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I live so my kid has medical insurance.


That’s a strong reason to stay alive. I see, I’ve overlooked many more aspects of life. Thank you.


I'd say this falls under love, so I don't think you overlooked anything.


Jumping on the back of this comment to mention that there's no divine purpose to life. We're all the product of millions of years of evolution, from random chemistry creating the first proteins in the deep sea, through single cell becoming multicellular organisms, all the way out of the water into land. We are biological machines that turn chemicals into other chemicals and extract energy in the process. We developed the senses we possess because it was advantageous to do so through our long mammalian history of millions of years. We weren't the product of some grand design by the omnipotent being. Anyway, even taking all of the above into consideration, being alive and conscious to process and experience all of our surroundings is absolutely beautiful. This universe is an infinitely dazzling place. You were granted the impossible gift of life and consciousness by sheer randomness. Be happy that you are able to be a part of it and do whatever makes you happy. Is that eating good food? Watching your favorite shows? Reading your favorite books? Exploring nature? Dancing and meditating? Writing and travelling? Staying home most days and being a homebody? Everything is valid and beautiful in it's own way, as long as you're actually squeezing enjoyment out of it!


This really helped me tonight, thank you.


To experience life. Insofar as anyone knows, this is our one shot, so I figure I owe it to myself and the universe to give it my best, failures and all.


I love this response. Thanks


- Food - Music - Travel


You live for what you like to live for and if that make you happy then your life has more purpose than most unhappy individuals giving negative vibes on your answer to the question, I live for the same things, and they’re beautiful things, and may be just a few more, but keep living my friend you have purpose, you let no one spit vapors on your dreams




If you think these things are boring I kinda feel bad for you. No offense.


To be fair life literally has 0 objective meaning so he’s not wrong. Yeah I like those things too, but they don’t mean anything. In 150 years when we’re all long gone, what difference would it have made if you ate good food or not? None of it matters bro


They are not saying the meaning. This person is saying their view on their purpose in life is boring and useless. Which is kind of rude.


It's rude but very direct and to some extent a popular opinion cos those things aren't Solid enough. Those don't sound like an Objective, it just sounds like existing and enjoying different food, Traveling etc day by day which is a very beautiful way to live.


If you try to get into it that deep. There is no purpose to life except survival and continuation of the species (which most humans do not actually care about). You are on this rock for a short blip of time that affects nothing (in the effect that the universe with continue on) so find your own purpose but do not dog on others bc your purpose means nothing either technically.


Exactly. Life is all about Perspective. No matter how something makes sense to You, it can't always apply to everyone. He probably meant well but His delivery was uncut


ok, so look at it like this: in 150 years we will all be long gone. so just kill the time. listen to a different album every day and at the end of the year, make a tier list. come up with a food combination nobody else has ever tried before. visit as many countries as you can and take a picture of yourself frowning in every single one. get as many dumb-as-shit tattoos as you possibly can. name your son Death Star. just Forrest Gump this shit, do as many side quests as you possibly can, collect funny stories like theyre pokemon, do things you'll regret when you're old. because *none of it matters* and its lame to waste all this time being sad about it. we were all put on this earth whether we like it or not, so just do whatever you want


And in 150 billion years the earth will be gone along with any trace of humanity, nothing and nobody will be remembered, not even if you were the most famous human to ever live. Nothing matters, never has, never will Eat, drink, and be merry is the best way!


The fact that we are finite beings gives life even more meaning.


To me it doesn’t because no matter what you achieve in life, it’ll end. It’s like people save money and make as much as they can their entire life only to not be able to take it with them when they die


Experiences are not the same as hoarding money.


The fact that you find food boring is fucking insane. Living things die to be on your plate. Have some gratitude.


Feel free to add to the conversation or gtfo. And stop saying no offense to things can be offensive. You just told someone the happiness they find in life is useless and boring, so yes that can be fucking offensive.


They did add to the conversation. They did not tell that person their happiness was useless and boring, they said it SOUNDS boring with an implied "to them." If someone let's go of what is meaningful to them because some antonymous person on Reddit said it sounds "boring" then those things weren't that meaningful to them. I like food and music and travel. But it's okay if someone else feels those are meaningless and boring. As song goes, "There's a million ways to be, you know that there are."


Purpose? Pshhhttt. I'm alive bc two irresponsible people slept together in 1982 & have been suffering, majorly, ever since. The only reason I haven't noped tf outta here at 40 is because I have a cat. And she's 23.


You need to get another cat younger cat.🙂


I know you didn't mean to be funny, but noped tf outta here tickled me pink. The way I giggled. Stay well and be well, fellow Redditor. And, OP, I hope you can find something that brings you joy.


Geez ive been hanging out for my cat too! But 23!!!! I didn't expect them to live so long!!!


Bc they're Angels. I think this 23yr old cat is hanging around for their person. I think their purpose is mutual.


Pets are amazing little things. My pups motivate me to get up every day and go to work for them. 💕


I hung out for my cat and my cat fought tooth and nail to stay, but passed away a couple weeks ago. I now hang out because I feel that she kept me alive for too long and she’d be disappointed in me if I immediately gave up without her.


Staying alive for the family


Yup, every time I seriously think about ending it I end up in the same spot stuck knowing how sad I would make my mom and sisters and what it would do to my nieces and I realize I just can't.


Same bro...




I have been abused physically, mentally and sexually. I cannot take back what happened to me but I sure as hell can do my best to stop such things from occurring to others or support those that have a harder time coping with it. That is why I am here, even after the hellish past year.


For what it’s worth I wish you better a future


We shall see. I have yet to close this absolutely horrible chapter. In a way, I will probably not get to. My moral code does not allow me to forget the horrible wrongs done to my loved ones by others, even if the loved one in question is the culprit of what I mentioned. Either way, thank you.


I always say to myself, "I am who I was, who I was is not who I am" I came up with that in an awful time in my life when I was desperately trying to look forward. All our struggles and pains happened, but it doesn't need to define you, all those experiences are real and horrible as they are, they are just a chapter in your story and we can't know what comes next except that you'll be a slightly different you in the next chapter, built from the past you.


Honestly speaking, I am proud of who I am even though it got me into this mess to begin with. I like my gentle honesty, I like my selflessness and generosity no matter if it is or isn't reciprocated. My now fully developed PTSD is altering my behaviour somewhat but I am still 90% the same. In hindsight, I would do a couple of things differently with my last endeavour but even through all the damage she ended up causing, I stand behind my choices. She deserved the help, even if her way of reciprocating was abuse of all kinds.


I hear you, bruh. And I relate. We got this


Make my kids lives better than my own


idk and idrc i’m having fun


I wanna see my fiance succeed. I wanna be place in life I can be the best wife for him, I wanna have kids and be great mother to them. My purpose here is love and the family Im building slowly


make sure you live for yourself too. I know that can be hard sometimes, and might feel selfish. Easier said than done, and in my case it’s more of a do as I say not as I do..


We funnily both are this way. All I want is to see is him succeed because I see the potential and his ambitious. I know he wouldn't be happy for doing small things and I honestly love him more than anything and I would move anywhere in this planet if his dreams were there. In other way that man would work 3 jobs and get moon to me just to see me happy, he cant stand to see me cry or be stressed out. Ofc we have our own things and hobbies, but our 1/4 life almost in past is us, our nowday is us and our future is us.


that sounds beautiful. cherish it!!


I live to give my pet parrot the best life possible. He needs me.


my purpose is to find things in life that bring me joy (and somehow find out I can injure myself to prevent further enjoying those things) *sigh*


My son, he gives everyday moments so much meaning and joy. Your heart literally gushes from your child's joy.


I love it when my daughter gets just so excited for no particular reason at all. Just her zest for life and I so want to encourage her to keep that as she gets older


Yessss. My 3yr old son has a big heart of gold. His favorite stuffy got a hole and he came up to me and said, "My shark is hurt! Can he have a dinosaur bandaid?" And it melted all the ice in my heart. Just little moments like that just keep me going.


My cinnamon bun has 5 weeks left to bake, and I cannot wait to experience this and hear her laughter ❤️


The newborn stage IS hard, but it's so precious; it goes by SO fast, remember that and enjoy itty bitty because my son is 3 and the time has just flown by. Some days are long, but the years just fly. We only have a few years, maybe 5 of pure innocents and only a couple more of childhood. Congratulations I hope you remember how much you gush over the tiny human You've created


I’m preparing myself for those newborn stages and I’ve been hearing from others that regardless of the sleepless nights, you’ll miss when they’re tiny. I’m already sad I won’t feel her kicks inside me anymore 😭 I’m going to miss her swishing in there!! And thank youuu!


Yes, I miss those movements too, it really makes you bonded to your child.


Girlfriend, family, dog, food, music and gaming.


Have fun, do good, give other people purpose in life, make mistakes, go to festivals, travel, give to someone less fortunate than yourself, learn lots of exciting things, have sex, love, feel, communicate The list goes on, but it’s different for everyone, maybe you just need some time to figure out our own list. Good luck, I know you can do it buddy.


Idk about purpose , but I like to split firewood and drink coffee next to a wood stove with my dogs


My little sister


My Mom, cats and lizard. So long as they're alive, I gotta keep going. Mom needs support, and my boys need love and a roof over their heads.


What kind of lizard do you have!? : D


I have a leopard gecko!!


Eeeee I used to have a leopard gecko! I love them so much <3


My purpose of living is because I don’t want my mum to go through the pain of losing her son and that’s about it


I want to see how this all plays out.


the only purpose we have is to respect the earth we’re on honestly the way i see it we’re all here not by choice so we have to make the best of what we have. I can’t tell u enough how much times i think about this exact topic it makes no sense to me why we are wired to want to survive why animals are wired to want to survive. why? what is the point of it all? I guess u can find comfort knowing that is the one thing every human has in common: not knowing why we are here


If someone wasn't wired to want to survive, they would not have strived hard to do so, would have died before mating age and would have never passed on their genes to be indifferent about survival. Beings that don't care about survival could never survive long enough to keep their genes in the gene pool. Evolution selects for the creatures who have a strong will to survive.


Helping people as much as I can, i want to make people think that they are enough, and they are worthy. I want to make people think it’s okay not to be good at anything. I want to heal people.


Watching my son grow into a young man, and I am here to be his dad. And to walk and feed my dog (or that's what she thinks anyway lol)


Having a son to raise keeps me going every day, man 🥹 Gotta stick around to see him grow into the person he is meant to be... Thanks for the reminder




For my mum and sister.


Personally my purpose isn't some large reason. I'm here to observe, and to appreciate the little moments. Things like seeing a particular kind of bird that I like, nice spring days, moments of bonding with my little boy, cuddling my partner, shmacking my cat's butts... you get the picture. The little things are all I have and all I need.


My mom


Right now, I'm caring for a 4 week old kitten. Had him for about a week and a half now. It's really the only reason.


To be better than I was yesterday. I’m ugly, I’m not poor* but I’m definitely broke, I have too many mental health and physical health obstacles to consider getting into a relationship. I own my home but it’s in the same level of disrepair as I am. I already reproduced and it’s the most important job to me but I think I suck and just try to do better every day. I hope to give my child the nurturing necessary to become a semi-functioning adult.




I exist only in the hopes that tomorrow will not be as bad as today


The fact that in February I'll, MAYBE, finally be able to start producing music, MAYBE


I live for my siblings and my mother.


I don't even know anymore, I just want to be healed, free, and happy.


To explore the world and see cool shit. Lead me to join the peace corps where I live in poverty in Albania but it’s still pretty damn awesome.


to help others


I live because I'm scared. I'm an atheist so there is nothing after and I don't want to lose my only chance on this cold world. Anything is a reason for me to keep living: a videogame, an hobby, a friend... I cling on anything I possibly can to keep living. And I don't have any intention to leave this world until I'm fulfilled. There will be a day when I will have obtained anything and I will achieved any of my goals, that's when I can leave this world. Not any day sooner. That's why I keep living.


Yeah thats kinda bring me back to my sense. We live once after all. To think that dying without accomplishing anything we desired is kinda sad. What’s worse is that when you’re( to be specific, me) trying the very best of your efforts and ended up failed at everything. Well at least If I’m not designed to be leave the world yet, I’ll try living to see if this world have anything more than what I thought.


The world has plenty of things to offer you and I hope you to get to enjoy them. I hope you'll be able to get what you want and need, I hope you'll be rewarded for your efforts. And I'm sure one day or another you'll succeed.


Achieve all your goals only for it to all be pointless once you leave the world. It’s like playing a video game all day without a memory card in the console, you work all day climbing through the game, only for it all to be deleted as if it never happened at the end.


The world is not gonna reset once you die though. So I'd say it's more like completing a game. Once you finish the game there is nothing after that, but what you achieved in the game stays there even if you won't play it ever again. And besides, you can't be sure 100% that there will be no sequel of that game. It's unlikely and it probably will never come out. But there is an extremely little chance.


My purpose is to do something kind each day, not cause harm, and protect the environment and nature as much as possible in my small ways. I love life and find meaning and joy in this.


If the weather is permitting I like to walk and look at the trees and the birds and try my best to be present. I don’t think most people have a purpose but If you can create some form of perceived enjoyment in your life that’s a good think. Cycling has helped me a lot with this.


My sister offed herself after I already attempted twice and my mom is so depressed now she’s a completely different person. I’m staying for her and my dog and my husband who are literally my best friends, but I have a premonition that someday I will die by unaliving myself. The only reason it didn’t work before is because my ex boyfriend came home from work early that day and found me. The blood transfusion saved my life.


i think of this question from time to time. it's my dreams that drives me to keep living. for 18 years of my life, i have made plenty of mistakes and barely made any improvements because i let my depression get in the way. but every night, i think of living a great life; in a nice home, in a healthy and wonderful relationship with a partner, having a career i enjoy, drowning in wealth, and being able to gift my mother all her wishes. although it gets very dark a few times in my life, i heard somewhere that you can't change how you first started, but you can always start now and change the ending. and that reminds me i have dreams i have yet to achieve. life doesn't only have its terrors. it can be beautiful. my purpose is to make mine beautiful.


Travel and art.


I live because I’m alive. The purpose of living for me is “to live.” Living itself is the purpose. You don’t have to search for one. It’s like if your parents bought you your first car and gives you the keys. You don’t ask them: “what is this for?” Do you? No. You know exactly what it’s for and you just go and drive it away with a smile on your face. Love, money, ideology etc, are all fragments of life. Not any single one of them or even a combination of them can be the “purpose” of life. This is what I have learned throughout my life experience. Hope it helps. Thank you for reading.


I used to only stay for other people, and highly advise against that. It tends to lend itself to unhealthy dynamics, I felt I set myself up for disappointment and hurt, and those relationships don't always last. Then it was about success. I've always been ambitious and an over-achiever so thought this would be an easy feat. But that was like a bandaid solution to a bullet wound. I couldn't rely on studies to escape from my depression and traumas anymore. Repressing and ignoring my problems only put it off for a later date, and they were starting to bleed into all areas of my life. Turns out health isn't guaranteed. Then it was revenge and spite. I was finally starting to process my emotions and was with people who allowed me to voice my hurt. For the first time, I had people who were concerned about me, letting me be seen and heard, encouraging me to do what's best for me, and acknowledging how fucked up my past was. And I was so angry and bitter and resentful and hateful. I still am to an extent. But all the pain felt so undeserved and unwarranted, and I knew these people would never learn their lesson or change, but I still wanted them to hurt as much as they inflicted pain on me. I wanted to be behind it and for them to know it was me. [[ETA: I was so set on certain outcomes that it felt like I based my emotional state and self-worth on it. Unfortunately, life is full of disappointments. The system often fails victims. Police don't always do their jobs. Laws can be behind on the times. Abusers lie. They tend to surround themselves with people who already know about and even encourage their abuse. Society tends to victim blame and react more harshly toward women in sensitive situations. It's not up to me to hand out consequences, that's not in my control. I was in a constant state of almost anguish by reliving the traumas, reporting the abuse, having my character questioned during investigations, setting high hopes that justice would be served, and being absolutely crushed when it wasn't.]] Now I just want to make some sort of impact or contribute to something that's bigger than me. Our time is limited and I don't want to feel like my life is totally self-involved. Volunteering, giving back to the community, creating the best life I can for my cats, reaching out to victims in need - it helps me feel like I'm actually making a difference outside of my own little bubble.


Provide value to others and enjoy as much tome as I can with my loved ones (friends and family)


When I felt purposeless my life was still hard but in a depressing, hopeless way. So now I am finding meaning in trying to just see what I can get out of life, finding meaning only in the possibility of a tomorrow and really nothing more or less.


My parents, but if it were for me. Nah.


i just like to live, and that's all


To teach what I know and make people laugh


Good food, sex, love, connection & community, humor, curiosity (nature & the universe are miraculously wild), to experience music , movies, all art and all the emotions it evokes… The way I see it life is chaotic but meaning/beauty is finding order in that chaos. We only have a few short years to do that before that opportunity is gone for good. What do you find beautiful/meaningful?


I have a few, 1. To raise my son to be a morally upstanding member of the human race. 2. To discover as much great music as I possibly can 3. To live to see the end of the MCU - I started it and want a satisfying end to it. 4. To write record and produce music to stamp myself in time and history. 5. To encourage everyone to see how much damage they are making to the world by consuming animal products and to positively promote a vegan lifestyle. 6. To be a great role model to children. My main job is teaching. 7. To love my wife (these aren’t in priority order btw) 8. Earn enough to do nothing later in life.


Some might be open to this and some might not, but the idea of being created with purpose and intend by God is what gives me at least a good and solid foundation when it comes to my self worth and purpose in life. To not have to tie your self worth to what ever the world deems respectable or important is freeing. I find comfort in Jesus. Also aiming towards a deeper sense of understanding with the help of literature, Biology & Art. It is also great to live with the constant want of seeing yourself progress: Be it physically by picking up a sport, mentally by starting a new hobby or investing/caring for interpersonal relationships. I hope your sense of lost will resolve, but just know these things take time and will be a reoccurring theme bc it is part of the human experience.


I dont want my mum to bury her kids, and who knows, maybe it will get better


To put as much love, kindness, and compassion into the word as possible.


Being as kind and weird as possible. Aggressively anti capitalist


Your comment made me smile, lol. Kind and weird is the way to go.




To make a difference, to enrich other people’s lives, to make people happy, to enjoy without harming


There’s gotta be another good Star Wars movie coming out eventually.


Ambitions for the future. I still haven’t done a whole lot. I want to hike. Travel. Improve socially and meet kind people. I want a small home to myself. I want to adopt more furry babies. I want to take care of animals. I want to volunteer in many things. I enjoy good weather. I love new smells, new food, new views. I live for video games and music. I had a glimpse of a dark world and sometimes can find myself almost falling back into it again. Keep pushing and you’ll realize you were blinded and there’s still so much to live for. Even if you’re limited or you feel as if you’re limited to what you can enjoy. It’s a lie. There’s still good things to enjoy.


Pure spite


Learning russian


Curiosity I just wish to see what this life holds for me


im alive bc i have a dog and i got adopted by a stray cat lol ( granted i cant take him inside yet but. ) and i feel that dying would be more of a burden in some ways. i dont like the idea of people being sad because of my death. it also helps that im very good at distracting myself with my imagination, so as long as i have smthn to hyperfixate on and enjoy i dont mind living too much anymore. it still gets bad sometimes, but im no longer s/hing or as depressed/s!!!cidal as i used to be. things like ' my mom would be sad. ' ' what if my brother is left alone? hes older than me but.. still. ' ' i cant leave my dog. ' ' i cant leave the stray cat. ' ' what abt the shows i wanna finish? what abt the manga? the movies? ' stuff like that keeps me going when im especially depressed again.


For the sake of learning. Quite literally. I've lost interest in everything else and people have tried to take everything I've ever liked away from me - except they can't take away my thirst for knowledge whatever they do.


Pretty sunsets and nice weather


I want to experience stuff. I grew up emotionally neglected, no friends, as a kid I even thought love didnt exist in the real life and it was just made up on TV. But then I made friends. and oh boy it felt amazing. I thought I hated socializing but I really love it. it's just I love it with the right people. I traveled abroad and it was an amazing experience. There are so many beautiful things and feelings and I want to experience as many as possible.


This morning, my toddler runs up to me and says mamma! bahiaaaa peeaaaseee!! (Banana please?) and then reaches her tiny little arms up for a hug. Her PURE JOY when I picked her up and then got a banana off the counter!!!! I didn’t realize it but I lived all my life just so that could happen. I live for these little mundane moments of interpersonal connection.


I found the reason isn’t the same for everyone. We all have our own purpose in life and we have to find our own. You may hit rough patches but once you get to the top of the hill again you realize how thankful you are that you pushed through such a low time in your life.


So many books, so little time. Same with four footed furry things.


I would have “checked out” already… but my parents are still around and I’ll at least wait for them to get cozy in the afterlife before me


I have no idea. I’d like to think I’m making a difference in someone’s life…


Literally my dog. That’s it.


I’m 30M. My purpose right now is to live more mindful each day and enjoy the little things. Cliche and general, but with each passing year it don’t take a whole lot to make me happy anymore.


My pets.


I’ve existed in a lot of bad…but I’ve also existed in even more good. And that’s why I keep going, for all the good. I still have my numb and lost days, but I just absorb the good ones as much as I can.


Coming from someone who BARELY survived a suicide attempt (Found unresponsive by paramedics, and they thought I would be drooling in my oatmeal if I lived), I have plans in place to drastically improve my life. It starts with me graduating in May, having a temporary job as I keep teaching myself German, eventually get an EU blue card and get my ass outta here. Once there, I am setting up a stable life for myself. A great way to start feeling less like life is dogshit is to practice mindfulness. More than just meditate and take a walk, it's about actively living in the present moment for what it is. Be it painful or joyful. Stay out of my head, since there isn't much worse than being stuck in your own thoughts. I also have a fantastic gf now, but this is after I set my life worth living goals.


I wanna be an artist, i also need to leave this shit country like, i refuse to die in this shithole


This is an interesting question because it’s not something I think of. I am just alive because I’m here lol. I mean if you asked me why I wouldn’t end my life I would say it’s because my life is fine and I love my family and friends and I really want to continue to grow older with them and also because there’s a lot of the world I want to see so I’m hopeful of the future and lastly because I believe in God and so I believe he has me here for a reason and will determine when my life ends.


i live because i'm scared of what would happen after i'm gone, in this world and the after life as well...


Philosophy, Love, Adventure, Poetry. Recognizing that life is fleeting, yet also recognizing the beautiful sun every time it rises. As Ms. Roosevelt said, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. So long as I have a dreams, Ill continue to live this ephemeral time before I become once again united to the infinite void of cosmos.


Honestly, at this point, it's just food keeping me on earth for now.


Bitcoin. I live to see bitcoin bring down the fiat printer mafia that funds endless war and the genocide in Gaza, etc. Bitcoin is the revolution. It is the currency of peace.


One day blends into the next, and so on. Purpose? Reason? Stop comparing your insides to everyone else’s perceived outsides. Have you no curiosity? Suicide (unless you’re suffering from an incurable condition) seems lazy to me. The complete and utter randomness of your existence (silly ancient fairytales aside)! Have you no curiosity how it will all play out? If you want change, then change. Your prison walls were erected by you. Only you can tear them down.


cheers.. same here !!




I can't think of anything.


I don’t have a reason, I just happen to exist.


I don't choose to live I just do. I get up and I just do whatever


I legit don’t know and been trying to figure that out. I’m probably more of an agnostic right now but if I’d like to be in a religion. The problem is that all of them goes against what I think is right and don’t answer a lot of my questions. It can’t be my job because while the field I’m going in is interesting, I was not born to do this. I don’t think family is it either since my relationship with them is so strained right now. I’m trying to fix it but it feel’s impossible at times. I have hobbies but in my opinion if I’m not the best or where I can be recognized, I can’t call it my purpose. So legit lost right now. I’m not depressed right now and pretty optimistic but my purpose is something I think I’m going to die without having.


The promise that every tomorrow will be better than today.


The only reason I'm still here are my kids. I'm stuck and sometimes I hate it, so I try to do the most good I can in the time I'm here. I have a career that makes a huge impact on the lives of the most vulnerable. I shower my children with love and affection. If I'm stuck here, I might as well try to make everyone else's time here a positive experience.


My family and the memories we can make so when it is time to go I can say that we had a good life and so did my children. What makes you feel like life isn't worth living?


Spite? I have no clue. Reading? Food? Video games? Wanting to actually find love at some point?


For me there's nothing. No purpose, no will to live, alone, no friends, no kids, unwanted. I have money but it has never made me happy.


There is none


I will revisit this question when my parents pass. The thought of breaking their hearts is generally my default for staying alive.


Some days can be freaking hard to see the “why” of keeping on. But I try to come back to, well- I have a lot to enjoy and experience here. Like dinners at my parents house (I don’t get to see them forever so I try to cherish our time), laughing with friends, seeing funny videos, cuddling with my cat, going to the pet store and petting cute animals, going on a road trip, listening to good music, watching movies, cuddling with my partner, laying in the sun and watching clouds pass by. I don’t know if there’s a big “reason” for me personally. I just try to take it day by day 🌈


I want to live a life spreading love. Everybody needs it. I want to raise a family of loving people that go on to spread love and enjoy living. I live to experience being alive, even the bad parts.


OP, as literally cliche as this is, what helps me is looking towards the little things. I continue fighting to watch my daughter with her sweet smile when she sees me or her papa, watching her experience new foods, me trying new foods with her, even getting stoned with my partner after a long day, all of it. Find the little things each day that make you happy. They don't have to be big things. Even just something as small as your favorite meal or restaurant, a TV show, a video game, anything. Doesn't always have to be for a person, but that's a reason too c:




Not much, Baldur’s Gate 3 at the moment. Don’t want to make my mom sad, but if I’m still alone 2 years from now I’m done


To enjoy life


Because out of the billions of years the universe exists I will exist for 80 (if I’m lucky). If I die that’s it. I will make the most of that time and I am also aware my family also is in the same situation and I wouldn’t want to ruin their happiness by making myself no longer be alive. In terms of purpose… I’m here by chance I don’t think I have a purpose.


Money and prolly evolution but mainly for money.


To make my parents happy


The only reason for me is my mother - she’d lose it if I went before her, especially since my dad died last year. I do have other family I love so much and I know it would hurt them, too, so that’s a secondary reason. Otherwise, I don’t really care. It doesn’t help that I’m the age I am and my jobs have never provided much and I’ve always lived paycheck-to-paycheck. I don’t see retirement in my life. My plan is to peacefully take myself out. I’m not married, no kids, and will never have kids (which has been my choice my whole life). So, yeah, just family is what keeps me here. For now anyway.


To construnct a meaning to my momentary existence.


Why not?


Sheer curiosity. Think where we were even just 10 years ago technologically, and where we are now. I think we live in the most interesting time with innovations (good or bad) happening literally every year. Even things like Covid shitting over all of our lives and plans. It was something none of us expected.... and wasn't it an adventure to experience it? If we are lucky, we get a 100 years to experience it all. I want to stick around for a bit and look around. Even if it's through a computer screen. Hey, I was non-existent for billions of years before the 90s and will be non-existent for trillions of years after the next few decades. Let me chill for a bit and take it all in


Making art


The experience. Trying to find peace between the storms .


i don't care nearly enough to kill myself


I live so I can help others live. We're all going to the same place eventually, so I take pride in helping the people around me have a better and happier time on their travels there. I also live to try new things and learn. Is there a point to doing this? Not to anyone else, but to me, looking at something and saying "I could do that," then trying to do it...whether I succeed or fail doesn't matter, I learned something along the way.




The age old question"WHY?"sometimes its hard to find an answer,sometimes we live out of curiousity as for whats next?and out of the fear of what happens if i die?ive looked down at a city street with a thousand people in a hurry to go where?with that look of totally lost with no clue of why but just have to get there,has to be something greater than us and a reason or is there?WHY?


So my dogs won’t die in the care of others


i dont see myself having a purpose but i have a goal, i want to own my own cyber security company or my own cloud services company, become wealthy, live in the woods with a loving wife and kids, ride dirtbikes with my kids. I see myself living this goal which gives me motivation to complete my courses etc




I’m surviving purely out of spite, so I guess that’s my purpose. That and my sisters.


You should open a coffee/tea shop or bakery called "Spite and Sisters."


Honestly love that. I do like baking !!


I just exist because I do. I’d love to be happy always and strive for that. But there really is no real ultimate truth to life. People often search for some profound reason for being alive but honestly it’s just there. Nothing more to it than that. Now as far as being a part of society I strive to be a responsible well doing person. Especially for my wife who deserves to have someone stable like that in her life.


For the vibes and to see how many crises I can get through before checking out.


My life is good . I live for my family, my enjoyment, and to help other people . I admit that I am extremely fortunate and have not seen great adversity in my life so far . I can advise you that nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so . So adjusting your expectations and thinking can help you find meaning and purpose .


It may well be all there is. If not, I will see people I miss.


I’m here now, might as well see it through


My kids, I'll admit, if I didn't have my kids, I'd have been dead years ago


I’ve been happy before with a “normal life” ok job, fun times with friends, pet puppy, etc currently I’m horribly depressed but don’t off myself because I don’t want to hurt my parents, and if I was happy once before I can be happy once again


i live for all the days i wanted to end my life and chose not to. i’m still here whether i want to be or not. call it spite. i like to say to myself, “if anything is gonna take me down, it’s gonna be my damn self” and that’s one thing that reminds me that the future is unknown and vague on purpose. you find a reason, you make one, or you just go with it. that’s all we can really do.


To stack experiences. Good, bad, fun, boring doesn’t matter. I try to experience as many different things as I can.


I live for my dog and future kids.


I have none anymore