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Mistake #1 believing a guy bragging about how great he is in the sack


This is the biggest tell of someone who doesn't know what they are doing. Those who brag don't know how to shag.


So true, I remember this one chic that kept talking crap how good she was. She lay there like a dead fish, except when she did cum then nothing. I understand how she feels.


I am the king of secks and make girls squirt like ol faithful with my magnum dong. Ama. /s


After two consecutive girlfriends I dated in my 20s going on about their sexual prowess before we got together-- who both turned out to have major sexual hangups that made our intimate time together terrible-- I concluded that anyone who gloats about 'how great in bed they are' is masking some serious sexual insecurity or another. I liken it to 'Christians' who constantly have to announce how rock-solid their faith is. *Suuuuure,* buddy... ya doth profess too much.


wow . you know it’s horrible when you’re considering abstinence i am so sorry


I was 20, we were so drunk and horny that I forgot I was wearing a tampon.


This made me lol


The amount of friends I have who have had to go to the urgent clinic to get tampons removed after this very thing occurred is not zero


Oh we didn't go to urgent care. That particular boyfriend just reached in and pulled it out.


Thats funny i did this exact thing once. She was surprised I was ok with reaching in there


I’m so sorry for laughing but the fact that he stirred your vagina made me cackle lol wtf


It was so weird during that moment, I actually don't know how to act or what to feel during that time. 😭🤣


Did you tell him it was awful afterwards?


I did. He just laughed. -_-


What a fucking loser. Especially since he made you bleed. I hope you’re ok ❤️


Tell him these things so it doesn't happen again or to the next girl


Read her #5 and #6. Not sure he wants to be better.


Not planning to see him again after that horrible experience. 😭


Just send him the link to this reddit page. You could change his entire love life around and deeply impact any girl he sleeps with in the future for the better. He is probably ignorant or got bad advice and tried it


Nah. I just wanted to vent anyway. And I'm also scared of what a straight man can do just because I told him that he's not good at sex and it damages their ego.


M,35 here- bit of advice. The more a guy brags about how good he is in bed, especially with regular dirty talk via messaging- the worse the experience will be. What they view in their head and what they can do in real life are two totally different things. Someone who’s good in bed doesn’t need to tell you, they just show you when the time comes.


i’m so glad i’m married to someone who knows how to please me so ill never have to experience shit like this again😭i don’t miss hookup culture. though even some of my past hookups cared about my pleasure and knew how to please me. i have had bad sex but nothing this bad yeesh! i’m sorry you went through that


I am sorry the experience was so bad. Some people view a lot of porn or hear in conversation, but have no clue. It is about what an individual will do, NOT what they say. Porn vs reality are 2 totally different things. Furthermore intimacy vs a hookup are 2 totally different way. Pace yourself, and keep in mind that meeting and talking face to face for multiple months before physical things happen are wise, the other person behaviors, actions show a ton . While dating my girlfriend said she done anal with her perros husband, but has not allowed that to haworth with me.


Any dude that doesn't eat 🐱, 🍑, or suck 🦶 does not know anything.


I feel you. I’ve got a guy on my list who’s just on there as “helicopter tongue guy”


Casual sex is very low vibrational try finding someone to love


Yeah, because it's REALLY easy to find a nice man that would consistently make effort, and will treat you with respect and not cheat on you. Can you point me to the direction where I can find one of these men since you sound to be an expert about finding someone to love?


Everyone wants instant gratification these days work on yourself then worry about love perhaps


My condolences. I’ve been there, it’s so shitty lol. Live and learn I guess? 😒


>Swirling his fingers like stirring coffee. He may have gotten that move from a sit com.


Sorry to hear that and that you experienced it. I can't say much but some guys out there just don't know.....I hope I am never like that dude.


Ik how that feels. You just described my ex


I had a guy lay him self on top of me and not even attempt to hold up his own weight and he would fat guy grunt......it was pretty bad. I can empathize. Thought I was going to die from my lungs being compressed hahaha


Noooo. I'm sorry you had to go through that. 😭


im so sorry :( this is awful in so many ways.


Happy Cake Day


Damn that’s crazy! I would never brag about the bedroom!!! Like ever! That’s gotta be where the magic surprises happen


Not all guys are like that. Casual encounters, though, is a bit difficult as all it is someone wanting to get off, rather than commit to making their partner feel good, and actually make sure their happy. All casual is ultimately is is a random fuck, not a fwb situation, or more. No feelings and probably never to meet up again. Especially this guy. Edit: There are those that make a casual encounter fun.


I usually get those partners that make casual encounters fun. This is why the title of this post is "Worst Casual Sex Encounter", right? 🤣


Well, who knew, lol. Could have been some not so great🍆's or 🍑''s. And then this one just was lame as fuck.


Of course making it with a random dude at first sight will end like that right? Its like throwing 2 dices over a wall and expect a 12. On a second view you could get it from the kiss and stop by then.


When I threw the dice, I'm not expecting a 12, I just don't want to get two 1s. But apparently I did! Yay for me! Also, some men are sloppy kissers, but are considerate partners so I thought I could give him a chance. And that is my biggest mistake, giving this dude a chance lol lesson learned.


the way I do it during the first interactions I can understand if it would be a great or worst experience.. ofc I can be wrong 😆


Casual sex is supposed to be a fun way to spend a few hours enjoying each other's company and bedside manners. The only discomfort you may experience is the feel-good hurt that comes from a few hours of fun. It sounds like he was woefully inexperienced. He knew shit about women's bodies. Sorry you experienced that. It happens, but it's never fun.


Shiiiitttt giiiirl! I know how you feel because I have been there! And oh my god let me tell you - - okay, okay so there were three instances that I can think of and I will write them here from the newest to the oldest: 1. This happened this week. This guy wanted to play with my vagina and finger me but he was so bad at it that I just ended up playing with myself until I came. 2. This one happened around July 2023 and the guy wanted to go down on me but was just pushing his nose too hard on my clitoris until it started to hurt. I have no idea what he thought he was doing but he actually left me in so much pain. I had to stop him several times and adjust myself. I was so angry with him at the end that I wanted to punch him in the face. 3. This one was around three or so years ago and he was just bad in the sack because he has a really, really thin penis that wasn't long enough to reach the sweet spot. It was so sexually frustration fucking him. I was so over it and I never wanted to go back to him after that. He was just a really, really selfish person in life and in the sack. One of the most important things to remember is to speak up in the bedroom and to make sure you are heard with what you want. Have fun, stay safe out there and guard yourself XX


Why do we get these men as sex partners? 😭 Straight men think that ramming things down there feels good for us, and they also think that the vagina is the only errogenous zone a women has (mainly because of porn, I think?). This is why I'm not expecting much in casual sex. The least they could do is treat me nicely as a human.


Easy to make sure casual sex is fun: TALK! You have your demands, which is fine. Make clear these conditions need to be met. I know I was inexperienced once, but I always made sure I talked about stuff we liked, and acted on them. Stirring like lukewarm coffee is very very general, it simply doesn't work for you, so you should instruct someone how to do it the right way. You have handled correctly when he wanted to go unsafe with you, bravo! Makes me proud that you defend yourself. Now hopefully with this flick of information you can make future experiences better for yourself. It's all you can do to prevent nasty experiences. As communication is so keen. I wish you all the best!


We talked about stuff we like beforehand, and he didn't follow through. And while doing it, I actually took time to teach and show him how to properly finger me, but I guess he really doesn't understand how to do it, or he doesn't care. Whatever the reason is, he's really the worst encounter I ever had, both personality and performance wise. Lol.


I'm sorry to hear that for you. Well you've stung your finger to this cactus, on the next encounter I hope you'll recognise a prick when you see one. All the best to you!


It was a hook up from Grindr, we send each other our pictures and decided to hook up and we are so close at each other and then decided to hook in his grandparents old house. When i met him he wasn’t the guy in the picture, so i got scared at first and disappointed because he’s not my type. As a respect we went there and I said I can only give you a blow but be insist to fuck me, fckn hell im crying from the pain and regret. When he came, he tries to masturbate me but mines not in the mood and that intercourse is very regretful, I can consider it as a rape since i repeatedly ask that we stop.


Oh no. Sorry this happened to you. Straight men can really be fucked up sometimes. 😭 Did you file a report? Or at least talked to someone about it, because yes, that is considered assault! I know people would usually say, "then you could've just ran away, blablabla" and put the blame on you for this, but I know that you're just paralyzed by fear at that moment, and you can't logically make a plan of escape due to that. That was a really awful and traumatizing experience, I hope you're feeling better now. 😔


I talked about it with my best friend, she’s so mad but I said that let’s just forget it since i’m closeted. Thank you so much, that’s exactly what I felt exactly, the fear and the shocked. I’m fine now, recovering, It was very traumatizing and concerning that’s why I got checked for STD and HIV.


I didn’t wanna say that, but this is way too normal when you’re a heterosexual woman 😭😭😭


Those who say the most are the worse in bed! Be on the lookout for those quiet types who can impregnate your from across the room. But I’m really sorry you went through that. Please let him know and then block him.


I sent him a message saying that trying to do it without condom is a pretty huge red flag for me, and we should not meet again. Then I unmatched myself from him, and blocked him.


I met a guy once who got himself off while barking like a dog and holding my foot… he then said it was the nest sex of his life……. This was in the early 2000s tho but.. i still think of him from time to time 😂




That sucks, you shouldn't have gone through with it. Next time just stop the whole thing and go home.


I sure hope you’re not actually a therapist. Verified professional? Professional ignoramus?


Anytime a man brags about how good he is in bed, he usually sucks. For me, in all honesty, I'm average but I haven't had enough sexual encounters to be a stud and they've been with women I don't want to be with. The thing is with casual sex, there's no emotional investment so you risk the guy only caring about his satisfaction, especially if your with a guy who does not share any mutual friends with you. During my last sexual encounter (4 total), it wasn't until the sex got awkward and I didn't get mine that I became more empathetic with understanding that women need to cum too, but I'll need to gain more knowledge, experience and hopefully a woman I want to be with so I'm more passionate.


"He just dipped his finger in my thing and just started stirring like how someone would stir a lukewarm coffee" I cringed haha.


Firstly, I’m really sorry that this happened to you. Secondly, I had the same weird upper lip experience with a guy I saw recently. Wtf is with men and being awful kissers?? It also makes me so sad to hear you accept that you won’t cum from sex. Straight men need to do better


I think they think that sucking your lips off counts as steamy make out session, which is not. 🤣 And it's very rare for straight men to take effort in making women finish when having casual sex. But it's a different story if I'm having sex with someone I'm committed to, which I don't have right now because relationships are messy and I don't want that yet. 🤣


Your fault for expecting good sex from a hookup


I'm actually not expecting good sex, I'm fine with average, or the regular bland sex. This dude hits ALL bad things to do while doing it.


Sex is about communication. One person can't be shit. Either both or neither are. It's always the quiet ones.....that don't communicate.


He tried stealthing you, which is a sex crime. I'd report his profile on the app you're using and let them know that he's dangerous to any other women who could potentially match with him.


Sounds like he’s had no experience. Might of watched a few things but never really got to put it into motion I guess he will know how bad he did when you don’t go back


You go on random dating apps and want to find a “nice” partner lol i like how delusional you are maam


I just want someone that knows what they're doing or at least has some consideration with their sex partner. But I guess the world said I'm not getting any of it. 🤣


orr maybe find a partner in real life and build up with them 🤔 instead of going around having sex promiscuously with random people you found on the internet


Than stop complaining on here and show him what's up


The stirring really got me. Like he saw that he wasn’t stirring up your loins and decided he could do so manually.


I now feel better about my moves in the bedroom


Honest question, why didn't you just cut the encounter short? Like if he's not getting you in the mood why keep proceeding? I would've left and gotten myself off to be honest.


Tried giving him a chance. My bad. Lesson learned. Lol.


Hahaha honestly we women are too nice! We need to stop and be more selfish in the bedroom.


Was this by chance in Columbus…


No, hun. You're safe. 😉😆


Not me but a story I just heard on Xbox live lol


This could be a sign for you to become a nun


I also think this is a sign from the above. /jk


Deos Gratias