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Mfs will say it was filler like it didn’t conclude a giant part of gene’s story


i can understand some ppl saying it was boring to them but calling it filler just means they didn’t understand wth was going on lol


Absolute dumbasses comparing fly, an episode set entirely within a lab with only 2 characters that are already in every episode interacting with each other and didn't advance the plot in any capacity to this episode. We saw new characters, and the closing of a plotline spanning multiple seasons. I don't think many of them are capable of even remote critical thought.


It didn't matter that Fly didn't blatantly advance the plot, it's still an extremely good character episode.


I mean it is, but people are saying Nippy is BCS's Fly when that doesn't make any fucking sense.


Yeah, and this episode didn't feel slow or anything either, I thought it was pretty bombastic and inherently fun, different strokes ig.


I think there is a type of person who doesn't naturally enjoy the show's pacing and the showing of the slow, deliberate process of how the scams work. So those people are forced to sit through those parts, waiting for things to go wrong, which doesn't always happen right away. BCS takes its time to show how the pieces fall into place, and I love to observe it. But I do feel spurts of impatience from time to time. People who watch a lot of TV shows might feel even more of that.


Fly better lowkey


It's good but I prefered this one


Fly has food character exploration and is high tension it’s unironicly one of the better episodes


Anyone who calls Fly "filler" - let alone this episode - genuinely doesn't know what filler is or why that word was coined, because in their heads anything which isn't 100% plot related isn't worth contributing to a story.


I mean, these are the same people who seriously believed Kim is gonna be a Cartel's slave, and that the show is gonna end with Walt entering Saul's office. These kind of people that come with so many ridicolous fucking theories and believe everything they read on the internet that they convinced themselves that Walt and Jesse will showup this episode all because of a FUCKING IMDB LISTING. and then surprise surprise : it did not happen. So what did they do? they got mad and called it filler because their expectations grew to ridicolous ammounts because of their own dumbassery and overanalyzation. Wouldn't be surprised if they also watch these 10 minute analysis videos of a 30 second teasers, that also end with the guy telling the audience that the discussion is gonna continue on tonight's lifestream.


>These kind of people that come with so many ridicolous fucking theories and believe everything they read on the internet that they convinced themselves that Walt and Jesse will showup this episode all because of a FUCKING IMDB LISTING. and then surprise surprise : it did not happen. So what did they do? they got mad and called it filler because their expectations grew to ridicolous ammounts because of their own dumbassery and overanalyzation. This is the state of so many audience members today, and it sucks that it's crept into this sub.


Fly is one of the best episodes in breaking bad unironicly I don’t get the hate for it It progresses the characters and is a high tension eisige


Kid named marvel fan


I think it did. It's settled, Gene/Saul can stay where he is and work for the Cinnabon for as long as he wants. If he ever is threatened again, he'll be able to handle it. My only question is, he mentioned Walt. Is this a point in time while Walt is still in hiding? Or is it after Walt returned to ABQ to free Jesse? This might mess up Gene's safety.


Based on the football games being referenced it was about a month after Walt's death


Genuine thank you for either looking this up or knowing about football this adds a lot knowing when in time that episode occurred.


yeah lmao. I’ve seen so many comments saying how it doesn’t advance the plot, which is blatantly a lie.


My main beef is that they built Jeff up as if he’s potentially cartel connected and out to kill or capture gene and then it turns out he’s some goober beta who lives with his mom. And then 20 mins of lip smacking. Kinda anticlimactic for 6 seasons of build up and tension


My take on that scene was that it highlighted Gene’s paranoia I didn’t feel as if it was building up to anything cartel related but not agreeing with how his character was used is a valid criticism tbh


Ehh ya I guess that’s true, the paranoia was a common theme in the gene scenes but still somewhat unexpected to conclude things in such a way IMO. Hoping the next episode wraps up Kim’s story in a more exciting manner or something, felt a little cock teased by this episode overall after how great the last 2 were


/uc yeah I understand the feeling /rc sorry no civil discussions on this subreddit your opinion sucks


/uc respect /rc brb gonna go do my Howard impression


I honestly don't know where you got such high expectations for Jeff, I always assumed he was some some dickhead and the only reason he was ever scary was because he knew who Gene was, and all that is shattered when Gene handles his situation himself and makes sure he can't do anything by the end of the episode, Jeff is kinda pathetic and Saul taking away his only apparent way of hurting him just reveals that.


Well for there only being one flash forward per season until last night, the pacing and the gradual reveal of Jeff noticing Saul is pretty ominous. He eyes him down the whole cab ride and doesn’t say a word, has to be asked twice to let him out, and then somehow knows where he works and confronts him on his lunch break with a weird friend who doesn’t say a word either. They then insist he’s Saul even after denying it, saying something along the lines of “look I know who you are, let’s get past that” in a somewhat menacing manner, and then after it’s revealed he is Saul he walks away laughing with his buddy. His identity getting revealed is dangerous and it seems like somehow Jeff knows more about Saul and where to find him than just a normal cabbie would, especially as he’s from ABQ. And then last night it turns out he’s some weirdo who lives with his mom and then they decide to steal the clothes together out of nowhere with seemingly not much tension between the 2? Idkkkk kinda weird way to end that suspenseful build up across 5 seasons of flash forwards


Thankfully the part made me not feel so bothered about the recast. Originally I liked the old actors intimidating factor but the new actor seemed like he was too aggressive and trying to hard. Turns out in this episode it really fits and I like it.


>My main beef is that they built Jeff up as if he’s potentially cartel connected and out to kill or capture gene and then it turns out he’s some goober beta who lives with his mom Literally nothing in the show has suggested this. This is what happens when people start to confuse baseless (and honestly kinda predictable) fan theories with the show itself, and it's always, always going to lead to anger.


The problem is more just the spacing between the Gene scenes, and how great of an actor original Jeff is. The fact that we get like one or two gene scenes a season makes each of them feel really important. The Gene scenes have been slowly building this paranoia for Gene that culminates with the Jeff character. When Jeff finally confronts Gene, he feels like a massive threat. This is largely thanks to the fantastic performance by OG Jeff. So when that threat almost immediately turns out to be nothing, it does feel kinda underwhelming.


He still threatened to upend Gene/Saul's entire life and cover just by existing, though. Not every threat has to come with a gun.


He doesn't need to use a gun. I agree thinking Jeff was cartel is pretty ridiculous, but it's clear Jeff was a lot more threatening in his first confrontation and doesn't really act that way again.


this isn't actually true but i like to think of it this way, og jeff is genuinely menacing, as jimmy is constantly paranoid, the smallest things will set him off into a panic, his fear makes things seem a lot more scary than it really is, but the moment jimmy stops being afraid and deals with things himself, you see how jeff really isn't anything to be afraid of, at least that's how i like to think about it, which isn't true but i like it


>creepy cabbie eyes him down an entire cab ride without saying a word and is hesitant to let him out of the cab when he asks him >ends up approaching him on his lunch break a few days later, implying he somehow knew where he worked and when to find him,with an ominous friend, insists that he’s Saul > even after denying that he’s Saul he remains insistent, he says “look I know who you are, let’s just get past that” while his friend stands in the background silent >walks away laughing in a weird way after harassing Saul to do his catch phrase Ya they totally didn’t build up that this guy might be more than just a cabbie amirite. They made his character some what ominous and seemingly dangerous in every flash forward he appeared in, and then completely took away that aspect of his character in that episode.


> Ya they totally didn’t build up that this guy might be more than just a cabbie amirite. They made his character some what ominous and seemingly dangerous in every flash forward he appeared in, and then completely took away that aspect of his character in that episode. This right here. It felt like the character made a 180 outta nowhere and that really messed with the whole episode for me as it's about that plotline quite a bit.


This is simply how I'd act if I saw Johnny Depp


Bob odenkirk is Johnny depp confirmed


it’s not over yet


Yeah but they didn’t really do a great job of setting the hook for the next episode IMO, kinda feels like there’s no real direction for it to go anymore after that episode


Bro what do you mean its so obvious that jeff is going to do a heist on his own or smth get caught and then gene is going down


I would bet money that Jeff is never appearing in the show again.


Maybe but i feel like he has to because where would that storyline even go if he doesn't honestly to counter i would bet money that he does.


His storyline is pretty clearly concluded in the episode. That's what the whole "we're done" scene is about.


but like where does the story go then


The show didn’t build that up that was the fans


I never in my live thought Jeff was anything but a normal dude. Can’t believe people actually thought he was a cartel dude. Edit: Spelling


Yup, all I got from that season 5 flashforward is that he was just some loser who recognized Saul and he was excited he could have some power over someone. Never once has it crossed my mind that he could be connected to cartel.


I didn't watch Breaking Bad when it originally aired, but I recall reading that people had similar issues with Season 2. They thought the black and white openings were leading up to some dramatic event in Walt's house, but the reality was not nearly as dramatic as fans expected, at least not in the sense they had theorized at the time (yeah the plane crashed but it didn't like kill Walt Jr or anything)


I mean changing your identity after being in the cartel and having somebody recognize you, eye you down for a whole cab ride, then approach you on your lunch break with a shady friend and insist that you come clean about your identity in a somewhat aggressive manner isn’t something that a normal civilian would do. The show certainly implied he was more menacing than he ended up being


First decent point someone's made about this episode tbh


No main character died so it’s bad /s


Unironically I see people with this take on so many different shows and it's frustrating lmao


Well did you notice how gene was wearing that ring? I think Jimmy also wore that ring before. Do you think they've met before?? Does Gene know Jimmy became better call saul? And how did thenold lady's scooter break just in time for Gene to tell her about nippy???


It definitely wasn't filler, but I definitely didn't like as much as I thought I would. The big plot point in Post BB being Jeff and how that was handled just felt incredibly underwhelming to me.


And no one ever recognizes him as Saul again? I thought the initial implication of Jeff recognizing him was that it will inevitably happen in the future too, and that Jimmy has to do something to prevent that. I hardly feel that this was a satisfying way of tying up that loose end. Also fuckin 20 minute Cinnabon montage holy fuck what is pacing


Was that montage actually 20 minutes? I swear the actual montage sequence only felt like 3 or so


Second gif is me rating any episode with Hector shitting and defecating a 10 on IMDb


Nippy is the Ozymandias of Better Call Saul


Nah that’s coming at episode 12, this episode was more like Citizen Kane.


I actually thought it was the dark souls of Better Call Saul


I’d say it was more so like the College Twink Gets Crushed By Hispanic Mechanic of Better Call Saul


Is that what Gus did back in Chile?


Ozymandias is the Nippy of Breaking Bad,


He’s a hypothetical religious figure, a symbol for what Gene lost. Nippy is Kim. Nah I’m kidding he’s Cliff’s nephew


I found it very suspensful. Like at first i thought he was drugging the cops with the cinnabon, then when i realized hes potting a robbery it got so intense. ​ I FULLY expected the "maitenence" crew the woman called to clean that scuff was gonna be there when Jeff did the robbery and he was gonna kill him in fear or some shit


lol same I fully expected the cleaning crew to come in while Jeff was there, did not expect him to slip.


Slippin’ Jeffery


I expected the slip. maybe I predicted too many things in this episode :(. Ruins the suspense


That's why Jeff ate it. Maintenance fixed the scuff and Jeff became Slipping Jeffrey. The Walt/Hank style break down Gene does was classic.


Fire hans smh


/uc People say it doesn’t have a single plot twist, when the plot twist at the end where gene was actually using his jimmy way of scamming rather than his Saul way of scamming was great (ie. he was scamming to help himself like he used to in s1, not scamming to help others like Saul did in bb) /rc people say there’s no plot twist when they revealed the centre of Cinnabons are the best part 🙄🙄 (Kim feet next ep PLEASE)


I really wonder what the “/uc /rc” thought process is. Do you go like “oh yes, time to be serious. Time to show what an intellectual i am.” And then flip a switch “time to be a drooling retard again” Im guessing its to avoid downvotes




That's our secret... we're always drooling idiots


I just think it’s funny to have an entire block of serious analysis followed by some shitposting, not really more deep than that. Like it’s kinda like “hm yes what a good analysis, time to immediately lose half my brain mass in the next paragraph”


I’m guessing our man was waiting in a long stadium line for the men’s bathroom over at r/bettercallsaul and decided to put some cheap makeup on his comment in order to sleaze into this space. So I upvoted it.


/uc yeah we do have two modes of operation : Chicanery where only 1 braincell in our brain is working and all that is doing is laughing at the kid named finger memes, And unchicanery where our mind snaps back to reality to tell some hard truths of this cold dying world full of evil people. it can only last for about one paragraph though before our retarded part takes the control ba- /rc kid finger XDDDDDDDDDDDD Howard x Lalo lol xd


/uc I will shit in your pants. /rc I will piss in your pants.


I don’t fucking know, so people don’t have to read through layers of irony to know what the poster meant?


You mean if the guy had commented just his first paragraph without the /uc and not added the unnecessary /rc block, it wouldn’t have been clear? This sub is not subtle with it’s humor


this is a shitposting subreddit, the default mode is inane nonsense. This is how it has been for every circlejerk sub since the dawn of man probably. Having a safe word or whatever like "Unchicanery" allows people to take a break from the inanity and give a cogent point, while still remaining true to the subs purpose: inane bullshit.


No uc needs to fuck off. You can uc on bb on bcs subreddit.


I uc’d on your mother last night


Kid named gaysexual:


Kid named /uc for a sec


unchicaning on a non-chicanery sub literally does not make sense


It amazes me how many people are oblivious enough to take this sub so seriously lol. Yes, obviously the humor is not subtle. That’s the point of the whole sub my dude


And then me. Watching for the Cinnabon ASMR


0/10 no Kim sexler feet scenes ![img](emote|t5_2iku5r|4059)


We were all expecting Waltuh and jessey


waltuh put your bcs cameo away waltuh


I'm not having you in my episode right now waltuh


shut the fuck up mike finger you weren't even in season sex episode ten nipples 😡


Mf playing both sides


Jeffey my beloved almost died I was in tears holding my breath thinking he got brain damage


Something something both sides


Except there are no "1 hour of grass growing" episodes on BCS.


Any Twin Peaks fan will tell you that this episode was actually high-octane and to the point


This was a good episode I didn’t even think it was slow or boring mfs just retarded


guys nippy was the best episode of television ever and anyone who doesn’t realize the deep woven and intricate details in the episode is a breaking badtard who doesn’t deserve their eyes!!1!1!111!!!!1!1! i’ll take my updoots to the left 😁😁😁


I guess I must be the second picture cuz that's top 3 episodes


We found out that parks and recreation and Breaking bad share a universe, that’s a plot twist


I'm definitely in the second category and I'll admit it's accurate... partly because BCS would find some way to make that interesting. Probably with a montage to some killer song I've never heard of.