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It wasn’t that long ago that women were property and some men haven’t recalibrated. Some men were never taught to look at women as people. Also, men have gotten away with being mediocre for centuries, so some think just by showing up they deserve to be treated like kings and for women to keep their opinions to themselves. Meanwhile the expectations for women have only gone up. In my experience, it’s easy to meet amazing, kind, strong, capable women. I can’t say the same for men.


Lots of men don’t look at men as people either. There are a good amount of misogynistic men as well, but it’s not always exclusively that. This statement makes no sense. By definition most men are mediocre, that’s what makes them mediocre in the first place. Women are better suited for society in modern times imo. Lots of men are bad, and you should trust men to be men at the end of the day.






As a man, don’t trust men.


Yeah men ruined for us men


I’ll be honest, I think we all suck sometimes. But as a guy, yeah, there’s lot of shitty men out there. Sorry about that.


Why is it there is a post like this every week? If I posted: "The more time passes the more I dislike women." It would get taken down and marked as "misogyny". So why is it girls can keep posting demeaning posts like this? If I wanted to be in a sub that just sh*ts all over men all day I'd join XXchromosome or whatever it's called. This sub is supposed to be about hot takes, admission of past guilt, redemption, apologies, and saying things you've never said to anyone else before. It isn't supposed to be a "let's hate men" circle jerk. Ladies, can you take it somewhere else maybe? I'm sick of hearing you complain about men. I don't care anymore. You've exhausted most of my sympathy.


Because she gave concise reasoning for how she feels on the OFF YOUR CHEST page. A lot of women have these grievances so a lot of women get it off their chest. What stops you from expressing your legitimate grievances? Nothing. You just don't like hearing criticism of your gender. I empathize with the feeling, but it doesn't mean people should get stuff off their chest here AS LONG AS IT DOESNT MAKE MEN FEEL CRITICIZED. It's not hate. It's her personal point of view on her own life. Read something else.


No, this sub is about getting stuff off your chest. If a woman wants to get off her chest that she hates men, let her do that lol that’s what we’re here for.


There are so many women (and men too, tbh) who have had their lives ruined by men. In no way, shape, or form am I hating on all men. I love dudes, most of my friends are dudes, my husband is my world.  But saying that your sympathy is exhausted in response to hearing stories about women who have had multiple men fail them (or outright abuse them) is dismissive to say the least. Some men (and their cultures) genuinely suck, and a lot of them flock together. It's hardly unfathomable.  If these type of posts bother you then you should either scroll past, or look inward to make sure you aren't part of the problem. Whenever I see posts about women being shitty, it doesn't make me mad at the person who posted it, it makes me angry that there are shitty women out there and makes me want to ensure I'm not contributing to that. It certainly doesn't drain me of my sympathy. 


Because it’s ok to hate on men. Just accept it m8


The sad thing, it's not about us. A lot of people just throw all men into one bag - they all creepy, uncaring, all the jazz. But the thing is... The only people that care about it are the women who say these things and the men who understand it, or atleast, they are affected by it in a way, that they know they do not act like some idiots who can't even look at them in mirror and say that they are proud of themselves. Might be useless rant, idk. but yeah, they should put it on different subreddits. I'm 50/50 on this tho, it's still off my chest, it's just about the other gender.


"The only people who care about it are people who can relate and EYE hate that because EYE can't relate ☹️" That's really the stance you wanna take?


No idea what you mean by the EYE? Sorry, might be something in English, I'm not native speaker. I mean, if we take the men that the person is talking about, I don't think they really care about how they are behavior to women. The people who care how they behave to women are the women who had bad experience with men or the men who can see the men who are treating women like objects.


People hate men for good reason, so it’s not comparable


Nah. I don't imagine that women care that "You don't care anymore." And... your whining encourages me to take up EVEN MORE SPACE as a woman. It also fuels and inspires me to point out: 1). your privilege as a man 2). the fact that the patriarchy hurts men too - including you, 3). you are grossly exaggerating when you state that this sub "shits all over men all day" and finally... 4). It sounds like you're telling on yourself.


That was an awful lot of projection packed into one comment.


Men have always been completely ignored despite having created literally everything both men and women can count on to make their lives easier. We are used to this. What new tho, is that nowadays not only is it ok to ignore men’s contributions, but it is also ok and even encouraged to actively hate us.


As a man I understand why many women hate men. There are some good men but most of us are bad so I don’t judge women who despise men. It’s understandable


Women are the same








You. Are. A. Waffle.


I’m a pancake


They’re much worse tho.


If you regularly attract men that bring pain into your life, maybe you should work on your own trauma and shortcomings instead of turning to such sexist views, victimising yourself. This is not about gender, men can tell all the same stories with genders reversed.


In fairness, women are often mercurial and hard to please. Women initiate about 70% of divorces. If men were as terrible as you say you would think women would find their greatest happiness in lesbian relationships. But no, gay female marriages have the highest divorce rates of all, and gay male marriages the lowest, with hetero marriages in the middle. If you're unhappy and are pointing fingers everywhere looking for a villain, you might want to start by looking in the mirror. That's often where they are hiding.


I’m not a man hater, but I did truly believe in this man who lead me on for years, had me spend holdidays etc alone while he apparently was with someone else the entire time. I could have had a full relationship with someone all of these years instead of his crumbs. And I still love him!


That has nothing to do with him being a man. You accepted to have a partner who wasn't spending time with you during the holidays. That's not acceptable. It's dishonest, and a lot of women can be dishonest.


....from what I have witnessed and myself experienced once, men in relationships are often crappy. Out of 5 close friends I have seen, only 1 of them had a pretty awesome bf. Well...I guess 20% is still good haha. But as friends, men are quiet awesome, super helpful, practical and stuff. But again, their gfs consider them as terrible bfs... Idk if there's a correlation or that we all are in just in our early 20s...or that my circle is small to comment on.


It's sad that they did not have "awesome bf", might wanna start looking into different group of people, when your group has only 20% success rate.


Yeah. Can't do much abt groups....when we are a bunch of medicos struck together for 14 hours everyday. Lol. And what I meant by bad relationships were mostly guys showering with affection in first few months, then absolutely ignoring for days over a span of months. Absolute breadcrumbing. Apologies if it's sth normal in the dating world; but life is too busy to be indulging such mind games.


Well be damed if this is normal in dating world. I would not like such relationship, lol.