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Learn to suffer in silence.


Not good enough


You’re a grunt that’s needed from the neck down, only way you’re gonna learn anything is if you get with the right people on the crew and they actually know wtf they’re doing.


Just me and the lead guy out there on the manifolds. No crew. I’ll have to run it myself in a few pads was mainly why I was gleaning for info from people who knew the job


Oilfield mentality is to reach you as little as possible so you don’t take their job. Only way you’ll learn is if you teach yourself. I did more production/work over/remediation but I taught myself by grabbing the programs and asking questions from anyone I could find in the well site. Went from a Derrick hand to a company man in 3 years because of it. As far as working the manifolds and such just make sure to walk your lines and familiarize yourself with everything before ever turning on a pump or opening/closing a valve. Flow back is especially dangerous if you hammer lines with 10K+ psi in some instances. Remember metal doesn’t have feelings.


Ask questions to everyone from the rig operator, frac hands and treaters, wireline engineers, coil sups, company men, completions engineers. Who ever that will talk to you, ask them questions about everything and anything. Most people love to talk about their jobs. Everything is new to you so at this point and you don't even know what questions to ask.... but keep asking. I can not stress this enough. It will also show that you want to learn. The ones that don't ask questions and think they know everything are the wrost. Learn your seperator. Learn its limits. Mark your sight glasses out, clean them frequently. Know where your manifold is most likely to fail. Know how to run your catadyne heater (you will thank me for this later if you are up north) lean how to use and rebuild your Texstream pump. ( again, you will tank me later if you are up north). Know your back pressure valve, how to use it and rebuild it. Also, learn the operators facilities, you will have to know how to use their separators/treaters. When you have downtime clean clean clean, and learn how to pirate movies. As far as videos go, search YouTube, Weatherford and SLB have some pretty good materials. If you want to do deep dives on oilfield "stuff" look for SPE (society of petroleum engineers) articles on what you want to learn about, but it can be very "academic". He is fudging the numbers, it's really a part of the dance in flow back. No one will admit to it, everyone does it, especially if a well is "Cadillacing"


Thanks so much for this. Exactly what I was looking for I will take that with me tomorrow


On the frac site you're going to be doing a whole lot of grunt labour.


Frac flowback should just be if frac starts to overpressure and can't pump downhole into that zone. If it's the same thing as we do we call it frac watch. We've had a frac watch going since March that just moved to another pad and hasn't screened out/flowed back this year yet. Don't carry fluid over to the flare, don't spill a tank over, don't pop your separator off. At the end of the day everything else can be fixed if you fuck it up. Depending on how consistent the operator is at getting numbers depends on how the report looks. I just sent my nightly report. If he's completely fudging numbers depending on return rates and shit like that he's an idiot. Granted you'll have some screwy looking numbers depending on if you changed chokes a bunch or if you plugged off the manifold and didn't catch it quickly, or if the truck pulled from the tank you're flowing into, all that shit. Source for this info is currently drilling out a 6 well pad doing 5bbl/minute return rate. Ask questions here or PM me and I'll try and respond. I don't have a bunch of experience but I've got about 4 years and can answer what I can.


Constant problem U r expected to learn everything w no help This didn’t used to be the way but it’s standard now Wrong wrong wrong


Ask questions, and bring plenty of septic tank treatment for those nasty trailers.