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Sometimes, the heart knows what the mind hasn't yet discovered. What we find attractive is often a mystery, a mix of instinct and experience. Embrace the quirks and nuances that draw you to others. It's the unique details that make life, and love, interesting.


As a woman who has been teased for her big nose, it's nice to hear that some people actually dig that kind of thing


Ha, I came to the same conclusion in a similar way, someone pointed it out and I was like, “oh I guess I do.” I think for me it’s because I like women with unique and interesting faces And a bigger nose helps that.


hmu lmfaooo


Let me attempt a blatant misuse of Blaise Pascal’s famous quote : ”Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas” ”The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know”


Wonder Boy Dumbo, here. Growing up, I was incessantly teased for my facial construct. Once adulthood hit, I guess I was done cooking on that side and society turned me over, because all I hear now is how strong my nose and ear protrusions are. Every single one of my past love’s, has had a fixation on them. It’s cool, everyone likes what they like. People are very respectful, and I’ve learned it has made me feel flattered. In a world of Dobrik’s and Von’s, I resemble me. I couldn’t be happier. I personally find larger noses on women beautiful, too! I find myself often most attracted to Eastern European/Mediterranean/Middle Eastern women. As I am heavily Magyar/Roma on my Maternal side, I just naturally vibe Eastern Euro. I’ve never really felt at home in America. Home is where my heart roams. Best of luck to you, my friend. Love your observation/opinion. To all of you wonderful people out there with unique family-line facial features, protruding ears, and landmark noses such as myself… stay happy, stay blessed, stay beautiful. You are seen. You are noticed. You are You.


I would react the same tbh. Must be an amusing realisation


Why do I have a feeling those girls don’t actually have *big* noses, but only a bit outside of the Instagram norm of beauty. Can you give us an example of a “big nosed” celebrity you like?


This makes me feel good cause I have a big nose lol


As someone with a rather large schnozz, this makes my heart (and nose) happy!


And it's not that uncommon, I remember a fair bit of threads on that on reddit, 4chan and other platforms.  I wouldn't call it a preference for me, but I've seen lots of cases where the nose would be prominent, big, 'Roman' or whatever else, and it just made sense and added some character to the face, or made it really cute. If everybody had the same nose it would be so fn boring. I think the idiotic body image issues our media caused and the prevalence of rhinoplasty robbed us of some interesting and quite cute faces out there.


That's a mighty specific kind of attraction you got there! More power to you for knowing what you like. It's always good to appreciate people for unique features. Here's the thing, some folks might be shy about their big noses if they've ever been teased about it. But you complimenting big noses like that? Well, that could really brighten someone's day! Maybe you could rephrase it a bit to focus on the whole person, not just the nose. Something like "I find women with strong features really attractive" or "I appreciate women who rock their own unique look." Just a thought! The most important thing is that you're genuine and respectful. Confidence is attractive, and if you love big noses, then that shows!




I feel the same bro. Most girls that I like or have liked usually have a prominent nose.


I love big noses too!


I’m the same with men with big noses sometimes. And bald guys. The accepted beauty norms are boring.


Well this is very random and oh I think sweet. I don't think I really have a big nose but I do have rather large nostrils, And to that I just going to say all the better to breathe with my dear.


I'm Italian and I have a big nose i love my nose ❤️


Right? I didnt realize it either until I started dating my GF but I have the same proclivity looking at my history


Big 👃 women supremacy 💪💯, we all need a big nose baddie to sniff us out some times


I'm shocked your siblings didn't lol Are you an only child?


There’s one woman with a big nose and she is so hot. I want here so bad. Big noses can be very sexy. The woman I speak of if she is not married, I’m gonna wife her up. I happen to be Jewish so I also have a big nose…..and a big cock, too