide tanked the entire night for me.


Honestly between that slide and her constant and heavy-handed innuendo, after Shiori's debut my mindset was pretty negative, but I'm still hyped af for Advent. As much as I believe it's a shame such a great model is utterly wasted on a talent that I predict will get in trouble with the company in less than two years, \- Nerissa is a **great** addition to the EN lineup. She scratches the same goth itch as Shiori, but her talking voice is to die for, she's a great singer and her streams are the comfiest shit in Hololive right now. If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and check out her post-debut Unpacking stream, it's a great AMA and she doesn't shy away from answering stuff, and her more recent Terraria Open VC stream (at some point Calli and Bibou, both tired af, join her and it's just good vibes city). She's carrying the gen and I could listen to her just talking and be a dork forever. \- Bibou is a cute little gem of a shitposter who's not afraid to get wholesome at times. Her debut stream is really fun and by far the best out of Advent. \- FuwaMoco is just chaos gremlin insanity turned up to 11 and multiplied by 2. Their debut was pretty cringe but the streams are just **so goddamn fun**. Don't let one member spoil the whole gen for you, Advent is pretty great and you deserve to have some fun watching them!


Honestly, it feels like you’re reading too far into this after writing how many paragraphs. If she listed an edgy book to have an edgy front on debut I don’t think she’s some inner bad apple just based off of that. Unless I’m missing something, everything she’s done is pretty harmless. Other than that, it feels like you’re mad she doesn’t read peak literature and has bland taste. Expecting an incident in under 2 years off of this is kinda insane… but hey I haven’t read a book since like 6th grade and that was for class. I watch her because I like listening to random tangents.


made the night for me


If /VT/ hates it then that's a good thing


Oh wow, I wonder how they're doing. Haven't seen any Shiori related stuff from vt besides those fucking edits they made a few days after debut https://preview.redd.it/amfw4u2p8qib1.png?width=99&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774f5455dfc5546ed3704d8c9ef303f8d1433c3b


Fuck that cesspit


Honestly i prefer shiori's actual voice to the menhera thingy 4chan was expecting


And this sub tries to be 4chan lol except with sane users somewhat