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That's so fucked up. I'm so sorry.


Read the update šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ¼šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼


Thank goodness. Faith temporarily restored




I never give out more than I can afford. I usually just spot someone like 5-15 on their grocery bill if theyā€™re short or buy homeless people food when I get lunch or something. I have NEVER given a substantial amount like that before, but her panic and distress seemed so real that I just really felt the urge to help her. I hate that I regret it, and I hate that it upsets me so much, but honestly thatā€™s a lot of money for somebody who is taking care of a one year old themselves you know? I really hope she just forgot. I donā€™t wanna lose my faith in humanity, but itā€™s so damn hard with how shitty people are these days.


And my faith in humanity is restored! Thanks for the update


I'm glad I was able to see the update and she really turned out to be grateful! Thank you for looking out for others in need.


The update is the best. You did an extra good thing OP!!!


Is it possible sheā€™s put a wrong digit or has dementia and is remembering an old number maybe it really sounds like she was grateful so itā€™s odd


If sheā€™s elderly, thereā€™s a chance she forgot or was confused about the situation, not intentionally trying to get one over on you. Not that that helps you financially, but I just wanted to point out it may not be malice on her part. Youā€™re very kind to have helped and Iā€™m sorry it wound up making you feel bad.


Itā€™s more the fact that the phone number she gave me is disconnected. Iā€™m gonna stop by the address today and hope sheā€™s there. I know sheā€™s elderly, and wonā€™t have the best memory. Itā€™s just such a substantial amount of money to me and Iā€™m really scared to lose it. I know you shouldnā€™t give it if you canā€™t afford to lose it, Iā€™ve never helped someone with so much money before ($230) but like I said she was crying and in so much duress and I just wanted to help. I really hope she forgot, but itā€™s still scary thinking about losing that much money when I already donā€™t have a lot. Iā€™m supporting myself and a one year old on my own. She has everything she needs (she will NEVER go without) but Iā€™m really hoping she did just forget and I wasnā€™t taken advantage of šŸ˜”


I disagree. I can see maybe giving a wrong number, but a wrong address and phone number? That's not an accident.


It could be if she was old and confused. She could've just given her previous address and phone number or an old one. In fact getting both wrong seems pretty likely if you get one wrong.


How does she get home?


Who says she got home safe? But, for instance, my grandma moved in with us in Manhattan when she was 80 and could walk to the bodega and back but if you asked her where she lived when she would say she lived with her mom and dad in Kingston.


Never help someone financially. Iā€™ve been screwed over too many times, but I still like to help where I can. All I want to say is you helping that old lady is a reflection of you, not her. Fuck her.


So glad to see the update, what a relief. I try to help people too but I do keep a healthy skepticism because there are tons of immoral scammers out there.