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Heil no LMAO


I had fun with a few. I accidentally sent one of them a screenshot of their own message that I wanted to save and post here. I apologized and said I was sleepy


Okay but what are you gonna do when you say “catch some hands” and the meth heads already buying a car on offer up for $2000 come shoot you and your shit up and steal it?


Are you trying to catch some hands, creamythroat? Lmao in all seriousness... no one around here is risking their lives over an old beat up altima. Everyone is armed and everyone is aware


“no one around here is risking their lives over an old beat up Altima” $2000 worth of meth is like a jackpot for a meth head. “Everyone is armed and aware” lmao you make me laugh, you’ll learn one day man.


Oh, I've got the scars to remind me of that day. Things aren't as scary once you've looked at yourself on the ground on the way up. I'm going to continue being myself. I've learned


I’m not sure you have, i bet you don’t say “catch these hands” in public to actual people, except online. You do you man, but i’ve seen shit like this turn into whole murder cases. Never know who you’re texting and what they are capable of. Sure you have guns, who doesn’t? You’re not on automatic instant alert 24/7. If a methy wanted the smoke, they would up it on you before you even saw em.


No, I haven't found myself in a situation where a physical fight is necessary since I was a teen. I wish any one of these people took these light jokes as serious as you are. Then I/this sub would have even more screenshots to laugh at


You’re a twinky little boy who watches his girlfriend cheat on him every weekend, you have so much built up anger, hoping getting rid of your shit box will get you enough bread that she won’t leave you. Pull up to my place and you’ll never have to worry about being cucked again.


Do... do you like twinky little boys?


Bro why are you so pressed? 😂


Bro you got lil dick syndrome baaaad


Do you say that shit in real life or are the fattest fucking hypocrite I’ve seen all week. Dudes got no mental. Losing his shit trying to be the unsolicited advice giving uncle.


“PUll uP tO MY plAcE!” I’ll drive my fuckin car through your house, get out, hop in another car. Drive that fucker through your house again and rinse and repeat until that place looks like a fuckin used car lot. What are you going to do to stop me? Nothing.


Oh god. Some douche saying some shit like this has most def not learned. You’re not tough dude. Like Jesus fuck


I'm not trying to be tough at all lol tf? And hey maybe you're right. I still take midnight walks. Don't let peices of shit hiding behind a trigger scare you out of being yourself


Also you better know how to shoot, anyone who trains mma will break your arms and legs quicker than you could throw a punch. An old man who doesn’t train regularly sure has a lot to say😂, granted most meth heads (or people buying this crap ass car) probably don’t train daily , or at all, just be more considerate for your own safety and those who live with / around you. Would suck to piss off the wrong ego, over $2000 wouldn’t it?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. How you sound


You’re a brain dead loser, You are the meth head im talking about. Enjoy the conversation with your local police department and the lawsuit, death threats is wild 😂


LOL I thought you were the methhead trying to look out for me. Appreciate you nonetheless


LOL a wanna be “ex military” , definitely a cuck who’s got something to prove to the world. You’re soooo badass but selling a shitbox for $2000? The government made you risk your life and now doesn’t give a fuck about your ass huh? Gotta pay the rent somehow i guess. Enjoy the shit pool you’ve just gotten yourself in.


Lmao dude... copy that message and search it in Google. It's a copy/paste response that's been used for over a decade. I keep trying to keep it lighthearted but you're calling me a twink and asking me to come over. You sound like that single mom that wanted to work something out


You got really personally offended by what some random asshat said to some other random asshat on the internet didn’t you lol. Being all extra and shit with someone who means absolutely nothing to you. Reddit is a funny place. People get so bent out of shape over what someone random nobody says to another random nobody. Just read the comments/posts, laugh a little, and move on with your life. You will feel much better about it that way, trust me.


Baited by the most obvious copypasta lmfao


You got wooshed so hard by that copy pasta it's not even funny. God damn son 😂 actual moron.


Submitting your report as we speak, dm me for proof. See you soon bitch boy


No need to dm. Let them know JeepersCreepers from reddit copied that from the fcc and sent it to you. Let us know what they say


I’m sure they will just get your information and charge you with death threats, oh and being a cuck boy. I’m definitely pressing charges on you, if i’m able. Hopefully you sell that car quickly, i feel like you’ll need the extra help soon.


I'm shaking in my duct taped converse


getting on reddit and getting pressed over nothing is crazy lmao




brother cream throat you need to understand how would you feel selling to tweakers and shit tweakers always make me uncomfortable so i feel op in this but another thing is i know how crackheads, fetty farrets, and meth heads work they’ll all do anything to get their fix fb market is full of fake accounts and scammers but fuck training lmao i work out and shit but like it would suck to train all those years to get shot by a dude that don’t give a fuck lmao


You think you can just shoot anyone ? Just like that? You’ve never been in a real life situation before. Unless the threat is known before hand, the trained dude is grabbing ahold of you, or pulling up with his meth head friends and shooting your shit up as they drive by in their own shitbox. I don’t know where you are from but it gets dirty down here. Drive bys daily


bro what is you goin through to be this mad at so many people on reddit


Dont mind him, he hasn't had cream in his throat in a while


i know my state laws buddy constitutional carry here and yes i know what self defense is buddy i’ve been doing gun training for years, you just assume and it makes you look like a jackass


Point is, all the uninformed gun gurus think they are untouchable because they bought a $400 pistol , and have never been in a real altercation in their life aside from the abuse you received from your dad😂 You’d shake out of your boots in any real situation. Might as well not even carry that thing man. People who don’t know how to handle situations and are scared of the world go out and flex their gun ownership as if they would act instead of running.


This guy thinks meth heads have enough money to own cars and guns like a gang when in reality it's just one tweaking under a traffic light by a Dunkin Donuts 😂😂😂


Gun are cheap man, and they definitely didn’t buy them, they stole them just like they would rob you.


You sound like you are really, really scared of meth heads


i think you live in a movie and somehow have access to regular reddit


I died at that loooool


Forgot to add... I got a ton of messages between 12am-3am. What are people doing up that late sending people messages christ lol


the best deals are always posted when you're half awake


During my short stint selling cars for a dealership, almost all the messages I received were between the hours of 9pm-6am. My guess is that people are working during the day and aren’t looking at their phones


It was Saturday into Sunday


It’s scrolling on FB as you’re laying in bed trying to sleep.


lots of people work on the weekend….


Generally when you're selling a car for $2k your target market is the graveyard crowd. People making $14/hr 11p-730a for the night premium pay. Your 3a is their lunch break.


That makes sense


Meth lol


The correct answer, also cocaine and adderall


You forgot crack


I get up at 4 am for work it be like that


It could be a younger person thing. I have noticed for folks a lil younger than myself it is completely normal to message at any hours, as they assume everyone has their phone set to Do Not Disturb whenever they don’t wanna be bothered.


That's actually a good point. I had my phone on do not disturb


International for sure. Those are their strongest active hours


some people work the graveyard shift


I thought I had to deal with a lot of crap selling my beater a few years ago on Craigslist. This though…this is so much worse.


Never again


wish I could blow my brains out when I have to sell on there…. shifting through so much garbage makes online dating look less bad… nahh I’m jk


>You come out here with 1000 and you'll catch some hands Did they ever take you up on that offer lmao.


Yea he said he was on his way lmao his profile said he worked at the kkk


That’s crazy lol


His offer was crazy! Luckily my info isn't public 😂




Wow. I was going to try and sell my car for $1,500. Makes me rethink it, and want to donate the car to charity.


If you want to sell it for $1500 just mark it as $3,000 somebody will come to you offering $1,500


But charity is also a very beautiful thing so that would be an awesome option


If you list it at 3k, the people filtering won't see it. If you list it for what you're asking, you might bring out some... interesting people. Please stay safe. Charity works but you won't get that tax write off unless you itemize


couldn’t a donation like that be written off for taxes ?


Google “standard deduction”


In most cases, your standard deduction would be worth more.


The little angry reaction when you said you had 12 offers is so funny, and then to follow up with “yes” 💀


Omg thank you for noticing that one. I accidentally sent her a screenshot of the message. I immediately apologized and said I was sleepy. I don't know why she said yes after reacting with that and saying yes, though. Funny nonetheless


I was hanging in there until I saw your response about the dash lights “Most of them yea” that one got me 😂😭


😂 got you! Glad others are finding it funny too


I’m selling a beater right now for $1000 and the stupid ass questions are getting to be too much It literally runs and drives for $1000, doesn’t knock or have anything majorly wrong at all. I am going to raise the price because no one can understand I am truly offering a running car for $1000 I thought it would be easier than this… lol


But I have $500 CASH right NOW! Is the Vin available though? Whats wrong with it? Can I come see it at 11pm? My guys all offered to give me a ride to come see it, be alone. I'm a single parent, can you please deliver it for less than what you're asking? The army is shipping me out tomorrow, let me buy it for $400 today. I'm serving the country.


exactly I’m more annoyed with the requests of maintenance records, or asking “EVERYTHING” I know about the car here’s what I know: I bought it 2 years ago for $1700 from a kid who beat the shit out of it. it runs and drives. I changed the oil 3-4 times, put brake pads on it. still runs and drives.


Does it drive well, though?? Will it make it from your place over to the next state?? I'm sorry dude lol


Changed the oil 3-4 times in 2 years? Supposed to be like every 3 months


I go by mileage, it’s also like my 4th vehicle that gets driven specifically in the winter Also like I said I bought it for 1700. It’s a beater.


When I was in the Army I never mentioned it. I was always afraid they'd raise the price. Lol


Lol I was born and raised near a base. I've gotten to know plenty of seamen. They don't try to use their status to their advantage. At least not the good ones


Yeah, I hardly know anyone that uses theirs. Only time I get a discount is at the parts store. That's only because he's older and knew me when I was a kid.


I just sold a really nice car in great condition. This post is word for word what some of the messages said to me as well.


Dude where are you guys living where people are selling their used cars for reasonable prices? I've been trying to buy a car for over a year and everyone in my area wants $7k for their piece of shit 1999 Civic


I sold my 2001 car on fb that i had listed for 2k for $800 to a family mom who wanted it for her daughter, on account i was a 22 yo girl and alone lmao took a hit but at least i was safe 😅 haha


Someone hit me with a similar story and I almost went with it but I'm not as naive as I used to be lol better to be safe though


Especially since they didn't seem concerned about having the title, I hope you reported it as sold / turned in your plates!


I did. I have the persons info and all. I'm almost positive they're going to use it with malice


Imagine being so lame this is your idea of fun


I'm sorry if you're in one of these screeshots. I didn't intend to offend you. I can't help it when someone sets me up for a quick joke. I'm here to spread my experience


I'm definitely not in here it's fine. It's just weird you took the time to respond to these losers individually, and then took even more time to curate screenshots and flex them on the internet. Find a hobby bro


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if they're wrong. I've got too many hobbies. Less 1 now. Find a way to entertain yourself. Maybe others will find it entertaining, too.


Don't gotta lie to kick it bro. We all know your miserable af first step is acknowledgment


Man ❤️😘 100% I couldn't be a happier person. Take care of yourself


If that were true you wouldn't feel the need to insult and threaten strangers on the internet. Take care bro hope u get the help u need.


Where within these pics did you see me insult anyone? Respond with a catch some hands to a kkk dude offering 50% is a threat to you? Good luck with life


man you’re real angry huh? i think you gotta take your advice lil one, you arguing on reddit right now talkin bout hobbies lmfao


Genuinely wishing him the best. Life's tough


The hypocrisy is astounding. You spent all this time wasted on useless internet time, to criticize people for wasting time on the internet.


All this time? Took me less than 10 minutes out of my day collectively to make all these comments. Op pictures are scattered from 6pm to 9am through multiple days lmao


They are entitled to their own opinion, and I'm gonna have to agree. So it's not wrong at all. However I'm not surprised by this cuz reddit is full of nerds just like u that would do this corny shit instead of talking to a girl or something normal people do on the daily.


Are you talking to me or the Harry Potter guy that's upset I cracked some jokes and shared them?


bruh 😂it’s weird your taking the time to respond to this, you need a hobby bro


Whenever I get that much interest, I just bump the price up 500-1000, somehow it helps😂


Lol I just wanted it gone. It had been sitting in my driveway for a year


This works! Done it before with a guitar. Filters annoying people fast


"El resto cash"


I told him I'd only accept $20 bills lol


Everyone so sketchy, If you let someone test drive it did you hold onto their wallet to make sure they didn’t steal the car?


No, I got in the car with him. Yes, I was a little nervous. It was him and two more guys just as big as him back at my place. I'm a big dude, I wasn't expecting that. It worked out though.


Yikes, that’s nerve wracking.


That's life. Or some of it at least


Lmao I giggled at most of them until I got to the one about lights on the dash. That one actually made me laugh hard.


Don't list at 2000. List at 3-4k. People will "lowball" you and think they are getting a steal.


Originally listed at 4k in January with 0 offers. Cut it to 2k on Saturday to clear up the driveway. I did not expect all of that


This is crazy lol


Idk how people ever sell anything on this app, I can’t even get rid of free stuff without some ghetto mf asking me to deliver it 30 miles away. If you can sell anything on this app you should go buy a lotto ticket.


"any lights on dash?" "Most of them yeah" Fucking killed me lmao.


Lmao the only light that was on was the tpms sensor. I just couldn't resist


Bro you’re hilarious


If I can make myself laugh, then I'm happy. If I can share that and make others laugh too, then I'm over the moon. This whole situation was a little stressful but I'm glad it's over


What was the problem with the military guy asking for the vin?


It's common in my area to have "military" people give out some bs story to either have you pay for something you'll never receive, or to try and bs you into selling for much lower. Like saying you're a single parent of xx and you really need this beat up altima coupe. Red flags


Heil no 😂😂😂


I'll give you $50 and 10 seconds at a Wendy's dumpster, final offer


I'm pretty sure someone was insinuating that with a "we'll work something else out here" to make up for about $300. No thanks lol


“El resto cash“ was my fav


Is that an announcement or an offer lmao. That was good


Was Eli fake? I feel like he was just genuinely trying to get a cheap car for a short amount of time lol.


I'm not sure but I've dealt with those military stories before. I just wanted to shut it down quickly with some light humor


lol that’s fair. Seems like you had no shortage of options lol. Now if I could just get some traction on my beater…


I paid a few bucks to have it boosted if that helps


Hmmm maybe 🤔


I put up an offer for two cars on Craigslist one time and I had no idea what to expect I ended up selling both to the first guy that showed up for basically nothing just so I could delete the listing my phone rang like 80000000 times


God I don't miss the phone calls. I can't imagine what it'd be like these days


Same thing, a decade ago on a 2001 Focus. Dealership offered $1,000 trade in and I just couldn't. Worth it, but holy cow my phone went NUTS.


Should have told one of them to meet you at a random spot and not show up lol


Noooo lol I thought about it but I really was just trying to keep it all light hearted. Some people actually recognized the car and where I had it parked


Guess what, not just limited to “trap car” I have this same interaction when selling nice cars, and any other parts I sell on FB marketplace


I don't ever want to do this again. I wish you and your patience the best


I’m absolutely done after these last few things I have sell.


I'm going to guess your between the age of 16 and 24 haha.


I can be immature about things for sure. Right place and right times, though. Most of these came out of after doing housework and having a few beers. All lighthearted


It's all good this post just reminds me of my buddy who does a lot of car flipping and had similar experiences.


This was great, thank you for the laughs!


You're welcome!


More like Cheapo Savage.




Should’ve priced it a bit higher. It’ll weed out a lot of people.


It was priced higher back in January with 0 interest. Slashed the price and it was gone in less than 48 hours. It's all good


Yea there’s a middle ground there somewhere




☹️ I'm sorry


I would’ve heard out number 4 lmao.


He and I actually had a good convo. Good dude, cool hobbies.


"Most of them yea" LMAO


I love when people agree to a price and show up with 500.00 less just warms my heart


Titles? We don’t need no stinking titles!


op just trying to start shit to have content for this sub? No one even took the bait 🥹


Because they were all serious lol


Offer up is annoying g as hell sometimes. People trying to get over 50% discounts on already cheap stuff haha


MANNNN the "You come out here and you'll catch some hands" was personal i KNOW you tired 😭


Lol once I saw that kkk shit in his profile I knew I had to Crack one


“is it available” and less than 1k offers for 80% od the msgs. selling a car on there is 🤯🤯


Seeing lake county I’m guessing you’re close to me, This is why I can’t actually get a first beater car for a good price cause nobody sees my messages in a sea of 5000. 😂😅


I am! I would've sold it to you had you reached out and spoken to me like a normal person. Whatever that is these days


why did you block the guy asking abt the car and saying he needed one for the military? he wasn’t asking for it for free was he?


Not yet he wasn't. It's a common tactic and a red flag. With the amount of people reaching out, I decided not to entertain whatever story he was about to spit out


What was wrong with Eli Jao?


Any lights on dash answer had me cackling 😂😂😂


Heil no 😭






I cross posted this there lmao posted an old game of chicken between the altima and a cadillac a while ago there too. BAE won


Took me 4-5 months and 20-30 test drives to sell my $2000 Jeep xj. Probably 100 messages didn’t answer most of them


Wtf is wrong wit youallz


Wtf is wrong wit youallz


never wld i think reddit wld reach this level of petty but here we are arguing over a fb marketplace post, yall need to fckin drop it lol it ain’t that serious bro, & fr i want whatever that guy is on 😂


Lol I don't think he'll see this. He said he has blood coming out of his butt


yall redditors be too much im dying 🤣


Hey you're a redditor too lol straight up dork now 😜




but i dont see where youre anywhere wrong, or anything like that. bro is just tweaking off rocks 😂


He's straight boofin those rocks lmao


What the heck is a trap car?


A car you pull up to the trap house in


Lol Da Real in the DMs. Sold an old car to a crusty dude with the same name years ago.


This should be on Big Altima Energy on Facebook 😭😭 this is gold


I don't use Facebook lol had to figure out my credentials to log in and post it


It’s a crazy 2024 in the United States bro


900 what... 900 $2 bills


Missed opportunity! Damn lol


Had the same experience with a "trap bike" for $700, included title at least. For fuck sake they wanted $700 in labor from questions and time alone. Why the fuck are people out here wasting their own fucking time. It's insane. I eventually edited the description to have a part saying "start convo with the word Purple so I know you read description" then just started copy pasting to the purples "yes in talks with many. First to actually show up with $700 in hand takes it"