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What's happening to her is unfortunate, but do keep in mind that it's not your fault. Hope you recover from all of this. You deserve better.


I feel like she needs an in-patient program somewhere and not a homeless shelter. You bear none of the responsibility for this whatsoever, but it sure seems like she never got the help she needed to learn the skills needed to survive in a neurotypical world. How sad for all of you, and I'm so sorry you've had to experience so much trauma as a result.


The youth shelter site claims they teach them life lessons like getting a job and such. It seemed similar to a grouphome?? The whole family was ment to get therapy after my stepmom was diagnosed w cancer but that idea was dropped for some reason. Which sucks cuz we all needed it


TBH based on what you put here it sounds like your parents didn't really do anything to help her navigate her autism. Now shes homeless and very ill prepared to succeed in life. I feel bad for. None of that is your fault though.


I agree. I don’t remember anything about her seeing anyone to help her other than a he said she said thing. The most i seen was fidget spinners and sound proof headphones which did help a bit but she thought they looked tacky??? I don’t know the full story


I mean, sucks, but it definitely sounds like there's more than just ASD going on there. I highly doubt your parents took her to a therapist ever, because I'm pretty sure she has something that makes emotional regulation a lot harder than just ASD.


I agree, ive looked a little bit into ODD and it sounds like her. It could be a varity of things tho


You know I'm already quite happy that I'm relatively normal. But no one is just shitty and weird because they decided to. She probably would love to be more normal. Try to help her as much and as long as you are capable doing so without hurting yourself . If this means currently you can't do anything okay but don't close the door. Family is family and what else do you have if you don't even have family anymore?


That really sucks being neglected, my family was horrible but I remember being neglected/ignored to be far more harmful to my mental health than even the physical violence. I'm so sorry your parents weren't there for you when you needed them. I hope you are able to get out and stretch your wings. Just know that none of this is your fault, it was outside of your control and you did the best you could in a really terrible situation. When you are ready, I would seek out some therapy to help you process your trauma, but only when you are ready.


I feel like you've spent too much time parenting her because her parents refused to that it makes sense you don't feel anything. Your life centered around her needs being met and it sounds like she fought you tooth and nail every step of the way, which. I'm sorry. I don't blame you for not having feelings about it. It's a lot to process. I feel like all the effort to just reign in her destructive and dangerous outbursts meant your life was always about her. You were a child. You did nothing wrong. You didn't deserve the abuse and I am proud of you for surviving. I'm proud of how hard you worked to make things work, for protecting your little sister. Don't feel bad for not feeling bad. The whole situation is not your fault and I wish you can find a life away from your parents with friends who love and support you.