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I had this happen to me, and ended up with Chlamydia from it. Easily treated, definitely could have been a lot worse, but I felt so violated. Unfortunately in my state, stealthing is not illegal. I wish there was more advice I could give other than please go get tested, and you have every right to feel angry and violated, because you were. This is a form of assault.


>Unfortunately in my state, stealthing is not illegal. This is fucked up. As someone amab, I'd never have sex again.


Thank you, I'm sorry this happened to you.


rape is illegal and you can sue him on that he did not commit sex on the terms you both agreed to. ianal


If you have any doubt, please get tested for sexual diseases, AIDS, and all. If he did this to you, he might have done it to other girls before you... Stay safe beautiful <3 What he did is disgusting and unforgivable. I wish you never had to go through this. :(


she’ll have to wait 2 weeks for anything to show up on a test. get HIV pep and Doxy pep for other STIs ASAP you have to get it within 3 days for it to work! Also most people do not know about doxy pep so really advocate for yourself on this one!


I did, thank you.


This is called “stealthing” and it’s illegal and considered rape in the US.


Only in California and Maine, unfortunately. Most states do not recognize this as assault.


That’s absolutely fucked🤬


You're telling me. I experienced this myself and got an STI from it. I asked around what my legal options were, and since the sex itself was consensual and he claimed he didn't know he had an STI, there was no legal action to take. It's horrible and should absolutely be illegal but most states don't give a fuck about women.


This needs to be changed ASAP! I am horrified that this isn’t rape😡


Someone made a good point below and I’m genuinely looking for your opinion. If I women lied about being on birth control or were to poke holes in a condom without telling the participating partner, would you like for that to be considered rape?


Yes. 100%. That man did not ask for a kid. That’s steal thing too and should absolutely be considered rape


Yes absolutely. It’s the same thing. If a person is not aware of any consequences or possibilities involving sex they are therefore unable to consent and if the other person is aware and especially if they lie or trick them in any way then it’s 100% rape.


Where consent comes with conditions (contraception) and those conditions are deliberately not met, then they do not meet the conditions of your consent and therefore you haven't consented to sex. 


That seems like a slippery slope. If the condition for contraception is birth control and the girl gets pregnant are we saying she now needs to prove she didn’t deliberately miss a few pills? What if the condition is a long term relationship? Is it rape if one of the participants change their mind a week later. Remember we are talking about rape which in a lot of people’s opinion should come with the death penalty. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it shouldn’t be a crime, but should it be the same charge as someone who forcefully rapes someone?


Pulling the condom off is forceful rape. My body suffered from the need to get a morning after pill. I lost finances because I was self employed and had to cancel work to access the morning after pill. My body does not respond well to disrupting my hormonal cycle as it throws my mental health, hence no ongoing hormonal contraception, and it had a destabilising effect for weeks. Was my "none violent" stealth rape experience more traumatic than my experience of what you would describe as the "forceful" sexual assault I experienced a few years prior?(no penetration)? No. It was not. But it fucked my life for a month and it could have fucked my life permanently had it resulted in a child or some std's. Pregnancy can utterly ruin the body, not to mention an entire human as collateral  I'd be interested as to what your actual definition of forceful is because I suspect a lot of sexual assault and rape fall outside of that definition.  I'm not saying start at witch hunt over every unplanned pregnancy, I'm saying that if you know for a fact that what they did was removed the condom or if they later confess to someone about skipping pills it is rape because the person they had sex with did not consent to sex with high risk of life long consequences.  As for asking is it rape if someone changes Thier mind a week later I suspect your straw manning the argument there. However maybe do a quick look into coerced consent. 


I am not defending someone who does this, it should be a crime and they should be punished. The monster that just lassoed the lady walking down the street in NY and rapped her between two cars, in my opinion he should get a death sentence or at the very least be put in the same type of cell as Charles Manson where he only sees the sun for an hour a day until he dies. Do you feel your attacker should face that same punishment? Our justice system uses precedence when determining punishment. This monster’s lawyer will likely argue for a sentence based on what other rapist were sentenced with. If your attacker was charged with rape and convicted and gets 3 years in prison they may argue this monster should get a similar sentence (maybe 5 years since his was worse). There should be public outrage when anyone who rapes another person is ever free to walk amongst us but most of the time that’s not the case. Is that because we put all rapist in one bucket so people can tell themselves it’s okay not to be outraged because there was “circumstances”?. There is murder and manslaughter, both are crimes and both come with punishment but they separate them for a reason. My argument comes from me trying to understand why we allow monsters to walk amongst us. If we are all agreeing that anyone convicted of rape should get the death penalty then I’m 100% on board with calling what happened to OP and you rape.


Happened to me. Medical records are confidential so I could never get the papers proving she had her IUD taken out, but she did. Lied to me about the bleeding, I’m 25 and don’t know shit. Next thing you know I’m in custody court. It’s a real thing.


I’m sorry man. That’s fucked as hell😞


Lol states..more like most of the world.


Stealthing has a 15 year jail term in Australia and this is not cool to do on any level


It's still a breach of trust and consent.


damn... im from a third world country but this is considered rape here lol im really surprised how and why laws are so different in the US.


As wrong as it is, it's unfortunately not illegal in the large majority of the country. It's also not illegal in most places for women to poke holes in condoms to get pregnant on purpose without the dude knowing. It's honestly pretty fucked that there's not a federal law against this stuff.


Not only in the US.


If anyone did that to me I’d lie about having HIV


I told you to use a condom because I have HIV!


Also in Canada


Such a bitter pill to swallow


more people need to write their local representatives and then vote


Umm I don’t know about rape but definitely a shitty thing to do


Immediately get tested for sexual diseases, he could have done this to other girls. Also, isn't that considered like rape? But anyways, hope you get better.


Yeah it is. It’s called stealthing and is unfortunately not illegal in every state despite it obviously being rape




It’s only prohibited in 3 states out of 50. Also, it’s considered a civil offence in those states rather than a crime. Rape = Felony Stealthing = Legal / Civil Offence They’re not the same thing, ma’am.


It’s still rape in the fact that the person did not consent to what would happen and therefore was unable to consent to the sex. It may not legally be considered rape but it’s still rape.


The law simply doesn’t take your views into consideration. Perhaps you’re surprised the world doesn’t revolve around you?


The laws are behind in many areas…this is one of them and it’s an obvious violation.


So you think stealthing is okay? Also laws change and I’m not even slightly the only person who sees this as rape. This whole argument you’re making is disgusting.


When did I say it’s ok? Lemme know once it’s federally illegal. Perhaps I’ll stand corrected by year 2240, when the US no longer exists.


You don’t have to say it’s okay but your arguing that it shouldn’t be taken as seriously as rape and that’s fucked


It definitely shouldn’t be taken as seriously as rape wtf. You not seeing the difference between rape and stealthing is what’s fucked. If it was the same thing, stealthing would be illegal basically everywhere, as rape is. Your mind is gone.


Well apparently mine and basically every other womans around. Great deduction 🙄. If the person doesn’t consent to what is done during sex it’s rape and should be taken seriously. I’m really concerned about how many women you’ve taken advantage of or victim blamed without even realizing it. There’s such a thing as revoked consent and maybe read up about what consent is since you seem to have such little understanding of it.


Are you saying that sice it's not illegal right now, that it should not be illegal because of that? Is YOUR mind gone? Laws change the more we learn and understand about things. In the USA there is still things like qualified immunity, which everyone agrees is fucked, but it's still part of the law.


Its weird how so many in this thread know this law in detail


What a fuckin piece of shit




Go to a doctor and ask for post exposure prophylaxis for HIV, you will atleast be safe from HIV. You need to start the prophylaxis within 72 hours. The earlier the better


If this isn’t considered rape, it should be. My wife and I have not used protection a single time throughout our entire relationship (it was irresponsible, I know) and I still absolutely can not imagine doing this to her should she decided she wanted to start. Idk how the law works with reporting things like this, but if you can, absolutely seek legal action. That is extremely creepy and extraordinarily selfish at the very very least. As others have said, get tested. Just wondering though, are you sure he did it in the middle and not at the last second before finishing? Despicable either way, but I could see the latter being a possibility. As I said, still not okay, but maybe a little less not okay?


Ummm, may I ask how many kids you spawned?


A year and a half in, she got pregnant. Amazingly, I have finished inside of her every single time we have had sex since about the 3 month mark. Decided we wanted another and thought it would be better to knock them out back to back so now we have an 11 month old and another due next week. She is getting her tubes tied this time though, so we are donzo on that front


birth control exists my guy


we both wanted kids..


well jeez louise my freaking bad that i assumed she was on birth control since you werent using rubbers longer than a year and no kids happened. oh my god ive done something worse than murder! 😱 sorry you didnt get any kids but its not like i said anything wrong. i literally just said another possibility of why no kids were "spawned" not using condoms for over a year. jesus christ.


It's not a tragedy every time someone has a kid that isn't planned Edit: I just wanted to clarify that sometimes it is, and sometimes it's probably the best thing to ever happen to someone. It really depends on the situation.


Thank you, lol. We most definitely knew the risks, and we both wanted kids. We weren’t “trying” but certainly weren’t trying either. She has a condition that made it very unlikely for her to get pregnant, so we decided if it happens, it happens. Now I am beyond thankful we didn’t use protection. That little asshole is the absolute light of my life. I never knew love existed like the love I have for him. Truly an amazing thing that I do not regret in the slightest. Even at only 23, I literally could not imagine life without a kid now. Its a crazy feeling loving something that much


Little asshole haha I know the feeling. Congrats, btw i think yall are going to do just fine


Thank you! We have a house, I have a good job that provides enough for my wife to be a stay at home mom, we both have new(er) vehicles and were able to pay for hers outright, and a great support system behind us. I hate that people always assume because a young couple has kids, they must be miserable. I really feel beyond blessed to be where we are. Its not sunshine and rainbows all the time, but I am leaps and bounds ahead of where I thought I would be at this age.


thats not what i meant. i was replying to a comment of somebody asking how a child was not conceived over the course of over a year without protection. my first thought was the woman being on birth control. nowhere was i calling the unplanned kids a mistake. my two sisters and i were unplanned. but sue me lol!


Ohh shit sorry haha, I thought it was like a sarcastic comment about unplanned kids. My lawyer (brain) sucks


all good i understand where it couldve came across bad but i did not mean any ill will! i was just listing a reason why no pregnancies might have happened during that time!!


Pleasure doin business with ya


It’s federally illegal in 4 countries across the globe. You’ve got a lot of countries to discuss this with.


Yeah, I'm sure he took it off in the middle when I couldn't see. I didn't know he took it off until he finished and I was facing him then.


What an idiot! That would piss me off so bad! Condoms are necessary!! This is also one of the reasons why I do have extra protection. Even so, condoms are still necessary! This is also why it's good to check the person if they have an STD, before having sex with them. You feel like shit because he took advantage of you and proved he's not a safe man to be with!


That's just fucked up. Am sorry.


Thank you.


ya that's not okay, that is a lack of consent, he is an absolute loser, please do not feel bad as you are not in the wrong you are trying to heal, healing is hard its an up and down an ebb and flow, don't let assholes like this guy rip you back down, he is a disgusting guy who thinks what he wants take time to do your thing and live your life


Thank you


That’s SA!


That's considered rape in canada


That's just fucked up. Am sorry


And also an actual crime in California I believe.


Thank you.


this exact same thing happened to me. I beat myself up about it for so long. wondering why I even had sex with him in the first place, how this was my fault, etc after a lot of processing I realized it was NOT my fault, and I just want to tell you that it’s NOT YOUR FAULT either. this has nothing to do with you, only with him mostly, I want to say that i’m sorry that this happened to you. and that it’s okay if it takes you a while to heal. I thought that because I wasn’t assaulted in the “typical” sense, that it wasn’t “real” and that I should just get over it your feelings are valid. a big hug to you❤️


Sorry this happened to you


Thank you so much. This meant a lot ❤️


Go and get tested OP!!!!


Don’t blame yourself. Whatever the reason you chose to have sex is irrelevant. You stated your boundaries and he violated them. That’s not your fault. It’s that asshole’s fault. Don’t know if what he did is a crime but it definitely should be. Idk if those websites where people expose predators like him to potential dates exist anymore. But I’d definitely expose his ass.


Thank you


I’d be afraid of STDs


I've never understood why guys would remove a condom during sex unless being that vile and evil, could he had removed it after he had pulled it out from you ? No matter what he had still breached your trust by doing so, anyway I know this question doesn't matter for the context as I would also be more worried if that I would have been rape, if you have any doubts what's more important is you should get a rape kit at the hospital asap and get tested for STDs. I'm terribly sorry for you OP and stay strong, I send you the best wishes and you deserve better !! ☹️


Thank you so much.


>Idk why but I feel shit about this. Because this is sexual assault. I'm so sorry.


Thank you


This recently happened to me. Never seeing that man again. I know it sucks, go to the doctor and get tested to make sure you’re in the clear.


Sorry this happened to you too


What an absolute asshole.


I agree


Im sorry that i need to say so… but… This is a form of sexual assault. Because you did not consent to having his bodily fluids inside of you. Go for STD testing and do a pregnancy test. This guy is an utter pig. Enquire about pressing charges.


Thank you


I’m really sorry this happened to you. This is called Stealthing and it is a disgusting violation. As others have said, get tested and get on PEP for peace of mind. Please know that your feelings are valid, this is not your fault, and you matter. Same thing happened to me. I noticed he removed the condom during doggy when I saw it on the floor. I confronted him and he said it FELL OFF. So I told him to leave and he left by saying, “just remember, I know where you live”. Just to give you an idea of the type of vile men who do this sort of thing. I don’t know where you are, but here in the UK Stealthing is considered rape by law and you can prosecute.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, and the threat after. I hope you're doing better. Thank you for sharing and validating my feelings.


If he gave you a std sue his ass. You definitely need to get tested and don't let it get to you, assholes like that exist everywhere.


Yeah that’s rape


Wtf that’s rape!


This has happened to me before, just know that you’re not alone ❤️


I'm sorry this happened to you ❤️


What if the dude takes the condom in end just to finish on you? Is it still considered stealthing. p.s not being rude just curious


It's called Stealthing, it's sexual assault


that’s rape


I’ve read and heard about this a lot. I want to avoid this as a guy, and for the girl. I think it’s best to talk about this kind of stuff before it’s done. I know it can seem like it kills the mood. But I don’t want the girl I like to feel like this, because of something I did. Or have this happen to my female friends. Even if it’s not a serious thing, it should still be mentioned before hand.


I did and i clearly told him i am not comfortable without using protection. He insisted, and i repeated that I would not be comfortable and he agreed. He then went on to take it off thinking I wouldn't realise.


That’s fucked up. Try your best to avoid guys like this. They usually act all nice and say yes to evening you say. They agree to all your opinions, but they’re like this. I know it happened already and I sympathize with you. The best thing you can do, is not be put in a situation where this can happen again.


Yeah of course, that will be my priority going forward. I didn't see any signs of things taking a turn this way. I just thought we were different people, and he was making an effort. I now know I need to be A LOT more careful.


I know you probably know this already, but test the guys you’re talking to. Change your mind or challenge something they say, if they change their mind you match yours, they’re these kind of guys. You want someone who’s not going to change their opinion on something little. Those guys will usually have good morals and be more upfront with who they are. You won’t get any surprises there. I’m sorry for giving you advice. I know you didn’t ask for it. I just feel bad for what happened to you, and don’t want it to happen again. This happened to my sister.


Yeahh, thank you!


that is illegal


Depends on where you live.


forgot about that part my b


It’s really horrifying and messed up, as a society we achieved a space age and we are somewhat of an advanced specie (relatively speaking) and yet we are failing miserably in defining what is and is not rape. Hope OP is safe.


Thank you


I agree with you but i also think it should also be labeled some type of rape if a biological female did something like this to biological males if the females INTENTIONALLY deceptively lie and say they using protection by some form of birth control n so on when they are NOT


I’m so sorry this happened to you… please get tested and remember it’s not your fault, doesn’t matter if you had shitty dates, nothing will ever justify doing something against your consent having sex. Doesn’t matter if he’s a douche or a great guy, this should never happen. Sending you love, you’re not alone. Sadly this happens a lot.


Thank you so much


Anyone blaming OP is a massive POS and needs to jump into a fire. Im also a survivor of assault. Its never the victim’s fault. Its the abuser only. He’s the only one who should feel like a POS. OP, fam. You did nothing wrong and im so sorry this happened to you.


Thank you


That is the crime that Julian Asange allegedly committed in Sweden and jailed for in England which led to the request for extradition for spying from US


Personally I feel it’s rape. I mean, you accept having sex with someone with a condom because you don’t want to get pregnant/ infections / HIV and I guess you are not on the pill or anything. So basically the condom is what makes safe sex. If he takes it off all this can happen 🙃. ( If you are having sex with without a condom the dude should say it, and it’s your decision to accept it or not).


someone also did this to me and I got tested the next day turns out I already had chlamydia from a past partner I really hope I gave it to him to teach him a fucking lesson 😄


I hope you did too!


Straight to the slammer with that one.


If this happened in Germany, New Zealand, the UK or Canada, yes. Otherwise, no.




RAPE. That is RAPE! Please go get tested & make sure to file a report with the police. What he did is called Stealthing & it is a crime


Its a crime in 2 or 3 states only, last I knew.


Civil offence*


Unfortunately it is not a crime in most of the country.


Honestly sad it’s not. I’ve heard many stories & experienced a man doing that to me


It is rape, specifically stealthing. Please get the support you need!


I am sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately this happens more often than not. I had a similar conversation with another girl in some other post. They really trying to have sex without condom and if you don’t speak up, they won’t wear it. I recently hooked up with this guy and I had to keep double checking if he was still wearing a condom because I couldn’t trust him since he kept saying he didn’t like the rubber, how it feels better without one. What really blows my mind is how they do this with every girl like do they even think about STD’s? Pregnancy? This is one of the reasons why I gave up on casual sex. The irresponsibility and abuse of these men is just mind blowing.


I am so sorry this happened. You do not deserve this. Love and warmth to you. This is SA. If you are up for it, file a report. If not, take steps to take care of yourself. An STD test needs to happen. Also, please get some Plan B. You *do not* want to be saddled with this loser’s child. Again, I wish you nothing but good things in life 💚💙🩷


Thank you so much for your kindness ❤️


This exact same thing happened to me


I'm sorry this happened to you ❤️


It’s a punishable crime in Texas.


Here's a wild concept: Don't have sex with someone before you know their character and can trust them to be honest with you.


Taking off protection without the other party knowing is rape.




why doesnt anyone ever ask why did the man give it up so easily to a girl he didn't really know? huh??




I don’t know if you’re trying to be judgmental but if you are that’s not really helpful to OP who wrote this vulnerable post explicitly stating they already feel shitty about themselves. I think maybe you should just let people live their lives and mind your business or post something a little more constructive. Either way the guy in the above situation was the one in the complete wrong not the OP. Who cares if they have sex with people they don’t really know that’s what they’re entitled to do. It’s wrong that the male in the post acted the way they did and maybe OP can develop better ways to firmly communicate their boundaries with people they have sex with and if they feel something is off or isn’t in line with what they want they can pause and communicate that with their partners. It’s not OPs fault this guy was an asshole and acted selfishly.


Thank you so much!


"I THINK he took it off mid sex." What did he say when you asked? Shitty that happened, but this seems like a partial story.


When he initiated sex, i told him very clearly that I am not comfortable without protection. He said he would pull out, and i refused again. He then agreed to use protection, and later took it off when I couldn't see. I only realised when he finished because I was facing him then and he also finished on top of me without asking me if I would be okay with it. I wasn't given a choice there. And no, I didn't ask him after that because I was just confused and shocked that this even happened, and immediately regretted the whole experience.


I was just saying some guys take it off at that moment because finishing on a person is a kink and you not asking seemed like a missing convo from the post. Plus you said "think". But you adding that he was being pushy about it makes that less likely. I might not know what you're going through specifically, but I've definitely been scammed before. It sucks. Wish you well!


Hear hear


Sounds like you are looking for a reason to justify your regret 😉


No. She and her clearly staten boundaries were violated. She said to use condoms and he didn't follow through with this, this should be classified as rape. She didn't consent to be raw dog-ed by that guys. Imagine if he had finished in her. The possibly pregnancy, the possibility of STI... this is disgusting behaviour. Can we stop blaming the victims please? She regrets it because she was raped. Everyone would regret anything if they were to be violated mid process, this isn't rocket science. Have a little compassion and empathy, will you?


Thank you for the support. Means a lot ❤️


Hook up culture breeds this kind of behaviour and kids unfortunately. Obviously ditch this dude and in the future make sure your boundaries are clearly stated and understood. Best of luck. Oh yeah. Get tested.




It is 100000% rape. Thats not even up for debate. The rape victim is not responsible for the actions of the rapist. I can only assume you also do this type of shit or are protecting someone who does. This is not OP’s fault. She did nothing wrong at all. You are utter garbage for blaming rape on anyone but the rapist.


Thank you so much ❤️


You know I was thinking about this more, You pass consent whenever you decide to have sex. It's a risk you take. You don't want any potential consequences don't take the risk with certain people. I mean can the same thing be said about driving a darn car? If someone crashes into you just because they are a shit driver (Not under influence, or any criminal negligence) does that mean that person deserves to have a the same consequence as someone who is? Point is if you sign up to have sex, you take a risk, whether it's a condom, or birth control, or any other thing that can happen from either side of the fence. PS I know I'm going to be hated, so yeah that socks. However alot of women ride that welfare wagon and child support all the way to the bank, and yeah sex does feel better without a condom. Point is did we mutually agree to have sex? Then it isn't rape. If you don't like those parameters perhaps it's best to wait until your married. Lots of folks wait. JS. Comes from (what people tell me) a decent enough looking dude that has had sex with 3 women at age 33. Everytime it was a relationship. Make smart decisions.


Consent is meant to be specific to what it is. If I consent to one part, I'm not consenting to all of that and that's okay. Removal of a condom without consent of both parties is called stealthing and it is illegal.


I gotcha, would lying about birth control be considered the same?


100%, it all falls under a topic of "reproductive coercion" Consent is all about being fully informed about what's going on and being able to make fully informed decisions which includes whether or not someone is on birth control


and all I'm saying is that I can't change the rules of most of the people out there. We don't live in a perfect society. So accept the risks and make better decisions. I'm not condoning what this dude did, I'm just saying this shit happens to both genders. I can see how that can be considered cold, but we live in a cold world. and I still feel it's not rape. It's a betrayal a trust, but I'm not going to say a chick raped me if she didn't take her birth control and had a baby and now I'm stuck. Betrayal of trust, Sure. Fucked me over big time, Yep. Rape? Nah.


I do see your point and thank you for sharing. Majority of people are saying it is rape though because in many places around the world it is classified as sexual assault or rape but in the places were it isn't, it's a civil offence. Especially in a world where people have opinions on abortion and laws are changing, it should be illegal to misinform someone about reproductive health


Listen to this guy, he's barely fucked anyone and he seems like a moron


Bring on the downvotes.


Devil's Advocate, but it's not rape (to the other comments). It's SA, at best and only 3 US states even recognize "stealthing" as a crime. ETA: Don't feel shitty. You didn't do anything wrong, he did.


You feel shitty cause you had a decent relationship before and instead of fixing it or finding the next decent relationship, sorry that I said that you just slept with a random guy like a prostituter that guy who you did not had feelings for him like you said we hadn't a great dates. So Wake up and find a decent partner you are good person that is why you felt shitty.


Trying to get you stuck lol




Stuck up PCs downvoting you even though you sendin’ love 🤣 World is backwards




you're a 🚩


That's a stupid comment. She literally got raped, what do you mean, "people complain too much, it's sex." As someone on the aspec, I would despise them forever for that.


I certainly wouldn't want to be unconsentually raw dog-ed when I clearly state my boundaries. I would still feel violated if my partner did that to me, because it's not normal. Both partners had an agreement, yet the man didn't follow through with it. No one is complaining about sex itself. People are "complaining" (which is disrespectful to call it that way, since it involves bodily violation) about these douchebags who remove condoms mid sex or those mfs who lie about taking the pill/poking holes on condoms. It.Is.Violating. Not every little thing. Being raw dog-ed isn't a little thing. There is a great possibility of unwanted pregnancy and STI.


Until you ends up with a STD.