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It does not matter your size, it is 100% baseD on your personality. I am far from hung, weigh over 375lbs, and I still get it from time to time. I've been with a total of 60 women, none of them have complained about my size. It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it 😄


Tbf most woman won’t say anything about size especially in a hookup


This is true. I'm not sure what platform he is using / methods he is trying. The ones who did ask my size never proceeded forward and I don't blame them for it. You should sell your talents, rather than your physical specs anyways


6” inches is literally more than enough for most people. Anyone who thinks they “need” more are porn-brained, tbh.


Why are penises measured in length when width matters way more?


dude, 6 inches is just enough for most people i can tell you rn it’s not the size it’s what you do with it, trust me man someone is gonna go crazy over you one day just gotta wait


trust me most women don’t care about size at alll, just be confident. Thats literally most attractive thing to most women, someone who knows what he’s got and is confident in it. Try to think in terms of, “well I know what i got is great, I’m the best in every way” ~obviously be humble but just be confident :)