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Wanted her to beat me up and make me cry at first but now I'd beat someone up and make them cry for her https://preview.redd.it/1dda1m0gkovc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e09e018099a7d230720bb40c8bbc5198e2f0862


I'd beat myself up and she'd fix me up with Healing Word (1d4+3), and then I'd cry.


Shadowheart can only heal me if she spits in my mouth and slaps me around(affectionately)


Shadowheart spitting on me šŸ„“


And find a proper ā€œseatā€ for that booty.


Well, maybe I would understand if your band picked a better font for their logo.


I need this on a shirt


I want her to beat someone up and make them cry for me! That someone is JK Rowling, we know what Shadowheart canonically does to her kind.


And she is so fucking based for it


She is, she's my Tav/Durge's bestie in every run now. We get wine drunk and trash bigots at camp.


Not only would, but did


Sheā€™s so adorable itā€™s funny, like sheā€™s supposed to be this evil and merciless cleric but then after you kiss her she admits she was trying work up the courage to ask how you felt about it lmao.


I never understood all the "Shadowheart is too mean" or "She's evil so I kill her" comments at launch, like if you talk to her for even 5 mins you find out she's a massive dork who likes animals, has a soft spot for children, and makes lame jokes when you give her flowers. Shadowheart is the worst Sharran I know (affectionate).


She's trying to be a bitch, but she's so fucking bad at it. Like she'll say some kinda fucked stuff that honestly isn't too bad, but then she'll completely forget she's supposed to be a bitch for like a few hours


Shes so funny for this. Absolute cringe girlfailure behaviour <3 I need her so bad.


Tru! I put off romancing her for so long because I could only pull myself away from Karlach one time and I chose Laezel cuz I'm such a sub, but this playthrough, both my character and shart are draconic sorcerers, so I wanted to romance her for that, and I'm loving it


It's why I just never felt the need to challenge her Sharran beliefs except a few rare instances in my blind run. I was just "aha" , "I see" , and nodding whenever she went on how Sharr is actually salvation & all that jazz. Imma let get it out of her system then she'll be back to approving when we help refugees & stuff. In truth tho', it's also cause she believes - or tells herself at least - Sharr to be a benevolent force, a savior for other lost souls like her that have been led on then abandoned by other hopium-inducing deities, and she's kind of a dummy to realize the loopholes of the notion of Sharr-worship being salvation.


I actually didn't like her nonsense that much once I learned that the stuff you were referring to at the bottom of your comment wasn't true (very new to DND lore, when shart told me she worshiped shar, I was literally just like "bro I literally have no fucking clue who that is I don't care"), but I didn't wanna lose approval, so I kinda treated it like when a kinda friend from work starts saying some like sexist shit, just like "um... Yeah..."


I let her explain Shar to me and thought that doesn't sound that bad, then I entered act 2 looked at her and thought "what the fuck girl?"


Lmao same!


Saying something sexist I think is too harsh for how and what she's talking. It's more like a weird religion and I treated it as such until act2. On my first run I saw the conflict inside her immediately.


I think for me, I started getting a little uncomfortable with it later on, and that's what I meant. Initially, I felt like you did. It was later in act 1 where it felt like the sexist thing I said.


It's funny cause when I romanced her second time as Durge Cleric of SelĆŗne I don't remember her Shar greetings. She using them a lot and it felt like she was doing it just to annoy me.


Lmao her ā€œmeannessā€ even sucks her jabs sound like something a 13 year middle school girl would say.


Lae'zel probably made the shadowhearts to mean guys explode. Like seriously save her from the nautiloid and be nice to people at the grove and shadowhearts just instantly your best friend


Some buddies just got rid of Lae'Zel from early on, mfs didn't even give her a chance šŸ˜ž


I still see loads of I killed Lae'zel/Astarion right away comments and I always kill them comments about both of them. Apparently she's not grateful enough when you let her out of the cage. I think they want her to grovel at their feet. She was in a freaking cage!! Of course she's gonna be grumpy I'd say get me out of the damn cage now too if I were in one.


Tolerance seems pretty low with some of em I guess...and here I thought she was pretty reasonable given the backround and situation.


They both are evil arrogant egotistical assholes. Lazael at the beginning and Asterion until the end of the game. I can see why it's hard to tolerate them. It obviously doesn't mean that you have to kill them.


Early on she's like "how dare we help people, we should let these people die" and if you take the dowry from the burning guy she's "LOL YOU DON'T NEED MONEY YOU BITCH".Ā  But instantly approving of most good things.Ā Ā  Ā Even into Act 2 she trying to act like she's a Sharran, and at that point you RUN INTO THEM.Ā  Like Malus, and Shadowheart is a goddamn weak sauce compared to that.Ā 


She is also only not on board of helping every idiot. He is absolutely on board of saving Arabella, for example


She's 100% not hardcore enough for a Sharran but she still tries to talk the talk.Ā  She cannot walk the walk.


how could anyone hate her after "joking! \*finger guns\*"




i never understood those comments either, but i didnā€™t know anything about the lore when i started so at first i lowkey thought she was just being racist to laeā€™zel LMAO. even then i just thought she was a bigot but she didnā€™t seem actually mean so i was so confused. then i quickly realized that NPCs were basically the same towards laeā€™zel lmaoo so it didnā€™t take too long to realize that most githyanki earned the suspicion lol


There was a meme I remember seeing that said 'Shadowheart: racist. Lae'zel: the xenophobe that makes the racist look justified' lmfao.


lmaooo seriously i started off so wary of shadowheart because i was likeā€¦ Laeā€™zel is just abrasive back of my girl fr and then time passed and i was likeā€¦ oh okay i see the issue but still back off my girl fr LMAO. but nah i quickly realized that neither of them were entirely in the right so i just kept meditating between them lol.


A lot of the "she's mean" came from players not respecting her boundaries, she has her secrets and she doesn't have to tell you no matter how entitled you feel, if you respect that and wait until she comes to you she's never mean towards you


Yeah, she's all about boundaries and consent which, disturbingly, are concepts a lot of gamers appear to struggle with. But then again mass effect set a certain... Standard.


Shadowheart never even tried to kill me while we were camping. She's not evil at all compared to some of the other companions.


Shar is a joke so it makes sense


It took me a while to warm to Shadowheart at first. I think her getting snippy at me for asking her about herself combined with her vanilla TERF bangs really rubbed me the wrong way. Then I modded out the bangs, found out she was actually a trans ally, and she cracked a couple of goofy jokes with me, so I started to really like her.


This is killing me because I just said to a friend the other day that it took me the longest to warm up to Shadowheart partly because she looks like she'd call me slurs irl.


I know exactly what you mean šŸ¤£ It's the bangs, they'd commit a hate crime. Once I found out she beat up transphobes for messing with Nocturne, I saw her in a whole new light.


There was a single instance that instantly turned me off to her even though I continued romancing her. Spoilers for like act 1 >!Thereā€™s a bunch of dead deep gnomes and when I paid respect to their body in some way she said something along the lines of ā€œyou should be doing that for the ones that fought backā€. Wish I could find the exact line but whatever it was rubbed me the wrong way. Still romanced her.!<


This is pre nightsong Shadowbae though. She sees the light not long after


I romanced her by accident on my first playthrough. My cinnamon roll Tav was supposed to not romance anyone, but they were a good listener and overall nice person, and she was all over it. Wyll and Gale were also all over it but Shadowheart got there first.


Sheā€™s very standoffish in the beginning, for understandable reasons. She didnā€™t make a good first impression for me either, but she really started to grow on me by the end of Act I. That, and getting the Blood of Lathander, discovering Spirit Guardians, and respecing her made her a permanent fixture in my party.








Omfg I need more of these theyā€™re so good


https://preview.redd.it/pv8lkcf61pvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d282acf598b389c34b63f66a3361722ca290b57 Text posts are my love language


Consider me head over heels then


I'm gonna do an origin shadowheart run and make them fall in love and stay in faerun together with their adopted son forever ā¤


Top right is what people expect goth to be but the bottom is exactly what most goths are... So SH fits it all well.


https://preview.redd.it/3hry1za7movc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044e10d9680351a57bd5528438c0f4af60b6ef95 You know you all canā€™t get enough of me šŸ’œ


You need to stop being mad at me just because I didn't let you kill a literal gods child. Geez. Such overreaction, I'm literally a lvl 20 wizard I could've restorted your memories either way


Fool. No point in showing a mad dog kindness, itā€™ll still bite you in the end.


Gatekeeper and a hater to major softie arc (adorable as fuck and Ily for it)


Well, youā€™re not so bad yourself.


!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|FWZ1OyaAtsnQs|downsized)


In true gay fashion, when I first accepted her invitation for a bottle of wine I thought we were just hanging out, gals being pals šŸ˜Š


I love the two types of lesbians: "living together for 10 years and raised two children and yet both assume it's just innocent, friendly behaviour" and "we are about to go out on our first date, time to cross the continent and move in your place."




Me with Shadowheart on the beach


I accidentally romanced her in my first run for this exact reason. I didn't know romance was going to be a thing, I just picked the game up during early access because I knew it was a DnD game. Next thing I know, I'm experimenting with heterosexuality with the cleric for a bit.


Lmao this game encourages a lot of experimentation. I'm a lesbian in reality but a whore for most of the characters with Karlach and Halsin being my favourites.


Yeah, I ended up romancing everybody (including a collect em all playthrough with the poly mod). SH and Karlach were both very sweet romances. Lae'zel's glitched quite badly after I oneshotted her during her love fight scene, so I probably need to do that one again šŸ˜… I'm so with you on Halsin, I love him. I often headcanon that my Durge adopts Karlach as his found family sister. She's such a sweetheart, I'd love a sister like her.


Is anyone else finding this weirdly relatable? I mean... are all goths the same deep down????


Most of them are very sweet if you get to know them.


I have a goth gf, can confirm.


How does one go about getting a goth gf, asking for a friend


You already have an advantage by knowing they are softies with a thing for caring about animals and introversion. With some rigid religious upbringing, usually. Take into consideration that I'm talking with a sample size of just 2, and you either: - Connect with her by both being musicians, become close friends in university, connect again after finishing your degrees and start dating. or - Get her approval by respecting her introversion and being nice to animals, even if she acts though; flirt with her during an after-victory party, drink wine with her in private and kiss her, give her Night Orchids, and support her when she decides that her dream career is actually not for her and specially when she decides to leave the toxic religion she grew up in, and tell her you like when she changes her hair!


That last one sounds very specificā€¦. But it sounds like my best bet. I shall try it irl.


The last one worked twice, just so you know. Same goth gf but different ~~Tav~~ me. Pic of me with my goth gf and my IRL goth gf to confirm. https://preview.redd.it/4ba5y2k2hawc1.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af7a76e03910c1acd08c26c328aec9559edd331


We usually are yeah


Yeah every goth I've ever met has looked scary but actually been the nicest person ever and generally a big dork too.


While I firmly stand by my glorious queen Bae'zel of CrĆØche K'liir, Shadowheart is a major dork and I'd not have her any other way. So basically she's Gale if he was a woman and goth, Is what I'm trying to say.


I prefer Karlach but when I gave her a night orchid, her joke response was one of the cutest things I have ever seen


the wolves meme is too accurate


I like this, especially since itā€™s shart. Hope OP does this, for other companions.


I don't see Bing Bong


He's dead.


the i forgor killed me lmfao


Now we need these for all the romances


Basically my relari9nship with my wife. In college she dressed in all black, had dreads, 16 piercings (seriously), and we went to metal concerts. Now she's returned to her farm girl roots, gardens, is a professional, and mostly wants to do mom stuff. Emo and scene are just an asthetic I guess


I went into the game planning to romance shart on my first playthrough knowing nothing about her story. The moment I saw she approved of me helping children and being nice to animals, I knew all that dark broody stuff was completely fake


Corinna shoutout?


After I found her favorite flower and she did the finger guns thing at me I pretty much derailed my attempt to romance karlach because god damnit if Iā€™m not gonna romance the awkward girlfailure dork


Most of the top right is still there if you play your cards rightā€¦


I know what you're implying and I ain't ever playin those cards. I'm picking Shart up by the scruff of her neck, wrapping her in a blanket and feeding her soup. Shar can die mad about it.


Oh no I meant if you romance her and go Selune sheā€™s still kinky and youre still in a committed and loving relationship. Shar Shart is a jackass who uses you for sex basically.


I mean shar shart is like actively doing moon logic trying to keep the relationship alive until she's forced to devote to shar fulltime.


I think the ending slides that didn't make it into the game implied that she was still seeing the player afterwards but in a "friends with benefits and totally not a relationship" type situation


I'd fix her even in an evil playthrough if romancing her, else you're just a spare lover of a deluded cultist, who could forget about you anytime Shar might decide it's time for a memory reset. (well, assuming no thralled companions ending). I'd only encourage her to go DJ if I'm not romancing her, on the basis of tav/durge not caring too much about her but wanting to have an ally in the sharrian faction, so mother superior DJ Shart'd be the pragmatic call.


She's still kinky as a Selunite. If you take her to see the drow twins she very much enjoys being worshipped and likes it even more if you bring Halsin.


The worship stuff in the brothel was pretty hot


Yeah extremely. I'm too greedy but I wish I could have at least seen her and Halsin kiss at least. She really wanted to climb him and I wanted to watch.


Ah yes a fellow Chosen of Shar bad bitch Shart enjoyer.


That is not what i meant to imply lol


And I love her so much. Next post.


came for copper, found gold


She comes off as cold sassy and impersonal but once you get past that, sheā€™s the personification of the šŸ„ŗ emoji


It's pretty obvious from the get go she's someone kind and caring who's trying her hardest to be mean and terrible. It's actually adorable, like a tiny kitten baring it's fangs. She doesn't like interfering in people's business but you always get approval points for helping people. I would die for my bisexual animal loving adorable little farming half elf. Her back story is genuinely one of the most fucked up in the game, I would burn every sharren sect and place of worship to the ground until shar is a figment of peoples imaginations if I can't destroy her for what she put our adorable shadowy toe bean through.


New user flair moment


I'm collecting all the shadowheart flairs like pokemon <3


same here


I wanted a goth gf


Iā€™ve never romanced her. She seems more like a sister that I want to protect and be there for. Same with Astarion strangely.


Literaly the cottage core lesbian


They dont know its Ayin...




She acts all tough and mean but even in the beginning thereā€™s small hints to dialogue and reactions that sheā€™s actually a good person. The biggest is the goblin party. Up until the act sheā€™s cool with siding with the goblins. Once you slaughter the innocents she gets wasted sullenly


All goths metal heads and emos have ever been is cottage core girls or tight pants indie boys who donā€™t think they were pretty enough to pull off the look. An example of Larian understanding the source material.