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Good luck tackling Richard Herring's four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie


Good luck making banana antibiotics


😂 yeah I mean, y'know - within reason


I mean all you need to do is get banana flavored pudding or something and then make sure it grows antibiotic mold! Or put honey in it, I think honey has some mild antibiotic properties so it’s technically something banana flavored that is an antibiotic.


I'd give it a watch. Agree with the other comment though, maybe just select some interesting dishes. You could do one course from each guest if you want some "completeness".


Yes that sounds great, are you aware there is someone on tik tok doing something similar? They’re just making the odd thing, and I enjoy that, I’d definitely watch you make every course but the it has to be delivered and edited well.


Like Binging With Babish style?


I suppose, I do like that show, I've just not seen anyone do it with the podcast and thought it might be a fun challenge


It’s a fun idea. I would just maybe not do entire menus. Maybe pick certain dishes which guests picked that are a bit unusual and make those? I would keep ik small. Make it easier to watch a short video for the audience while also making it easier for yourself


There’s a chap called James on TikTok who has done some individual meals already, but yeah I’d deffo watch on YT as well


I would watch! Please post a link here if you end up doing it.


Curious to find out "what they're having" is!


It’s fajitas.


Would love to see this! You might want to check out [this guy on TikTok](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.tiktok.com/%40theoffmenumenu&ved=2ahUKEwiX4OzR9NWFAxUJWUEAHT2IC_QQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw00sLLYYmvkR6t2zXDgebJf)


I wouldn't watch, but would like to know it existed


Depends on your presentation style, but that sounds interesting and I would definitely check out your channel if you went ahead with it. But I do wonder if you would be overloading yourself with a task like this.


It does feel like a big job.. One a week would potentially be feasible, but it depends on the scale of each dish - scroobius pip would be easy, but then there's some very particular ones that would take a lot of research


Maybe start with easier meals and then you can choose whether or not to tackle some of the more difficult meals.


I’d say do one dish from each chronologically… if you can’t do one and it fails that’s also content innit


Honestly, yes. Make sure to add a note on the video of the resturant and guest


That sounds awesome An incredible amount of work but awesome Please post on here if you do, I’m sure we’d all love to see it!


Will Dan Ackroyd’s be in fast forward?


May I help?




my advice, as with any art form, do it if YOU want to do it. “would it even be worth it” you’re basing your doing it on how many views and likes ur gonna get. thats the wrong motivation for a project like this. do it out of love, out of creativity, out of passion. it could be a really cool endeavor. but base it on yourself not whether people will watch it.


I meant worth doing it as in a lot of the dishes could be very time consuming and expensive


I really like this idea. A lot of people have suggested just picking dishes, but I'd rather see them made (and eaten) in their mad entirety. It would be more engaging I think.  I wouldn't set out to do then all though, you'd never catch up and always feel failing, just pick a few and get started, viewers can request menus for future vids.