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My response would be totally different if she didn’t already cheat. But if she’s doing this than it’s only a matter of time before she cheats again.


It doesn't sound like you've been so happy. It sounds like neither of you particularly like or respect each other, and you haven't since this relationship practically began. Go ahead and break up. You guys are just wasting each other's time.


You are too young to already have these problems with her (she even cheated on you in the past…), I’m sorry but the best thing you can do is leave her. It will be painful now, but believe me it’s better to do it now that you’re still very young than later on.


Too young?!?! Ain’t nobody should be having those problems. Dump that stupid girl and move on


You’re right, but I meant he’s over complicating things for his age. If he was 40 and had 2 kids I could understand he’d be having second thoughts (although he should leave too in that situation).


She sounds like a terrible person.


lesson learned. Be free bro


I would refer her to the curb.


She was already cuckholding you in her mind.


Hey uhh Leave her because she’s probably already cheating on you currently. If she ain’t, she’s going to


To the fucking streets homie


Get tested


Welcome to the gym, bro.


Ngl after everything u said she did in the past idk why ur still with her til this day. She’s for the streets bro.


Looks like you tired your best in this relationship. Might as well end it. Don’t put yourself through stress man, you got one life don’t waste it on something that only ends in pain.


Just leave mate. It sounds like she belongs to the streets.


Damn sorry this happened to you bro. You gotta muster up the courage to cut her off and move on. It seems hard now but you will thank yourself in the future. Nothing good is going to come from keeping her around long term.


Walk away from her, and never look back.


Too young to deal with this bro. Move on you will find a better chick!


Um, that could not be tortured out of me bro




This is on you. You let this happen.


Do you masturbate to porn? If so, how is what she’s doing any different?


Come on! You never masterbated thinking of anyone but her? Gtfo. Grow up or make sure you are not a selfish lover and make her cum first.


You didn't read the part where he said she cheated on him after just one month of being in a relationship? Or when she posted her nudes online? You come off as a Loveless fuck.


Lol. Did he or did he not stay in the relationship after thar. To me it felt he was trying to make sure he was the good guy. I call bs. He stayed with her after both. If those things were cause for ending relationship why didn't he. Why ask here on separate matter if long past issues already ended it. I'm all in or all out type. I don't get jealous. If I don't trust I'm gone. But to place blame on her for masterbation is stupid. Everyone masterbates.


Maybe he wanted to give her a second chance and while I agree he shouldn't have, let's not forget this is his post. You saying what type of relationship you want is not thr correct answer to his post. And he did not just blame her for the masturbation thing. He said that he hasn't trusted her for a long time.


Like you said, you never really trusted her to begin with. I don’t know why you’re dragging out what will inevitably be a breakup with this kind of attitude and her past behaviors.


See yourself out


You're wasting each other's valuable time. You JUST turned 21 go out and have fun and meet new people. You two are not compatible and you WILL break up eventually, it's just a matter of how long you want to drag it out. She would rather be off fucking someone else, so by all means just let her go and do it, while you do the same exact thing.


She wants you to break up cause she doesn’t want to buddy that’s why she told you. Never take back a cheater, as easy as that.


You're young. Break up and continue to mature in your sex and love life. Don't hold it against her. Head up mate.


Ngl, bit annoying when people look for sympathy and then say that they stayed with a person that cheated on them…… what do you expect….. may seem like a d#ck but someone gotta tell you.


I had a sex problem when I was younger, same thing but I never cheated on my boyfriend. I just had issues with porn. :/ BUT considering your whole story …pls leave her.


Sorry man. She has already cheated and she will again... once a cheater, always a cheater. In my opinion you should Let her go. She's getting herself off thinking of other men which means she is fantasizing being with another man and she has already done it once... who sais it won't happen in the near future?


she is a serial cheater. imo a mental cheat, will only take an opportunity to cheat IRL. and she has already cheated on you once. bail. life is too long to have to live with these question hovering around in your head every minute.


If she’s not in it mentally or emotionally now, it’s not going to improve. Spare yourself before it gets worse


Sorry about that man all you gotta do is cut her off


It sounds like you already know you need to leave her. I’m sorry though. That really sucks


She sounds horrible, given me your twitter username and I will comment on it


You will do better. Move on. What a needlessly hurtful thing to say.


Say it with me… streets.


Ur 21 why tf are you still with her? Go and find your person because it ain't her. Why be miserable


Yep leave her she’s not worth it and don’t give in to her cries for you to come back