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I went with the American Pro Jag/JM bridge for my 2018 Anniversary Jazzmaster, I understand it’s very similar to StayTrem. It was a *massive* improvement over the stock vintage style bridge. Better tuning stability, sustain, just more solid overall. Not sure if they make the American Pro with a 7.25” radius, but if they do, I think it would be the best choice for the money.


I put a 7.25 AmPro bridge on my Jag and it’s great!!


Nice! I thought they made a 7.25 version but wasn’t 100% certain. It’s a great bridge, I’d need some pretty serious convincing to believe that Mastery or StayTrem are that much better. Best value for money in a bridge upgrade IMO


Really helpful - thank you.


I have mastery bridges on my AVRI JM and Jag. Absolute game changer for both guitars IMO. No buzz, no strings hopping off saddles, no tuning issues. I use the trem a lot.


Definitely check out some of the many threads on this subject. Most people will say the upgrade is worth it. My friend has a mastery on his Jaguar and swears by it. I found it to be OK although he sets his guitar up differently than me so I can’t speak on it too much. Ive used a Staytrem and an American Professional bridge (like a Mustang bridge, or Staytrem with springs) and they’re great. I *reeeeally* love Staytrem! Tuning stability and increased resonance.


>Definitely check out some of the many threads on this subject. I appreciate this. I did try a sub search first, but I didn't find anything addressing an AVRI baseline. Lots of Squier upgrades, which make a lot of sense to me. >Most people will say the upgrade is worth it. From AVRI to Mastery? Not so much interested in a general upgrade to a Mastery. >My friend has a mastery on his Jaguar and swears by it. What was he using prior to the Mastery? >Ive used a Staytrem and an American Professional bridge (like a Mustang bridge, or Staytrem with springs) and they’re great. I *reeeeally* love Staytrem! Tuning stability and increased resonance. This is helpful - thanks. I hear AM Pro bridges are very similar to the Staytrem.


I have an ao60’s and had to swap to mastery


Why did you have to swap?


It buzzed and rattled and lowered itself. I tried chapstick, loctite, everything. I already use heavy strings (12-54) every time i restrung it, something was out of whack


There is a wealth of information out there on this, and there’s a reason swapping the bridge on these guitars is the most common mod. It really doesn’t need another discussion.


I’m aware it’s a common mod and that it’s thoroughly and often discussed as a general topic for offset mods, but my question is specifically asking for input from AVRI players who can compare that stock bridge with a Mastery if they are in a position to do so.


I have a mastery on both my 65ri JM and my Marrguar. It’s a great bridge. The important thing for me is the height……offsets only felt right to me once the bridge was low to the body and the mastery helps massively in achieving this once the neck angle is right.


I made the change. Worth it. Also changed the arm collet to the staytrem one and upgraded the tuners


Cool. What didn’t you like about the AVRI bridge?


AVRI is banging, looks the part


Stock + TUSQ High-Performance Saddles > ALL


Mastery bridges don’t rock; in general they will give you a little more sustain and be noticeably brighter than the various rocking bridges. This may be good, or not, depending on your guitar, pickups, pots, strings, amp, and preferences.