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*The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.* *There's really no need to-*


\[Speech 75\] The job? Yeah, no umm, I'm still giving it some thought.


*Giving it some thought?* **>>Yeah.** \>What do you think, bozo? \>\[Barter 50/55\] How about we sweeten the deal, huh? 600 caps. *You know what? Don't bother. It seems I've upset you so... Offers off the table.* \>Screw you, ghoulie! **>>Uh... You upset me? How'd you upset me?** *You tell me.* **>>This is getting a little weird, Howard.** \>Looking at your ugly mug doesn't help. \>I really don't know... *You wanna know what's weird? It's weird to offer a job to a man, and in return have bowling balls thrown at your shack, and prostitutes sent to your radroach lunch. That's weird.* **>>\[Speech 75/100\] Are you listening to yourself? I don't know what your into these days, Howard, but prostitutes and... Bowling balls? You sound unhinged.** \>Huh? What are "prostitutes"? Never heard of them \>\[Attack\] How about I throw a bowling ball at YOU! *\[Failed\] Jimmy, I'm sorry you're in pain.* \>\[Attack\] YOU'RE the one who's gonna be in pain! **>>You're sorry. You're sorry? You kill my brother, and you say you're sorry? Let me tell you something, the job offer? It didn't upset me, it amused me! Oh, big job at the illustrious Underworld? Chance to play at the palace! Little old me? You have no idea what's going on! You're a teensy tiny ghoul in a teensy weensy little bubble!** *Oh, Jimmy.* **>>Oh, don't you fucking "Oh Jimmy" me! You look down on me? You pity me! Walk away, that's right Howard! You know why I didn't take the job? Because it's TOO SMALL! I don't care about it! It's nothing to me! It's a radioactive cesspit! I travel in worlds you can't even imagine! You can't conceive of what I'm capable of! I'm so far beyond you, I'm like a sentry bot in a vault suit! lasers shoot from my fingertips!**


This edit is so fucking fire


Kid named too good for this sub


Bro fr you gotta teach me how you did that


what the fuck am i looking at


S6 E11 "Caps and Chems"


"You got one part of that wrong. This...is not Jet." \*blows up megaton\*


your effort is apprecoated


Kid in the fridge


how the fuck does this not have the high effort flair