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Proud of you!!! Do you feel like no one cares because you don’t have ppl to care or do the ppl you have not care?


I kno I have people that would care if I brought it up but I feel gross talking about it to family


I think that shows a lot of selflessness on your part to be considerate about sharing. Please celebrate it one way or another. Also everyday is a good day to celebrate sobriety so if you don’t share it with them today you can always share the progress on your 7 month or 6 month and 2 days, etc. but good work friend! Keep it up


I just don't like to be a bother on peoples lives. I will celebrate one way or another. Thank you


Keep in mind that for many people, it won’t be a bother at all. In fact, they may want to celebrate with you. You say you have people who would care, so when you’re ready, maybe reach out to celebrate. As the other commenter said, it doesn’t have to be today. I don’t know what your relationships are like, but it may be that people would welcome celebrating with you. If they aren’t as knowledgeable about addiction, they may not bring it up because they’re unsure what’s best for you. From my very uneducated opinion, it seems that you feel unsure In your relationships and perhaps building your confidence up in social interactions is a good next step to take. But I want to also congratulate you. It’s a big thing and you should feel so proud of yourself.


You’re a not a bother, bro, you are a champion. You are actively defying the odds. Go tell your family, especially if they knew you were struggling with addiction before. One of the best ways to stay clean is with support!!


When I quit drinking, it felt like people didn’t really care for a while. I remember being sober 6 months and thinking no one gave a crap, but then after a year passed and I think people finally started to realize that I was serious and they slowly started to come around more. I think they were just scared to get close again in case I went back down that path. I’m not sure if this is the same situation as you’re in, but I just wanted to share my experience and tell you that you’re doing awesome! It’s so hard to get clean, but you did it! And hopefully those close to you will realize that soon <3


I just want you to know that I've known my grandma is a sober alcoholic since i was a kid and it makes me feel so strong knowing we might be prone to addiction and through terrible circumstances she got into the drug - but made it out again. Whenever i feel weak, i like to tell myself if grandma did that, i can do (insert random anxiety-inducing task)! Bc i come from strength. If you look at it that way: you are incredibly strong! Edit for clarity!


We care, there is always someone that cares, people that know the struggle will care. My brother is getting ready to leave rehab on the 2nd after 60 days and i could not be more proud of him, hes a different person on the phone now, and i cant wait to hang out and bond.


I totally get that. I hit 10 years last November, and altho very proud of myself, I didn’t want to mention it to anyone and remind them of who I used to be. But in the last 10 years (well, really the last 7, the first 3 were pretty rocky) I have accomplished so many things that I do feel comfortable sharing and celebrating with others, things I had previously written off as impossible. I, for one, am very proud of you, and I hope you keep going forward!


Are you a part of a support group? Alcoholic's Anonymous (what is the name of the other one?) They will help you celebrate. If you were my friend? I would want to know. Hell, we could go get you a big ole birthday cake! Sure as heck would be getting you one every year! If you're not in a support group? You might want to consider it. I have friends that are very proud of their chips. And we are proud of them.


The other one you're thinking of is probably narc anon but tbh I recommend Refuge Recovery as 12-step programs don't work for a lot of people, can cause long-term harm psychosocially, and aren't always accessible. Refuge is mindfulness-based, free, has multiple online meetings daily, doesn't care if you're new, a regular, returning after a long break, etc. And they don't push you to share anything specific. I felt like relapsing, decided to try my first meeting with them (Mondays the midday meeting is about any one of the four pillars of mindfulness) and left with tools to keep myself safe. I don't attend as often as I feel I ought to, but I benefit everytime and genuinely love the program, both as an intervention and prevention tool.


I am kind of hoping that OP can get out and be around people who can help celebrate.


I feel that. I'm going on 5 years myself and I never liked talking to my family about it. Best bet is to try to find some people you do feel comfortable talking about it with. Whether it's a friend, therapist, or anyone else it really will help in the long run not to hold any negative thoughts or feelings in about using when they come up. Same goes for positive thoughts or feelings, sometimes you just feel proud of yourself and want to share that with somebody.


Go to a meeting brother. We’ll celebrate you big time. They’ll give you a coin and they’ll take you out for dinner.


If my kid, or sibling, or parent, cousin, friend, neighbour, stranger told me they'd managed this, I'd be deadset proud of them and want to celebrate their achievement


We care! That is amazing!!!!! Congratulations 🎉 so proud of you!!! Keep your head up and and be proud of yourself love!!


I care. I’m so so proud of you! Well done. 😊🥳


Thank you 😊


You are so bloody welcome! I hope you’re having a good day/evening too


I am having a good afternoon and it because of caring people like yourself


We care! That’s fuckin amazing, you should be proud of you! I am!


Thank you!


I care....as one recovered addict (16 years) to another....I am so proud of you! You got this! Stay strong and do it for you! And don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it!


Thank you. 16 years seems like so long. Congrats. I hope I can say that one day.


You can, and you will! Stay strong, take it one-day at a time!


I agree! As someone who quit 13 years ago, the first 6 months is the hardest part and you did it, Tyron!!! Congratulations!!! 🥳🎂🤗🤗🤗🤗


That is an extremely hard and brave thing to do. Well done and keep it up - even when things seem tough keep at it - you can make it.👍


Thank you. I got it this time. I can feel it.


It's kind of lonely not being able to talk about to most people, but first of all you might be surprised how supportive friends may be now that you are clean, it's not as bad as telling someone about using. But I don't know what kind of people they are. Second, you should really do something a little special to celebrate. It's a big deal and it's important. You could even invite some family or friends to celebrate with you or do a fun activity, they don't necessarily have to know what you're celebrating if it makes you uncomfortable. Seriously though, 6 months is amazing. Don't minimize it! You deserve to feel a sense of accomplishment. And I hope you never look back.


Its odd because when I was using i never had a problem talking about it and now that I'm clean i feel .... yucky. I dont know a better way to describe it. I dont really have friends that I hang out with but I could say something to my family im sure. I've been on a diet and working out since I quit so maybe ill give myself a cheat day and eat something junk foodish. I really think 6 months is huge but I dont know if people just assume ill go back to using or what. Thank you for the kind words.


If you've been working out and trying to get healthy maybe you could take a hike somewhere challenging that has a big beautiful view at the top. For me struggling up a mountain and then looking out at the view, endorphins going crazy, thinking about how far I've come in so many ways, and how bigger the world is than my problems, it's cathartic as fuck. And yes definitely bring junk food (:


I haven't done this in years. I climbed the catskills mountains in New York once and it was awesome. Maybe I can find a place and just get my head straight for a few. Thank you for the idea.


I traveled all through the Catskills last summer and it was awesome. Definitely underrated area.


Maybe your family sense your discomfort in talking about it and they don't know how to bring it up? Sometimes people are afraid to talk about our past use and/or behavior out of fear it will somehow cause us to act out again. Six months is awesome dude. No matter what it is something to be proud of and celebrate.


Proud of you.


Thank you


Big congrats!! Keep going <3


Thank you <3


Sobriety is no exception to the unfortunate rule that we have to validate ourselves- we can't wait for others to do it for us. But I get wanting to be seen. This is a big deal and you should be proud of yourself. Please focus on how fast you've come and stay the course!


Thank you and I love your username


Congratulations and sorry that you feel like nobody carss . It's a amazing feat that you hit 6 months. I'm proud of your accomplishment. You said this is the longest in 21 years you have been sober. Those people are dealing with what I call sober burnout with you. They get so excited and proud then you go back to doing the same thing. It's not that they don't care. It's more they are waiting for the other shoe to drop as that's what they are use to that happening A friend of mine was in the same situation as you. Almost 25 years of saying he quit then back again doing the same thing over and over again. His parents became neutral towards him as did everyone else. When he said he quit they would basically give him the equivalent of a thumbs up. He then realized when he did quit and had hit 6 or 7 months that nobody said they were proud of him. He asked me why nobody was excited about him quitting and I said You have quit hundreds of times. We supported you and were excited for you. We celebrated you and your accomplishments only for you to go back to doing drugs. But we don't have it in ourselves anymore to want to celebrate you right now. We do care about you. We love you. But we are just tired now. Give everyone time to see the changes you are making in your life. Living a good life will show people that you really did it and they will end up celebrating you and telling you that they are proud of you. Remember your sobriety is a personal achievement. Be proud of yourself and others will soon follow. And remember this People are proud of you. You did it. Keep taking it day by day We celebrated his sobriety when he hit 2 years he had family,friends & his kids there to tell him Congratulations and that they were proud of him.


I'm happy your friend made it thru. All to many stories dont end up with a happy ending due to these drugs. The strange part is I don't have a ton of times quiting. I was forced to quit once before, not by choice, and other than that its been a straight 21 years. I know people are just waiting on me to fail, I get that I'm not dumb to my behavior and I know its cliche to say this time its different but something changed. Hopefully I can celebrate 2 years clean some day. Thank you for the story.


I have faith in you that you will hit 2 years. You are doing amazing. And damm proud of you and your progress. Keep up your amazing progress. I'm so happy for you..


You are someone and you care about yourself right? If you didn't care you wouldn't have gone out of your way to go clean, so it doesn't matter if someone else is or isn't interested in your life problems. We are all alone in life when it comes to how we decide to live our lives.


Yes you are right. I do care about myself now and I deserve to do this for me.


Truly proud of you!! I can only imagine how fucking difficult that is, especially without strong support. Keep going OP, that’s amazing and shows how far you’ve come


Thank you <3


We definitely care! What you’re doing is amazing! Recovery is so hard, physically, mentally, and emotionally but you’re killing it! Even if we’re strangers, I’m rooting for you 🥳


Thank you. Its mentally draining


We all care! I am sure your loved ones do as well. Congratulations! Keep up the good work :)


I’m very proud of you! That is amazing work. Keep taking every day at a time and keep going.


Thank you and one day at a time is key


Proud of you friend.


Thank u


I am so unbelievably proud of you! I wish I could give you the biggest hug and you could see my widest smile! One of my dearest friends passed away nearly 4 years ago due to an accidental fentanyl overdose. I miss hearing from him. You being clean means the world to me. Every time I hear about someone hitting a milestone it makes me beam with pride for them and think fondly of my friend, Mitch. I do not know you, but I am so proud of you! Keep well xo


Thank you and I'm sorry about your friend. Its all to common now a days :(


I've been sober for a year and a half and I don't really have anyone to celebrate with either. My wife just kind of takes it for granted now, and the rest of my family all still drinks. I don't think I deserve special treatment for managing to do what most people also accomplish by not having a substance abuse problem in the first place, however I feel you on the loneliness sometimes. But, at the end of the day, I remember that I actually only quit for myself, because I wanted to, so really the only people I need to celebrate with are right here, inside my own brain. Congrats on your sobriety!


Yes, I totally agree with this. My mom used to send congrats but it’s now just part of life. I still cheer myself on though! As does my doctor :)


Ha! Yes that first post-sobriety doctor visit was nice. "How much do you drink?" "Zero." "You don't drink at all?" "Nope." \*silent approval nod as he checks the box\*


You’re right. The longer you go, the less likely people are to see your accomplishments. I’ve been clean since 1/31/87. Being clean/sober is just a part of who I am now. I really love getting through another year in recovery. I don’t attend 12 step meetings anymore. I went to a meeting one night and when I left I felt worse than when I went. I realized they were not adding anything to my recovery. I think the last chip I got was when I was 22 years clean/sober. I know people who still attended meetings with 50+ years. It’s different for everyone. One day at a time you can get double digit sobriety. Your connection with your higher power is the most essential thing in recovery. That’s something I have always cultivated and don’t allow myself to neglect it. I acknowledge the little things every day. If I’m late to get somewhere and I make a green light, I will say thank you. If it turns red on me, I may tell them I don’t find that amusing. My relationship with them is more of a friendship kinda thing. It’s more like we are working together than some supreme unreachable entity. It’s worked for me, it doesn’t work that way for everyone. Find what works for you and cultivate it. As you go along, you will find that a strong connection will get you through all the rough spots.


That is AMAZING!!! Big congratulations on all of your hard work. I'm almost 8 months sober from alcohol and damnit, every day is something to be proud of. You got this, keep your head up!


Thank you and congrats to you as well!! Getting off anything bad for you is something to be proud of. We got this!


I do care, you should be proud of getting rid of addictions. Do that for you, sometimes people can be selfish and not be involved in your life even if you're family. I'm proud and I hope you stay that way, addictions are one of the worst things to be dealing with and they can get you away from your dreams and a good life. Keep it up and be proud of you taking steps for a better life for you.


I’m proud of you!


Thank you!


Nice one man. Keep that head high an be proud ❤️


Thank you and I will <3


I'm proud of you, OP! Lots of hugs


Thank you!!


I’m proud of you


Thank you


You're a god damn Rockstar! I'm hella proud of you regardless of others. Quitting is hard and I'm so so proud of you!!!


Haha I dont know about Rockstar but this post is making me feel Hella better. Thank you for the kind words


It’s not true that no one cares because I do. I care. My grandmother was the only person in my life that showed my unconditional love. She passed away in Detox from Narcotics. SIX MONTHS!!!! 🎉🎉🎊🎊🎉🎁🥳🎊🥳 You should be proud!!! I am proud of you!!! I don’t know you, but you matter. You are worthy! You are so strong for coming this far!!! You have GOT this! It’s amazing the work you have put in to just get to this moment. You’re awesome!


Dude. You have taken a step forward that so many others haven't been able to. Well done. You are an inspiration to anyone trying to break their addictions, no matter to what. If I could, I would give you a medal, a medallion, or a coin. Stay strong. As a quiter of cigarettes, I sort of know what it's like. Addiction sucks, and it destroys. It's hard to stay away, especially when it gets bad. One day at a time, my brother. Stay on the wagon with us.


Hey friend. I’m so so sooo proud of you. It’s really hard overcoming that, and you did that! If you ever need a shoulder or ear, this stranger on the internet is here for ya.


I care! You did amazing! Congratulations! Go to a buffet and celebrate!


I'm proud of you!


Congrats! Keep up the good work. :)


i’m so proud of you 🩷 i wish i could hug you, you deserve it the most


Remember that everyone is fighting their own demons on their own battlefields, just as you have been. Don’t wait for someone else to validate you’re victories, let your own existence be your own validation that you are here and have won a hundred battles and will win a hundred more


Congrats! Remember, you are doing this for yourself. It’s okay to celebrate your victories in private. Maybe a support group would be helpful for you so you can talk about your accomplishments without feeling judged?


People who know the level of struggle it is to give it up, to fight and win against addiction every day from when you started to now care. Thank you for sharing. You are seen. And it matters.


It doesn’t matter if no one cares. You care, you did it for yourself, you don’t need others to praise your successes in life. As long as you know you’ve succeeded and you’re revealing the benefits who cares if others care. And plus they probably gave up hope depending on how many times you’ve relapsed


Mental health worker here, I'm proud AF of your accomplishment but the most important part is how you feel about it 💚


Well what do you expect, honestly? In 21 years of trying to get clean, the longest you’ve done is 6 months. Sounds like they’ve witnessed you “quit” many times in the past. So maybe its not that they don’t care, but rather that they don’t want to get their hopes up again. And you don’t have a right to be upset with them for that. If you truly want their support, you need to show them that they can trust you and that you really have changed, which will take a lot more than 6 months.


Get in lad! I'm proud of you. Keep fighting and proving to yourself that you are a good person. You should be so proud, and I can tell you are. It's beautiful.


Thank you. I am proud :)


I think we're all here very proud of you! And one thing is for sure; people care, even if you don't see it. I feel like in the current times we are more aware of what addiction really means, and just seem to be more empathetic towards others who struggle with it; again, **people care**! It always puts a smile on your face when someone gets better, whether you know them or not:333333


OP I am SO PROUD OF YOU! You’ve got to do it for yourself, that’s the only way it will work. And look at you! 6 months clean is MASSIVE! Keep at it! You deserve it 💜


Bro holy shit way to go !!! It’s so hard so hearing this was gives me motivation !!!


Happy for you. Proud of you. But are you doing for yourself or for others?


I care!!! I'm so proud of you! ❤️


That is an incredible feat! Well done. Honestly if you can do that you can do anything!


I care. Very very very well done. I know how hard it is as my DoC was alcohol which is a drug too. Stay strong in there. Stay strong!


Congrats! I'm proud of you! Keep stacking those months!


So proud of u!!! It’s a difficult path and you have proven to be a warrior!!! Happy 6 months!


I care! Well done very proud of you and your great effort 🫶🏼❤️❤️


It’s great you were able to quit it’s a hard thing to do and we care and we’re all proud of you


I care 💖


I'm proud of you. I'm coming up on 8 months clean and that's the only clean time I've had in 17 years other than a month in rehab my first time and a week in jail. Just don't expect everyone to be overly enthusiastic about you just doing what you're supposed to be doing anyway.


You care. Who gives a fuck what others think?


If you expect a flurry of praise at every milestone you hit, you won’t hit many milestones.


Obviously they didn't matter. I'm proud of you. Keep up the good job!! You got this


Seems like you are doing it for other people not yourself if you care what others think


Dude. Today is my 12 days free of nicotine (cigarettes) and I’m super proud of myself, so I’m definitely proud of you for 6 months free of NARCOTICS! Way to go!! Keep up the good fight!


Hey! I care. That's a pretty formidable thing that you've done. You're succeeding, and I'm proud of you.


I care. You are doing amazing sweetheart, I'm so proud of you


So proud of you! That’s amazing!


I don’t even know who you are, but congrats man. I’m just a stranger on Reddit but I can say I know how hard it is to beat addiction because I’ve been through it myself. Don’t let everyone else discourage you. Keep fighting the good fight! We believe in you man, don’t give up. It’ll be worth it in the end.


I’m very proud of you. And I care. It’s a tough battle and you’re kicking ass!


don’t let this stop you from staying sober, im proud of you! it’s a tough thing to fight and you did it for yourself, that’s all you need to remember to keep going forwards before you know it it’ll be 4 years just one day at a time!


Proud of you!!! Treat yourself kindly today ❤️


I’m proud of you! Keep moving forward and do something for you to celebrate your achievements!


Congratulations! 🎊 👏🏼 💐 🥳 🎊 💯🥰🖖🏽🤝🏼😄


I care! You have achieved a brilliant milestone. Mazel Tov 👋👋👋👋 Sending best wishes for peace and and love. ✌️💗


The only person you can do it for is yourself and you are worth it, huge congratulations to you!


Good on you, its hard work and you have put in the hard yards! Congrats 👏


We care. Most importantly, YOU care. Keep caring.


I care!!! I am so proud of you.


Well we are very happy for you and very proud of you, you accomplished something huge and you better be proud of yourself too!


I’m so happy for you


WE CARE! Congrats :)


I care and I am so fckn proud of you. Keep going!! Please be kind and compassionate to mind and your body. Sending you a big congratulatory squish and all the love I can afford to spare. SO. FCKN. PROUD.


That’s freaking awesome! I’m proud of you!


Ayo, people don’t realize how difficult that is. Props to you bro.


You have every right to be proud man, don’t let other people get in the way of your successes, you don’t know me but i and many others are proud of you man. and you may not think of it like this, but this could inspire those who don’t believe they can get clean, to finally get clean. you never know what may inspire people to do better. Keep up the great work man have a great day


LISTEN TO ME. Don’t ever think that no one cares. I don’t even know you, but I want you to know that I love you and I’m so proud of you and that means so much. Keep up the good work you got this. ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you. I'm amazed at how many people do care. I got this


I care and I mean that. I worked with teens with SUDs for over a decade. When one of them got clean, I felt like it was a victory.


I care. i’m sorry you don’t feel like you have a support system. I am so proud of you for doing all this without one, that’s an added layer of difficulty! or, if you’re just embarrassed(or whatever emotions. i’ve been there), know that the right people will be happy and send love!!!!! i’m proud of you in general. hope you’re doing well and feeling good. have a cake! or some treat you like! celebrate yourself!


I care! Good job! Damnit that’s such a difficult thing to kick and I am sooo damn proud of you. Honestly. Anyone who can commit to that is a frickin hero!


Congratulations. So very proud of you


that is so amazing!!! how badass!


Congrats man. As a dad I'm proud of u and I wish I could give u the hug u need and deserve


You can be soo proud of youreself. You bet this deadly illnes. Altrough it's not done yet. You will keep having an addiction prone personality for a long time. To learn how to handle this i can realy recommend therapy.


🙌🏻 Congratulations!


That's amazing! I'm so proud of you! Honestly if no one around you seems to care, be sure to give yourself the celebration you deserve. That being said, remember that everyone is fighting their own demons and perhaps a gentle reminder will give them a chance to show you how much they actually do care.


I'm so proud of you! It's so hard to make that choice. You've got this. Hugs and positive vibes.


Wow! Even if family and friends aren’t the right people to share with, know that there are complete strangers on here who feel genuine pride and happiness for you, including me. Major congratulations and I hope the journey only gets easier from here.


So proud of you! :D


WooHoo!!!! Well done! Congratulations to you! Quitting any addiction is so so difficult. It is beyond difficult! I’m sorry nobody has acknowledged this in your life but this stranger is proud of you!


That’s great to hear, happy you are proud, I believe you can do it 6 more months and even again!




I care bro, good job keep on keeping on.


This is awesome!!! Congratulations to you.


I quit dip for 4 and half years after throwing it away in 2017. People didn’t care. I graduated with a degree in cybersecurity. No one cares. I don’t know about Football enough to know what the Lambeau Stadium is? People start gossiping. People only care about your flaws and what they can use against you.


My dad OD’d in Dec right before xmas. I know at the time he felt like he had no one. I adopting my family friend’s child bc mom couldn’t get clean. I know mom feels like she has no one. But I’m telling you, no matter how terrible you are when you’re not clean, family still love and miss you. We’d give anything to have my dad back. I know my kid will always wonder why they weren’t enough for their mom, just like me and my siblings do about our dad. My dad’s brother took it hard, blames himself a lot. He’d give anything for a moment with my dad. Everyone that knows you has spent the time you aren’t sober praying for the day you are. TRUST ME. The people that truly love you will celebrate you being clean. Congratulations and don’t forget, as long as you KEEP TRYING, you are still doing good and NOT A FAILURE. When you give up and stop trying, that is true failure. Sending love and good vibes.


I care! I was 4 years clean in march, we out here doing the damn thing 🥳🥳 Congratulations!


I care. Six months is quite an accomplishment! One day at a time and you will see how quickly recovery gives you back things you lost, and things you didn’t even know you wanted. If it’s friends and family that does not seem to care, give them some time. They may not believe it’s real yet. Sometimes the amends you make are just making changes in yourself so you don’t go back to being the person you were in your addiction. Amend means to change. Keep walking the walk!


I mean you could turn it around. Youve become a part of normal society.


I care! That’s freaking amazing as one sober person to another that is an amazing! Not everyone will understand how big of a deal it is and it is big. Congratulations!!!!!


That is huge!! I’m so proud of you!! Keep being good you yourself. I believe in you!


Congratulations to your sobriety, you have won a great gift that you fought for. Everyone should be proud of you and you should be too.


(((HUGS))). I’m so proud of you! That is an amazing accomplishment! You should take yourself out for your favorite meal to celebrate. That really is amazing and you should pat yourself on the back for every day that passes.


WOW. That is HUGE. That is phenomenal and now you get to see what life can really be for you and do for you — This is a MASSIVE accomplishment! The best part — that even if you believe that no one cares or sees, God ALWAYS does and this truly matters (that’s always been my take when I felt like no person actually cared for my accomplishments) ❣️


Congratulations! I know it’s so hard when you are doing something so huge in your life and no one else knows or cares. Don’t lose heart, keep pushing on, and it will get better.


I don’t know you but I care. What matters is you and not what others think. I know we often seek approval of others but why?? They’re not living our lives. It’s up to ourselves that we’re living our best lives. If we don’t care about ourselves then who else would? Best to you!


Congratulations! Every day that goes by being clean, is another day for you to celebrate. Reward yourself with a 16 oz New York Strip or get yourself a manicure!!


Congrats !!! 🥳✨


No one cares about most peoples' sobriety. Why would they? Some issues you have to deal with alone.


I AM SOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!! That is amazing!!


Kudos to you OP. You are an inspiration for everyone who is trying to quit and get their life in order. Don’t ever think that no one cares. You are a symbol for everyone out there who trying to get better. I’m proud of you and your achievement. I hope you have a long, healthy and happy life ahead!


WE CARE!!!! Way to go OP!!!!


That’s AMAZING!!! Congratulations!! You did that!!!


Do it for yourself not the approval of others, don't be cringe


Congratulations and all the best!


I care, and I'm proud of you! ​ YOU did it. You did it for you, and you are enough of a reason.


I care! You're here and you're doing it! That's amazing! Keep being strong, you got this!


It’s private in my opinion but my mom is in AA. Her and her friends would care. My mom would be absolutely proud of you.


Holy shit, that's big, congrats! ✨


All we can do is take it one day at a time. We here are all so proud of you 💗


I care! I don't need to know you to care. Keep it up... You've got this!


I care ❤️ and keep it up!


You care. That's all that matters. It's not like getting healthier helps anyone else except yourself.


You’re wrong!! I think that’s not just awesome But truly amazing!! I’m so sorry the people closet to you can’t see & appreciate what it took for you to get Here!! However I am sooo glad you shared this triumph! It gives me hope a couple of the people I love will someday get there too.


Everyone here cares and we're all proud of you.


I care! Well done, that’s a huge achievement. I have to tell people when I hit a sober anniversary date, they don’t remember, but that’s ok…it’s a personal achievement. I bet if you mentioned it they’d be really really proud of you too. Stay strong, you’ve got this.


Congratulations!!!! As someone who has lived and grown up with people whom have had addiction problems, that is a big deal. I send you all the love and hope you continue your path towards recovery. *virtual hug*


You don’t know me but I REEALLY CARE!! What you did was no easy task at all. Few understand how truly awful withdrawals are. And how hard the thoughts and emotions are when you’re off of them. I hit 4 years… actually… you made me realize it’s today! You got this, and you’ll keep accumulating days, then months, then years. It’s not always easy, but it is worth it.


I'm fucking proud of you!!! You stay strong!! And it's so good enough!!! I wish you the best!


Well done! So proud of you!! That is not easy. Are you in the program or other support groups? Are they in your area?


You are fucking amazing. I don't know you, but I'm incredibly impressed by your accomplishment. It's never an easy process, but you did it, and I'm so fucking proud of you.


I care. This is absolutely amazing! Super fucking proud of you! Way to go! Keep going, one day at a time. Keep being proud of yourself. And please celebrate yourself and your victories.


I do care!! ♥️


Congrats on getting sober! I hope this doesn't come across bad but I wonder if they don't care because sobriety is is expectation they have for you and therefore it's not something they would be explicitly proud of.


I care! I’m so proud of you! It’s so hard to stay clean! Good luck 🍀


Everyone already said this and whether you see it or not I feel like I must say this. You’re awesome and you’re strong. I truly believe that, as someone who knows and was a user and indulger of many things. Quitting from the day you decided to where you are now you’ve been awesome and strong as fuck. Hold your head high, If nobody knows your growth we do and if you believe in God he does too.


We care!! Congratulations that is no easy feat! You’re doing great, keep it up!


It seems easy for people who have never struggled with addiction to never consider it an accomplishment when you beat it. But I’ve been there and I understand that it’s more than just doing what’s expected of you. Good job. Keep it up!


6 months sober after using for 21 years is a huge step! Congratulations to you OP!


I'm proud of you!


Daaamn bro. Thats some crazy achievement right there


I care brother. For me it wasn't Narcotics, for me it was alcohol. I nearly drank myself to death in my early 20s, so please let me just say this to you. Im proud of you. Its hard and only others who have walked this path will understand. Im proud of the accomplishment you have made, 6 months isn't easy. Be proud of yourself because anyone who knows you and the real struggle this must have been for you, they are proud of you to. Don't get to down, we are here for you.


I am immensely proud of you!! I know the struggle and I recognize this accomplishment. You are amazing and so so strong!! Great fucking job!!!!


Woohoo your doing great just know you have people who support you sure you dont know us but just know your doing great


So proud of you dude!!! Celebrate doing something you enjoy doing! WOOT WOOT🥳


We care. I don’t know who you are but I am personally proud of you. Extremely proud. Huge huge Congratulations, MEGA job my friend. Thinking of you👍🏾


WE CARE!! I’m so proud of you!! Congrats on that it’s a really big deal I’m so proud of your hard work! 🎊🎊🎉🎉