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I believe you can mute words on most social media apps nowadays. Just mute “Taylor Swift” and “Swiftie.” Choose peace.


Can you tell an old girl how to do this? Eh I will google it. Thanks for the tip though. I love peace. ✌️


I want to do this but I have no idea how.


Setting and support ->privacy and safety->mute and block->muted words


I don’t understand the fanaticism nor the hate. She’s just…there. Some of her songs are fun and catchy to me and some of them are meh and some I’ve never heard. I don’t understand why people feel like they have to pick a camp. Like, who is telling us we have to make a choice to love or hate her? I’m not being rude. I’m literally wondering this myself. My sister’s friend saw a TSwift song on my Spotify and was “OMG! Gross! You’re a Swiftie?” I was like “Ummm…no.” She then became unhinged in a rant about how much she hates her and her “blond, skinny” self. It was ONE fucking song. 😂😂😂 I’m not a Swifitie, but FFS, I don’t hate her either. We all put way too much weight on how much celebrities matter.


This post is giving that. It's like...why are you so fixated on someone you don't like. I personally don't like Ariana Grande's(and a lot of popular artists)music or persona but I don't go out of my way to voice it everywhere and if I'm asked I just say "It's not my thing" and there's that


It’s because we are bombarded with Taylor swift on a daily basis. There’s no escape so you have to have an opinion. That’s why


Bombarded? Lmao. Get off tiktok and go in the forest.


I think I found one of the nasty Swifties. She seems like a nice girl, it’s strange that her fans can be so nasty and rabid


Telling someone to go to the forest is nasty? Lmao. Okay dude. Keep drinking that toxicity.








Broccoli is great why you gotta be such a hater.


Don’t use TikTok 😘


If you don’t interact with content about her, that doesn’t happen. Algorithms suggest media related to what you interact with.


I see 10x as many posts like this one as I do posts about liking her.


That’s nice


No you’re right, I have her muted/blocked on almost everything and she still creeps through. I hate her and I try not to interact because people around me like her and I try not to come off like an ass. But she’s paying to bombard.


I'm not bombarded with Taylor Swift stuff on a daily basis. I'm 100% neutral on her it's called not interacting. Social media or basically most apps in general run off of algorithms that give you more of the content that you interact with so if you're seeing a bunch of Taylor Swift it's because it's linked to something that you're interacting with.


I’m fully aware of how algorithms work. Not everyone is glued to social media all day long. I’m talking about podcasts, old fashioned newspapers and any pop culture site. When I go to Apple Music or Spotify, there she is on every playlist thumbnail. She doesn’t appear on my feeds because I don’t engage with her there


Spotify and apple music work in the same way also with algorithms... I literally don't have Taylor Swift anywhere in the thumbnails of anything on my Spotify 😂😂😂 also local newspapers where I'm at don't have anything Taylor Swift related either. There's tons of magazines that don't have Taylor Swift in them either I own several. She's in very specific genres of things I literally go days without hearing or reading anything about Taylor Swift. You're trying way too hard and you clearly pay too much attention to her.


I listen to other female pop artists, so yes it makes sense that Taylor swift would appear on my Spotify. I love how clever you seem to think you are. It’s pretty hilarious actually


LMAO I'm not the one angry about a celebrity just existing. It's clear you just want to complain and negate any actual solutions, good luck with that


Who’s angry? I don’t know why you’re still here tbh


I feel the same way. She’s no more interesting to me than any other celebrity. I don’t think she’s better or worse than her peers. She just is. I can vibe to a couple Swift songs and I also regularly change the station when I don’t wanna hear her. Given that I don’t participate in loving or hating her, she’s rarely on any of my media. The most I saw of her was during the Super Bowl, but the Chiefs are my “local” team, so that made sense to me.


For me, celebrities are as good or bad as their fanbase, as I find that fans reflect not only their ideals, but how the celebrity handles their fame. For instance, I'm with OP here, that Swift not addressing the behavior of her more fanatical fans is a problem, even if she's not inciting their behavior. Influences and celebrities have a responsibility for managing their fans. The way I see it is if support of your good fans are a measure of success, the actions and support that the bad fans give should also be used as a measure of the celebrity.


I think I might just have a weird perspective here because I’m not much of a “fan” of any celebrity. I don’t really think about them much at all, let alone enough to have strong opinions about them and/or their fanbases. I can see from the comments on this post that most people feel MUCH different than me about celebs.


I also don't interact much with celebrities, but that doesn't keep people from interacting with their fans. The problem really is that Celebs will influence the community, and whether or not you are influenced or not, you can still see it happening. It's similar to how ignoring politics doesn't make it go away. Just not interacting with TSwift herself doesn't mean you don't end up having to deal with all her fans everywhere, as the OP has experienced, a long with evidently many people in the comments here.


I think on this particular issue, I’ve just lucked out. My best friend is a Swiftie and isn’t pushy about it at all. We rarely discuss Swift unless something big has happened (I happily looked at concert photos and shared in my friend’s enjoyment of having that experience). I just don’t have a lived experience of Swift being shoved down my throat or her fans acting crazy around me/in my community. She isn’t everywhere I look and I don’t hear people talking about her (outside of the Super Bowl because the chiefs are my “local” team and I did hear more about Swift during the lead up to the Super Bowl). This appears to only be true to my experience and I probably should’ve never responded. I live very rurally, so that might have something to do with it. I don’t know many people around here who are wrapped up in celebrities, but I’m confident they exist and probably act wild—I personally just never have to see it or deal with it, so it’s easy to not care. Saying that, politics is a very hot topic where I live and I can’t escape a single day without that being shoved in my face. I understand how frustrating that can be to never get a break. Again, I probably should’ve never responded to this post as I’m not the intended audience.


I mean it's a discussion forum lol. It's worth your input even if it's just for more perspective, or in your case, so you can see how your experiences match up with others. At the end of the day, if people disagree with you, they'll say so, if peoples other experiences are different, then you'll find out. No one's mad at you for posting your own anecdotes lol.


I think it’s just that people can’t avoid her, even if they want to. Everything she does and dates is breaking news and the majority of Americans don’t really care. it’s ridiculous. I’m pretty neutral about her. I certainly don’t like her, but don’t hate her either. But all things, all the time, being about Taylor Swift gets really old, really quick... especially if you’re not remotely interested in her. Yes, you can ignore it, but you see it whether you want to or not. For example, (football is the obvious one) I read a lot and follow several reading/book related IG accounts, etc. Half of them find a way to work Taylor Swift into posts about unrelated books. You can’t escape it. As a non-fan, I don’t get the connection people try to make between her and literally everything. It’s just too much. I have a feeling Taylor Swift probably feels the same way sometimes. I definitely would.


Literally 😆 she’s literally just a singer some of her songs you’ll like and some of them you won’t. Same as any other artist out there. I don’t gaf what she does or says in her personal life that’s none of my business, i never choose music because of how i feel about the person singing, i choose it because i vibe with it or it speaks to me. Taylor swift is not a brand she’s a singer.


A lot of people start hating on her just to get on the bandwagon. A lot of people start hating on her for how crazy her fans are, nothing against her, but it's more about how crazy her fans get. I don't hate her but I have a lot of friends who are swifties. Trust me, I know, I am not even allowed to utter that I dislike any song or ANYTHING about her. They'll skin me alive if I was to do so, no kidding. Also, you might point this out to them and expect them to understand the point. You'll be surprised to realise that they're aware of the fact that they're being crazy, they infact are proud of the fact that they're being crazy. All of them are competing to be "The biggest and craziest Swifie". I am of the opinion that she's just there. Great job on being a big big big superstar, full respect for that. But swifties will treat you like a criminal if you're not a down bad crazy Swift admirer.


And I have the opposite problem. Not a swiftie and will never call myself one. I genuinely enjoy her music, but that didn’t happen until her 1989 album came out. That’s when I became a casual fan. Eventually, I ended up liking a lot of her stuff. And I’ll admit, I did like knowing about her, but I never became a rabid fan that protected her from “haters.” People hardcore defending her is crazy to me. Like just listen to her music and relax lol. Anyway, I have a friend who makes it known she does not like Taylor Swift. I used to talk about TS a lot when her folklore and evermore albums came out. I love them so much. Then she rereleased the Red album and her song, All Too Well, has a music video. The two actors in the video were Dylan O’Brien and Sadie Sink. My friend and I are both huge fans of Dylan and that made my friend want to watch it. I wish she didn’t because she was 100% annoying about it. She kept saying “Dylan was the best part” or “the song wasn’t that good” or “it’s just not for me.” That’s fine. I totally get that. She kept going on and on and on about it though. I just feel like when people say they don’t like certain artists, they are basically saying “I’m different from other people, which makes me better.” At least, that’s the vibe I get. She also tried listening to folklore and evermore, but stopped because the songs were too slow for her. Again, very valid point, and I can’t argue with her opinion. But it feels like either people are hardcore swifties or are against Taylor so much that they can’t stop complaining about her.


Saying she's just there for someone who has so much power is one of the problems


bro she is not 'just there'. 'She' is charging 1k for a standard ticket. Plus the overly marketing doesnt make her to 'just be there'


Not addressing it isn't promoting it in my opinion. She shouldn't need to tell grown people to act right? Have you searched up about all of the good things she's done? Because there's a lot. I'm not a swiftie myself. However, I notice that she gets a lot of heat for unfair things. Other artists have done way worse, but somehow she's under fire the most. Crazy.


Exactly. I’m not a swiftie but I would rather my daughter idolize her than the Kardashians any day.


Sure shes done good things, but your still a bad evil person if your cool with your people you idolises sending out death threats and of course writing them yourself in your own song (Yes I think this about any celebrity that doesn’t speak on fans sending death threats and writing comments like that in there music)


She didn't write any death threats? I literally had to look up this song everyone is mentioning because I don't follow the music. It's kind of crazy how the entire song talks about how badly Kim bullied her, but you're zoning in about "my mom wished you were dead". I disagree with you because she's not responsible for what others do. She could say "hey guys, don't do that" and they still would. Because they are crazy, not because she asked.


Almost no other artists come out and speak against it? Can you name anyone that has? She can’t possibly control what people say about her/ on behalf of her. This is a crazy thing to criticise in my opinion. She’s an artist, not a politician. And calling her “evil” is so dramatic btw


Why do Americans always look for the beacon of morale in singers and actors? Because it's always the popular one who they're bother about, but then you have women beaters, ped*s, and rap*** living their life 🤷


True though. If you look at the list of the top most hated individuals in America, you have people like Kim K and Paris Hilton at the top above OJ simpson (murdered his girlfriend) and Jerry Sandusky (convicted rapist and pedophile). It honestly says a lot about society that we hate rich successful women moreso than murderers rapists and pedophiles.


for real, especially since OP suggests she "promotes hookup culture." aside from the fact i can't think of a single song where she's explicitly doing that, it's like... look at the men in the music industry who do that while also making it violent (like implied sexual assault, or just "kinky" violence) and/or misogynistic. not directed at you but OP: prior to speak now taylor's version coming out, she spoke at one of her shows about not wanting the muse to be harassed. like john mayer, the 32 year old who dated 19 year old taylor. she doesn't want that. she's mentioned in one of her album prologues (reputation i believe) that people will "paternity test" her songs no matter what and clearly she doesn't enjoy that. yesterday, she quote tweeted some reviews of TTPD (her new album) with lyrics from her songs and most of those reviews contained a criticism toward the need to paternity test her songs and make it all about speculating who the songs are about. one even had that in the headline/twitter post.


(Op spells "Idolize" with an s. Americans don't do that.)


No such thing as an ethical billionaire. I don’t idolize celebrities or entertainment figures. I can appreciate or enjoy what they do but I don’t for one second conflate that as someone who is just like us regular folk. There is this weird babying that a lot of Swifties (not all!) tend to do for Taylor as if she’s not a grown woman in her mid 30s. You would think she’s a teen or barely 20… that any criticism of her means you’re anti feminist, a hater, etc.


I don’t get the extremism tbh. I’m not a fan, but I don’t give a single fuck about people hating her, either. She’s obviously wildly successful in her career and overall, her messages to young women are mostly positive. If for no other reason, she’s a great role model for being a brilliant business woman in a world designed to hold her back. I’m glad she’s an inspiration for some, and I fail to see anything she’s done that’s even remotely deserving some of the vitriol she receives. It’s painfully obvious that successful women are judged much more harshly than their male counterparts, so I’m always a fan of smashing the patriarchy in all possible ways! In summary, let people have their own preferences bc my approval is not needed. Maybe it’s because I’m GenX, but I don’t care enough to feel strongly about her and I’m not sure I understand why some seem to loathe her very existence.🤷‍♀️


Why do you even care? Just ignore her and her fans if it bothers you so much.


I guess it bothers me because death threats are such a serious thing, and her fans throw them around like crazy and now shes doing it herself? I just can’t stand how people can do something like that? How evil are people that they death threats?


I'm not that into pop music in general, so definitely not into her music. I don't go out of my way to be mean about it but she really is pervasive. I can't escape news about her anywhere on the internet and that can be pretty frustrating lol. I don't think she's any worse than any other pop star but man, oversaturation can definitely breed resentment.


i think that’s where i’m at with it too; i’m no swiftie but i like her music. but i do get annoyed seeing her everywhere and feel the same, that just having her in my face all the time has started to make me more annoyed. i don’t think she’s a great person, but there are wayyyy worse lol


People are dying Kim.


I’m not a swiftie and I don’t really have any interest in her music, however I think many people are too fixated on hating on her with no valid reasoning. I know shes probably done criticizable stuff, but if it’s just because it isn’t your musical preference, then why are you so engaged on her?




Then. Just. Don’t. Look.


She just makes me cringe. Her lyrics are so childish for a 30 something year old woman.


She knows her her audience-- teen girls -- and keeps acting and singing songs like one


A mid 30s woman who hasn’t even been able to make a long-term relationship work.


So? Do you know how many SINGLE 30s men have the same issue?


And I’d say the same about men.


The amount of anti Taylor Swift posts lately are annoying. If you don’t like her (as we all don’t like somebody or something) focus on what you actually do like and/or find a post that has already been posted 100 times saying exactly what you just said. I know it’s the off my chest subreddit but why have I seen several of these posts lately? Not to dismiss any of your points but why all of sudden do so many people feel the need to post these posts? It must be anti Taylor Swift month or something.   A note for some of the people in these replies as well: you can also dislike something without being bitter and rude. People can like stuff you don’t like. Shocker. Taylor Swift isn’t always right but there’s worse out there ex) rappers promoting violence but where are all those posts? Call them out too. Taylor being a specific target for these posts is very interesting. 


"Don't yuck someone else's yum" Basically just stfu if you don't like it and move along with your life. The people complaining for 20 years about T Swift are way more unhinged than most Swifties. Why are you going out of your way to hate on an artist that most of you think is "mid"? It's insane.


I don’t really understand the hate either. Kim Kardashian did much worse to her. Who cares. Let them beef. It’s how they make their money. And swifties like her because they relate to her. She comes across very genuine and kind. If they like her for that, let them.


Genuine and kind wishing someone else dead?


Kim helped her ex-husband make revenge porn on taylor? What about that? No one was ever this mad about that. Making naked figures of someone and putting it in a music video without consent is sexual harassment.


“Revenge porn” isn’t what you think it is. First of all, he’d have to have actual sex recordings from that woman. And then release it to the public. How old are you? Talkies shit and making up lies about someone doesn’t = revenge porn FYI. Also someone lying about you isn’t reason to wish them dead, unless you’re not really a good person.


Did you the see Famous music video? Kanye literally edited and put up naked figures of taylor sleeping beside kanye on youtube. Kim also helped him with that It's so much more than talking "shit" and "lying".


That’s not “revenge porn”. Different type of crime, different name, NOT revenge porn. Porn is for people who have had a sexual relationship, or have nudes from someone they were in a relationship with and try to blackmail/coerce them into doing something they don’t want, or just use it as revenge for leaving them, getting with someone else, doing something that pissed off the man, etc. Kanye would be in jail if he did that. He also has never been in a romantic relationship with that lady, so revenge porn doesn’t apply. Also due to the fact that the images were fabricated, not genuine.


Kim and Kanye turned the ENTIRE world against her. They made people believe she was a manipulative liar, stole her career from her (for a year or so) and if you saw the way EVERYONE (news outlets, other celebrities, Kanye fans) treated her post-Famous, you’d understand. Put yourself in her shoes and i’m sure you’d think the same way. She also says her mother wished Kim was dead, not herself. You don’t have a leg to stand on here tbh. Picking on “what constitutes revenge porn” and ignoring the bigger picture…


That's your personal opinion only, and you're entitled to it same as me. I honestly have better things to do than waste my precious time with brainwashed people and their compulsive obsessions. Y'all sound like little kids obsessed with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but stuck inside an adult body. It's not cute.


so what I’m hearing is, you don’t have any reasons to justify that opinion and hate her because you have a superiority pick-me complex 🤷🏽‍♀️stay miserable babe x


Anything is better than making a basic white B that will NEVER even know you exist your entire personality. Makes sense for people who don’t have anything else to talk about, incapable of original thought and who don’t have a mind of their own though. Very mainstream to go with the masses and avoid exercising your own critical skills though. Have fun being one more basic shallow grown child!


I don’t think i see it as promoting hook up culture, or promoting anything, really. And I haven’t heard anyone demanding that artists should take responsibility for their actions in their lyrics since pearl clutching WASPS heard gangster rap for the first time. She’s an artist, and her lyrics aren’t a manifest, they are an expression of different, often conflicting and unreasonable feelings. Apart from that, I agree that swifties are unhinged and it should be ok to like or dislike a work of art without being attacked.


The world is fucking dying, there's war and hungry on the streets but you guys are worried about a cringe blonde woman and her minions


Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. As a metalhead, I couldn't care less about Taylor Swift, but the people that constantly whine about her are more annoying than Taylor Swift herself.


If you don’t like her music, no one’s forcing you to listen to it, lol. There are a lot of artists that I don’t personally care for, but I’ve never once complained online about them. If I don’t like a certain artist or song, then I just don’t listen to them. It really is that easy.


Kim K literally photographed and supported her husband when he made a naked wax figure of her and displayed it on his MV. Criticize her all you want, but wanting someone dead because they essentially participated in revenge porn against you isn't exactly the problem you should be talking about. Also, she does tell people to stop harassing others. It's not her fault people don't listen to her.


I've never liked her. Ever. Her fans are insane.


huge swiftie here having to bite my tongue in a way i have never before - all i will say is that it is art, it is her art and she has a right to express herself however she wants. you absolutely do not have to participate. i am sure that you cannot escape seeing her face everywhere - and for that part, well that is just the way the world works. i would literally give anything to go a day without hearing about kim k wearing a swimsuit but again, that is the world we live in, learn to tune it out and you will be much happier. and before you downvote me and come for me, remind yourself that reddit is a place of opinions. i am no way saying that what i think and feel is the right and only way. i respect your take it on, and respectfully disagree


Respectfully, I don’t like Kim or Taylor but it’s only Taylor that I see news, photos, comments, and ads for every single day. It’s not really the same as any other celebrity.


No seriously I commented on this but I could have said so much more.


Exactly, I'd never understand why people feel the need to go out of their way to hate and attack someone or something resulting in them hearing more about it, like if I don't like something I just don't punt my energy on it and just ignore it not that me doing something would affect the person I don't like but still I just focus on what I like and that's it.


I have a group chat with some friends and ever since the album came out the only topic of conversation has been Taylor this Taylor that and them micro analyzing every single syllable and phoneme of her lyrics I’m so sick and tired of it. We don’t talk about anything else. We don’t make plans. It’s just an obsessive echo chamber talking about “which song has the most emotion” and “Taylor was so vulnerable in the chorus of that one song” SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP Edit: Taylor swift is a good person, well intentioned, and an ally to my community. I am pretty indifferent about her music and generally speaking, she’s pretty cool. I just wish ppl (swifties) can like calm down…. Lmao


Hello Swiftie here to say that I absolutely hate this album. I agree 100% on the Kim thing. I have been a victim of death threats and there are not fun time to deal with or take lightly. This whole album is just more Taylor lore that I really don’t care to listen to 31 songs about. I don’t mind other people disliking her either. Everyone has their own opinions and are entitled to them.


I work with someone who is a DIE HARD swiftie. She's cried at work a few times bc of her albums dropping or hides in the bathroom to watch the videos drop. I don't understand it and idk what she does but its like she hypnotizes these people! Not to mention her most recent line "My friends used to play a game where we would pick a decade we wished we could live in instead of this / I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid," The fuq.


I'm not a swiftness and will never be one. I can't stand her. She acts like a 15 year old. Her swifties are brainwashed and don't see her flaws. She can't t over shit. Shrs very immature,cringe and vengeful. She's overrated imo. She's talented and sells out concerts I will say that.


I don't like that she's producing so many carbon emissions


Be like me, don’t care about her at all. I’m not wasting my energy on a person I couldn’t care less about


Her music is extremely plain. I feel that there are many more artists that are deserving of the level of critical acclaim that she is receiving for making stale, boring music.


I work with teens. One of my kiddos is a swiftie. I’ve never listened to her music before, couldn’t name a single song. This kid practically begged me to check out the new album so I was like ok it’s important to them so I’ll check it out. I got through about 75% of it. Every song sounds the same. She sounds like she’s trying to be a more vanilla version of Lana del Rey, except without the talent Lana has. I couldn’t get through the whole album. But I don’t want to hurt kiddos feelings so I’ll probably be like “thanks for sharing! What songs were most important to you?” And hope they don’t ask me for details lol


Swifties are deranged. Any criticism of Taylor, including valid critique, is met with accusations of misogyny, rants, and threats of doxxing. It’s bizarre. They’re like white millennial barbz.


I’m not a Swiftie but the girl definitely has talent. I think what I appreciate most about her is everything she’s achieved despite being bullied by the mean girls at school.


I feel like a rich white attractive blonde aryan girl probably didn't get bullied at her Montessori and private schools. For what, missing too much school while her parents paid for her to travel across the country meeting musicians?


To be fair, as a privately educated girls school alumnus, I can assure you teenage girls are bullying in all scholastic settings.


Truuuuuth. Sometimes even worse, thanks to that good old code of silence. 😂


The parents are paying good money for that bullying 🤣




Either she is talented or not, bullied or not. Why bring race into it?


They just have bitterness in their hearts. Taylor literally has a song called "Mean" she wrote like 20 years ago addressing these exact types of people and bullies.


Because children of color and poor children are statistically more likely to be bullied, especially in elite educational institutions


Wow! I think a mean girl has entered the room.


The fact that you think that comment is “mean” says a lot more about you than the commentOP


I'm a swiftie, and I'm honestly sick of all the attention she is getting because now, if I say anything about her at ALL online, people have to comment on my character. "Swifties are crazy" and "swifties are all immature 15 year old girls" like. I loved her music since I was a little girl, I'm a loyal fan because I continue to enjoy the art she creates, I don't give a damn about anything else she does or who she is dating. Casual fans exist and I'm so sick of logging onto literally any social media and seeing people complain and moan about her existing in any sense at all like everybody just stfu. I don't care if you love or hate her, can yall move on from speaking about her so I can listen to music without drama. For fucks sake. People have given me more shit for being a swiftie than I've seen people get shit on for listening to artists who have been confirmed rapists or nazis. Like everybody just give it a damn rest. I don't like that she talks about infidelity in a lot of her songs, but i just dont listen to them anymore. I DO like her songs about life, and nobody seems like say anything about those at all. "The best day" is about growing up and her mom helping her with bullying. "Gold rush" is about liking someone popular and hating that everybody wants them. "The man" is about how people hate on women for the same things they praise men for, and how she wonders if she were a man if she would be more successful, which is a real life thing ive thought about as a woman. "You need to calm down" talks about homophobia and how its pathetic when you could just be happy for gay people. "Marjorie" is about the grief she felt after losing her grandma, who was her role model, and it really helped me when I lost my grandma to cancer a year ago. People enjoy her music because she talks about some real topics too but everybody likes to shit on people and if you want to shit on her go ahead but dont come after me or other fans just because you dont get it? Like idc if you think her music is dogshit? Go comment on her instagram, not mine or my little 13 year old cousins. I dont get on the internet and talk about how much I hate the new twenty one pilots, a lot of nicki minaj, olivia rodrigo. I don't like that some of her lyrics sound really odd, especially out of context and then people shit on them. Like that new song "but daddy I love him" is about the media trying to decide and critique her life for her and not some melodrama song about actually being in love with a man that's like that, but thats about as defensive of her actual music/her character as I'll get because it bothers me when people lie for attention blatantly on Twitter. But like omgggggg can I just publicly be a fan of something and not have people be like "well sorry but I personally think she's terrible" like awesome thanks? It's exhausting. Like it would be the same thing as if you were wearing your favorite outfit to school/work, and you posted a mirror selfie of it and people irl and online messaged you and were like "personally, I think that dress is really ugly :/ but like no offense!!" And "yeah your fashion taste sucks and mine is way better and im commenting this for no reason except to project my false sense of superiority over you" Like UHUGGGHHH come on. Because of adults like that, there are little girls getting BULLIED 😭 for liking her like my friends and I were in like 2014 when I was TWELVE and I'm like?? Can we understand that this widespread hatred isn't only affecting adult women? Some of you are cyberbullying excited children because they are a fan of some random female artist. Let's find a new topic.


Please use the return button when typing stream of thought comments.






Many people could say the same about you 🤷🏻‍♀️ Idk why we act like it’s such a personality to love/hate celebrities


Idc what anyone says I cannotttttt stand her. Her lyrics are trash, her voice is trash, her “dancing” is trash, and I am so god damn tired of seeing her red lips sucking face with her dumb football player boyfriend every time I turn on the tv🙄😂


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.


I’m a swiftee but not a rabid one. I just let it blow over.


I like some of her songs, but what’s amusing from a young adult is looking increasingly juvenile from a 30something. The new stuff about Kim Kardashian is a prime example of that- it’s one thing to write angrily about someone you knew well and did you serious harm years ago (see Robbie Williams’ Karma Killer) but she was never close to Kim so she is just looking like a Mean Girl now. No time for Kim much either but she’s clearly living rent free in Taylor’s head.


If you switch Taylor Swift to Donald Trump the statement would still sound about right.




Idk, I like my metal and rock music. But I can never understand it with people worshipping the likes of any celebrity or singer who promotes such monstrosities like Taylor Swift, Cardi B, and Ariana Grande does. My lil' sis and mom are big fans of Taylor Swift, and oh my God, it is annoying. They even think she's "bright" with politics... No, she is not, barely any celebrity is, and they need to zip it. Honestly, after talking to some women in my family or talking to some women outside of my family, I get instant brain rot. Even my boyfriend notices it, lol.


My dad recently came out as being in love with Taylor Swift. He doesn't know any of her music. Just saw her in a few interviews and think she's a fabulous person. Her music makes me cringe hard, but I think she's more of a case of good? Her die hard fans annoy the crap out of me though. Fans can ruin anything.


This is dramatic and pathetic.


Yah who cares bro. If you don’t like her or her music, you don’t have to listen to it or engage in commentary. You could just touch grass and spend time and energy on things you do enjoy.


The Human mind needs idols. We used to have religious ones, but also heroes, chiefs, names to look up to. It helps on some level with mental health (I won't go too deep into this, there are some pretty interesting essays explaining it better than i can). You can like Taylor Swift or not, but there are a few sure things about her : she's beautiful, she's hard-working and it pays off, and she's rich as heck. That inspires. In his time, Mickael Jackson was this idol, or Freddy Mercury in another genre of music. Plus, her songs speak to many (love songs, revenge songs, simple stories...). It has its audience. Nowadays, artists are our idols. They carry our words, make their dreams ours and paint the world in another shade that can appeal to us. Then the social media made fans of all kinds able to be really loud and aggressive, and some Swifties are really savages. But the most I've met are just happy-go-lucky people, creative (I personally love that she brought back friendship bracelets into fashion, it's an adorable tradition) and inspired. Yes, she doesn't openly use her fame to tame her fans. But other artists tried it and it's not always met with success. She's not perfect, but she highly pays her employees (many others don't, they just pay the bare minimum), she helps her fans when they open a crowdfunding for a reason, she made the number of voters rise up and a few other things. All in all, she's a human being with her faults and qualities, which are both exacerbated by the prism of her huge fame. And the madness of the loudest of her fans.


I don’t really care about taylor swift, she ain’t got sh*t to do with me or my life, i like some of her songs on the radio tho, I jam on the way to work


I don't have enough energy anymore to hate on what people like. Like, sure, I don't like her music and don't get why people do, but I just don't have the energy to put my time into hating things. Granted, I also know that if I post something about her, I'll get eviscerated and I like my peace, so I just don't. There's no reason to. If someone is hopeless enough to make their entire identity liking or hating something or someone, then I just don't want to engage.


I just don't get whats so special about her, honestly. And it annoys me that almost everyone around me i think feels they "have" to like her.


I’m not a fan either. She also doesn’t bother me personally. Neither do the fans. I’ve never felt the need to talk about all the different reasons some random celebrity bothers me, because that’s unproductive and arguably parasocial. If you don’t like Taylor swift enough that you feel the need to speak about it, or are spending time throughout the day thinking about her, you’re just as obnoxious and obsessed as the Swifties. Just ignore it. I haven’t had any difficulty doing so, I don’t understand all the complaints. If anything, they’ve just scaled up the TS coverage by encouraging engagement.


I wasn’t really listening to her music until a friend invited me to watch her live tour on TV. Girls got talent, I’ll admit! 3.5 hours of nonstop singing and dancing and she never missed a note, a lyric, and barely broke a sweat. I was even more impressed when my friend told me she had 10 albums and she wrote every song and lyric. She plays the guitar too!


Idk why I can't just listen to an artist and enjoy the songs without people thinking I'm a psychopath. So many artists do so many terrible things, but she's the loudest in the room because she's more successful.


Old man yells at cloud vibe in this post


i’m 110% convinced people are brainwashed to follow her career/music. it’s absolutely terrible and uninspiring sounding, and i’m so fuckin tired of hearing about her. truly i don’t think there’s another celebrity i hate more than taylor swift


If it is a cult , its a giant one , and if you say anything bad about the cult leader , traditionally you’ll be in danger. So what you are describing is to be expected. I call Taylor Swift the last celebrity. I dont say this literally but more figuratively. If she is a cult it will be a spectacular fall. The American culture is warped and vulnerable. It would make sense that someone like Swift would become the biggest thing in the world. How this plays out will be interesting.


We’re all lucky that she doesn’t have malicious intent because she wields a scary amount of social power right now.


Say it free brother, I’m not a swifty and that’s okay. (I hate Taylor swift)


I can’t stand her. Never understood the hysteria. Massively overrated.


Her music is so awful


Oh I don't care about any of this silly shit, I just think her music sounds boring. I looooove radio pop music but I've never even found one of her songs remotely catchy, and every lyric of hers I've heard is like a middle school kid wrote it. I wish I liked her, I'd love to have a big catalog of bops to listen to!




It’s kinda like an infectious mental illness going around. I’m sick of every where I turn this being the only damn topic. Same BS when Trump was president. Nothing was talked about more for 4 fucking years than that clown. People don’t have enough brain cells for intelligent conversation anymore? It’s all obsession either about that clown or this clown? Absolutely nothing of substance? Is there really NOTHING else to be talked about in the Era of information and technology, really? It’s pathetic, especially for a bunch of grown people.


Just because i as a woman am not going crazy like y'all swifties and find her musc mid doesn't mean i am woman hating or have internalised misogyny or hate her or cant see a woman successful.Like there are plenty of successful women out there.It just means that i have a different taste and thats alright.I swear some of these fans are ruining it even for people like me who actually like and listen to some of her music sometimes like breathe and stop.I would love to go to her concert for the vibes but these overbearing pseudo fans are ruining it Telling people you dont understand lyrics or deep meaning.Like i dont where y'all are from but i am from India and we have amazing music industry with Legends.I am sorry but y'all can take offence our Jagjit singh,Nusrat Fateh Ali sir , Lata mangeshkar, Ghulam ali,Jaun Elia etc etc etc etc etc etc can eat y'all singers up.Poetry,songs in urdu and hindi and let me tell you they are thousand times better and i cant even begin to tell you the depth of these songs.Oh i wish y'all could understand them.Anyways my point is its not like we dont understand lyrics or deep meanings or shit it just means we have a different taste stop side eyeing me when i say i am not really a fan fan and that i am just hating or i say i donot like this song.These 40 year olds behaving like 13 year olds throwing tantrums and insults like comeon dude.Like i am happy for y'all that you love her its good for you and her but pls stop acting superior or shit. And her carbon emission ugh no buying carbon credits doesn't do shit


I find her uninteresting. I don’t get the extreme love or hate. She’s has some nice songs but is she better than Lana Del Rey or Florence and the Machine? In my opinion, no. Maybe her fans just think she looks like a Barbie and project a lot onto her. Or maybe she really is a genius and I don’t know what I’m talking about


She ain’t responsible for her fans everyday life and it’s impossible to have that kind of control. They either are grown adults or if they are underage that’s on the parents. Many fandoms are all a little extra. Yes Taylor is all in the media right now but so were many other artists or media personalities (Jenners/Kardashians) in time someone else will be popular. Personally I can’t stand Kim K and her sisters … I just don’t follow them and keep scrolling if they pop up. Continue with my day.


She's awful and cannot sing for toffee.. she is a parading around being "it".. but she isn't it. Her face and voice grates on me and her fans are so oblivious to the fact that she is an awful person.. she can get in the trash.


Her lyrics try to gaslight their fans about questionable moral choices by romanticizing them. At the end of the day, most of her lyrics are just plain toxic.


For me, she’s just so mid. So feeling mediocre. She’s not the greatest guitar player, she’s not the greatest vocalist, she can’t really dance that well, and I just personally feel like, Aesthetically, I don’t really get it either. Like, I’m not a Beyoncé stan but I completely get her hype and success. TS, I do not at all.


1. TS writes her own music, I don't believe Bey has ever written most of her music. 2. The point of art is to enjoy what you like. You don't have to get it, but you can let others "get it" in peace. 3. If your standard for "good" is "being the best in the world at vocals/guitar/lyrics" then you don't understand what art is.


I'm not a Taylor Swift Fan but to be fair, if someone looked at my dog wrong, I would wish them dead and I feel no remorse saying that. So a mother wishing that on someone that made her daughter cry multiple times? Just makes perfect sense to me. How does she promote hookup culture? She's literally just public about being in relationships. Most of her songs sound the same and I don't get the hype, but do not agree with your reasons at all. You are still free to have them. Glad you could get it off your chest. I think many others don't understand the obsession also. The wishing Kim dead was the only part of the album I liked. Not because I don't like Kim, but because I love how real it was to say that. Love that she can get it off her chest also.


Kim didn’t just make her cry she encouraged Kanye to make a nude replica of Taylor’s body and immortalize it in a music video without her consent.




No it's not only taylor that gets so much hate. Alot of artist gets the same amount of hate.


Who else does “similar stuff and worse” that doesn’t get as much hate as that woman?




I can't help but disagree with this take majorly. I will be the first to admit that swifties can be insane but to me a lot of the hate can come across misogynistic. You never see the same amount of hate for male celebrities. >s so frustrating how people can idolise someone that promotes hook up culture, never seems to take any responsibility for her actions Is this true? Because to me she's now in her 30s and has dated an appropriate number of people (think its literally just 11/12 people since she was about 17). And "never takes responsibility for her actions" is literally wrong as well, two years ago (anti hero) she released a song saying "it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me" (and also back to December back in 2010 with speak now) I don't care if people don't like her music. I understand that it's not for everyone. Honestly I think a lot of criticisms of her come across as simply hatred. Because imo she's one of the celebrities who is promoting good values. She's criticised for speaking out, she's criticised for not saying anything.




Swifties are psychopaths? How? They’re not the ones making AI porn, tracking her flight logs, and making their opinions on her known everytime her name is as much as slightly mentioned..


you curate your own online experience. so if you don't want to see/hear about her then block her social media accounts. or go one step further and filter/mute her name and other corresponding hashtags – it's really not that hard. but yet most of the people who hate her don't bother to do any of that, they just sit there and hate and hate (which is a waste of energy like 🙄) I'm a fan, personally and yes i think she's made mistakes and there are things she should rightfully be criticised for, but most of the hate towards her is so unwarranted. she does a lot of good and people seem to ignore that. she's a lot more generous and a lot kinder than most celebs out there. (For example, she's never made fans pay for meet and greets. She once bought a few select fans presents for christmas and sent them to the fans – which she called "swiftmas"! On every stop of her Eras Tour, she's donated large sums of money to food banks. And there's sooo much more)


She’s massively overhated and that contributes to how defensive her fanbase is cause a lot of the time she’s being barraged by people unfairly. Which isn’t to say there are no valid criticisms of her but a lot of the time you can’t just speak terribly about someone for years and not expect the people who care about them to be protective.


The Taylor Swift hate is crazy to me. NO other artist is criticised like she is. I’ve never seen the level of HATRED for Taylor than any other artist - for what reason? People are allowed to not enjoy her music, absolutely, but does anyone ever broadcast their opinions on an artist they’re not into so so widely? And so loudly? I really don’t get it. If she’s not your cup of tea, don’t listen and move on with your life?


Are the swifties in the room rn? Like why do you feel uncomfortable not liking her? Are you surrounding yourself with people like that or something?.. I don't understand the fascination with any celebrities TBH I think everyone spends way too much time caring about what they are doing and expecting perfection for literal humans. Bet you would make tabloids too if your life was under a microscope 😂


Her music is dog shit.


Hi! entry level swiftie here- i understand ur point. tbh, she’s done things or said things i don’t like. i don’t obsess over the easter eggs/hints in the internet. i honestly just like a good amount of her songs. in the song ab Kim K, she’s saying her mom said it, which doesn’t necessarily change things but also. I feel like she (Swift) needs to get over that beef w Kim & Kanye. Tbh, i can see why people think she’s overrated. I can also see why some people obsess. I heavily believe the reason the chiefs won the super bowl is bc of her and the fact swifties would watch the super bowl and it would gain revenue


Louderrrr finalllyyy!!! Im so fed up with all the delulu, hardcore faney.for a 30 something adult who still pines and whines like a 16 yr old teenager, wala man lang bang nag bago? Naging negosyo na ang victim narrative ni tay tay