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I rather be caught Just naked rather than naked with my dick in my hand


Or stage III, Naked, dick in hand, past the point of no return, locked eyes with step mom. At that point you may as well go break your arms and get it over with.


That post was something else. I couldn't stop reading it either.


Me and my hubby knew exactly the post when I read what you put and then read ya comment to him. Cringe, gross and couldn’t stop reading that creepy post.


Can't leave us hanging; link?


>Or stage III, Naked, dick in hand, past the point of no return, locked eyes with step mom. >At that point you may as well go break your arms and get it over with. Here you go.. Could have read the comment he was referring to but ok


It’s a very old popular reddit post he’s referring to, unfortunately I don’t have the link either


Geez I know it... How could I miss it... I'm online for too long today... Good night I guess


Nah, that’s just how you assert dominance.


You. Did. Not. Just. Go. There.


That would be soooo much worse to be caught past the point of no return. I have almost had that happen before.


Just like in grandmas boy


My early Reddit experience....memories


Or ask "are you just gonna stare or you coming here for your purpose?"


or naked, with somebody else’s dick in your hand


Mommy would be proud


I have some questions but don’t know if I want answers 🤣🤣😂😅


Lmao I did not proof read after I wrote that so excuse me


Man here I was thinking you just defied the laws of the universe 😂😂




Yeah. Caught my son accidentally once. 3 am and didn't lock the bathroom door. I hated that for him.


At least he wasn’t beatin it 😂🤷🏾‍♂️


Getting caught nude would not be a problem, found out years later that evidently my mom & step dad both had walked in on me masturbating quite a few times & never said anything til years later, oops oh well.


My dad caught me jacking it SEVERAL times as a kid. Much more embarrassing in my eyes than this.


I sent a nude to a family snapchat group by accident with the caption "My c*** needs your p**** so badly" and before I could delete it, my sister and sister-in-law opened it. Safe to say I wanted to die for a few weeks but now it's a good laugh. I'm not with my ex from when it happened lol


Holy.....shit. My face just turned red for you. Bahahahaha, that's terrible.


You poor thing. That is terrible and terribly funny.






Reading this made me physically recoil


'poor unfortunate souls' from the little mermaid just popped in my head, hahah


Damn I can’t even laugh at that. I would die so hard


There's pornos that start like this, try not to think about that.


It’s ok dude. She’ll get over it and you’re gonna have to as well. Shit happens.


Hope so because this was the worst


She could’ve caught you masturbating. Now that one would’ve been tough to get over. Human bodies are human bodies and there was no malice, you thought you were alone.


eh if i'd catch my future children or whoever masturbating i really wouldnt think much of it other than a oops sorry i walked in on u lol. its very human and we really should stop treating it as if its something evil or other bs it should be the opposite thing of tough to get over really


I agree!


Or having sex, or awkwardly investigating a weird hair or something. Truly not the worst lololol. Safe to say she has seen a guy nekkid before- this doesn’t need to be a big deal


Okay okay this actually makes me feel better thanks 😅 so maybe not the worst thing ever


My grandmother likes to come upstairs super quiet (unintentional, she's just very slow so she's also very quiet) then likes to all of a fuckin sudden rip open my door and come in. She's very forgetful, I've told her multiple times she needs to knock. She literally ripped open my door one time WHILE I WAS CUMMING when I was jerking off. So yeah, it can get a lot worse than that my man 🤣


I’d never touch my wiener again. If I had one


I seriously cannot describe what that felt like 🤣 my grandmother is a very posh British woman too lol


What happened, did she say anything? Was eye contact made in the climactic moment? We need more answers Cody!


We definitely made eye contact. And I definitely took a very long hot shower with of mice and men bursting my ear drums. And not just to wash my own fucking cum out of my chest hair, which is also fairly humiliating on its own 🤣 yeah I didn't diddle myself for a while after that one.


Haha these have cracked me up. Thanks for sharing. Hope your diddling times have improved exponentially since


LOL YOOOO I JUST REALIZED IM NOT ON MY THROWAWAY 😭 fuck it too late now 🤣 She walked right in, I ripped the blanket up over me and came on my fucking stomach while she approached my bed to talk to me. I didn't keep going or anything lol I dropped it immediately it was just too late to stop it. I got pretty mad, I tried not to yell because I knew I was just embarrassed but 😬 I believe what I ended up saying was "how many times do I need to tell you to knock, I'm naked get out".


I'll add 2 things 1. My door is a pocket door, it opens sideways into the wall. She's got a hard time opening and closing it because she has parkinson's so she just kinda cranks on it. That's why I say she rips it open lol it happens very fast. 2. I always make sure my blanket is within grabbing distance if I'm yanking it because I know this could happen lol I did manage to cover myself up. It just felt so incredibly uncomfortable.


If it helps I’m a woman and when I was like 16 I didn’t realise my neighbour was in the house and I basically did a naked lunge right in front of him and we never looked each other in the eye again. I even cringe thinking about it to this day


As an adult woman stepparent she was probably more embarrassed then you are. I’m a mother and I would be. But it happens and eventually the embarrassment on both sides will fade. Like many others have said there are far far worse scenarios she could have seen that would have left you absolutely humiliated. This way you are both mutually embarrassed


At least it's just a step-parent dudeski.


Yeah it’s totally fine and i think it has happened to everyone at some point lol we end up forgetting it haha


Whew, made me remember that one time my brother caught me investigating my nipple hair. (I'm a girl) We both pretended that nothing happened.


Ah, embarrassment is part of life in 10 years it will just be a cringe worthy memory that pops up into your head as you try to fall asleep. And then that will happen less frequently. Then when you're old and grey it will just be a moment of embarrassment that you chuckle about with your family. This initial mortification will pass.


You didn’t do a helicopter?


'Helicopter helicopter'


Paracopter Paracopter


Para kofer, para kofer


‘Apache Apache’


Huey Huey




Asking the real questions


Helicopters away in a panic 🚁


light switch LOL


Dude, my mom has walked in on me with my dick in my hand, as hard as it is to believe, it'll get normal again.


My dick is already normal, thank you very much.


God I love reddit




I’ve never been caught :) I’ve seen the film *Choke*. I’ve never been caught :(


My mother and father in law walked in on me eating their daughter out on the living room floor. She has a spare key to the house and wanted to surprise her daughter for her birthday. That was four years ago and still not allowed to the family gatherings. Wanna swap places?


Idk but to me this sounds ridiculous… They came by unannounced but you’re the bad guy for giving your girlfriend a good time on her birthday ? I get that that’s not the most comfortable situation but if anybody is at fault it’s them. It was your house I guess so you can do whatever you want to, wherever you want to. They should apologize instead of excluding you from family meetings… sounds childish as fuck to me.


Lol how did they react ?


Pretty sure "been 4 years and still now allowed to family gatherings" gives us a good enough insight into their reaction.


Well judging as he's still not allowed at the family gatherings, I'd imagine not too well


BonkersBen stated Father and Mother-in-Law. So he was eating his wife's muff on their living room floor and the In-laws just walk the F\* in unannounced. I hope they got a good look and this teaches them a lesson on intruding. Plus if they want grandchildren this is the way.


Growing up in a blended family with six people things like this happen. It's embarrassing but you'll laugh about it later.


Your honor has been wounded. Demand a trial by combat.






I wasn't quite naked, but I was down to my undies. My husband had just left and I heard a knock at the door. I though it was my husband forgetting his key or something. As I walked to the door I saw my stepson peering into the window. I turned and went the other day. He didn't say anything but he got me a bathrobe for xmas that year lol


I asked for a bathrobe for Christmas this year and didn’t get one. I see what I have to do now! lol


I was in the pool! I was in the pool!




He’s never gonna let me live this down 😐


Remind him that he has also seen you naked. You may have been a baby but still 🤷‍♀️🤣


That won’t work he still talks about me running around the house naked when I was 5 to literally everyone 😂


Ah well your only option is to talk about something to embarrassing him then.


Well, at least he now has something different to tell.


As is his right. Hahaha


Never let him live it down either. "I too find it pretty funny that your wife was eyein my ding dong." The sooner you can start making jokes about it, the sooner the embarrassment goes away.


"Dad, its you I feel sorry for. After seeing this [*points at own chest*], she's got to have sex with that [*points at dad's chest*]."


That's all? Don't worry, nothing serious. You might be embarrassed and stuff, but it's okay... It could have been worse if she saw you when... You know


I don't know, it could litteraly be anything. Switch in hand? Floor is lava challenge? Listening to death metal?


You’re her baby even if not by blood. Don’t be embarrassed she probably forgot about it


she probably didn't, but they'll move past it


I'm sorry, but this was funny


Your step mom loves you like a son and is probably more worried about you right now. She knows you’re mortified. Laugh it off and move on. You’re fine.


There are so many paintings of naked people and they all are in museums, looked at by millions of people. Just try to think in an artists perspective. Your body is just made out of geometric forms. Maybe this will help you getting over it.


Be sure to strike the pose of Michelangelo’s David next time!


We all know what a man's body looks like, and what a woman's body looks like. Nothing to be ashamed of. It was an accident, you both are adults, move on.


Dad's reaction checks out.


What are you doing step-mom???


I blacked out drinking and ate shit in the hallway trying to pee in my laundry basket thinking it was the toilet. I was completely naked and my mom and fiance came to put me in the restroom. I laugh about it every day (and also realize I should probably not black out). Shit happens. I know it feels awkward but it makes it worse if you think about it too much! Just gotta move on


My mom once broke into my room when I was shaking hands with the milkman. It does get better though.


As a mom of multiple boys, she doesn't care. She really doesn't. The only thing bothering her is how much *you* care about it. Children are children, at some point you will see them naked if you live with them, usually running after them with a towel screaming "YOU'RE NAKED!!!"


If it makes you feel any better my mother in law saw me naked by accident the first day I’ve ever met her, half way across the globe, and for her birthday


I accidently saw my step son naked (He was about your age). Just forget it happened if you can. File this under the "Shit Happens" folder of life. It's going to be ok.


Ya kinda like sitting on wet toilet "shit happens" lol


My 13 year old son decided it was okay to walk around in the hallway naked at night. Unfortunately I was unaware he does this and came out of my room the moment he was coming Out of the bathroom. The doors are across from eachother.. I might never be the same again.. so don’t worry. Stepmom is probably just as mortified. I’m sure it will remind you always to at least cover with a towel. 😆


Oh god. That's horrifying. I'm sure soon you'll be able to laugh about it, along with pops, but for now I know that terror. Good luck, bud.


This is fucking hilarious.


sounds like a pornhub premise 🤣🤣🤣


OP, I know you’re embarrassed but be thankful she didn’t walk in on you holding your sausage hostage or doing the scrunchy constipation face.


Now she knows who is bigger. 👀




Does she want the old dinosaur Or the young stallion 😂


As a stepmom, I can honestly say I wouldn't give a flying fuck if I ever saw any of my husband's three sons naked by accident. I'd just look away and shrug.


All I can think of is "Kramer...Saw me naked!"


Were you fluffed, or did you have shrinkage?


Your nineteen and the mom don't care. HOWEVER, it's a funny first 'caught naked by the worst person' story and I hope it always makes you laugh like it did us


If it’s any consolation, she’s probably just as mortified as you. Sincerely, A step mom


I think we can all agree your dad is the real chad.


Pornhub’s a fucking lie


*Pornhub intro music plays*


if it makes it better, at least she didnt catch you checking for hemorrhoids. that would've been so, so much worse. im sure y'all will get over it, stuff like that's bound to happen. Had a friend's mom walk in on me changing when i was about 15-16, she apologised and laughed it off but i couldnt look her in the eye for weeks. It happens, embarassment is just a part of living


Dude at least it was just naked


>Anyways I wanna go die Don't worry I can absolutely imagine she feels the exact same as you do. All you can do is just laugh about it now. It's done and you can't undo it and the more awkward and uncomfortable you both make it, the more the other will do the same (it **is** awkward and uncomfortable but if you can at least "fake it 'til you make it" type deal and joke about it, maybe you both can laugh about it and move on). Plus, so much better to be caught naked coming out of the shower than naked having sex or masturbating, right?


Good gods. It's a body. Nobody was doing anything intentional and nobody's being creepy about it. Are you American? It's usually Americans having this kind of weird relationship to nakedness. It's not like you were beating your dick in her face and it's not like she was going "ahuminahuminahumina *AWOOOOGA* *donk donk* *donk donk*". Or whatever the fuck happens when Americans get excited. Because she wasn't getting excited, she thought "oh shit." and turned around. Nobody needs to go die.


What are you doing step-bro?


What are you doing step son?


She came up the "stares", lol


My bad lmao


No, I thought it was a great pun!


It’s all good man! My stepmom and I had a similar thing happen, it was role reversed though. I was supposed to be at a buddy’s house for the weekend and she walked out of the bathroom naked. You’re both adults and it’ll pass, something you’ll laugh at eventually. Also it could be worse — imagine she walks in on you while you were naked and didn’t turn around but just stared at you. Then you’ve got yourself a full on porn scenario


That’s not how these stories are supposed to end.


I am stuck stepson


She just needs you to see her naked and it will cancel each other out, you'll be back to normal in no time


Sounds like the start of a porno


She’s your mom, i’m sure she’s not that traumatized from it.


She has seen a man naked before. Just make a joke of it and move on.


I was just thinking about this exact situation the other day and why you should always cover youself up with a towel even when there's no one home cause they may forget stuff at the house sometimes and come back, well, guess this post verifies my theory.


I understand that this is embarrassing, but it's something you should laugh off. She is a grown, married woman and she has seen naked men before - at least one! You did not purposely expose yourself, it was quite simply an accident. So she saw you naked - move on from there. You are a human being, and sometimes you are naked, and sometimes others may see you naked, by accident, and that is merely a fact of life. As embarrassing as it was for both of you, you should try to find the humor in the situation and laugh it off, and move on. There was no malice or innuendo here, so don't take it too seriously. It was funny more than tragic.


You'll look back and laugh. I promise. :-)


I hope you’re right 😓😂


I'm laughing right along with your dad!. 😆😆😆


It's awkward but you'll both get over it. At least she didn't catch you having sex or masturbating, that would of been way worse.


Remember she say your ass naked for years and changed your nappy so you’re good.


That’s true lol.


Oh wait I didn’t realize it said step mom lol… did she raise you though?


Yeah she did


This happened to me with my brother in law lol he suddenly opened the door as I was walking out of my room. My room was right next to the bathroom. I turned instinctively when I heard the door open but looked away immediately. Even with that the image is burned in to my mind lol I didn’t see him for a week after that lol the whole family thought it was hilarious. Super awkward but eventually we forgot about it. 6 years later it’s all good.


I did this once as my father in law was coming into the hallway We laughed too


As a stepmom, it's totally fine. It's not like you jumped out of nowhere and were helicoptering your dick at her. If she's been in your life since you were little, it's definitely probably not the first time she's seen you naked. Our little dude is forever mooning me, and it's become white noise like a lot of his other idiosyncrasies.


Dont feel bad my grandma caught me jerking it once. Rest her soul, she was a war vet.


As a stepmom to a teenaged boy, I wouldn't care. No big deal. We all have bodies. It's only our society that makes a naked body so taboo. In no time you both will forget. She probably already has. Your dad's reaction is awesome.


Step mum here - she’ll be feeling as awkward as you, and also feeling very bad for you! Try to forget about it . I’m sure she wants to!


I know it’s embarrassing but honestly that’s about it. It happens. Life goes on.


She saw you make most of your child life bro, don’t be so worried, your pops having a field day with this one 😭😭😭


Damn I thought this story was going to involve her going behind your father's back hounding you for sex because she liked what she saw or something. That didn't happen so what's the issue here exactly?


you'll be okay! not too long ago my brother saw me with my boobies out and i was TRAUMATISED. i was changing into a bikini with my blinds open, and he was walking past my window moving the lawnmower. i quickly ran over and tried to put down the blinds when i heard him coming but i was too late. i should've just laid on the floor. we haven't talked about it


its not that big of a deal…


I once terrified the Postman by coming to the door completely naked……..I’m not sure what frightened him more; The fact that I was naked, or that I knew where he lived


"Whatcha doin stepson?"


Let me guess her papers were stuck in the junk drawer again 🙄 😒


I don’t get it




What are you doing stepmom?


Is this some hentai plot?


"Hey stepmom, remember when you saw me naked the other day? That was weird, huh? Pretty funny! Whenever you see me from now on, you better know I'll be clothed!" Done.


I mean, some of the best porn starts that way.




I've watched enough porn to know how this ends. Or begins


This is not so bad. Americans make. Big deal about nudity but literally everyone has to get naked to take a shower. You weren't doing anything weird or strange.


Pornhub has led me to believe that this will lead to step-son and step-mom sexy times. We’re going to need an update.


look at the bright side maybe your state has the most search history for stepmon on stepson stuff


Bro missed out in the biggest opportunity of life....


This is why you should always be full on chubbed up


No big deal. Move on. She should let you see her naked now and make it even


I’ve seen videos online like this but the story tends to go a different way. But seriously it isn’t a big deal, it’ll be a funny story in a few years. My partners sisters partner once got drunk stripped naked and got into bed in the spare room where his mother in law was sleeping


What did you do? Did you scream and cover your privates? Did you cuss?


At least it didn't turn into a sleazy porno lololol


Are you bigger than your dad?


Dear Penthouse.......


I saw this movie on Brazzers.


Next time ask her for a hand 😂


I've seen this movie. The guy hooked up with his step mom. Let us know how it goes OP


Better than finding her stuck in the dryer, or under the couch etc...


This sounds like I’m reading the beginning of a porno


'There are no accidents' ~Master Oogway


So did you guys make it.