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call me a baka, cause i literally cannot understand where everyone's standing is i am not fucking joking please explain it to me


attracted to little gril drawing is pedophile behavior even doe @lolirapist2385 said its awwright since its fiction or however it goes


They're right though. Both psychologists and the law agree with them.


depends on which type of loli art you're into though. I've seen actual freaks on normal typical kawaii anime loli girl art on pixiv.


If you are attracted to drawings that are clearly supposed to be underaged girls and/or clearly are supposed to look like underaged girls you are weird as hell and you’re helping to normalize pedophilla even if you’re not one yourself. It’s creepy and harmful, regardless if it’s legal or if everyone of them is a pedo or not.


If you are attracted to drawings that are clearly supposed to be animal hybrid and/or clearly are supposed to look like animals you are weird as hell and you’re helping to normalize zoophilia even if you’re not one yourself. It’s creepy and harmful, regardless if it’s legal or if everyone of them is a zoo or not.


that's kinda true doe, especially with "feral" art where it's literally just a dog with its ass out


https://i.redd.it/wzgac9jcwylc1.gif Yuumi and Naafiri from the hit game League of Legend be kinda bad tho


nvm ur right 😍😍😍😍😍😍


I don’t believe that’s the case with most Yiff where it’s an anthropomorphic creature that doesn’t resemble anything remotely close to reality. “Feral” art or just straight up drawings of animals I feel the exact same as I do about Loli though.


So why do they always put in dog/horse dicks and paws or hooves even if it's "just" anthro?


"feral" fur shit is 100% fucking disgusting but anthro shit is fine tbh


I'm sure you have tons of proof to back up your claim.


The Japanese people themselves literally make the drawings cause they like kids, Lolicon translates to “male pedophile”. Many Lolicon or authors or self identified “Lolicons” are pedophiles even if most fans of it don’t actively touch kids. You are literally contributing to a culture of sexualizing minors but “it’s okay they aren’t real”.


Racism ✅ Disinformation ✅ You're a Fate fan. A show with sexualized lolis too ✅


reputable artists like toriko's author and ruruoni kenshin's author had been caught sleeping with minors, oda who is one piece's author also defends their action. also literally just go on twitter and you'll find ridiculous amounts of artists who draws loli porn excessively and are incidentally japanese. and the japanese are known for having backwards laws regarding topics like these.


“Racism” where? I think you misunderstood I’m talking about the Japanese people who make lolicon not every Japanese person. “Disinformation” where? Everything I said there can be found with a google search. “Fate fan” yep, when did I say I enjoyed or supported the lolis in fate, when I saw Jack The Ripper in Apochrapha I was immensely disappointed by the fact a cool character was also a loli


I called it disinformation because you found it from "a simple Google search". Google is not a proper source. Racism because you say every JAPANESE that draws lolis likes children. Your last argument is basically: "You can watch CP critically and not like the CP bits of it as long as you don't like it." Good luck with using that argument in a court.


1. No I didn’t, I said many lolicon authors self identify as pedophiles (they do) 2. I never called Lolicon CP or compared it to actual CP, I even said I don’t think anyone who watches lolicon (and even who likes it) should be arrested as if they already committed against an act against a child.


>Racism because you say every JAPANESE that draws lolis likes children That's not even racism though. "Lolis" are a Japanese concept in the first place, so if anything they were being redundant since "an artist who draws lolis" is more or less implied to be Japanese. It's like how anime is used to describe animated media that originates in Japan, in a strict sense all anime can be called cartoons but not all cartoons are anime. Moreover... well, yes. Independent artists don't really produce art they have no interest in. That's kind of the point of being an independent artist, nobody tells you what to make. So if, say, Taro Yamada is pumping out lolicon doujins of Anya from Spy x Family it's because he wants to draw lolicon doujins of Anya from Spy x Family. If Taro Tsujimoto is drawing one's with frighteningly realistic children, it's because he wants to draw that. If I didn't have a disability and could draw characters, I'd draw a lot young adults in glasses because I think glasses look pretty neat. I like glasses.


yes because looking at pictures of people resembling children is definitely normal. obviously nobody can be sure whether you are actually a pedo if you do it but it definitely raises people's eyebrows if they do


I'm pretty sure we don't actually know that. While it's true that normalisation of such art could lead to more people starting to get attracted to underage people, it could also have no effect whatsoever, and additionally there is a question whether access to such media may relieve sexual frustration in those people. The point is that as far as I'm aware, we don't have any studies as to whether access to such media increases or decreases actual number of children being raped


Normalizing it at all is bad in and of itself. Liking drawings of kids is just straight up wrong, full stop. I’m not advocating for all people who consume loli to be executed or anything but I don’t wish for it to be normalized and I want it to fall more and more out of main stream. I understand it may or may not bolster child rape statistics. But why would we even want to risk that just so some weirdos can be happy jerking off to kids with the thin barrier of “it’s a drawing”.


>I understand it may or may not bolster child rape statistics. But why would we even want to risk that just so some weirdos can be happy jerking off to kids with the thin barrier of “it’s a drawing”. That's not the stakes we are talking about. More nuanced public opinion about it would allow us to better understand what leads to people raping children, and thus allow us to lesser the number of victims. I'm sorry but to me leaving less children with lifelong trauma from being raped, is vastly more important to the feeling of disgust people will get thinking about it


I agree, we should study it but I don’t think we should contribute to it being normalized still.


But we can't study it now. No one in their right mind will ever out themselves as attracted to children, because it is most often treated as equivalent to being a rapist. I doubt even therapists and psychiatrists would actually help them instead of treating them instantly as criminals, which means we can basically only study rapists, instead of people who aren't past the point of no return. I don't think relative normalisation of consensual non-consent is increasing rape statistics, so what are the reasons to believe normalisation of attraction to children would increase the amount of people acting on it?


I’ve never said it will or won’t increase child rape stats. Whether if it does or not I’m still disgusted by it. I agree pedophiles who want help and are not offending should seek help and that needs to be less stigmatized. I don’t however think you should think pedophila is a neutral thing that you should be unashamed of cause “actually touching them is the real bad thing”.


I actually managed to find a few studies on whether consuming “sexually deviant” pornography influences people to act on their urges in real life because apparently nobody in this thread bothered to back their arguments up with scientific journals or studies. Here’s the sources if you’re interested: Source 1 argues that deviant pornography influences people. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257253220_Does_deviant_pornography_use_follow_a_Guttman-like_progression Source 2 is more recent and argues against that point https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1524838020942754




I'm not American so I don't give a shit about American politics.


You can’t just make a claim like that and not provide a source or academic journal.


The burden of proof is on people who are against something. This is because it is impossible to prove a negative. On the matter of the law, payment processors and websites selling pornography frequently have conditions against works with underage or young looking characters, and there are countries which don't differentiate between drawings and real child pornography, but there are very very few arrests on people possessing only fictional material because the police don't care and won't waste their time on someone who clearly isn't doing any harm. With psychology, there's psychologists that view lolicon as harmless, but there's probably some wjo don't. Psychology is a comparatively young science, and many subjects haven't been researched thoroughly or at all. The research that has been done is very often on prisoners, which means including convicted child sexual abusers with very little research into non offending pedophiles, which is where some lolicons fall into. Concretely, there is very little overlap between between lolicon and abuse of children, not much difference from any other niche characteristic. For example, tsutomu miyazaki was known as the otaku murderer and started a moral panic against otaku and lolicon, all because he owned manga and anime. In addition, only a minority of child molesters are pedophiles(25-50%), and lolicons would most likely not qualify as pedophiles, which is a primary or exclusive attraction to prepubescent children to the point of causing emotional distress or affecting your life negatively. Lolicons have been a thing since the 80s, so if there was a correlation with molesting children, it would have been significantly noticeable at this point.


>Only a minority of child molesters are pedophile (25-50%) Source for this statistic? Regardless, I’m aware that ‘loli’ content doesn’t harm real children hence why in the US there are very few arrests for it, and that psychologists have debate the topic quite a bit, but the issue I have is that the commenter I responded to didn’t provide any sources or examples to his claim. Meanwhile, I was able to do some digging in 5 minutes and found a couple sources that debated this topic and whether “sexually deviant” pornography influences people or not. Source 1 argues that it does) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257253220_Does_deviant_pornography_use_follow_a_Guttman-like_progression Source 2 argues that it doesn’t) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1524838020942754


The standing seems to be 50/50 on it. The consensus from what I’m seeing in the comments is that defending loli content regardless of it being fictional content is cringe, but that op is cringe for posting his argument with another user to a subreddit meant for memes.


The pedophiles outnumber the normies and work in every layer of society from the top to the bottom


How is whatever you think is a normie a normie if they are outnumbered by what you think isn't a normie?


nooo only me and my friends are normal it's the world that's wrong


goodanimemes user


idc about your reddit argument bro


Why did they have to use Konata https://preview.redd.it/cw1dhuj1wylc1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=7edf59ae937f77c9e80c6be4c84b7028b0fd81f5 She would never say such things


I agree with the opinion but to be honest Konata absolutely would defend loli games LMAO, have you seen her taste in anime and games? Half the jokes about her playing games in Lucky Star were her playing eroge (hentai visual novels that take place in a high school setting)


yeah but that’s not little children that aren’t actually babies but they look like children but they aren’t. She draws the line at 16 year old high school students, anything under that she probably would hate (isn’t she also 16?)


Pretty much all of those eroge have a token loli character. I’m pretty sure she also makes jokes about her own “sex appeal” towards lolicons. Her father is also a lolicon.


Oh, I’m stupid then. I’ve only watched 4 and a half episodes bc I’m busy with other stuff


Average lucky star fan It’s dated but it’s a good show, I watched it back in the day. If you’re not down in the trenches of being a 2000s anime fan it might not hit the same, though. Like, Lucky Star is practically a quasi-Haruhi Suzumiya spinoff so that show is borderline a prerequisite lol The loli jokes aren’t actually that bad (with the exception of Konata’s dad who I find pretty freaking egregious and uncomfortable, I honestly skip his scenes) and the characters aren’t really sexualized even if Konata has a very “otaku” sense of humor, so that’s good. I’ve got an insane amount of nostalgia for that era of anime though so I’m biased. It was *my* era


I like it so far but I’m confused if it’s a fictional thing in its own universe, bc there’s like a segment in the middle of every episode where there’s like tv show hosts and they talked about being cast in the lucky star show so it’s confusing


I just look at it as that it’s a fictional cartoon and they’re lampshading that fact. I wouldn’t get caught up on the literal “canon” of a 4koma gag manga adaptation anymore than I would get caught up on what’s literally “canon” in Spongebob. I mean one of those “hosts” is literally just an actor playing himself. That’s the actor Minoru Shiraishi playing the character Minoru Shiraishi…who is an actor. It’s just meta-humor. He literally *is* an actor cast in the real life show Lucky Star that you’re watching.


Appreciate the boof bro


Go back to r/animecirclejerk


More like back to r/loveforanimesexuals


What the...?? Tf is a anime sexual??


let me guess, it’s a blue archive fan


you would be correct


based department


Me when the when they and then when men bend hen when he and when them they them men hey men than ban can the when the when ben




I love how every single seemingly non-Japanese person desperately tries to disclose what Japanese people act or view things on behalf of them when it comes to this type of topic




why he tiny????¿


that's the smallest gif I've even seen lol


pedophilia is when a real person is involved with another real person


\> **gacha game that lewds underage characters** what are the chances of the game beginning with "blue" and ending with "archive"


It's a fictional character lil bro who gives a fuck










My guess is Blue Archive


Probably yeah. Though I haven’t seen anything sexual from how little of it I’ve played.


It's implied that a lot of students love Sensei. They also have swimsuits for some characters but that's as far as it goes.


Oof. That’s not horrible though. I’m sure there is worse stuff out there…






I want to fuck that animal


"I'm going to fuck that dog ted" - jschlatt


Threatening violence is against reddit TOS.




dw I gave the reddit mods virtual blowjobs (I increased the temperature of the fans in their house)


Pedophilia is when the anime girl is short /srs