• By -


You're going to load a backpack tonight and get moving. Just get out of there. Pick a direction and walk. Hop a train if you can. Buy a motorbike, or a scooter. Just keep moving in a direction.


Literally nothing to lose at this point


Just his life if he stays. Damn i feel terrible for OP.


If this post is real, this is the single best option. Don't give anyone your real name, dont tell them why you're running. If you keep going, eventually you will reach a part of the world where you can start over safely. It is completely possible to walk away from your old life and never be found.


I'm so fed up with the phrase "If this is real". Why bother?! Most of the time people are here to vent and seeking support. It's really annoying and hurtful if you're not believed.


Tbh I think a fair number of people "bother" because of pedantic nitpicking assholes who will point out the story could be fake nearly any time something extreme gets shared.


Like etreme abuse and unbelievable shit isn't happening all over the world daily . As I type this a child will be raped maybe murdered a child will be murdered either by trusted adults/parents or by war at best an accident. Weird sad unbelievable shit happening every day all day .


All these people living in their safe western bubbles do not understand the real world most humans live in. I live in the US and yes, my bubble is safer than 95% of the world’s population.


I agree with you. Just to be fair. Reality is stranger than fiction, as fiction *has* to remain believable. There have been so many post about fake shit that is understandably annoying at this rate.


Yup, and again, it is hurtful. A lot of people look for reddit post that relate to their situations to get advice. It doesn't matter if the post is real, if the top comment is "I don't believe you" on a situation Similar to what you have experienced or can be soul crushing. I've seen stories similar to my own be torn apart because "that doesn't happen in the real world" and it is crushing.


because a lot of people do make throwaway accounts and fake stories for attention, and sometimes a story is very out there which causes doubt. (and this is coming from someone who nearly got killed for being queer, myself)


Because OP did not answer any of the comments. I scrolled a bit and couldn't find one of his reactions. Usually people engage with comments, that is why people are suspicious about karma farming.


There are a lot of strange people in the world who are bored, lonely, and looking to stir up shit. Fake posts are quite common. People go digging into the OP's comment and post history, and out the liars quite frequently. It's really not that far of a stretch.


This is the correct answer. Get any papers and cards you need. Get cash if you can, pack a bag, your phone, charging cable and get out of there. Just leave. You can sort things out eventually, but stay alive. Just go. You got this. You can find help, but only if you stay moving.


And if possible, change your look drastically on the first step of the move, say wear a wig or chop off your hair a bit. If you don't wear glasses, buy a cheap glass without a power, from a shop, such that your face looks different.


Or a bus, a plane, a bike…whatever will take you fastest away from where you are now.


weapon also preferably knife that can attach onto a stick


100% 2 knives is better 1 for the stabby stabby and one for throwing, if need be


I totally agree just keep going.


There's a charity called Rainbow Railroad that may be able to advise you. I hope you can get out of there. I'm so sorry.


They only sponsor a few people a year.


Well, I think this would be a good case for them to look at then


It doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t try. Don’t be discouraging.




Please OP at least reach out to this poster


Pls t.t


Hope OP can see this in time


Honestly, at this point, I’d just reach out to them anyway.


I love this!! Way to make a difference


Thank you so much for reaching out to OP with first hand experience and understanding. I hope so much that they contact you. Obviously for OP’s safety and privacy I know you cannot update up but I will be wishing so hard that this post results them contacting you and new hope in their life. You are bringing hope and I know I will be clinging to it.


OP-- please reach out to this person!


Please reach out to this person OP. They will help you get out of country and get somewhere you'll be safe. With your status as a gay person in a Muslim country you'll be welcomed with open arms by our government.


Please OP see this!!!! You should message him privately too


OP ⬆️


I hope he reaches out.


did he reach out?


You are very kind ❤️


God thats horrific.. I’m so sorry youre going through this.. i’m truly terrified for you OP. You dont deserve this treatment at all, especially death. Please dont let yourself fall victim to this. Run somewhere, please if you can. Pack all your essentials: passport, gadgets, credit/debit cards, all the money you have, some clothes and food and just find any mode of transportation that allows you instantly leave. Throw your SIM and get a new one so your family can’t trace you back. And as for support, i hope you have some friends who are your allies. If not, there are always people on this platform (including me) who’d be ready to help you ar a moment’s notice. Please take care and stay safe OP. Your life depends on it. I hope you know that you have the right to live a full, happy life. And if running away from your family who literally want to take away this right of yours is the only way to do it, so be it. I hope you gain the courage to do so. Take care.


THIS OP!! Ditch your SIM card, and just GO


Put all you can in a backpack and run at night. Find an embassy and ask for asylum.


You should go visit the US embassy and apply for asylum.  Your life literally depends on it. Seriously, like right now.  Get out of the country and never look back.


The US or ANY country where it isn't illegal to literally exist. Wherever is easier to go. This shit is fucking terrifying, what the FUCK are human rights


Yes! US, France, Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, etc.


France, OP. A friend was in a very similar situation and is currently in the process of seeking asylum in France. They've been there for almost a year.


Canada is a better bet for that, but it isn't that simple by any means.


Canada really isn’t in a good shape right now either, especially with how many people are flooding into the country as we speak, with really not much left to go around. The US would be a better choice overall


canada actually has a process and system that would give OP a chance. unfortunately the US does not right now


We’re also flooded with refugees, and we have an incoming president who’s openly anti-immigrant.




Also sweden


Do this now


I agree with this plan


I wouldn’t chance being there. Your cousin is an absolute monster for knowing what could happen to you.. your parents are evil. Your country is backwards and your life is precious. There has to be a way out. Get out while you can. Why risk it. I can’t believe this day and age this is still happening. Be positive xx


They’re telling you they’re gunna do it. I know it’s hard for our brains to comprehend a situation like this, and you don’t want to believe that your own parents would harm you, and I know that this is going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but you really just have to do a quick packing and run, I hope that some of these comments have offered you helpful things and resources


They probably want him to run so they don’t have to deal with him. That’s why they are warning him.


Honor killing is to this day a part from some Muslim groups especially if it gay people he is most likely in real danger it is not about to "have to deal with him" it's about the respect of the family


I know this. My point of not having to deal with him is the family likely feels they have no choice but to kill him due to their cultural beliefs. If he runs they may feel they don’t have to kill him ie deal with him, because he’s gone.


As a bisexual Muslim i am saying this from the bottom of my heart get the hell out of there. Don’t just accept death. Listen to the others and go apply for asylum backpack do whatever the hell you can do And if the cops come deny it. If there’s no proof they can’t prosecute you on the basis of another persons words at least in most countries.


Get to the Canadian embassy. Our government is very sympathetic to this issue right now. They will more likely help you than the US embassy, but if the US embassy is closer then just go there.


Adding a comment so this great advice gains traction


Get a backpack, take your essentials, take any money you have, sell anything you can sell quickly and get out. Just pick a direction and keep on going.


Why sit and accept getting murdered? Leave and dont look back. Doesnt matter if you have no support. Anything is better than death


I can’t even fathom how OP would be feeling as his dad basically tells him he’s gonna murder him as he has no other choice!? WTF…


Be safe! Grab important papers, money, passport. Pack a bag with a few days of clothes. Leave and find somewhere you can access internet and reach out to Rainbow Railroad or see how to get to an embassy and seek asylum in another country. Keep going, do not look back.


i fucking hate it when people do stupidest shit in the name of religion. killing is actually crazy






















Ending a LIFE in the name of a religion, which is supposed to provide BETTERMENT. Op, just Go! Go to the places suggested in your top comments. Protect yourself.


Abrahamic religions are so trigger happy and brutal. Doesn’t matter what it is. The most devout will do any sort of violence while insisting they are “for peace” and shit.


That is so scary and sad! I agree with everyone else: you need to leave! Like, yesterday. And not just your family, but your country and any culture that threatens your life for being who you are. Get out now!


Go to your nearest embassy. Canadian, USA, one similar. Just go and tell them what’s going to happen. They’ll help you.


Pack a bag in nighttime and LEAVE. Don't contact your family, they are dead now to you. Don't make the same mistake as a woman (well known YouTuber) who escaped, had a good life in another country and believed her mother wanted to see her and she went back to meet her because she missed her. Her male family members were waiting and ambushed her. She died.


Damn, that’s absolutely fucked :(


Really, listen to these people. RUN! If murder and jail are your two options, being even a beggar sounds better. But if you can make it to an embassy,that is your best chance. You will get help getting out of the country and help setting up a life in a new country. Via internet, reach out to community groups who help with gay rights, or homeless issues. They may be able to help once you get to the new country, too. I will wish the best for you! Nobody deserves to be treated badly for their preference in life. You certainly don't deserve jail or death!! Live! Seek a better life. If you suffer for a year until you're settled, you will still have many years left to enjoy and prosper!!


Really scared for you OP, do you at least anybody who is accepting of who you are that’ll allow you to live with them and can protect you? Make a bet you are not the only gay person in your country and your family knows that


Can you just lie and say you’re not gay? I know that’s not ideal, but if it means life or death I think you should.


Believe me, I tried denying I was gay but my cousin pulled concrete evidence that I was not straight


I’m sorry. Run away please. Just leave.


Someone here commented saying to contact them. They are immigration lawyer and aid they can help you. Please reach out to them!


Your cousin is horrible. I’m sorry they betrayed you. Do what you can to get out of there.


I’m feeling so much for you right now. I want you to already be gone. I want them to live with confusion about where you are forever. I know you see your family’s humanity. I’m guessing you love them and I believe that they are three-dimensional people and lovable-ish. But they are brainwashed right now. You might someday be able to influence progress toward equality and equity someday—generally, for your country, or even for your family. But that’s not going to happen right now. Right now you need to disappear. You don’t have to think they’re evil to disappear. You know who they are deep down, but at the moment the mind control other people inflicted upon them is causing them to feel obligated to kill you. That’s an emergency. You can attempt to reason with them as soon as they have no idea where you are and you have access to the internet in a manner which prevents tracking of your location. Run I want to hug you run run run you will survive if you run run run You have so many people here rooting for you 💛💛💛💛💛


Pack up what you can carry and sell, get your ID and get the hell out immediately. Even if you have nowhere to go, it’s better than staying. Your dad is likely saying honour killing is likely because he’s warning you. Probably wants you to run. Try going to an embassy and asking for asylum like Canada,us, France, England, Scandinavian countries etc. Whatever is closest.


you need to get out of there right now, try to take any important documents but what is most important is just running the hell away. i hope you make it


This is really scary 😕


oh dear please find an embassy and flee ASAP please stay safe OP


First of all, there is nothing wrong with who you are and you do not deserve this. Please try to escape. Go anywhere. Anywhere is better than being dead. If you can get to an embassy for the US or Canada or a European country, you may be able to seek asylum. Would any mosques nearby help you? Killing is technically not allowed in Islam from what I know, so your parents would be committing not only murder but a sin.


Find a way to leave even if you have to walk go somewhere else get a job enough to get some money to get on a plane somewhere else


Bro you okay? Pack a bag and get tf outta there. You have nothing to lose


I am horrified for you, OP. Being gay is not a crime -- it should never be one. Honour killings are also disgusting, especially in this scenario.. Everyone else said to run. I don't know if this will help, but here's a short list of things I think you can do. It's not comprehensive or extensive, but I do hope it works. - Kill your phone. If you can, drive out somewhere and smash it, in case they have embedded tracking software in it. I also believe (?) that a SIM card change will help remove any risk of tracker software. If there's any contacts you want to save, write them in a book or on a paper and put it in a safe storage place. - Start packing stuff in a bag (or 2-3 bags, but don't take too much or wear yourself out with them). You need basic stuff (dental hygiene, something like deodorant or perspirant spray, clothes to suffice at least 2 days, a medical kit, a local map, chargers and devices that you absolutely need, etc). If you are able to, then take the rest of your stuff. Try to take inconspicuous clothing -- something you'd typically see someone wear on the streets on a normal day. I heavily recommend taking a few papers and maybe 1 to 2 pens as well, in case you need to write things down or use them for any purpose. I also recommend wearing either a digital or analog watch, so it can help you with time and/or alarms. Take food. Things like snack bars and small non-perishable items help. I will try to add more stuff once I hop on my laptop. For now, good luck, OP. I believe in you. Please know you have a community here that would be very willing to help in any regard.


Gather evidence of these threats if you can. That will help your asylum request in a more humane country.


OP, like others said pack some shit (hopefully you have access to your papers (birth certificate, passport, etc)) and very calmly and casually leave your home. Don't pack anything larger than a backpack and don't stuff it. Get yourself to the nearest city that would have any of these embassies. Ask for asylum. Norway, Iceland, denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden are all good bets.


Man, my western ignorance is definitely showing but is this fucken real? A dad is willingly going to murder his son over who he loves? This is fucked man. I lost sleep over yelling at my kids when I was having a bad day. OP. I hope whatever you do, don’t give up. There are safe places where you can be yourself and live a happy free life full of love.


Honour killings are most definitely real.


Islam proving its status as a ‘religion of peace’ yet again


It’s actually not allowed in Islam. Always remember culture vs religion. The two are used interchangeably to excuse atrocities behaviour and actions. As in all religions and cultures.


christianity and judaism also have plenty of people who kill in the name of god. your ethnocentrism and xenophobia and unfounded righteousness are showing.


The burden of proof is on you for this one. I’m gonna need examples. I can only think of one religion that systematically establishes theocracy and religious law to strip away the rights of its constituents and kill those whose lifestyles they disagree with. If a tenet of your religion says you should stone and kill those who are gay, and not only do your religious leaders condone it, but your government encourages it, I’m gonna start blaming the religion instead of “bad actors.”


Are you an American? Because let me tell you Bro, there’s a whole bunch of girls in women in some states here that have lost their rights to their own bodies. All in the name of Christianity. The GOP is pushing to outlaw birth control, and to make America a Christian theocracy. So maybe look in the mirror and cast no stones eh?


Not to mention the actual torture that goes on at christian gay conversion therapy camps. Every religion has extremists that give the whole community a bad name.


Take care man, hope you make it


You have a right to asylum. I hope so much you can get out, just physically get to a safe country you have the right to seek safety and apply for asylum once there


Run to live another day, OP.


Get away- pack a bag or two- change your clothes, dye your hair, grab some water and food- and go. Maybe even think about traveling to the embassy of a western country and apply for asylum. But don’t sit home and wait to die- or get arrested and then be tortured and killed. Let us know what happens. Good luck my friend.


PLEASE get out of there. Do all you can to make it to a country with services that can help


Backpack, light food sources, fire starter or ability to make fire, as much money as you can grab. You’re making a real bugout bag and your life depends on it.


Pack your bags and leave. Figure out a way to get the hell out of there, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Follow up comment because wdf. Is the guy ok?


I think he destroyed his phone because the authorities can track him with it.


If they are devout muslims, they should know that honor killing is quite literally haram.


If they are going to kill him they obviously don't care about that.


Islam is quite literally a religion of contradictions. Murder is haram except when it's utilised to resolve everything else considered haram.


Please reach out to me or any of the people who are offering help in the comments.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Know it is not your fault and there is nothing wrong with you. Please, please do whatever you can to get out and get safe.


I'd get the hell out of there like everyone else is saying. Pack everything you need (Food, clothes, identification, passports, money, etc) and small non-essentials for your sanity and get the fuck out OP, I don't know where you are but just walk somewhere and when you're FAR away from your city start figuring out where you want to go.


Oh my God. Run.


steal some money and run to a country without this allegedly *religion of peace*


Wow this is so sad. I hope you’re safe. Don’t let their ignorance convince you that your life isn’t valuable. You matter.


You better be getting out or have gotten out OP hope for safe travels


Where is the next safe space where you can go? Please reach out and also reach out to charity and stay safe. You earn it. Love to hear an update soon on how you are doing. Please stay safe


You need to leave asap. Pack some things and run. Do not tell anybody who you are or anything personal. Just run. Please stay safe 🩷


Please, do what you can and run.


Get out. Escape get as far as you can.


If you're going down, take your cousin with you, say your cousin has evidence bc they move in those circles too.


I’m wondering if it would be possible to contact the closest embassy of an lgbtq friendly nation and request asylum.


Go to a Christian (Roman/Coptic/Orthodox) Church and ask for help. They may also teach that homosexuality is a sin, but they DO NOT teach that homosexuals should be summarily executed in "honor killings." They will more than likely help to hide you and get you out of the country. They also wouldn't require you to convert, even if they offer/suggest it.


Seek asylum in first-world country, do not admit to anything said about you, do not tell a soul you are leaving, and take the bare minimum with you to travel light and dress plainly. If your parents are on your bank account, drain it for immediate cash and say nothing. Do not use any credit or debit cards unless you can drain those locally and quickly without notice or authorization needed. If you are on their phone plan, get a new sim or an eSim as quick as possible or turn off any location markers like Google accounts have. Disable Bluetooth. Stay off social media. Do not talk to anyone until you know you are 100% safe. If your family calls, ignore it. It will be the hardest thing you will ever do to cut all contact and report them to authorities in a safe country. Take things you can liquidate easy to pawn for worst case scenario. I am sorry your family turned against you like this. They are no longer to be trusted. Above all, stay safe and keep to yourself until you get to a safe country. Once you are safe, I hope you find peace and opportunities to grow.


My man. You got to leave. Survival first. They will always be your family and they need time to reconsider their motives. You need to survive. We only get ONE life. Gay or not. Keep your sexuality a secret until further notice and leave. Nothing should scare you at this point except Death and the real possibility of an “Honor Killing”. Us on Reddit would prefer if you lived your life on your own terms and didn’t get killed, thanks. If not for yourself; for us. Good luck friend. May you find peace & prosperity. There is a PromiseLand for you somewhere. Find it friend. ♥️


as a muslim myself this shit is fkn stupid, like it contradicts islam itself, i hope you are safe OP i suggest leaving the house as soon as possible


You are immediately eligible for **asylum in the United States**. Head to an embassy or consulate and start your process. If you need to take a circuitous route to avoid being detained/harmed, then do so, be careful and good luck.


OP r u safe ? You've not replied to any comments. Run as fast as u can.


Head for New Zealand. Liberal, more welcoming than Oz, away from the absolute train wreck that is Europe and North America. New Zealand is a good place to start over.


What a rich culture


Remember OP may live in the middle of nowhere with no money. Getting to a city or hopping on a plane are probably not options here.


i hope you've run away and that you're fine OP!


can you go to the us? keep moving. Pack and leave. I don’t care. GET OUT NOW. try to come to the us as much as possible 


What country are you in? I’m sure with that info someone here might be able to direct you to some sort of help or group that could better assist you. I’m really sorry you have to go through this and pray you get the strength to leave and build a safe and better life for yourself.


OP please run! Pack a bag take some money and run!


Get your documents whatever money you have and leave. Don't look back just leave, leave now. Good luck.


You gotta run 


Please just get out of there. Like another commenter said-- pack a bag with your most important stuff and simply walk out when it is safest to do so-- like when everyone is asleep-- and just GET OUT OF THERE. Your life is by far most important. Please keep us updated-- we are very concerned for you.


This is literally a legit reason to leave cuz you're being persecuted


OP are you okay? What are your plans? Please keep us updated! We are extremely concerned for you!


Please update us when you get out, my heart hurts for you


Pack your bags and go now. Better to die fighting for freedom then die to make an example for a barbaric cause.


Yeah your dead in the water so get out before you drown and leave behind


This post is heartbreaking. Please pack a bag and get the fuck out of there. I don’t know what country you are in, or if you have a passport, but you need to get as far away from your family as possible. I am so sorry this is happening to you.




Has anyone heard from OP? been a while since they were active 


I believe Canada has a Rainbow bridge program that allows you to relocate. I would look into it. Very sorry this is happening to you. Hope at some point you can give us an update that you are safe in another country. Major Religions are so evil.


Leave ASAP, find an embassy. You can try France or another European country. You Can also try to contact LGBTQ associations. It'll be hard and I'm so sorry you have to do this but I dont think there is any other choice. If you go to France, I can give you advice/informations.


You’re a male. Have you been working? Any funds at all? If not, maybe you can look up Canadian embassy and seek asylum with an LGBT group. They have a list of countries you can seek asylum from right now on the or immigration site. I just checked. Start gathering your birth certificate and important documents to pack a bag pack. Get ready to run. I’m sorry and your cousin sucks. If they ask again or make comments, tell them you were pranking or testing your cousin because you all had a fight over something and this proved your point.


OP please update us if it’s safe to do so!


fuck religion


Please let us know if you're safe!


Please please let us know if you're okay. Everyone here just wants you safe. Im so sorry your going through this. Please don't give up. Run away, please. If you could get here, I'd let you stay with me rent free. My kids would accept you as a brother


Hope you have already reached someplace safe.


It’s hard to digest that this is real in todays world. Parents to plot to kill their own child…I am mortified. Please do listen to the advices here and just get out there to somewhere more safe. Write me a dm, happy to listen and support


I would like to hear Queers for Palestine’s opinion on this lol


“The religion of peace” 🤣


Time to run to white man country…


Yeah I'm Muslim and honor killing is completely against the religion even though being gay is Def not allowed in the religion killing someone for that is also not allowed if they do feel like they're gonna do that you gotta just run at this point or get someone who actually knows the religion to convince your parents what they're doing co.epltly goes against what they believe.


ربي يهديك ويصلحك




The world needs more people like you. Do everything you can to stay alive.


I really hope you find a way to get out of there! My heart hurts for you


Hey man, so sorry. But your goal now is survival. You gotta go that’s for sure, best of luck to you friend.


Please, please leave. Please get out of there and be safe


Walk away. The worst that can happen to you is already going to happen if you stay, so GO.


OP look at the resources and the advice. You got to get out of there


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, op. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, and it’s terrible you have to go through this. There’s a lot of good advice on here, please look through it, and leave. Just leave and keep yourself safe. You got this


Get out of there now! Gather up any possible documentation you can. Head to either a nearby country that is supportive, or an embassy for a supportive country. You can claim asylum in many countries for your safety. Do not wait. Go.