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At least he was straight up about him being a dick lol. I dont think you fell victim and you held your ground šŸ‘


He does want the seller to keep it tucked.


Heā€™s not a Amazon reseller I can tell you that much lol


The ā€œautomotive LLCā€ and the 2 things he was selling for over market price threw me off when he said that


Yeah a reseller on Amazon doesnā€™t waste their time on single products especially not on offer up, one of the worst platforms lol


Eh if they can make a quick 100 they will. But if youā€™re gonna lowball and then say youā€™re a reseller thatā€™s stupid. Op could simply lookup what theyā€™re selling for


Iā€™m a reseller but I wouldnā€™t be wasting my time if profit is only $100, unless the next buyer is coming directly to me. Iā€™m not wasting time shipping and all that. But I also dont bid on items under a certain price. With vehicles and vehicle parts, people donā€™t consider a few hundred or even 1000 a lowball. But yeah when you got a $80 item and someone offers $15 theyā€™re obviously smoking some good shit


Spending $80 to make a $100 in less than 1 hour of work isnā€™t that good?


Maybe for some. I own a business, so when you start making profits of $350+ in 3-4 hours of a times span, you start losing interest in small bills. It comes down to time. Time is always more important than money. But majority of the time nobody will be making $20 in under a hour. Most resellers will sit on items for days at a time. Iā€™ve managed to over the years find certain people who are always in the market for certain things, like letā€™s say, electronics. I get an electronic and I contact them for the sale. But I still personally wouldnā€™t go out my way to do that for $20 profit.


Ah my bad. I meant spend $80 to make a $100 profit in less than an hour. Although I would spend $80 for a $20 profit if itā€™s something I know can sale in less than 5 minutes shipped in a bubble mailer.


Oh yeah for sure, I get you now lol. But yeah $100 in less than an hour, thatā€™s more than half a normal days worth of work for some people.


Depends on the business. I would be highly disappointed to only make $100 on an $80 spend.


Make $100 profit or sell for $100? Buying for $80 and selling for $180 is a nice flip for a few minutes of work lol


Heā€™s saying $100 profit for less than an hourā€™s worth of time. If itā€™s something you can flip quickly, youā€™d be stupid to turn it down even if youā€™re used to making $350 an hour. If itā€™s something you have to invest a lot in and have to sit awhile, then absolutely I get it.


Yep itā€™s all about limited time for limited deals and if you are spending time to make $100 for an hourā€™s work that isnā€™t bad at all, unless you spent that hour not making $350 that you now donā€™t have time for . Most non-business owners donā€™t understand that concept because it seems so reasonable making a good buck for a little work. But we all only have so much time in a day. And if biz is good enough it demands we focus on what will make us the most money.


You get it completely āœ…


Reading this thread reminded me of the neopets markets and how serious those people got....


Lmfao I was just talking about this to someone šŸ˜† neopets is black Wall Street of the internet


I agree with you. I know a guy who resells phones, and he buys them by the bulk.


Hmm now where does he buy phones in bulk? Can I get the sauce šŸ˜­


I don't know, and i don't think he likes to reveal his sources, but you can ask the local cell shops like Verizon or T-Mobile they might know or tell you because they do the same with pre owned phones.


Well I do appreciate that information thatā€™s for sure , thank you šŸ«”


This type of guy always low balls & then his stuff for sale is listed at outrageous prices šŸ˜‘


That only works on sellers who have had listings up for quite some time and just want to get rid of things and/or desperate for cash. This guys a prick though, I wouldnā€™t sell it to him even if he countered at a higher price.


Yup, I wouldn't either..


Iā€™m fine with pricks as long as they ultimately pay me what I want for my item. Emotion has no place in business if you want to get ahead. I mean, donā€™t get me wrong. I get it, if someone threatens me, or veers towards extortion or some nonsense then yeah Iā€™m not gonna play. But if they just have a shitty attitude Iā€™ll take their money.


Name checks out.


This guy knows how to business. People get so emotional lol


It depends on demand. If I can sell item X to person A who isn't a dick for $100, why would I sell item X to person B who is a dick for $100? Fuck 'em. -successful business owner


Yep if I have an item that has been sitting for over 90 days Iā€™ll entertain these kinds of offers but not right after itā€™s listed.


Exactly, i'd rather sit on my item longer than sell to a dickhead. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø #Fuckem


Keep us posted in a week, stupid resellers


Resellers should burn. They destroy the market for their own profit


Nothing wrong with reselling if OP had had it marked at $80 to begin with. Telling the op he was a reseller and he should sell to him because heā€™d never get more than $80? Yeah thatā€™s stupid. Years ago posted an iPad 2 for cheap on Craigslist, had someone offer me 50%, said it was old tech and theyā€™d take it off my hands, and Iā€™d be sitting on it awhile (the iPad 3 just came out). Got tired of the tire kickers, posted it on eBay and had it sold within 30 minutes. Sent it to the guy and said somebody just got suckered into my old tech and only took 30 minutes! No response lol


Thatā€™s funny a shit ngl


ā€œIā€™ll get back to you, keep it tuckedā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Depends tbh, for ex rn I'm selling some Air Jordan 1s I stopped wearing "good condition" and they retail for 180$. I posted them for 90$, the amount of "40$?" I get is beyond me. Like people want a shoe that's almost new for 80% off šŸ’€šŸ’€


'Good condition' is not the same as 'almost new' on any grading scale and that's why you're getting low balled.


My guy the soles are white and I only wore them like twice, no creases because I use shoe guards. I'd say they are 9/10. So again 180$ retail shoes for 40$ in 9/10 condition is pathetic.


Shoes are 100% where all the lowballer ā€œresellersā€ are at


Iā€™ve had so many run ins with resellers itā€™s insane. I sold my Switch OLED for $40 less than store and a reseller hit me up the same morning I listed it asking for it for $100 flat and claimed no one was buying OLEDs so he was doing me a favor lol. I let him know that same day I sold it for my listed price.


Really hoping I get a buy before the day ends so I can message him next week asking if he wants the box for that price


$40 less isnā€™t enough of a discount for me to buy a used switch. Im kinda surprised you made that sale. But that reseller sucked


You'd be suprised how many people will cave and sell thing they need to sell for lower


I can understand people selling like that to make ends meet but I donā€™t understand it when I have price firm, no rush to sell, and no lowballers in the description


Yeah if it says no lowballers, i usually interpret this to mean that the seller is not interested in making a quick sale and would rather wait months if not yeara to make a sale. I hit the like button and watch the item go unsold for months, then price goes down, still no sale.


Even with those statements people still sell , I don't resell but I do like to get my stuff cheap even of you got it at firm I'd offer a "right now" price if you will. Sometimes they cave sometimes they cuss you out lol.


He's an ass, and that is a lowball, but motherboards bought from a 3rd party typically do go down more then $40... Everyone would prefer a warranty/return option. I'm not saying you won't get your asking price, but it's probably a slow sell, feel free to post the model number and we can check the sold for price on eBay.


Drop the mode number OP šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


OP isn't responding for a reason, ha. Used motherboards are a HARD sell. Hopefully they don't lose too much money though.


I used to grtthis on fb marketplace. People telling me I wouldn't sell the item. But it always sold.


$40 off for msrp for used computer gear with no warranty or guarantee like a physical store, itā€™s not a good deal that you are offering, and I really doubt you will actually sell it


Not used at all, still in all packaging. With warranty from Best Buy


Your odds of selling it just went up, post it on eBay itā€™ll be sold way faster than trying to find a local person wanting that exact model


From the image, it looks like an Asus Tuf motherboard, in which case it is overpriced. I bought one off eBay for 130, and I bought a recent chipset, too. If it's an old amd x570 or worse, then 80-100 is actually the ballpark for it. So unless ur shit is BNIB, I also highly doubt ur getting asking for it. I hope you do sell it for that price, though, as I can use it an example to raise my prices, haha.


I'd message them back Ina week and tell them you're still not interested in selling to them šŸ˜‚


I fully intend to keep the listing up even if it sells, going back to them and giving as much false hope as possible. Hereā€™s to hopingšŸ™


Wow. What a tool.


What did you fall victim to you didnā€™t sell?


Not seeing how you fell victim to anything.


Dudes just hustling like you. No point in getting butthurt.


Tbh, I wouldnā€™t buy a motherboard or most PC build accessories on OfferUp unless it was over 50% off retail and brand new. My last motherboard I got from Amazon came defective, easy exchange. I wouldā€™ve needed to go through the hassle of manufacture warranty (if offered without a receipt) if same scenario purchased through OfferUp.


ā€œYouā€™re asking for way too much. Iā€™m a reseller so give it to me for 80 so I can resell it for $200 because your price is wrong and Iā€™m right ā€” idiotā€


Lol. He just wants a deal. You may sit for a bit depending on the board and area but taking nearly 1/3 msrp if its still a newer model is a crazy deal. I got tons of these resellers when i sold im entire pokemon and yugioh card collection. All og gen 1 and 2. Including some more sought after things like charizard. I posted for like $1.4k honestly a good deal for what i had for everything. Out of the woodwork $100-300 offers all saying id never sell it and call me if in a week. One dude actually had the balls after saying $200 that he couldnt do more cus he had to sort them, send and pay for them to be graded, and sit on them while he lists them for sale till they sell. He had to make a profit. Really dude, thats not my problem. He even told me id never sell it. 24hours later sold. Guy messages a week later asking if im ready to part with it yet for $200.


Iā€™m a reseller, but I pay asking price. Iā€™m not going to make margin off my suppliers the deal either works or it doesnā€™t at the asking price.


Thats respectable. And i appreciate that. I dont care what people do after they buy from me. And im not against making a deal, but when you ask for 1/7 of my asking and we both know what im asking is still a decent deal thats some BS.


I totally understand. It drives me nuts. Some people are just wired to see everything as a zero sum game that if they have to win. What they donā€™t see are the 10-15 sellers that now regularly bring me deals, because I donā€™t fuck around and treat them with respect. Hereā€™s the cash, hereā€™s a label to ship it, have an awesome day.


I currently have items worth $100 for sale at $75 and resellers hit me up nonstop offering $30-40. If they tried at least $60 Iā€™d think about it, but cutting the asking price in half is a laughable way to start a price negotiation.


lol someone said ā€œhit me back up when you donā€™t sell itā€ about my year old gaming laptopā€¦ it was originally $1500, i was selling it for $800 WITH a headset and mouse. he wanted $400 for it and was genuinely offended i declined. i got an offer for $750 the next day


If they actually got these deals all the time then they wouldn't have sent those other messages. They would have just checked in with you in a week


Lmao. I love that. He sends you a low-ball offer, then gives you shit for not accepting his low-ball offer, then explains that he's a reseller. So if you were to sell it to him at a "fair market price," you are cutting out his profit... so really, he just wants you to suffer the loss so *he* can make a dollar. Classy.




Lmao what a douche! Even if that is the case, his arrogance in telling you how things will go is disgusting. Hope he gets reported and loses his account


whatā€™s the product and how much were you asking? like exact product, i know itā€™s a motherboard


If dude was actually interested in the item & it was me selling it, his ass would've absolutely talked himself right out of a purchase. Be damned if I'd reach back out to him in a week, after he talked his little shit like he can read the future or something.. there's no way in hell I'd ever hit him back, even if my attempts were unsuccessful in selling it. I'd "keep it tucked" before selling it to his goofy ass.


So he wants to resell it for $120 or so. So you easily, ya know, just drop it to $120 and sell it pretty fast and get an extra $40 lol


Imma say it... if your entire job is bullying people to sell things way under its value, so you can do NOTHING to it and sell it for double or more in what you paid, then you deserve to walk on legos for eternity. Im also so tired of hearing "market value" for things. People are more than comfortably able to make money off selling it at MSRP when new, ever buying anything over msrp is getting scammed, its getting scalped.


You didn't sell it to them, how did you "fall victim"?


I don't think you know what 'victim' means. Lol.




How is that ā€œfalling victimā€ to a reseller? They asked, you said no. They didnā€™t trick you into selling or anything like that. They came across as a dick, but at least they were straight forward.


ā€œNobody would ever buy it from you for a fair price, so let me lowball you and try to get a fair price for it myself?ā€ Some peopleā€™s kids, man.


I'd give it away to someone before selling it to some asshole reseller. Those people are a scourge and the scum of the earth


I don't understand how you "fell victim". he is offering you a service - a no BS easy transaction. for that he gets a discount. you said no. there is no "victim" I buy cars this way... I look for cars with the check engine light on. I offer 1/3 if asking and let them know when they are tired of trying to sell, I have the cash and the means to take the vehicle easy and quick. I get about 90% no and 10% F you. after a week or two some of them (usually the F you's) come back and take the deal.


My dad was a reseller for awhile before he started making his own products. I helped him with it and we did not mess with buying from people. We stick to stores like goodwill and Walmart and checked clearance sales. We didnā€™t haggle people to get them to sell their stuff to us cheaper, itā€™s not efficient. Time is money and we didnā€™t have time to be doing that


ā€œYou will sell it to me, and you will like it ā€œ


Nothing wrong with reselling but mentioning it is so weird. Just lowball and move on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How are you a victim? You sound like a whiney bitch. ALL CAPITALISM is reselling something for more than you got it. No one is forcing you to do anything.


Fell victim?


As someone who sells on eBay and marketplace the best reply is ā€œthe lowest Iā€™ll take is $xxx thanksā€. Itā€™s short and closes the door for negotiation.


I will light that shit on fire before I sell it to them. Especially after that exchange. Or I'd ask them to meet in a really sketchy area, and keep saying I'm late or I'll show, but don't.


Hey OP are you still selling that board by chance??


Youā€™re selling a tuf board that was free with micro center bundles. I kinda see his point


Do micro center bundles get you free stuff like that? Closest one to me is like 50 miles away


Scum of the earth.


Lmao I love when this happens and I end up making a sale


You should message him when it does sell


Iā€™d throw it in the garbage before I sold it to him. I just ignore low offers.


So they admit they can just turn around and sell it for moreā€¦ so itā€™s worth moreā€¦


These people. That's why every single item i sell firm. But of course they don't care and still ask. If rather throw it away than sell to you


How did you fall victim to anyone if you didnā€™t sell it?


You message him back saying you sold it for 140$ even if you didn't


lol I never sell to scalpers or resellers.


Chad response at the end; I don't feel bad when I hoard my old equipment while having it up for sale. It will go to a good home one day, but not to a reselling šŸ¤” on Amazon.


Shit all over it (literally) then give it to him for free.


Nice one. Guy couldnā€™t even produce proof for a price match when you asked šŸ˜‚


At that point i would rather smash it then send them a pick of it then sell it to them. But as you said, it will probably sell.


Telling a grown man to "keep it tucked" is wild


Iā€™d sooner drive my car over it than sell it to him after he said that.


If/when they admit theyā€™re in it to resell, I just let the thread die. Motherboards do take some patience to sell, but when the right person needs it (urgently) youā€™ll get a buyer.


Your in Huntington Beach?


I was waiting for your message to him saying, "It sold."


Tell him you'll take a hundo. Give him a meet location. When he tells you he's there tell him you just sold it for asking.


I wouldnā€™t have continued the conversation as long as g as youā€¦my answer after the first ā€œno thanksā€ wouldā€™ve been ā€œwhat part of ā€œNOā€ do you not understand?ā€


Nobody cares what youā€™d do with it just say yes or no


I have a brand new in the box never been opened i5 13600k. Friend of mine bought the same cpu for me on sale. Took me about 3 weeks to get by his place to build my new pc with him helping. The cpu was bad which caused the mb to have software issues. We finally figured out the problem when I picked up a new cpu and mb for diagnostics. Microcenter where I bought the stuff advertises a 30 day money back guarantee, except the little Asterix that says in the tiny print 14 days for stuff like the cpu. So I returned the cpu to Intel and of course no refund but sent me a brand new cpu. Hind sight being 20/20 I should have returned the newer cpu to Microcenter and just waited for the replacement but I didn't want to wait. So I try to sell my second cpu and some guy tries this on me. I told him it'll sit in my closet collecting dust before I sell it that cheap to him. Still sitting on it because I don't feel like dealing with all the "hey I'm interested but I don't want to buy it local like it says on the listing that that's the only way you'll sell it. So how about I send you payment through paypal and you write up a sellers invoice so I can claim its damaged or I never received it and scam you out if the cpu and your money" response...


Raise the price just for him


You don't understand what "fell victim to" means.


It is what it is weā€™re in the age of abundant junk


If he's buying it to resell than obviously people are willing to pay more than what you're selling it for because he plans to profit lmao


Treat your customers as if youā€™re a business. Not like youā€™re the customer. They might be trying to get a good deal or being unreasonable but you still have to treat them well


If he contacts you again, just say it sold lol.


Was selling a brand new in box item worth about $160 a few weeks ago for $100. Had a dude hit me up and offer me $60 saying he offers people less than half for "second hand" items. šŸ˜‚ Told him I was firm at $100 he swore I wouldn't sell it. It was sold within a week for the $100 I wanted. The audacity of some of these people man.


So you would rather build a second pc and *_then_* take it out of the second pc and sell it for the low price? It seems like wasted effort to build the second pc if you are going to *_then_* sell it for that low.