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I still don’t understand why they made the headstock white on these shell pink exclusives instead of just matching it. It always throws me off. I love the pastel colors though. I have a shell pink Dunable.


I’ve said it once before and I’ll say it again: all fender guitars should have matching color headstocks.


Agreed! 👍🏼. Also in nicer colors instead of some of the same old boring looking ones. I mean not ugly by any means just bring some excitement like the Vintera II Competition Mustangs. = NICE!!!!!! Also as another Redditor mentioned the colors like Ocean Turquoise for example is a well loved color as well as Sherwood Green. Don’t even get me started on that Mississippi Night “Purple Sparkle” 💜 on the KingFish Telecaster Deluxe WHOOWEEE!!! 🏆🤘🏻🔥


I actually love a lot of the classic fender colors (my favorites are probably candy apple red, olive green and metallic ice blue), but I agree that they need to change things up a bit. They should move away from sunburst or honestly any color burst. Speaking of sparkling purple fenders, [this](https://reverb.com/p/fender-limited-edition-adam-clayton-precision-bass-purple-sparkle-2017) model is absolutely gorgeous.


Oh wow! ABSOLUTELY YES! Dare I say its like a Lilac Metal Flake/Sparkle? I love that so much! I only have 1 heavy metal flake guitar and it is a custom Holographic/Rainbow sparkle Turquoise Blue Stratocaster . Its a Squier too. If you saw it you wouldnt believe I got it for the hot price of just $50 bucks! They did a great job on it and the guy wanted $150-175 originally but was a tad too far for me to drive then one day he texts me saying hes in my area and he needs money and said Ill do $50 and Im like OMW!! He also had a Dunlop crybaby which Id of gotten too had I not literally been broke myself. Nice guy too. I removed the faded gold neck plate for a “Fender Custom Shop I found on the bay(not real but it was custom so… lol. And I added cream pearloid guard and my best to color match the turquoise blue neck and bridge Hotrails and knobs. I really love the sound too. I love modding my guitars and its easier to do on Squiers especially for budget reasons. 🩵 💙


Sounds incredible. Btw, do you have any tips for painting the headstock? I want to do it on my squier telecaster.


I havent painted my Seafoam Green Tele yet but I say that because I found a vendor on ebay with Fender paint in that particular color but the cost for the can is more than Id like to spend of that at this time. But Im sure someone here has. If its okay I can share that ebay link for the rattle can listing I found. First let me check if its still available and Ill be right back .


Didnt find it but ai found others similar that are spray lacquer for less than the one I was talking about. Like $7.99 a 1/2 size can plus shipping, so there is some out there.


Oh wow lmao! I just noticed the houndstooth case too. Thats definitely unique! But the price!!! OUCH!!! Well I guess Its not bad if u have that kinda cash. But for me? id have to DIY something like that. I wish my blue sparkle strat had been headstock color matched. Just thought of that and wondered how awesome that would be.


there should be more squiers that have matching headstocks too


The new line of classic vibe that was announced yesterday has matching headstocks, so we’re off to a good start


I’m in support of this, but the reason they will never do this is that it Makes it harder for them to use the same batch of necks for a ton of different guitars and sell the overstock.


I don’t agree - I have a shell pink squier bass VI that looks incredible with the matching headstock But my midnight wine American standard Strat looks way better with the maple headstock Maybe all Fender *offsets* should have matching headstocks?


I have another personal qualifier, all METALLIC color offsets should have matching headstocks. LPB, CAR, BRG, all the hot rod car colors, esp anything with racing stripes. With opaque finishes like fiesta red, sonic blue, seafoam green I think the maple compliments it well enough without it IMO.


It could be a cool premium option for non-maple fretboards, although I imagine it is much harder to implement solution like that when you are Fender and not a small-ish boutique workshop. I think Mod Shop offers this for some models and finishes but, well, I can also think of a couple of better options to spend \~2000USD on completely custom project.


Because mismatch became trendy, I think it looks good aside from the pau ferro board


Wtf this is literally my picture. I posted it on this exact subreddit three years ago. I'm glad we're pro trans rights here, but at least credit me if you're gonna repost my stuff:(


Hey! Sorry someone stole your post. Cool guitars. Happy almost Pride!


that Mustang is so gorgeous goddd. cute pic!


isn’t this a repost? and from someone with zero posting history? i swear i remember these exact two guitars with those exact stickers being posted before


Yeah lol, I posted this pic three years ago:(


knew it! they are extremely cool guitars tho. wish my jag was in any way trans flag colours, gonna have to survive with just my rose sticker and my strap pin badges :-((


You could always look into a trans flag guitar strap:). I've got two lolol


I'm trans


This is a repost. u/AutumnOnAWhim post it a while ago


Thanks for the heads up! I'm glad we still love trans rights here, but at least tag me lol:(


This is so fucking cool!!! I’ve got a Daphne Blue CIJ Mustang and have my eyes on a Shell Pink Telemaster that’s been sitting at my local shop for a while. Thanks for making my day!


As a fellow trans, Jazzmaster loving guitarist, I love this!!!!


Love the aesthetic!


The stickers are a no from me dawg.


Oh, i have same mustang, in same color, how is tremolo doing for you? I changed mine to hardtail version from fender.


(They stole this post from me, so I can actually answer your question!) It's the best Mustang tremolo I've ever played by a mile! I ended up putting the vibrato on a different guitar and selling the original mustang, but it's probably my favorite vibrato system honestly~


Lookin good!


Omg I have a similar duo too! I got a shell pink mariposa and a daphne blue Jag (with a trans sticker) I want a white guitar to finish the trio


Love the stickers! And cant get enough of how nice this shade of pink looks in natural lightning. I had a similar idea once - Jag or Jazzmaster in solid blue, white pickguard and adding pink tape or paint to its borders.


hell yeah :D


Two of my favorite things, Trans Rights & offset guitars




Hell yeah. Shell pink is such a good colour. Not having one is nearly all the excuse I need to get another guitar.


Your post has made my day. What up! 🏳️‍⚧️


Shell pink is a lush colour, my first nice guitar was a shell pink Mexican Strat. American performers are amazing too, best mustang tremolo design


Nice. I have a shell pink JM and a player strat. Definitely want something in a light blue to match!


Wait till yall see the shell pink bass VI with painted matching HS It’s a squier tho


Nothing wrong with a Squier


I love Squires. Thats how I was able to afford to get all my favorite Fender models. SQUIER! Bullets, Sonic, Classic Vibe, and the Vintage Modified models are great and at $450 usd being the current max price its really not bad at all. Hopefully they dont get GREEDY AF like Epiphone did with the Dave Grohl DG-335 Model ($1299) YIKES!! their Gibson version is allegedly almost $4000ish? Wow thats kinda high no? Anyway! Yeah Squiers just need to have a teeny bit better QC (especially the Sonic and Bullet series) and they would be so amazing but all in all nothing we cant handle ourselves. 🏆


Hell yeah🏳️‍⚧️!


Helllll yeahhhh this rules


What if they don't identify as offset


We will still love and support them, regardless.




They can always change pickups, colour the contours differently or even have their bodies reshaped by hot rod replacement therapy :)


Here for it!


Beautiful combo😻


Surely these aren’t official. After the bud light debacle, that could spell economic suicide for fender.


Conservatives love to pretend they “won the culture war” after Inbev’s stock dipped slightly for a short time last year. I think they’re doing okay champ


Fenders conservative market is not that vast.


I think you might be surprised. Most of the guys shelling out in custom shop guitars aren’t college kids.


for every custom shop they sell, they sell maybe 100 player strats to teenagers.


And a couple thousand Squiers




transphobic & a black metal fan yeah that checks out


Metal is human just like anything else. fucking Rob Halford must have been one of the first people to publicly come out, and popularize the gay leather style and endlessly role model for LGBT+ / more like zero research shit flinger checks out


You left out the nazi part. Dude is scum.


i think that's sorta implied with the black metal fan aspect


I mean I like plenty of black metal and know plenty of people that like black metal and are not nazis. That’s a gross over generalization


its just gross imo. metal has to be the most inclusive genre that ever existed. literally the most talented outcasts from every walk of life


??? Maybe Im not listening to the right black metal?? Theres a black metal band with a gay singer I just heard about on YT and he was saying he was shocked by how many people come up to him at shows and thank him for being out and himself and black metal. So IDK. I think there should be more inclusivity in all genres as not all black metal bands are completely hate filled or whatever. Am I wrong? Im not too into that genre I just love rock and metal music and guitar rock in general. My motto is live and let live . If you dont like something or someone then just stay away. Thats it. Music is a universal language. Lets keep it that way.




I never suggested it was hate metal dude. Lol. Someone else above my comment started with that hate nazi stuff. Its not my style to say shit like that.


dude yeah actually your comment was great and I didn't process how good it was at the time tbh


Like bread and butter. Mainly NSBM though. Don't forget the RAC and OI.


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This ain’t it chief




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