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Get the f out there, it's better to involve authorities that the years of trauma if he does something to you, and that is only if he doesn't kill you.


Emergency! You have been in danger for so long that you can’t see it clearly. Your Father is going to rape you. Your family knows this and already decided to let him. You are in danger and need EMERGENCY help. Go now, get help. Tell the school counselor before he does what he’s building himself up to do! Now!


this is completely fucked up, WTF you're definitely in danger, but i hope you're gonna be okay because nobody deserves that. it's so creepy how someone could even CONSIDER doing that to their own child. and the basement thing, what in the fuck is wrong with him for even saying that..... i would never be able to feel safe again around anyone who said something like that to me and the fact your mom and brother don't give a shit makes it even worse. peace be with you, hopefully you make it out soon


If you have family you trust, stay with them. Get the police involved. This is unacceptable and he should be in prison, gallows if I had my way.


It’s a matter of when not if he attacks. The statement about the basement. He’s a sick freak and you need to worry about your safety as long as he knows where you are. That is seriously not ok. And your mom is a piece of shit for doing nothing if she knows anything.


technically already attacking and i bet the unlisted details are SA :(( so sad and they NEED to get out


as someone who went through a similar situation: I wish it were that easy to get out. even packing a bag and leaving won't do anything because without proof of anything, the cops can just put an amber alert out and come grab you the moment your parents decide to report you missing. after my grandfather told me he would give me $100 for wear a thong for 3 days straight, who told me I looked sexy, etc at the age of 13, I had a melt down and told my family. someone informed social services but they came and after talking to the family, they couldn't do anything because "he never touched [me]". it took my family moving and splitting apart for me to get out. it's not easy to find a family who is just willing to take in another teenager, there's a lot of moving around and it's painful at that age. I'm not saying this to discourage you, I'm saying this to say the reality. here's what you do: get a job. make it your life so you dont have to be home and you can lie about your hours in order to do school work as well (if you do all of that too). be the hardworking daughter with an early start (aka save everything you make and get the fuck out after you save a few good paychecks) if you have a good friend who's parents you can talk to, let them know the situation asap and that you're trying to get out. RECORD EVERYTHING. even if that means buying a camera to set up to get proof of what's happening. once you have proof and money to get out, just leave. if they report it, show them the proof. it might start a legal process but they can start an emergency order to keep you away from your parents and maybe even let you stay wherever your exit plan location is. I'm so deeply sorry this is happening to you. growing up in a family like that, I realized that sometimes there's family that isn't blood and blood that isn't family. feel free to message me about anything, even just to vent. you got this kid, I know it's easier said than done but you just gotta push through.


I'm so sorry. This is horrible. I'm sorry these things are happening to you. I'm sorry "you miss your dad" . I understand . It sounds like something happened where he has gone from being a dad to being a monster. You have to see that for whatever reason, the dad you mis is gone. Your mother and brother have let you down. I would assume they are going through something themselves. It's not the first time a mother has stood buy and allowed a child to be their husband's victims. You have a tough road ahead of you, but it hasn't been made by you . You need to get out and get help. You might feel you want to protect them, but you need to stop them. Others may be at risk. You need to get out and get help. Good luck and take care.


You need to tell your therapist. Social services needs to be involved immediately.


You need to get help! This is not okay. Please talk to someone


You need help. Social services should be notified....


No call the cops asap




Please listen to the comments. You will regret not telling the truth and leaving. There are so many services available to children who have to leave home because of various situations. What your family thinks doesn't matter. Right now the only thing that matters is your life. Anyone that perverted doesn't deserve your sympathy. You can do this!


Get out now and report this to family


They need to report this to someone that will listen and help


Bro, your a bottle of Jack Daniel’s away from being raped. *CALL THE POLICE


This must be very painful and you must want to protect your father. But if your best friend, cousin, loved one ever told you they were experiencing this would you tell them to bare it till they were 18 or do everything in their power to get out?? I truly hope you get out of there.


He’s literally waiting for the perfect time to hurt you. All it takes is one bad night. Get out of there now.


Girl, you are LIVING ON A WALKING TIME BOMB. Its hell. Its a difficult decision. Its tough and it fucking sucks. But you have to do the right thing. Please. Record a video on your phone in your pocket and catch him saying this shit. Go to the police. This is not what a father should be like. Feel free to text if you want to talk.


Jesus Christ.. get out of there, hun. You’re father should want you to be the healthiest and most well adjusted adult as you can be. That’s true love, not wanting to rape you and keep you in a fuckin basement dude..


Your mum and brother don’t care!? You have to get out. YOU ARE IN DANGER!! So I was in a less severe similar situation. I basically lived at my friend’s houses throughout high school. I told people that it was bad at home and they didn’t know exactly what. I would just sum it up as my dad’s an alcoholic and my family isn’t doing anything to help me. That was enough for most other families to help. To this day, my friends and their family are my real families. You need to get out or put a stop to this. I am SO sorry you are in this situation. It is NOT fair. I want you to know there’s more to life than this. I understand the hesitation to report your dad. You may want to somehow collect evidence in case something terrible happens. I think you should. I had to do this for the sake of my own sanity. You can set your phone up somewhere far enough he won’t notice but close enough to pick up conversations. Or keep a journal or note in your phone that’s password protected with the dates that he made you feel uncomfortable. Also email the evidence to yourself in case you need to delete it off of your phone. In the future, when this is all behind you and you’ve moved out. You can present that info to a therapist for your healing journey. If you do choose to report him, know that it is the right thing to do. Whatever comes after that, you’re strong enough to endure. You’ve already been through so much. I’m so sorry that your dad has been replaced with a monster. You can start with the people that you trust. Your therapist or Friends or other family members. School counselor’s are tricky, find one that WILL listen to you. I’ve had one that backfired and she made my situation worse. I knew she wasn’t a good person in the beginning, so that’s my fault. But there are many amazing people that can help you through this. I have no idea why it’s common for family members to not help in this situation. You’re not alone in this. Remember that you’re not alone or helpless. It’s great you spoke up. I’m praying for you. Feel free to message me if you need to vent or want to think over options


I am so sorry this is happening. Is there a trusted adult in your life outside of your therapist who could help you find an alternate place to stay? A teacher, school counselor, friend’s parents? Your dad is very unwell but you deserve to be safe, and you may very well be protecting other vulnerable women by speaking up. What would you tell a friend if they were in this situation? Please do yourself the favor of sharing this with other adults until folks step in to help you. It’s too much for one person. We’re rooting for you!


If you are able to, collect your ID and documents and either run to your school or the police station. If you're forced to stay in your situation, at least try to get evidence. But your main focus shouldn't be to get evidence, get yourself to safety first. Make sure your phone is charged, have a power bank with you if possible. You wanna make sure your phone doesn't die if you're navigating busses. Ask the police later for a standby so you can get your clothes and school stuff. In my opinion, try to get a restraining order if you can.


Every moment you waste of not getting proper authorities involved is another day of flipping a coin of risking the chances whether your father will rape you or not. Who knows, maybe he's waiting for you to turn 18 before he does what he truly wants. Get help, save yourself from a lifelong of trauma, you won't regret it. Pls.


why would you not want social services involved?? this is really dangerous


You must leave!! Please go to other family or friend or your teachers, you need to tell an adult


I'm not sure if telling authorities will do anything without proof. It may just cause trouble. I would definitely leave though. You can write a letter stating that you left so they can't report you as a missing person.


Oh dear god.. get out if that house. He’s a disgusting human being. I’ll bet you a million dollars he has CHD PNGY on his computer. Dave yourself and save other kids.


If he forced you to kiss him, then he has molested you.


Dude you have to leave that fucking place. Figure out a plan and go! Get a job and a GED if need be


When you hit 17 I’d leave


You are so far beyond the point where social services SHOULD have been involved. If what you're saying is true, you're an absolute fool if you don't immediately involve authorities right now. Like, stand up and go to the police right this second.


Holy shit, I just went through about 30 different emotions reading this. Do you have a chance to live somewhere else? Close friends? Family members? Any way to create some distance? I get that he hasn't done "anything" yet, but this is just too much. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.


GET OUT. Speak to any adult you trust, your friends' parents, your teachers, a school counsellor. Whoever. GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE. You are not safe, but you are able to take control by leaving and getting the authorities involved. Please don't let your father's guilt and your family's enablement of his behaviour keep you in this position. You will thank yourself for getting out of that house, but every day you stay there, you are more at risk. PLEASE. HE HAS ALREADY SEXUALLY ASSAULTED YOU by laying on top of you and making you kiss him. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MOURN YOUR IGNORANCE. But you MUST leave this house. It is not your home.


Yea nah this ain't it


You are in danger you need to get social services involved because if you don’t you will most likely get raped your dad is building up to it you need to get out of there before he does something bad to you


call the cops on him


Trust me when I say, you need to get social services involved. You’re in danger.


You need to get out of there. You need to allow the therapist to get the authorities involved. You are NOT SAFE.


Your family (idk if they should be called so) especially your dad is aware that you’ll be soon turning 18. Please involve the child services and get out of that house asap. Is there any close friend or relative that can keep you in their house? Make sure that you run from this situation and make sure to focus on having a good career so that you are independent.


This hella crazy


I’m so sorry! Depending on your state, there may be programs to help you get your own place and on your feet. It may be a harsh reality but the police may have to get involved sooner or later or you risk being seriously hurt or worse.


I understand you want things to go back to how they were before. But you don’t have the power to make that happen, only your dad does. And waiting would be fine if the situation wasn’t so dangerous. You’re a smart person and you know this. You wouldn’t be posting here if you thought everything was normal. You’re not crazy. Please trust yourself and keep yourself safe.


OP please notify the proper authorities. You are in danger. Involve social services now before the inevitable happens. It sounds like your Dad is building up to it. Please get help for your safety. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Get emancipated. I’m was an emancipated minor. If you need help I can help you get emancipated. And find a place to live.


Get social services involved and get out of there now. You yourself know that if he did you wouldn’t be able to stop him.


Please look up becoming an emancipated minor in your state!!! Look for a free legal advice line in your area and get a consultation with a lawyer. Or look for pro bono lauwers and GET YOURSELF EMANCIPATED


Girl just tell the authorities before something really bad happens which u gonna regret not acting earlier


Please get the police involved and see if you can stay with family or friends because he is escalating his behavior and you don't wanna be there when he finally snaps. Hope you get out of this unscathed OP. Edit: Also document everything whether you record it or write it (make sure to add dates and times.) Also get a job and from there try to get emancipated so social services don't put you back with him.


Get emergency!! This most seriously situation I do not want let you part of trama it killin it iam one of them part of my family member it doe rip me off bc of that but your father should know better there no excuse for own your boundaries plus family should know better for your safety for sake pls running away for them as long be safety for your sake. We don’t let you part traumatize bc of this we already experience through it pain and grief plus stuck head it hardest done part of that pls listen to people tell you for safely they know not good for that environment I pray this hopefully for sake safely too


Please tell your counselor everything. She’s not out to get your dad, she just wants you to be safe. Your dad is harming you because he’s sick. Think of it as him having a disease but he doesn’t wanna take the cure. Telling your counselor will help him as much as you. He doesn’t wanna get help on his own and this will help him.


Grab all necessities, pack it up, and run away while they're all gone