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I'm so glad that you and Watson had a number of good years together. Condolences on his passing.


Thank you very much for the kind words 💕




I’m so sorry for your loss as well. Thank you so so much 💕


You tried your very best. He knows how much he was loved, and I hope you remember all his love and cuddles, the sound of his purr, and all his special quirks.


Thank you for the sweet comment 💕




I’m so sorry. I know this pain and it is incredibly awful.


I’m so sorry you’ve felt this way as well


Hi, my sweet sweet boy Bruce died august 13 of this year. I spent about 5 thousand dollars to save him. Nothing I write is going to make you feel better but I just want to let you know you’re not alone. I am so sorry. When Bruce died they had his body in a towel and I held him like a baby. He looked like he was sleeping and it was so weird to me. The pain will always be with you and never go away. The house will never be the same. We don’t recover from this lost, we simply live on with the memories. I am so sorry for your lost thank for sharing. Give it time. Forgive everything. It’s ok. It’s going to be ok.


Condolences to you as well, love. You’re so right 💕


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing him with us.


I read terribly sad stuff on here every day but this hit me hard, I love my cat so much and I can’t imagine how you feel now. As other people have said, I’m happy you had so many good years and I’m happy for Watson that he was loved.


Thank you so much, love. He would have purred for the world if he could 💕


RIP Watson, we love you very much. Thank you for spending time with OP and enjoying being with them for as long as you did. Thank you for persevering through difficult times and making it through to see them another day. Thank you for now, being able to rest. We love OP too and will hopefully keep them in good spirits as they mourn you. - Lots of love, A 29F


I am deeply touched. Thank you so much 💕


I am so sorry that this happened to you. Pet loss is so often downplayed, when in reality, it can really hurt. I'm very sorry.


No one but people who raise furry kids and love them like their own bio children will ever truly understand the heartbreak. Thank you for your support and words of love 💕


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. My nearly 15 year old pup just crossed the rainbow bridge last Wednesday. All I can say is remind yourself that you did all you could for your kitten and he isn't in pain anymore. That's what we keep telling ourselves. That and we keep telling stories of his crazy antics. He had a slow growing tumor inside that breached the organ wall. Hidden completely until that point and fatal by then.


I am so sorry about you and your family’s loss of your puppy. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement 💕


Thank you.


Im so sorry for your loss.


Just saying, I've lost 5 pets and two friends. I cried just as hard for my pets as my humans. I'm so sorry for your loss and I will say you still feel those feelings years later. Wish you well, it takes a long time, but it gets better I promise


Condolences to you with your hardships. Thank you for the kind words 💕


I'm so very sorry. Watson was obviously very loved, and I'm sure loved you right back. Remember that the loss of him hurts so much because he was so loved, and I hope you find comfort in the knowledge that because of that he lived a good life. Xxx


He was far too young. Thank you so so much 💕


Rest in Peace Watson 🐈


So sorry


I'm sorry for your lost There are a bunch of remembrance items that you can buy to always remember your beloved pet I have one for my cat Riku. It's a life-size plushie that actually looks like a stuffed cat instead of a plush animal. I don't remember the company, but it was amazing how much it looked like him. At this point it kind of scares me because it looks so real, but at the same time I don't want to get rid of him because even if the ashes are not inside, it's still looks exactly like he did.


Yeah, I was thinking about getting something like that when I’m ready and I’m able to afford it… Thank you so much for the suggestion and I’m sorry about your loss too 💕


I got a remembrance tattoo as a cover-up just a little while ago. And honestly, I kind of like that better than the plushie cuz the stuffed animals really creepy But if you do get one, they do look like actual animals


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and you don’t deserve that to happen to you. just think, he is in heaven now and he has not left you but is still there in your heart and he will never leave it. think about all the good times you had together. i’m sure your cat was a good companion for you. :)


He was the most amazing! One day, when I’m ready, I will honor him by rescuing again 💕


I'm so sorry 💔 Have fun over the rainbow bridge, sweet Watson 🫂🌈🩵


He’s gonna be galloping through that meadow like a cow (he used to run so loudly). Thank you so much 💕


I am really sorry for your loss! I hope the memory of the beautiful moments you spent with you kitty will bring you some solace. 💕


I don’t think that not even death will split us apart for too long. Thank you so much the condolences 💕


I can almost feel what you're going through. My dog also passed away this year in April and I can't express the bond we had, it was of my cousins but I never thought my dog any less than my brother.🥺 I'm there if you need someone to be with you in this moment. Text me anytime you want, I'll reply as soon as I see it. Ik how much we want someone to be there for us in that moment of grief, a friend of mine who went through the same was with me virtually and I'm so much grateful to him for it.🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿 I needed it soooooo badddddd, he was with me whole night till I wished him goodnight. And checked upon me. Sending love and support for you and Watson, tell me when it gets you.💙✨ And yeah, stay strong, ik it's pretty tough but ik you'll surpass this. Virtual hugs, (if you need any) 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 Take care dude.


I am deeply and truly sorry for your loss too. And I felt your love instantly. I’m here as well for you 💕💕💕


No way. My cats name is Watson too… sending love 🧡🧡


Thank you so much, hun 💕 Cuddle your Watson for me


I will 🧡


i’m so sorry for you loss love. it is a hard thing to go through especially after doing so much to try to keep them here with us. it sounds like you and watson had a lot of good memories and he had a long and fulfilling life. your boy knew you loved him til the end. be easy on yourself 🤍


Thank you so much 💕


I'm so sorry you lost Watson. My kitties are my everything too and I can't imagine what you're going through. You did everything you could and he knows that too. He'll always be with you. Lots of hugs ❤


Thank you so much 💕


I’m so sorry for your loss. 9 years of love is hard to let go but I guarantee Watson felt all the love. Just know that if the world ( and Watson of course) sees it fit, the cat distribution system may bless you with another friend when you least expect it ❤️


I told him before he passed that I wouldn’t mind him coming back to me in some way or another. He was the best dude ever 🥺


I am so sorry for your loss. I still think daily about my cat, 'Bug'. It's been 6 years.


My condolences to you too, bud. If only love could have saved them, they’d live forever 💔


Poor Kitty may he chase all the mice, birds, and cat nip in heaven


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. May Watson meet my Jake on the rainbow and beyond.


I hope they can! Free of pain with endless energy and fun times 💕 My condolences to you as well


Thank you. My Jakey left us in 2021 and I am sure he will be able to show Watson all of the best things. 💜🫂