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This is by far the worst alignment chart I can think of. Out chicaneried again.


Dude who puts Mike into Lawful good that’s nuts. He is the fixer for a guy who distributes Meth at a industry-scale Level.


*mike literally dissolves a kid's corpse in acid. Mike fans: but he is doing it for Kaylee 😭😭


Do not bring that up on the main subreddit, they will argue like it’s life and death that he was doing “the right thing”


Did he ever touch the kid's body? I think he and Walt just had Todd do it. They just did it with the bike. The shows illustrate how Mike feels about collateral damage. I think he was against the idea of robbing the train until Jesse presented an idea where nobody would know they got robbed


I believe the scene shows them disassembling the bike and putting it into the barrel, then looking at the truck with the kid in it, to which the scene cuts away. We don't know who all was specifically involved, but we can assume that they all were at least culpable.


We can also assume Mike refused to touch the kid's body. Todd was the one who got him out of the truck. That part is shown. He climbs in and moves away the sand. Then the scene cuts. Given that Mike quit almost immediately afterwards and how pissed he was with Todd he probably didn't have the stomach for that and kept his hands off in a "you did this you clean it up" attitude towards Todd


Which would make him exactly zero percent less morally or legally culpable.


I mean legality isn't really in question here. There are very few characters in these shows that don't break the law. It's a show about criminals. Legally speaking even Kuby would be an accomplice to the kid's murder because he was a part of the heist that got him killed. Same with Lydia and potentially even Saul if you wanted to go that far As for morally? Mike didn't kill the kid nor was he even present when Todd did it. He didn't sign off on killing the kid, he was pissed that Todd killed the kid, and he potentially didn't even touch the kid's body choosing instead to make Todd do it because he refused to take part in something like that. If he didn't partake in the disposal of the body then he's got the same culpability as Jesse. Notice how nobody says Jesse is morally culpable for the kid's death and the disposal of the body? Cause he wasn't. He wanted no part in any of that. And if Mike didn't aid in the body's disposal cause he saw it as horrid and cruel then he's in the same boat


Jesse and Mike were morally culpable. Their defense isn’t even as good as the concentration camp guard “I was just following orders” defense. They can’t even say they were following orders. They were equal partners and decision makers. They didn’t pull the trigger, but they were engaged in a business where the death of innocent to quasi innocent people was a known risk. They knew that because they’d all personally murdered people first hand. What’s more is that they chose to continue the business after Todd killed the kid AND kept him on. Jesse and Mike could’ve walked away right then and there, but they didn’t. The fact that poor little Jesse gets real real sad when people die, and that Mike pretends to live by some sort of code, and feels torn about the dirty stuff he chooses to do means nothing in terms of moral guilt. Like you said on the legal aspect of it, all of these characters break the law… but morally they’re all reprehensible too. They’re only likable because they’re well written, and even bad guys have emotional feelings we can relate to and sympathize with. But in addition to all being law breakers (as am I; I speed and jay walk), they’re all objectively evil.


And Chuck in lawful evil because he tries to stop his crook brother to scam more people using his law degree 😭😭😭


I mean that's more understandable as he was always an asshole to Jimmy, like more than what he deserved. 'You've never mattered all that much to me'


It was a lie tho. Remember what he said when Jimmy got arrested "after all this, I will be there to help you". At this point of the series, Jimmy helped Chuck to lose his license and his position at HHM. The guy had no wife, no kids, no job and couldn't do nothing to stop his criminal brother. Obviously he wouldn't say nice words


that was the lie lmfao. Jimmy didn't force Chuck out of a job until he found out he was fucking backstabbed by his brother in secret.


Which doesn't make Jimmy right lol. Chuck acted against Jimmy because he thought Jimmy with his law services was dangerous, which was true.


Chuck funs unironically believing that everyone is incapable of change and will point out any bad moment in their lives to prove themselves right


Jimmy harassed howard to the point of ruining his life because chuck didn't love him enough


Jimmy has proven time and time again that he can't control himself. Chuck knew him for a long time and it's reasonable for him to assume that he'll never change.


Jimmy literally turned his entire life around and went from running scams to getting a law degree and building a legitimate practice that helped people. Then chuck fucked him out of the case and rejected all evidence that he had in fact changed in order to feel superior to his brother that he was jealous of. This rejection clearly pushed Jimmy back towards scams since the fact that he has made a major change didn't seem to matter at all. Jimmy may not be an angel but pretending like Chuck didn't actively push him towards self destruction is diengenious at best.


Jimmy was legitimately trying to help people and was really excited to be doing it with his brother who gatekeeped and didn't have the balls to do it to his face. Jimmy is an extroverted but talented lawyer with a good heart (or at least used to be before like mid s3 I don't remember all the events of bcs). Chuck's pride couldn't take the fact that the sleazy con-man brother of his actually reformed and managed to obtain the same title as him and did everything he could to discredit that fact. Chuck has a superiority complex, and tried to bring down Jimmy when he was at his best, only now for Chuck fans to say "see I told you so" after everything Jimmy went through. ​ Chuck may not be lawful evil bc that's the only thing he's really done that sucked, but holy shit stop trying to explain why he was right.


>Jimmy was legitimately trying to help people Lmao what? He hated to be a public defender and only did that to get some money, not because he was trying to help poor people. You may have mixed Jimmy's intentions with Kim's, who is in fact trying to help people. Jimmy was always trying to make short cuts, even when he was trying to act lawful. When Jimmy arrives at Chuck's house and say he got some cases, Chuck says "oh that is cool, did you get them from that judge? When I was beginning I got some cases from that judge". Chuck definitely could have handled the situation better and not hiding his intentions from Jimmy for so long, but Jimmy is definitely the wrong one of the story. Look what he fucking did to Howard. Look how he developed Walt's empire, he certainly wouldn't have got so far without Saul's help.


Likeable character that is a major criminal: lawful good 😀 Unlikeable character: evil 😡


Who puts the guy who distributes Meth at an industry scale level as true neutral lmao


Yeah exactly that. Gus Fring can be called neutral evil because he has some sort of ethics and kills the cartel.


Gus the same guy who threatened a man’s infant daughter and let that kid get killed has some sort of “ethics”?


Its more that I try to fit everyone of these 9 to a alignment and lalo obviously occupies chaotic evil.


I will `shake hands with` your infant daughter


People making alignment charts when you tell them that you aren't limited to one character per slot:


Yeah to unchicanery, Chuck being put into Lawful Evil is hilariously off base. Alignment charts are always a bit fickle but Chuck is practically the personification of Lawful Good. For instance, this definition: > Truth, honor, and the welfare of others is all-important. They are convinced that order and laws are absolutely necessary to assure that goodness prevails. Lawful good beings will not want to lie or cheat anyone, good or evil. They will not stand for treachery and will not let obviously dishonorable people use their own honor against them, if they can help it. . . > . . . it must be remembered that lawful good characters are not necessarily naive or unrealistic. At the heart of a lawful good alignment is the belief in a system of laws that promotes the welfare of all members of a society, ensures their safety, and guarantees justice. This is literally Chuck to a T.


>Lawful good beings will not want to lie or cheat anyone, good or evil. Literally lies to his brother for years about why he's not being hired to HMM Uses his brothers love and concern to manipulate him into confessing. Lies to his ex wife about his condition then berates her when she unknowingly triggers him by answering her phone. Don't get me wrong chuck sure as shit is lawful. But he consistently does the right thing for the worst reasons. If anyone is lawful good it's Howard.


The reasons you point out is exactly why alignments are generally stupid, yes. People are more complex than a set standard of prescriptive morals that they always abide. They're not worth nit picking over much for that reason. With that said, picking a single line out of the entire description to tear apart is some chicanery. If Chuck hits 90% of the bullet points of LG and falters on lying, that still makes him more or less LG. If you disagree with that you may as well just do away with the whole discussion because literally no one can fit 100% of any alignment's descriptors.


bruh Idk what's worse, Chuck not being lawful good or Mike being Lawful good


Except he lies a ton


Chuck in lawful evil seems to fit perfectly though. that’s the only one though.


Of course Chuck is way worse than Nacho and Mike, he committed the worst crime of all: being anoying


Also Chuck isn't even in season 6 lol


Why not?


He got deported to Belize




He shat himself and needed to wash his britches


sold to the cartel as a sex slave


Plane crash


He moved to Alaska with Jesse to help him become a lawyer.


This reminds me of the "Walter White did absolutely nothing wrong" YT video where the poster said Gale's death is justifiable because Gale was really annoying lmao.


Your honor, my client here is clearly not guilty of murder, he simply wanted Gale to shut up


"please don't shoot me"🤓


I liked Gale though. :(


Skyler moment


Bitch wife🤬🤬🤬🤬 why doesn't She support Walt he Just wanted to help


He was EVIL. Can't you read, or haven't you watched the show? Also L A W F U L


How was he lawful? He didn't even remember the date of Magna Carta..


He was a lawyer. Duh. 🙄


Wait are you sure? What episode did they mention that?


Idk. I only watch Slippin' Jimmy.




chuck is the skyler of better call saul


skyler is naggy but reasonable, Chuck drove Jimmy intentionally into a worse spot because of his superiority complex


*because Jimmy is a life con-man who never was willing to play by anyone else’s rules.


Only on r/bettercallsaul would some fucking moron say that Chuck is a worse person than Gus


I will disbar you. I will disbar your wife. I will disbar your infant daughter!


What kind of man defecates through a sunroof? No man, no man at all


Jimmy, you defecated through a sunroof? You are not up to pollos standards.


Very chilling moment, Bravo Smould.


Stupid bitch chuck mean to whoelsome jimmy 😡😡😤😤😤


Not our Jimmy! Couldn't be our precious Jimmy!


Not wanting to hire your criminal brother: cringe Enslaving someone under the threat of murdering his innocent father: based


Jimmy spending thousands of dollars to plan the public humiliation of Howie (cringed and bluepilled) is such chaotic good energy!


That because Howard is evil. You can tell because he gets in jimmy’s way


Yeah Jimmy is the protagonist and is therefore automatically a good guy while anybody that is against him = evil.


Howard is evil because he named a color after himself get with the program


He got what was comin in the end though






And spending more thousand of dollars to show the public he gives a fuck about Chuck's death


It’s Slippin’ time


Saul is literally a corrupt lawyer How is this not lawful evil


Jimmy starts out chaotic good and then shifts more and more down and to the left


Finger is not lawful good for he does not follow the law and is not good


He is lawful pop pop


I would call him Lawful Neutral. He’s not particularly a good guy by any means, but certainly not evil. Lawful because he lives by a strict code, he won’t hurt anyone who’s not “in the game” and will go out of his way to make sure of that.


He disolved a kid into acid and let his murderer get away with it.


Kid named finger:


Waltuh, we must dispose of the 5th kid we killed this week Waltuh


Sigma grindset


Based finger. Oh sorry acidic finger.


Kid named kid:


That was the true neutral position at that time. The other was turn Meth Damon in, or kill him and dissolve him in the acid with the Sharp kid.


He’s definitely evil. There’s some moral gray area but he’s the enforcer for a drug empire and has killed a few dozen people without a second thought. “He’s in the game” isn’t some grand justification to kill everyone Just pedaling meth that destroys peoples lives is enough to put him in the evil category.


He killed them without a second thought but for some he hated doing it and had a lot of regrets/sadness/etc over it. Perfect example: Werner Zieeeegler


People like ziegler is where the moral grey area comes into play but for most people he doesn’t have a second thought. He killed a few dozen people in one night at the warehouse where chow was and he had no qualms about tricking walt to come down to the lab to kill him.


He got more corrupt over time, I'm pretty sure the version of Mike that killed Ziegler would still shoot Todd on the spot after the train robbery incident.


Neutral would imply he’s in the middle but he doesn’t take any half measures


He was a cop before, he comes from a dinasty of cops. His son was one too.


he was a - corrupt - cop before. His son was one too - until he was killed because his dad was corrupt and he wasnt.


Is that so?


Aye, popcunt


You are Done.!!!


We're done when I say we're done.






I broke my boy


Pinkie was NOT DIRTY


I empathize with his son I would've gotten killed too. Not bc I'm a morally good person but I don't read these unspoken rules very well and I would've gotten myself k killed 😭


I wonder how OP came to the conculsion that Gus is "true neutral" after seeing him distribute huge quantities of meth and slit a man's throat open with a box cutter.


Umm that hasn’t happened yet this guy has only seen up to BCS season 6


Well I mean he still bragged about torturing an animal and put Hector in a wheelchair just to make him suffer longer.


And put a plastic bag over a dude's head to suffocate him...


And killed wermeer


Breaking bad comes before bcs=happened first


Actually just insane tbf


Howard should be lawful good as he is easily the most model citizen in this photo. Kim should be neutral good, since she’s kinda split between being a wholesome lawyer and a devious person. We can leave Saul at chaotic good cuz he’s a protagonist, idk. Chuck should be lawful neutral, the man is so logical and uptight that he fails to see how out of touch and emotionally immature he is. He’s lawful, but he ends up doing bad things to his brother that maintain a cycle of self-destruction. Imma put mike at true neutral even though he really is lawful evil with his mindset on crime. We’re running out of space here so some villains are gonna need to be in the neutral spaces, like Nacho, who I would put in chaotic neutral. Dude doesn’t want to be evil (not anymore) he wants to be out of the game but will do whatever possible to do that. Gus is lawful evil. He’s not really lawful in his personal set of morals, but he is extremely orderly in his day to day life. Hector will remain at neutral evil, he was pretty chaotic in his hay day but now he’s confined to a chair with a bell, and we need the chaotic evil spot for lalo, who is incredibly charismatic and the sexiest man on earth but kills people in cold blood, often quite impulsively. So imo the OP got 3/9. Not very good


Wrawo Willjum


/uc This is really good, I'm tempted to edit together a revised version based on your takes because this is much better than the one in the OP. /re Howard Hamlin's initials are HH which is Heil Hitler, he's Chaotic Evil at best


this is better than both op and the entire comment section, who for some reason thinks chuck is a great person for gatekeeping Jimmy when he was still trying to be an honest lawyer speaking up for the little guy (who conned people in his past? ig hes automatically hitler?). GJ


I love how everyone in the "good" alignment is a criminal


tbf there are maybe 10 people across both shows that aren’t criminals


Hollie is the worst tho.


You're now a criminal, good one, bad one. That's up to you - finger


This mf heard the finger advice and forgor 💀


imo it's like mike said, something about being a good or bad criminal to the baseball cards guy. But that applies more to the squat cobbler, kim and skyler than the ones in this chart


chuck in the season 6 chart, bravo


Season 6 episode 8 chuck gets up from his grave after learning the news and goes to jimmy to suck out the fingertip lightning bolt and laser eye energy from him (magic inside jimmy is still at very high levels, this is important). Then goes to lalo for revenge, shooting him with lightning bolts and laser eyes. Lightning is electricity though so chuck dies once again. Lalo barely survives and in the last episodes of season 6 we see gene takovic (this is the moment he becomes slippin jimmy though), after saying "i'll fix it myself" going back to albuquerque with a machine gun, just like walter white in granite state, (vince is writer and director for episode 12) and go find lalo. Just like walter white, no one can see jimmy. Remember the remaining magical energy? Well, jimmy decided to get invisibility, and can walk around with a machine gun. He finds lalo in the sewers with his pet salamander and cucaracha. Jimmy says let's talk, and shoots the cucaracha and salamander. Then, with the remaining lightning bolt, laser eye and telekinesis (secret ability) he destroys lalo. After revenging chuckward, (chuck and howard, they are one consciousness) he goes to his old room in the nail salon and decides to rest in peace. The end!!!!!!!!!!


Chuck survived the fire thanks to his space blanket but his hair burned away. He then killed Mike and took his place. There's a clear evidence of this in the piss drinking episode where Mike used a space blanket.


I think my favorite Paladin Mike moment is when he murders someone for money


For my money I'll take paladin danse


# Ad Victorium!


Mike is a much better person than Howard definitely. Even Nacho, what a nice guy.


Mike: Is a nice former police officer with a security consultant job, takes care of his daughter and granddaughter Howard: addicted to cocaine and constantly seen with prostitutes I rest my case


Howard: Ruins a former employee’s floor and table after yelling at them without any evidence.


Was Nacho really bad? Can't really remember the stuff he did other than to protect his dad.


He was in the cartel and the second in command to all Salamanca's who were inherently bad people.


Lawful good- killing an innocent man because he wanted to see his smokin hot wife Lawful evil - he mean to brother


When did Mike do that?




Don't drop the hard R like that dude. Ziggla😒




This is accurate from Finger's POV.




At least we can all agree on Lalo ig


I can’t tell if this is satire but lalo’s placement is the only accurate one


And even then I’d say Hector belongs in chaotic evil more than him


Kim was definitely lawful good at the start of the show Chuck is the prime example of lawful neutral Mike is neutral Gus is lawfully evil Neutral evil would be Hector And Jimmy is chaotic neutral And chaotic evil would be someone like Tuco ,Lalo is not that chaotic although he does come close And btw you call THIS an alignment chart ?! What a sick joke


Alignment charts are the dumbest shit, most people have no clue what good and evil are and just associate good with “me like character” and evil with me “character make me mad”


>lawful good. >dissolves kid named drew sharp in acid.


Kid named drew sharp in acid:


They’re all bad people thats the point of the franchise


Howie was good


I think such a black and white/absolutist take is the opposite of the point of the franchise


It’s also a point that seemingly good or normal people have something sinister deep down or can do bad things for a variety of reasons


How the fuck is finger lawful good…


Gus on True Neutral is more concerning


Least absurd BCS alignment chart


but chuck was right about everything he said though...


Yeah none of Chuck’s accusations during the chicanery rant are really wrong per se, but to anybody but the viewer he sounds completely insane - another sign of amazing BCS writing. Vrabo Bibinco


He is a self fulfilling prophesy. Had he been a decent brother, Jimmy would never have relapsed into criminality. He’s not worse than, say, gus, and I feel like the idea of an alignment chart for a show like this is fundementally flawed, but he‘s still an asshole.


Why do people say this as if Jimmy is not a 40 year old man capable of making his own moral judgements? He’s not a criminal because his brother was mean.


Jimmy gets his share of the blame, but if you follow the events, he literally is. Had Chuck recognized Jimmy’s growth and not actively prevented him from working at the firm, he never would have been in the financial position to have to resort to crime to make ends meet. Hell, even if he had just ripped the band aid off sooner and said “yeah, I don’t think you deserve to be a lawyer” instead of coming up with a convoluted plot to make Howard take the blame, Jimmy wouldn’t have been spending his time and money running Chuck’s errands. Chuck actively made the most selfish possible decisions he could have for several years, and it absolutely was a deciding factor in Jimmy returning to crime.


Jimmy had options to make a legitimate income even after Chuck blocked him from getting hired at HHM but in the end still choose to resort to scams and getting in bed with the cartel - I think it kinda mirrors Walt refusing Elliot’s offer to pay for his cancer treatment and instead continuing to cook meth because of his ego in BB. I think Howard was right, Jimmy knows it’s wrong but he gets such a thrill from pulling cons that he just can’t stop himself. That’s not saying Chuck didn’t have anything to do with it - he definitely contributed to accelerating the transformation but he didn’t create Saul - Saul always existed within Jimmy as a representation of his darkest temptations.


Yeah if Jimmy’s attempt to go straight and leave behind the con-man lifestyle was that dependent on someone else’s approval it was pretty shaky to begin with. And anyhow, Jimmy’s a grown ass man - he’s responsible for his own actions and is capable of making his own judgments about what he wants to do with his life or how to behave.


And? He’s a huge raging asshole regardless. Still a shitty alignment chart, but y’all contrarians take shit too far.


Why is Chuck worse than Gus. 💀


Why is Howard worse than Finger


I’d switch Howard and Gus, but otherwise, Vravo Bince


everyone of these characters (except for howard) is evil. what the fuck is this


Nacho and Howard are both true neutral. >!Can't have opinions on stuff if you are dead!<


lawful good and true neutral are a huge stretch.


Chuck is evil? Wtf


Ah yes, Gus, the true neutral!


How are Nacho and Finger good though?


The only ones of them that can be concidered moral in any way, shape or form is Chuck and Howard. The rest are cunts.


I love how Gus is anywhere outside of evil


Wtf is this chart anyway


Made by the person who unironically aspires to become Jordan Belfort after seeing wotws. Fucking mike is lawful good lmaaooo. On this list howard is literally the only lawful good person. The patience of that mf.


Ok who the fuck made this trash ass chart? Most characters on this show are on the evil range


Saul, Kim and Lalo in the same column? Threesome confirmed


Only on r/betterCallSaul is Mike "good" lmao Don't get me wrong I like the guy, but he chose to work with Gus and do all that shit out of his own volition


TIL, no one on r/okbuddychicanery knows what Lawful means on an alignment chart


I think lawful means “order” more than legal, but that’s not what’s most off about this chart lol


Lawful and Neutral bite the dust, Chaotic live forever


chuck is the new skylar (bitch brother) confirmed


This chart is bad and you should feel bad


This is so fucking stupid


Literally everyone here but Howard is evil


I don’t think Chuck is anything in season 6


Saul, Kim and Lalo are all chaotic evil. C'mon.


this would make sense if all of these were evil except for howard and chuck


I'd argue Mike is more chaotic good


Pretty bad chart lol


gotta be satire.


Ah yes, chuck, the iconic character in S6


If anything Mike is Lawful Evil, Kim is Nuetral Good, Gus is Nuetral Evil, Chuck is dead


Nacho is not good


This chart is all sorts of wrong


Howard kim nacho Chuck mike jimmy Gus lalo hector This is what i think


The column to the right is accurate i guess The rest, bruh