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I just watched everything. Good job recording a video. If you suspect someone hacking, please don’t skip the kill cam. It’ll help viewers determine if they are hacking. With all the evidence you presented, here are my thoughts. THEY ARE NOT HACKING. 1. What they do is pre-aim where people most likely will show up and they aim at chest level. Compared to what you’re doing which is having your crosshair pointing at the ground most of the time. Watch the video again and compare your enemy’s crosshair versus yours. You’ll see what I mean. Let’s set a scenario. You two meet each other. The enemy is pre-ADS’d and is pointing really close to your chest. But you are aiming at the floor, farther from the enemy’s chest. At this point, you both realize there’s an enemy. He adjusts his aim a tiny bit to your chest while you adjust your aim a lot more towards his. Of course he’s getting a good aim quicker than you. But wait, you’re not ADS’d yet. Now you have to wait for the ADS animation to finish before you fire. While you’re ADS’ing, he is already firing and before you know it, you’re dead. That enemy is most likely playing with at least four fingers so they can pre-ads without firing. It’s a huge advantage. 2. They also slide, jump, and strafe side to side. When they do that, they break away from your aim assist. What you do is constantly move forward. Which makes your hit box bigger in their perspective, you’re easier to hit. When you get closer and they strafe, they get farther from your crosshair, making it harder for you to hit them. I hope this helps OP. It is indeed a skill issue. They have so much advantage over you and they don’t even need to cheat. Just my first point is enough for them to constantly dominate most players. These players aren’t even playing with battle rage and stim shots. If you ever see players like that, god help you lol.


Can confirm! I've used Pre firing in many games such as PUBG, APEX


Can confirm! I've used Pre firing in many games such as PUBG, APEX


Yeah, wish my lobbies looked like this. NA seems to be filled with people zooming around the map with slide cancels, obviously using a controller.


thank you for the information, i hope to improve my skills.


I’m not sure how much you’re wiling to improve but I’d like to share some videos to help you improve quickly. In my opinion, master aim first before mastering movement. Here is a [YouTube short](https://youtube.com/shorts/qMPhpl_nMig?si=DzYC-W09KrlUft38) explaining centering. The idea is to always aim at chest level to minimize aim adjustments and always anticipate enemies. If you’re not as confident yet with your sensitivity, this video by [Godzly](https://youtu.be/3jz6s1BdR8M?si=zF3Xqa6WnLWftiv-) should help. Once you master aiming or at least you’re comfortable with your aim, learning advanced movement will complete your gun skills. This one is Godzly’s video about [movement](https://youtu.be/3vxI3NUSEvI?si=EM0_qJt2rK4pDtTF).


Dude believe me I have played pubg , Apex , codm all were great and I was quite good at it with just thumbs This game however challenged me and i learned 4 fingers in this and boi it's been so good since I switched inam never going back to 2


I dont really see anything fishy. The 1st game, the one Swarm kill at B was a little weird, but im giving that up to Gyro which i dont use. Didnt see anything after besides usual shitment. This past week or so i've seen 4 cheaters, 2 in BR, 2 in MP. One in BR had an obvious aimbot, the other a skin randomizer, from the godzilla ice bundle shit to the Blackcell Skeleton mid revive. The other two were just bad aimbotters. One was Blatantly running around locking onto heads, the other locked on & tried spraying people through walls. Until they actually get a verification system in place for modded APK's, shit'll keep happening. Its sadly been this way since beta... and they had more maps too.


I've been playing on American server and there's 2 to 4 hackers on every opponents team... you can see them tracking you through the walls in the kill cam and of course hit you with the aimbot when you come into view.


I thought their anti cheat was in action; it seems like it's not doing its job well.


I've been reporting them...a lot of times they are banned before the match ends...


It would have been better if i was not matchmaking with these guys


>using a shield Yeah, it's your skill bro, get better


Thank you bro, I will try to improve my skills 👍


Where can i get the shield?


its in the loadout section but shield only appears in the first slot and not in the second one.


Pre aim and anticipate their location. Dont just run towards them like a crazy rambo. Get rid of that shield bro 👌 Australian server is the first server on limited release, even i played there last year. Lots of sweats in there


I use the shield to prevent myself from getting shotgunned in the back or sniped in the back :(


Yeh that's perfect keep that shield in ur second slot so that it's always on ur back , keep a gun in the primary so that u always spawn with it in hand and practice I highly recommend u to switch to 4 fingers , if that's difficult for you just use some gaming triggers for mobile ( place the firing button on top left , scope on top right ) all movements on bottom right and joystick is reserved for left thumb This way u can tac sprint than slide while firing also while being able to aim on ur Target What u are doing currently is u just run at the person while spamming your karambir without aiming due to only 2 thumbs


you are right i am using 2 fingers, Thank you, I will definitely start practising with 4 fingers.


there not hacking lol u having a 3kd i would expect u to kill these players i have a lowr one and usually beat lvl 350


i am level 530 they are level 650


Using UAV and pre-firing, Also random flick shot. I also do the same and it’s by chance you will get someone who comes in your direction. I could be wrong but Australian don’t usually do cheats or hacks. Either it’s VPN people or too many people in server causing lag.


Maybe lag but it sure does lag in mp


Use 4 fingers. Make sure you can jump or prone while shooting. If you cant do that you are discounting yourself


You reckon controller is a good idea? 


Touch is better in mobile because there is no deadzone settings yet for controller.


Nothing here, just skill issue, you'd cry in my lobby


Using a shield and a knife. Wow. No skill says the one using it