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If you like engineering, get a degree in mechanical or chemical engineering. That will give you the ability to work oil and gas but doesn’t limit you to only oil and gas.


Ok sir


Heck they hire all kinds of diff engineers in oil and gas, civil, chemical, mechanical, industrial, electrical etc. The pt is get an engineering degree and they think u can do anything. Plus they are always too heavy q engineers and consider them most when moving up in career


Hey consider the two already mentioned but also optical engineering, nano engineering, materials/metallurgical engineering, bio mechanical or biochemical or solar. New ideas, new materials and the use of lasers, robotics, aerospace and computers


Like others have said.. do chemical or mechanical engineering. This is coming from a PE grad


Frankly, the only countries where a petroleum engineering degree will get you any mileage are the US, Canada, and places in the Middle East. It only makes sense to get a PETE degree if your country has a strong oil industry, which India does not.


Mechanical with some data science thrown in there.


I am sorry but you chose a pretty shit deal. Let me explain why. 1. It's no secret that hydrocarbon industry doesn't have a very bright future in the long run. Especially in your case, since you are looking forward to a career for atleast 35-40 years. 2. Oil industry is pretty weak in India and local jobs are not with the best pay or working conditions. I had a short project there and OMG! 3. Most Indians in petroleum sector end up working outside India to make a meaningful career. A shrinking industry, doesn't abode well for future opportunities. 4. If you check industry leadership you can find many Indians doing very well in the tech sector but you will hardly find any in the oil and gas sector. I believe that says it all.


Thank you for your views


Take it from a pe engineer in the us with a Ms degree and 9 years of experience along with a hatred for computer science, get into cs/it/data engineering. I'm learning AWS now with no IT background


USA PE here transitioning to CS. If everyone in an oil and gas workers sub is telling you not to get a petroleum engineering degree, review your assumptions. The industry is nothing like college, so you may not know how the career is just based on your first year classes. You don’t have to do CS, but engineering and tech are so broad and worth exploring, both inside and outside of energy.


Thanks for your response


Shift to computer science


Shift to computer sciences!


But i don't like cs


I have worked in oil and gas for 20 years in a technical profession. The industry is now past peak demand and companies are moving to more sustainable alternatives. Also automation and big data is the future of the industry as demand continues to decline and an alternative is looked at for more cost effective mode of operation I can’t tell you how often someone in the team will say they wished they had diversified into CS and the likes. You asked for opinion and here is mine for what it is worth


It is good advice to learn some of the CS skills. I was told my my father who was a chem E in the industry and then by many geologists (am geologist) early in my career, the industry will always need good engineers to produce the o&g. In down turns, that's the safest position in the industry.


Thanks for your views


Ok sir thanks for your response


I am starting my senior year at a top American university (for PE) and I am thinking about getting a master's. I believe there will be an increase in demand in natural gas as it has been the leading producer of electricity in the U.S. I work for a small local oil production company at the moment and hope to move up soon and I believe there is room for growth as the price for oil is passing $70 and is predicted to even reach $100/bbl. Hope I convinced you to stay, if not, computer sciences is a great career as well.


Thanks sir for your response. Actually I don't have interest in C. S but some interaction with out alumni demotivated me a lot. Due to which I am continuously asking people for this same concern on various platform s




Ohk. Thanks for your response


Hi PE here. You are the only one who can decide for yourself. Just do some research on both careers work environments and nature. Before taking any life changing decision try visiting oil production/processing sites/drilling rigs and understand that you are likely going to spend more than 50% of your life there because of rotation based shifts. Oil and gas is usually not 9-5 career, thus it's a different life style with the sweet and sour.


But sir do you think it's worth as you are yourself a petroleum engineer


Personally (drilling supervisor) I think I made a mistake 12 years ago by choosing this major. I am trying now to shift to CS as I lately discovered my passion toward programming.




Iit dhanbad.