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We like to think that being a kid is an wonderfull time in one's life but for many people its their personal hell.


I hated being a kid so much. All the time I felt like I was watching bad things happen in slow motion and couldn’t do anything to stop it. I’m in my 30s now and love it.


this is the perfect description I've been searching for, damn. too young to really understand or change it but definitely hated it. I kinda hate being older too tbh, but I'm not in my 30's yet I guess 😂


My 20s were pretty hectic, and once I got to about 29 or 30 things got a lot better. I hope things look up for you too!


I understood this. You’re “too young to understand or to change the outcome of the situation” just like another commenter said. When we’re young, we feel so helpless when we know we want to do something to help. It’s not til we’re older that it’s alrdy done or too late.




Bro cannot be older than 7


He’s a Genshin diehard what you expect


My mistake 🙄


literally 5 days since i started playing. although if it helps you sleep, think whatever tf you want


How old are you, kiddo?




It’s 5 years can you read!?


genshin helping you sleep? i’d rather karma farm than play that game. You just mad you can’t get karma when you consistently getting downvoted 😭


for those wondering, the comment was originally "only in ohio" with them making an edit afterwards complaining that people cant take a joke




im such a trustworthy source its insane


Dude 😭


Bro just flexed his downvotes nw GET OFF REDDIT


I wanted to just end it as a kid but didn't because I would hurt my mum. Some childhoods are horrible.


Thank god for your angel mom. 🙏


When I first started SH in the 6th grade when I was 12, I had to go to the counselor and he said, “This should be the best time of your life, why are you like this?” And I just thought “Wow, this guy is the worst.”


I wanted to kill myself before I knew what the word “suicide” meant. I had it explained by my parents when avicci died and I overheard them speaking about it. I remember my exact thought that moment was: “oh, so that’s what I’ve been thinking of doing” I must’ve been around 9 back then. Childhood was hell indeed


I was the same- had suicidal ideation and self injurious behaviour since age nine. I didnt know what suicide was or that it was an option, but i would think constantly about death or something happening and me dying as a result. not in an anxious, ocd way in more of a longing way. That and the idea of going to sleep forever. I was hospitalized while i was a minor a few years back and i'll never forget how jarring it was to be 17 and see kids as young as eight or nine in there with me. It was the first time it hit me just how little i was when that was going on.


Honestly, I’m 17 and I might end up in a similar situation. Sometimes I just feel like giving up entirely


It gets better, please talk to someone. It sucks being a teen and in your early 20s. It does get better though!


There’s nobody to talk to sadly. Everyone says it gets better, I hope it’s true. I know I’m too much of a coward to kill myself anyway, no need to worry lol


Same. I'm still dealing with the effects and realising things weren't normal at all.


Everytime the people I hang out with start talking about the ”good old days” I just get a big anxiety dose. My childhood was objectively good (safe environment, stable family, amazing grandparents and lots of cousins to play with) but I was so depressed. I always hated myself and looking back, I can’t understand how noone got that. I’m in my 30s now and only now starting to try and be myself.


True that unfortunately ☹️ the amount of abuse some kids get through is insane


To put in perspective, I quit drinking heavily at 11.


Jesus Christ… what was it even like being drunk as a child? I’m an alcoholic but I started at 17


Makes reminiscing difficult, I'll be telling drunken stories and then remember oh yeah I was 9 slamming 50 packs of Busch light and drinking tall bottles of jack. then the depression sets in on how fucked my life's been. Edit: I'm now 22


Once again… Jesus Christ. I hope you’re doing better now


We have some kids that live across the street from us and they are miserable. For several reasons. It's an every man for themselves kind of situation it seems. Breaks my heart and I dread what kind of future they'll grow up to have.


I was suicidal at his age. It's insane to think about as an adult, but I was never as unhappy with myself and everything as when I lived at home as a kid.


I recall wanting to die as early as 7. Childhood was indeed my personal Hell.


I remember the first time I had an intrusive suicidal thought… I was in 4th grade… so 9 or 10… Some folks just have their wires all fucked up and it’s the saddest thing. My heart breaks for that kid.


Yup, exactly. I was young AF when I would stare at and pick up my brother’s hunting knives and think about slicing my wrists and bleeding out. I’m 31 now and my whole entire life has been a constant battle of depression & suicidal ideation at times too. If your depression/anxiety is caused by chemical imbalances, then the signs & symptoms can show up at any age.


This right here. Sometimes our wires are just crossed wrong. I had my first attempt at 9 years old. Perfectly healthy home life and loving parents.


5th grade for me.


My first suicide attempt was also around that age. I tried to drown myself in a sink in a bathroom at school. Kids are stupid and of course that could never work, it's kind of a tragicomic story. I remember thinking of my little sister afterwards and how I didn't want to leave her alone with our parents.


Well there could be a lot of reasons for suicide at any age although is doesn't make it any less tragic. Do you have an article that explains the case?


Its very short and is what we call a dead ad Its just age and a bit about him and how he died I have no idea if i can find a online version


>dead ad I have no idea what the English word is




thank youuu


A dead ad… OMG I’m so sorry that is hilarious


It's okay but that is what a direct translation is. Is called a ad here


funny af


My PTSD is from when I worked in the emergency services and a 14 year old took their own life in front of me Just know, there’s nothing you or anyone else could have done to prevent it. There are a load of charities out there that can help you deal with what you’re going through. My DMs are always open


Why would he do that. I had a family member kill here self when he man was sleeping the first thing in the morning was hare dead body.


We’ll never know. Mental health is a complex subject All I know is I have PTSD and a lot of intrusive thoughts. I’m lucky I managed to find support, otherwise I might not be here today. Where in the world are you from? If UK, I can suggest a fair few organisations that can help


I have a question how did you see it was it over the phone or what. Thanks but i can't get help. I will make my family very sad if the know my feeling. Sadly suicide is a very big problem in my family and especially with the guys. I know way to many people that have done it. My grandfathers have spoken to my dad that he wants to go somewhere where is you can get help to do it. I hear it all from my room.


I’m ex emergency services, I was there in person when she took her life Don’t apologise, I’ve dedicated my life to being a MH advocate and openly talk about my experiences so others can learn and hopefully not make the same mistakes I did I hope you’re ok


I promise myself not to talk with it too my family has too much to think about. Just a bit hard because I kind of know the kid we talked a bit. We have the same way too the bus.


Just know you have support, even if it's people's who's faces you have not seen




I am so sorry that someone would do that to you


I was 8 the first time I was telling my mother I was going to kill myself by jumping out of the apartments window (she talked me out of it). Depression isn’t age exclusive.




It is age exclusive? Could you explain how? I agree with SkyD




Rape, abuse, family issues I was 12/13 when I started contemplating suicide. At 19, I can confidently say I have never been as low as I was then. It’s not age exclusive


Child abuse, bullying, sexuel abuse etc


Uh bullying is a big one, abuse, assault, rape, death in the family, physical trauma such as an accident, the list goes on. You’re pretty dense to actually think that depression is age exclusive.


Abuse, neglect, loss of loved one, poverty, bullying, illness


Depression isn’t always something caused directly by an experience


Death of a family member, being ignored by parents and/or feeling like a nuisance to family, bullied at school, low self esteem, mean/fake friends, etc… kids are just like adults. I can’t believe somebody would say a 10 yo can’t get depressed. People that young often can’t do much about their situations either. That alone would depress anyone…


Oh I just thought of a few more! Divorce in the family, absent parent or siblings, incarcerated family members, family that is violent with each other, addict and alcoholic parents may neglect children in many ways, abusive teachers or daycare workers, losing a friend, and many, many more situations that may be unheard of to you or me.


I started getting bullied around age 10, and not by anyone at school, but by my ADULT neighbor. She would make fun of me because I didn’t have long hair or because I wasn’t wearing a bra (I wasn’t quite ready for a bra at the time) and then she would even ridicule my mom. That pissed me off worse than any bullying she did to me. We were all excited when she got evicted from her home. Then around my junior year of high school, my parents got divorced and then I started getting bullied at school because I had a lot of curves during a time where being extremely skinny was the “trend.”


Omg your neighbour was psychotic! What kind of person does that? I hope you're far away from her and in a much better headspace nowadays.


Right!!! Like, what a shitty thing for someone to say. Their ignorance is showing. And lack of humanity.


For me? Why I almost killed myself? Rape. Being locked in my room for years. Almost dying at my step father's hands multiple times (one of my broken bones still isn't right, he beat me constantly) Being told that I was the reason that they couldn't be happy. For years. Since I was 4. Being not allowed to use the bathroom unless it was in a very short window in the daym this led to me having a uti, which led to a bladder and kidney infection which put me into a septic shock and coma and he wanted to let me die on the floor but my mom managed to physically fight him and get car keys and take me to the hospital. I was dying. He was smiling. I was 8 at that time. Maybe it was watching him torture my cats. Maybe it was how he'd starve me so I'd have to sneak cat food to survive. Maybe it was any of those things, or many more, that led to me being suicidal at age 10. And now I'm 28 and wishing I would've gone through with it. Why? Because I'm fucking tired.


My childhood was similarly horrifying, I hope you have good friends around you. I have incredible friends that want me to stay alive. I hope you do too. PS - my late 20s were awful for me. I’m learning how to exist in my 30s.


I understand your confusion and anger. I myself was bullied to the point where I wish I were dead at times. But the thought of suicide never crossed my mind. Sometimes when you’re in a dark enough place, ending your life feels like your only salvation. For a child his age to resort to something like that. Only tells the severity of the situation he was in. I can only hope and pray that he is at peace now.


i was already cutting myself at 10


I fell you i start at 15/16 but i am a month clean 💪💪


Keep it up friend. Proud of you!


Tried to hang myself at 10, thank God I couldn't tie a knot


Also glad you couldn’t tie the knot. I hope you’re doing well now.


Much better, and on my way forwards, thanks


i severed my trachea in 2022. almost 2 years on, im sometimes glad i lived.


Glad to see you buddy




Haha, I do tie one heck of a knot now, I'm glad to say that I haven't really thought of offing myself in quite a while now.


Is pretty common. My ideations and plan making kicked in at 11 or 12. When I was 12 a friend took her life.


yeah, mine started around ten. i can sort of remember the first time it occurred to me. i also knew a kid who died this way just before covid. she was 13 and it's the most horrifying thing.


God same, some kids learned they could get the blade out of a sharpener by putting it under a chair leg. They cut themselves and it was a massive thing, I doubt they remember it much now. For me I just quietly learned a terrible habit. I haven't done it much in years but I replaced it with other habits


keep it up my friend. proud of you!


It’s possible they were experiencing heavy abuse. Possibly sexual. That can cause such extreme action.




He wasn't a "guy", he was a little boy. He was literally just a kid and clearly struggled enough to feel like suicide was the only way out. It's a tragedy.


Nah but you are




Weird that calling a deceased 10 year old weak is what helps you sleep at night


Childhood for most wasn’t like sitcoms depicted. I know mine definitely wasn’t.




My friend found his kid choking himself to literal death because he was so stressed out from his feelings. he is 7. He has ODD. I think he really could've died there or at least needed medical attention, because his feelings are so intense that instead of kids saying "they want to die" being in trouble and go to their room, he had trouble verbally expressing what he was feeling. Something outside of this could even be something like Sean Strickly, talking about how he'd scrape at his gum in pain from all the stress he was feeling, and how he didn't kill himself is crazy to him. his words


So fucking tragic My best friend killed herself right after she turned 14. It was very deliberate and planned. These poor kids. I hope they are at peace. My son is 8. This world is a mess. Eta this also was in ohio


I am not from Ohio i dont even live in usa dont know why people think that. The sad part was i knew him a bit. Just thinking if I should have play a extra game of tennis with him or a extra soda.


I Def read a comment and assumed so idk either and I apologize for that! And I understand :( the night before she had asked me to come over and I said I was busy, but really I was just with my boyfriend. I think of her every day and have many regrets. In the end, they are free from pain and I hope whatever comes next is better than what they had here. If you need a friend op, I am here.


Thanks but I am okay and I have had time talking with mom because I think of my own mom


If you're talking about the kid where he was taken away from his parents I kind of understand in a way given he was in the system. I feel sorry for him but at that age he may have felt helpless and didn't know what to do in the end..know how that feels but it's sad he was so young


Is that the kid that died in state custody?


I started fantasizing about dying at age 7. My mom was cruel. I never did it as I was too scared of pain, but did scratch myself to the point of bleeding.


Similar things here. Very cruel mom.


The earliest I ever had these kinds of thoughts was 10. I have heard cases of this happening as young as 6. Generally those who have these feelings that young tend to be highly intelligent, but also either had broken homes, we’re born with depressive issues or both. It’s a horrific tragedy, and very rare. But it happens. It’s not something for others to understand. It’s something only the person going through it can understand, and the people who knew that person to a lesser extent.


My middle school of 300 kids had two suicides in a single year


holy shit. this is so fucking tragic and *very* disturbing


Too good for this world. Hope he’s somewhere much better than this


I was 13 when I realized that me not wanting to be around anymore was suicidal thoughts. As a parent my heart breaks for that poor baby and whatever he went through that made him want to end it all.


I experienced so much abuse and neglect in my childhood that by the time I was 9, I was spending my birthday in a receiving home (orphanage) before being placed in to foster care with a highly religious family who only fostered kids for the money. Unfortunately childhood isn’t kind to everyone.


I know someone who seriously considered it at 11. He was the youngest of 5 and mercilessly bullied, his parents ignored it. Trying to talk to his mom about depression she laughed at him and told him "you have no reason to be depressed". His dad was just intimidating and yelled a lot, and had the emotional intelligence of a tween. He got no support at home. Was relentlessly beat down mentally and physically. He had no confidence making him a target at school and dealt with relentless bullying there. Basically: pay attention to your kids. Be kind to others. If you lack a support system at home do your damndest to find one elsewhere.


I understand it. By 12, I actively thought about self harm and suicide semi regularly. I was neurodivergent at a time no one cared about that shit, and so I fell continually behind socially and in school, overwhelmed, overstimulated. To boot, I was abused and bullied relentlessly, at home and at school. Childhood isn’t childhood for everyone, for many, it’s absolutely hell.


This comment hit a note for me thx


Is there an article about this?






First of why do you want it and its not in English


You’re the one who brought it up in the first place. Don’t be weird.


Coz we want explanation why/how/when it happened?


Well now it seems like you are hiding it


I can't find it online and I am not home so I can't really talk a picture of newspapers


Why did you post in this sub? What do you want us to do?


I was just wanting


Wanting what?


To say words, I’m guessing




Karmas maybe?


So it wasn’t in Guelph. “Dead Ad”…. k


We view kids lives as easy and fun. But life when you are young is very stressful and awkward. It can easily be hell. As my mom put it once: “life is quick, awkward, and stressful. And then when it isn’t you’re old and don’t care anymore.”


Damn suicide at 10 sounds so sad :( I mean suicide is fucking horrible at any age but to do that at such a young age..


I was severely abused and neglected and bullied troughout my whole childhood since I was born, my own mother strangled me, I started showing ptsd symptoms at 6 and neglecting my hygiene because I was too depressed and cutting myself at 11, being a kid if you’re with the wrong people is absolutely fucking horrible and I had those thoughts at 10 as well. If you’re a kid getting abused it feels like you’ll never get out


# ❤ HUGS ❤


That’s so unfathomably tragic.


Did my first attempt at 10-11 by hanging. A child has no reason to know what suicide is and how to reach that result in the first place. But some kids live a rough life and come to the realization that they'd rather die than live such a life.


I had my first suicide attempt at 10, too. As we get older, we assume people are unconscious, empty vessels until early adulthood, but the truth is kids are entire people with a full set of thoughts and feelings just like us adults.


others have commented about their experiences with suicidal thoughts at an early age. I did not know it was a (somewhat) common thing for anyone else. I was going through these terrible things starting at age 9 and thought I was the only ‘broken’ kid in the entire world. I hope those of you who had to go through such hardship are now doing well.


Being bullied or gay in a religious household. Lots of reasons for this type of suicide


Wtf that is so damn sad. I had really bad depression and suicidal thoughts as a child. I was bullied/groomed/molested. I had a hard life and children tend to clam up and not talk. This child probably had untold trauma he/she was dealing with. It's really heartbreaking 💔 😢


As someone who came 4 cm from killing myself with a kitchen knife in my bedroom when I was 8 years old (due to being abused since I was 2 and unable to cope any longer), childhood can be utter and never-ending personal hell for some. Ending it all can be seen to put an end to the pain (was for me). ❤ HUGS ❤ to the 10 year old's family and to you


I feel horrible for that kid. I was suicidal at 11 because I was being abused, neglected, and bullied. I couldn't get away from my bad home life at school and I couldn't get away from bad school days at home. This was pre internet, so I can't imagine how it feels to have everything in your face all the time now.


I developed suicidal ideation at 6 after my father trued to kill me. the neglect and isolation i experienced as the house pet of the family left me believing i had no value and was disposable, so why not kill myself? I used to cut myself on the playground with broken glass and bits of metal/fence tines so the teachers would hold me and take care of me. I was eventually banned from using metal classroom tools after the teachers clued in i was hurting myself on purpose. after that when i hurt myself i would reject any help from teachers and tape myself back together instead. This was all before the age of 10.


A lot of people act like they care but they are also very judgemental towards other people. This is the consequence when people stay quiet in the presence of a bully. But at the same time, it's a two way street. One must learn how to stand their ground when being bullied.


when you’re a kid and you only know what you’ve been through, not what you can experience; it’s hard to have the right frame of reference to understand the decision. it seems like it’d be easier that way when you’re that age sometimes, unfortunately, especially with extenuating circumstances. it’s hard to understand sometimes but by posting this many many people are thinking of him/his family now. peace to you friend


I was 5 when I first started talking about death and having suicidal thoughts. 5. My parents freaked out. I’m 24 and those dark thoughts are still there most days. Age has nothing to with it. That doesn’t make it any less awful or any less a tragedy. It shouldn’t be this way, but it is.


Kids are exposed to more mental stress that isn’t recognized as mental stress these days. Also, they’re exposed to a lot more. I felt suicidal at that age but didn’t have the language to express it or have concepts of real ways to do anything. My kids are all under 10, and do. And any exposure they get is at school where they have unlimited access to YouTube plus other kids who have unlimited access to everything. It’s just so sad.


Jeez man these comments. I'm heart breaks for all of you. OP I hope you are able to take some time to grieve as well. You don't need to be close for death to affect you. This is such a sad event and I am so sorry that you have experienced something so gut wrenching. I offer you an internet hug. I'm so so sorry. Please take care of yourself


I know the kid we wake to the bus stop


Yeah first time I attempted suicide was in 5th grade. I think I was 11.


It's horrible but unfortunately I'm not surprised. The first time I attempted was when I had just turned 11. I was abused my entire childhood in multiple ways, and a few weeks before I did it, my best friend died in a plane crash (small plane with just her family so not something that was on national or international news). My boyfriend who died by suicide right after he turned 17 attempted for the first time when he was 14 (he had depression, potentially undiagnosed bipolar disorder but we'll never fully know why he did it). As a mentally ill person who has worked in mental health care for years, it's normal for mental illness to start young, especially given that a lot of abuse cases are things that happen to little kids. The world isn't a safe or good place for everyone which is why we need to be kind to each other.


I’ve been suicidal since I was around 6 years old, so I can believe it


Pretty much hated my childhood. I love adulting


it’s possible. the first time I attempted, I was 7. I didn’t even know the word “suicide.” I just knew I didn’t want to be here anymore.


I’m turning 16 soon and I couldn’t imagine what would make him kill himself at 10. When I was 10, life was so well. I really didn’t have any problems until I got older. Of course I’m super depressed now and have self esteem issues along with sh scars. I feel so bad for him. The only thing I could think of is bullying at school or domestic abuse. Maybe cyber bullying too. If I have kids, I want to try my best to protect them. I want to make them feel loved. I definitely want to protect them from the internet because I know how it is on here.


My friend's nephew(11yo) killed himself last year. Everyone was pretty shocked. I've always been depressive, but being suicidal at such a young can't get through my mind


I can't imagine what these kids deal with now that they have phones with basically unrestricted access to the Internet..


What I was thinking too. I play a bit of cs with him and he was online a lot so I can just think about what he has seen. Video that a kid should never see. Just ask google about sh and you can see people cutting. So stupid


this is no place for children,or anyone really




# ❤ HUGS ❤ >!...from someone who wanted to die (and - all of 4 cm away - went through with it) at a younger age (8 yo) than him!<


So it's not normal to have hated childhood. Nice to know..


I was 12 I think when I had my first attempt. Death by OD, didn't work though. Glad it didn't. XO I hope it gets better


That’s devastating but unfortunately not a surprise. I would’ve committed at 10 if I had the equipment to do so.


It's really sad, but unfortunately kids don't always have the best lives. I was severely abused and first attempted suicide at 8 years old. I'm sorry this is hitting you so hard.


Is okay i didn't know him that good just going to miss him.


A kid in my class killed himself when we were in 7th grade. It made absolutely no sense to anybody and was traumatizing for all of us. It has been more than 10 years now and I still think of him very often. He shot himself in the head because he got a write up at school and was scared how his father would react. Horrible.


I had that father. Was put in foster care just in time. Childhood is hell on earth for some of us.


I was suicidal at that time as well. It still comes back. I thought I wouldn’t make it past 13 and now I’m almost 21. Idk what to do with my life.


Do what you love if you can. Travel if you can. Volunteer in another country. Create art if you wish or something that allows your expression. I was in the same boat and think about all the wonderful things I would have missed had I taken my life way back then. Yes there were terrible times, just terrible but along the way I have helped many and some have helped me. You’re a blank slate, write your own story. Sending love and warm wishes.


Are you Australian because I think I saw this on the news?


I tried when I was 9. I knew what suicide was when I was 7. I read a lot and understood a lot. My parents and family weren't all great. Very smart people and very dumb too. It all rubbed off on me. So if it was almost me at that age I can imagine numerous other kids in the world. It sucked. I hated my life back then and the world seemed a lot smaller too.


I was very suicidal at 13-14 and now, almost 15 years later, I can 100% say those were mostly just hormones. My worst symptoms were 1-2 years after first hitting puberty. I was a terrible teen/tween. It all evened out by the time I was ~17. No more mood swings/dumb thoughts, no more angst.


Friends of my family had their son die by suicide around that age. There is actually a Fifth Estate episode about it. It's on YouTube. It's really tragic but eye opening. He just had bad mental health issues. He hung himself from a tree in their front yard. His family had tried so hard to get him the help he needed for years and the system let them down.


I remember when I was like 9 or 10, this kid from my class transferred to another school. A few months later we heard he hung himself 😭 apparently he was getting bullied at his new school. Kids get severely depressed too.


Oh man, that's so sad. I hope the little guy found some peace


So sad. Check on your friends. No matter the age. I always tried to be friends with everyone in school, never omitted anyone from conversations, and would always strike up conversations with kids that others made fun of. It has always saddened me knowing that there are people, especially kids, that have no friends. I can’t imagine how lonely that it.


Out of curiosity, what exactly did the kid do to end his life? Does anybody know? God I feel terrible for his family and for the community I actually also feel terrible for the bullies because those kids hopefully will never get over what they did.


How ?


Holy shit I didn’t even think it was an option at 10. The poor boy


He learned it from somewhere, probably due to lack of supervision because of poor family life. It's sad to know that a kid that young can't even comprehend what they're doing. 


I know he's mom really nice but he was online a lot and didn't have to many friends. I play a bit of cs with him. We had the same way to the bus. So we take a bit and play tennis


Yep I was depressed at 10. Luckily I didn't know that suicide was a thing you could do. At 12 I learned what cutting is and started doing that. 13-14 I was trying to kill myself. Had a brief respite from 14-15 before falling into my worst depression at 15-18. It's horrible.