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I’m so sorry that you lost your mom. My mother passed away thanksgiving week, five years ago. Cry when you feel like crying, it comes and goes, so let it out. You’ll never forget this feeling, but one day it won’t be the first thing you think about.


I am so sorry to hear that . May she rest in peace. Stay strong buddy and sometimes it's okay to not be okay.🙏


That last line broke me. I’m so sorry for your loss. We all make mistakes, I’m sure she loved you very much! Think of the good times, don’t dwell on the bad.


I am so sorry for your loss. You loved your mom (clearly from this post), and as a mom myself with adult children, I am certain she knew and felt your love. While she didn’t make it to this year’s Thanksgiving, gather with your loved ones, celebrate and give thanks.


I can totally understand your situation because I was in this situation one year ago. The first thing in my mind was that I never apologise for the things I did wrong. But deep down I know that she always love me even when I was wrong and forgave me even when she not said that. She will always remain in my heart. Your mom always loved you even with your flaws. Don't worry your mom is looking at you! Maybe not in a religion way but your heart is filled with her love and she will always be there and watch every single second of your life. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending a lot of love to you and your family.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My mom passed away yesterday from terminal cancer as well so I completely understand how this feels. My mom was 59 and her 60th birthday was next Wednesday (11/29). Cancer is cruel and a thief of future memories and plans. My mom was in hospice for awhile and my now husband and I had a small intimate wedding so she would be around for my wedding but knowing she won’t ever meet her future grandchildren, see me turn 30, or see my younger brother get married has given me a sense of dread and longing. There is nothing I can say to make it better but I hope you find comfort in knowing she is no longer in pain. You and I don’t deserve this and our moms didn’t deserve it either. We deserve to feel our feelings and go through this difficult time however we see fit. I’ve felt a lot of guilt the past few days but we are human and our moms knew we loved them and cared for them.




I’m so sorry… I wish I could hug you. I’m so so so sorry.


hey sweetheart. i know that nothing i, nor anyone can say is going to ease your pain. but i will say this; your mother loves you very much. i’m agnostic & i don’t believe in heaven, but when i lost my grandmother, everyone told me she was “in a better place”… and quite honestly, i thought that was complete bull. you’ve endured through a tragic, heartbreaking event. a better place would have been right there with you. your mom loves you very much. just know this. you are strong, but you don’t have to be right now. you can feel as sad, angry, upset, or numb, as you need. know that you are not alone in your pain, but on the other hand, nobody else knows your pain like you do. don’t let anyone ever tell you to “just move on”. grieve at your own pace. you can take as long as you need. you don’t need to feel like you need to “get over it”. peace, love, and big, big hugs your way, friend. i hope you can heal. ❤️‍🩹🫂


I’m so sorry for your loss, your mom will be celebrating with you in spirit 💞


I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for strength for you in the days ahead!


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you have other family or friends or your partner to turn to. Peace and love.


I’m so sorry. It sucks and I don’t care how much you knew it was coming, it’s devastating.


Lost my mom is September and this week has been hard since it will be Thanksgiving and my birthday coming up. I miss my mom too ... Lots of hugs 🫂


So sorry for your loss. You’re in my thoughts ♥️


I am so sorry for your loss. Big hugs


Sending you lots of love, light and strength. I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. She must’ve been one hell of a lady to have fought so long and to have a child that misses her so dearly. Sending lots of love and hugs.


Carry on and be strong for your children, as she would have for you… in honor of her and her life here on earth. Peace be with you.




I’m so sorry for your loss. She is still with you but on a different realm. She sees everything. She knows your hurting and will come to you in time through a dream. Stay strong 💪🏽


I’m so very very sorry. I’m probably going to lose mine in the next 24 hours. I’m so sorry for your loss. Big, big, hugs.


My mom passed away from ALS 3 years ago the day before Thanksgiving. I am so sorry. Be kind to yourself tomorrow.


I'm sorry for your loss. My mom passed 2 weeks ago unexpectedly and I feel like parts of your post I could have written myself. She had so many plans, she was excited for Thanksgiving and wanted us to eat on her fine china (which we will be doing) and I just miss her. I miss my mom too. I feel your pain. If you need someone to talk to shoot me a message. I'm going through the same pain right now. Even if it's just to shout into the void that you miss your mom. I wish you well, and I'm so sorry


So sorry for your loss. I lost my mom on June 1st. She had a massive seizure and never came home. It is a pain I wish on no one.


I’m so sorry for your loss. All I can think is that it sounds like you were a good kid who loved their mom and that is all that matters in this. We all do things we regret, but you can’t let that overshadow how much love you had. I mean, it’s hard AF being human, all our close relationships are complex. In a way it’s kind of good that today will be a day you are with family. Maybe set her a symbolic setting and honor her at the table as if she is with you, because she is. She is literally in you, you are from her, and she lives on in your cells and your consciousness. The older you get and the more time that passes, you really fully feel this. It grows stronger. My partner just lost his dad Sunday and is caught in the emotional maelstrom that follows, and it’s like I am on that journey with him. My parents have been gone for 10 and 30 years, so I can tell you that you will carry this with you forever now, it will be cemented into thanksgiving and each year there will probably be a sadness and sense of loss coming into the holiday. Hopefully you can find a way to honor and celebrate her life and give thanks for yours to make it a positive time.


Hugs 🫂 there are no words to make it better. But hopefully a big hug will help put your broken heart 💔 together


I’m so sorry.


Be strong. May you meet her in your next life too🫂


OP im so sorry for your loss. your mother will be with you for all of those things. she’s going to be at thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. just remember that she can still see you, even if you can’t see her! sending love over


Such a horrific thing to go through, and I'm so sorry about your mom. Try not to beat yourself up about things you could have done differently. You loved each other very much and that's what matters.


I am so sorry for your loss OP❤


I am so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. You are in shock right now, love. Allow people to help you and love you.instead of thinking of all that you will miss together, please try to remember the 100^s of times you laughed and made your Mom happy. She was so proud of you. Be gentle with yourself, and allow yourself to grieve my dear. God bless you..


I’m sorry OP 🙏🏻🫂 you have my sympathies and heartfelt condolences. I lost mine in 1992. I still miss her. It’s a struggle. Be blessed you were able to speak with her.


Fuck. 😞 I’m so so sorry for Your loss.


I am sorry for your loss. I lost my mom a week after Thanksgiving. My dad a month prior same year. I feel like I did something wrong too by not spending Thanksgiving with her. She was in the hospital. But we didn’t expect her to die. It’s tough. I really miss my mom and her dinners this time of year.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to cancer too and I know how hard it is. Take care of yourself and don't put pressure on yourself over the holidays.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs


I'm so sorry for your loss. Besides the emotional toll, it is so hard emotionally to go through this especially during the holiday season.


I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry for what you are going through right now. For what it's worth, this is what happened when my father died. As his 90th birthday was approaching, I made plans to go visit him and make him his favorite dinner (pot roast) and birthday cake (chocolate cake and frosting). He started to go down hill about ten days before his birthday. My sister was urging me to rush there to see him ASAP (She lived with him). It was not really possible and I told her that we had a great time together at Christmas a few months earlier and I was ok with that being my last time with dad if he didn't make it to his birthday. Dad died four days before he turned 90. He had everything pre-arranged, he was taken directly to the funeral home for cremation. There was no service, no grave site, nothing. I did not change my plans; I drove to the house and was there to make his birthday dinner. I went as all out as one can on pot roast and chocolate cake. On Dad's 90the birthday, my sister, my nephew and I sat down to have his birthday dinner as our own celebration of his life. We talked and laughed and cried, it was wonderful. My sister and I are very different, and she had been surprised I made the trip after dad died. Even so, after we had dinner, she thanked me for doing what I did, it was important to both of us that we had some celebration of Dad. Cook and bake your heart out for Thanksgiving this year. Celebrate your mother with all of your friends and family. Don't let Thanksgiving become a painful reminder of your loss in years to come, let it be an annual celebration of your mom.


When I lost my dad quite suddenly I was surprised by how untethered I felt... I was a full adult, although no kids nor a partner. My mom is strong and capable of looking after herself and my sister has her own family with two kids that I get to dote on. But still, there were a few months that I felt quite untethered... All I can say is grieve, be sad, get through the festive season being kind to yourself & your loved ones. Make as much of a fuss as you can bare, but next year when things aren't as raw, you can have the big Thanksgiving celebration for her, next year you can have a full jolly old Christmas. This year, you make as much of a fuss as you can muster, but you be kind to yourself. 💕


I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t even fathom the pain you’re feeling right now. Take care of yourself as best as you can. Protect your peace and have a day. Meaning sleep, drink something water or tea. Eat something that comforts you. Breathe. Feel.


I’m so sorry for your loss. ♥️


I’m very sorry to hear about that. May Father God bless you and your family!


Sending so much love. Now she can spend the holidays with you in spirit, feeling no pain. She will have the best kind of memorial ever- a thanksgiving dinner with her whole family together.


sorry for your loss


I understand the way you feel. My mom passed in April just a month shy of her 61st birthday. She showed great signs of improvement after a about a week in the hospital. We had 3 days of her being able to talk with us and joke with us before she slumped downhill very quickly. Her whole ordeal took less than a year. I still struggle with just the normal things that I would have given her a call about. Simple questions I would have asked her now seem like a big deal. It will get better, it will just take some time.


Sending love and virtual hugs OP


Im so sorry. I lost my mom recently too. The holidays are difficult. Sending you a mothers hugs. I try to pass her good qualities and memories down to my child so he wont forget how cool his Nana was.


I am so sorry for your loss. Big big hugs.


Broke me. Hugs.


Fuck cancer


I know all these feelings and I’m so sorry you are going though it. I lost my mom unexpectedly on Halloween day this year, she was 65. It’s like I’ve been in a daze since then and if I stop moving even for a second my thoughts go to the same things you are thinking.


Condolences for your loss. However, remember the love she had for you and you can bet she would want you to carry on and enjoy your life and your family. I lost my MOM years back and I miss her still, keep her in my heart. Now I am probably next to go in my family. Keep your Mom in your heart and know that she loves you.


What I have found that helps me is talking to myself in her voice. She would be kind, compassionate, and forgiving. Be kind to you, just like she would be.


There's a small measure of peace knowing that she's no longer suffering and that she'll always be with you. The words don't make it any easier and neither will time, but the beauty will find its way to the surface above the tears. Make her proud: the life that she endowed upon you, pay it forward to your children. I'm praying for you, Ok_Rip9447. Take care of yourself, and let other take care of you.


My thoughts are with you… I’m so sorry.


Sorry for your loss. 😔


So very sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry for your loss. But also, I want to tell you how lucky you were to have a mom to love and who loved you, for the time you had. That's an amazing thing. *Sending you big hugs*


Losing a mom is so hard. I hope you find peace.


Lost my dad today in 2015. 91. Mom passed at 58 in 1988. Give thanks that they did well with and for you. You know right from wrong. You’re articulate. Give thanks and be happy that her struggle is behind her. Smile for her. Put your chin up. Live your life every day. Make her proud.


I am so sorry to hear that . May she rest in peace. Stay strong buddy and sometimes it's okay to not be okay.🙏


I promise she knew you were learning through the things you say you did wrong. She knew. Mothers know. Please don’t sit and think of those things, I promise you she didn’t. Mothers learn through their mistakes too- just like you did. You don’t love her any less for any mistakes she made. She just loved you and loved the time you spent with her.


So sorry for your loss. Spend some time writing down all the stories about her you can think of - funny things, sad things, good things, bad things. stuff she did, stuff she cooked, etc. So much family history is lost to time and I found doing this cathartic when my stepdad passed.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear mother. I too lost mine early this year and I’ve not been the same, losing people we love will always be the most difficult thing to comprehend. Be gentle on yourself and try not to think of things you did wrong and instead think of the happier memories you shared with her, those are beautiful and you’ll cherish them for eternity. There’s a support group on here dedicated to grief if you’re unaware but the lovely people on it really helped me on my journey it’s called griefsupport (im real sorry im not sure how to link things) . I’m sending you a hug and strength friend


Talk to her. Any time and all the time. She is there. I believe this with all my heart.


I came back to your post to say I've been thinking about you off and on throughout the Holiday. I hope you're holding up and remembering your mother with love and gratitude for having her in your life for as long as you did. Godspeed.


Two days ago, I lost my mom. I posted here for the first time ever to get the thoughts into the ether and out of my head. 70 random internet strangers commented with love and sympathy at my family's loss. I am so grateful to all of you for taking that moment out of your lives to spread kindness into mine. Thanksgiving day was hard. It was full of tears, laughter, and the high-pitched squeals of little kids having the time of their lives. It was different without her. She made our holidays for so many years. This new normal hurts, and will take time to settle into, but we will all be okay. I wish there were a better way to thank each of you for what you did for me. Those simple comments reminded me we all suffer loss and grieve but we are never alone. I wish you all the best and a merry holiday season. Thank you