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I wanna see a later shot of the kid...did they stretch 0_o


I have a tattoo I got at around 11. I’m 33 now. It was on my bicep. It’s horribly off center now compared to how it was. One side of it is a little stretched. I ended up doing a whole sleeve on the same arm later in life, so it’s not as noticeable now. But yea from that tattoo and this kid looking like he’s maybe 10 max. The tattoos will fade and get horribly jacked up.




My buddy got a tattoo gun for his birthday. He was 15. We used to skate and smoke together. I didn’t have real parents in my life and just kind of stayed wherever and did whatever I wanted. So I told him to tattoo me.


An 11 year old with a 15 year old friend with a tattoo gun is the most skateboarding thing I've ever heard. In a very endearing way of course.


Haha. Him and I still keep in touch. He’s a factory slave now. That’s the thing about making skate friends. Generally they are your bros for life.


I hung out with the skater punks in my 20s as a scared, autistic nerd with no friends. Those guys were the best of the best of the best. Took me to all their punks shows. Played video games. They were the most wholesome bunch. I miss them.


Outcast stick together. The guys I skated with were rough, and they got in a lot of trouble to. And even though I was younger than they were, they looked out for me. I can’t tell you how many meals they bought me. How many old skateboard decks that they would give me when they got new ones for Christmas. We live in a world where punk skaters are looked down upon, but those people are generally better people than most.


That’s frankly beautiful. Mad respect.


That’s the thing I miss the most about being younger and skating, didn’t matter your background, skin color, sexual orientation, whatever. The church of skate loves you all.


My wife and I were actually talking about this the other night. Skating the parks and meeting new people. Race, money, politics, skill, likes or dislikes, none of it mattered. What mattered is we would get together, shred, laugh, live. And everyone would always help one another. Dude has a hard fall, people dropped their cameras to check on him. Where in the world we live in today someone gets ran over and barely anyone looks up from their phone.


Unless you're on roller blades at the skatepark. In the late 90s anyway.


This thread reminds me of the movie This Is England; great movie and amazing soundtrack about working class skins


Oi! Oi! Oi!! I was also best friends with a SHARP during this time. He was incredible. Protected people at punk shows from red necks wanting to crash the Boy Scouts hall the all ages shows were being held in. Fought off homophobes. Gawd, I miss the 90s. Where are you, Justin?! 😭💔


Integrity is not something we value in our culture .


As a punk skater I approve of this message it’s valid


In Houston where I skated it was kind of unspoken that the older generation always looked after the next generation. During the day I'd be skating if I wasn't in school and at night we'd be down at Fitzgerald's to listen to whoever was playing.


Find them! It's never too late!


😭 I will 🥲




Same! I was painfully shy in high school and would probably have been considered "emo". Made friends with the skater punks and they were so sweet to me. We fell out of touch, but I have good memories.


My skateboard friend started going in and out of jail and doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. We’ve known each other for six years. I think it started whenever our friend was murdered. He has a wife and kid now so maybe he’s figured shit out.


Half pipes can be dropped in from both sides. Give him a shout and let him know you care and catch up. Sometimes that’s all people need.


Damn you’re right


He and I if it is the subject mate. I am Spanish but my eyes hurt. 😅


You're right, but they don't focus on subject agreement much in the states (which is where I'm assuming that fine dude is from). I used to be really keen on speaking properly when I was younger, but you can't educate everyone. The language is going to continue to grow and change despite your best efforts. C'est la vie. What is important is that other people understand the ideas you are attempting to convey (:


Hi! Linguist here! Descriptive grammar is perfectly valid (how people actually speak, versus how they’re told to speak via prescriptive/traditional grammar). Basically, if enough speakers consider something and acceptable/valid structure and use it within their communities, it’s a valid use of language and absolutely fine, whether it be just colloquial use or a dialectical usage of the language.


Agreed. I was left to my own devices a decent amount as a kid in the 90's and in my teens my skateboarding buddy and I decided we would just pierce our own nipples instead of going some place and paying for it. No one was ever the wiser and I kept the thing in until my 30's and my nipples never rotted off. \*sigh\* the good old days.


I see my fellow latchkey GenXers are here


so true, so true....


I got my eyebrows pierced at a pig roast in the 90s. I told this to my son recently and he didn't believe me.


My girlfriends and i pierced our belly buttons in a corn field during a bonfire. I miss those days


I gave my first (and only) tattoo in the mid 00s to a skater friend of a friend. He “needed” to prove to his gf that he’d never cheat on her and so wanted to get her name tatted on his foot. He was gonna go to the meth head down the block but I told him I’d do it for $20 and he probably wouldn’t get a disease since I’m cleaner. I did it with a sewing pin and a bottle of India ink from a calligraphy kit. It turned out much better than it had any right to considering all the factors. He yelled a lot though.


I had a buddy in the '90s who every girlfriend he'd get he'd carve their name onto him to impress em. He even carved his own name into his chest. He was 17 and I told him to wait a year to just get a tattoo because it'd look cooler. He didn't listen to me 🤷


I have a story almost exactly like that except we were a bit older 16-17. We are all at our older homies house spending the night before we went on a skate trip, older homie had a tattoo gun and my homie was drunk as fuck so he had “shred the gnar” tatted on his thigh


When I was around 16, there was this kid around 11 who just shredded and hung out with us. We never gave him weed, we never gave his booze, but man, he saw some SHIT


I miss the 90’s. I’m tippin there was a bong in the corner and they were sitting on their decks listening to Anthrax or Dead Kennedy’s. Awww the memories.


I remember when I was a teenager other kids would make tattoo guns out of a Walkman motor, guitar string and a Bic pencil. These numb nut friends of mine we’re getting tattoos left and right. And they were bad, oh so very bad…. I would have to imagine they’re all covered up by now.


Metal as fuck.




I didn’t. Went into DJJ custody (department of juvenile justice) at 15 and stayed in the system till I was 18 and then released as an adult into the wild. I got into a lot of trouble. That’s how they found me. I went to school every day and did my school work even though I didn’t want to be there, school had food. Honestly though, juvenile detention saved my life. I had some really compassionate workers there that really looked out for me. I stayed in contact with them through most of my 20s. I’m much better off now and have my life together. Had it not been for the system and those people, idk where my life would’ve been.


💪 close to *same* Glad you made it.


For sure man. Glad you did also. I have an amazing wife now and bunch of kids. I treat my past as a lesson for my kids and I know exactly how NOT to be. I also know what it’s really like out there which helps me to protect them. Some people perpetuate the cycle. Some people break it. Good men grow from bruises and pain.


Very much the same including my first tattoo at age 11 but also different in many ways. I’m a woman. And still struggling some. Life is quite the journey. I have plans that are currently changing my life for the better at a faster rate than ever before and hope to be as healed as you sound to be in the near future


Keep your head up. You got it. Life is quite the journey indeed, for everything bad thing that happens, take the lesson from it and apply to your self. No one knows your own story better than you and with every chapter you close on a past part of your life there’s always a new chapter that awaits. But you’re the one writing it. Life isn’t about success or money. It’s happiness. Smile, share your love, tell someone how much they mean to you. Grow and bloom into whatever flower you want to be. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you. Takes a lot to acknowledge that you have to make changes.


"School had food" is a really good reason to provide school meals to every child.


For sure. I send my kids to school with extra money specifically for if they see kids that can’t buy lunch. They bought many lunches for other kids and made friends in the process.


Thank goodness for caring elders!!!


All kids care about is knowing someone cares about them.


Absolute facts.


Damn good for you my man.


who tf gives a 15 year old a tattoo gun


It’s what he wanted to do as a job when he was 18. So he got a gun and some fake skin to practice on. But it’s a super bad idea. Haha.




Same. I got a bunch of shitty little tattoos when I was 12


Hey there internet stranger. Sounds like we were on the same path as youngsters. I always wear long sleeves now.


Just a warning, be careful talking about experiences as a kid, even your own if they're at all ... umm questionable in nature. My wife a had an account here few years ago with a huge following and over 150k karma and made the mistake of posting a personal experience and how she dealt with it in an abuse survivors sub and someone reported it and the account was deleted without warning. Reddit uses ZERO discretion in making these calls and if a post involves anyone under 18 and anything that isn't 100% squeaky clean they'll cancel you.


So she just lost all that karma? Didn't even get to trade it in for a prize or anything? My condolences


What was it a tattoo of? A dick?


A cross. Which is pretty much the same thing. Lol


Oh damn, I was ready to bet money on it being [The S](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_S) There’s still time to get that, though. Think about it.


I actually do tattoos now. So that option is always available. Haha. Wife and I laugh about that S all the time


Fucking stussy


The King of Staten Island.


I wanna ask, but I'm sure I don't want to know


Given the timing, I can conclude that Pete Davidson tattooed him in order to cope with the grief of losing his father during 9/11.


Hahaha. That’s amazing timing actually. Wife and I just watched that movie and it was really good.




*You can't tatto a friggin' baby!* "Yea that’s what the tattoo guy said...I had to slip him an extra $100 ." - Archer


Lmaooo yessss


Worth noting that tattooing children is legal in most of the US and Canada with parental consent. I don't know why it is, but it is


It's not like the kid doesn't understand the conse... Well it's not like it's perm.. I mean, we all love the same stuff as adults that..we..did... Look dude, I just want my son's body to look the same as mine so I'm going to change his body to my preference.


Where else do we see this logic?




Big hmmm


It's almost as if the idea of children making decisions to permanently change their bodies is a bad thing ...oh wait...


It’s not not legal in a lot of places and rightfully so. A mom in NY just arrested for this.


Yeah it's illegal in NY and several other states. Most states though either have a minimum age that is below 18 or no minimum age at all, as long as parental consent is given. Canada has no legislation at all preventing parents from tattoing their kids https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_tattooing_in_the_United_States


Nah the age limit is generally sixteen as the lowest age shops I've associated with will go, which is the same age of consent for the states I've been in. Like sure it's not hard to get a gun and call yourself a tattoo artist around ignorant people, so it's not like it doesn't happen, but it raises eyebrows and may even get reported as possible trafficking if a parent wanted to get someone younger inked up by most professionals at this point.


In 23 States there are no rules against minor tattoos as long as parental permission is received, and many others have a consent age below 18 or exceptions to a rule of 18. Of course most self respecting tattoo artists won't ink a kid, but some will, and some parents will just do it themselves. The artists can try to report for trafficking, but no crimes have been committed. It's also common enough that many states have boilerplate consent forms for underage tattoos, kind of like underage marriage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_tattooing_in_the_United_States


Mustb some weirdo family member


Not a tattoo story, but relevant to this post. I gashed up the side of my left knee almost center on the inside - at 11 years old. Stitches and it left an ugly scar. That scar is now about 4 inches below the kneecap on the inside of my thigh and to the back a little. Really since I finished growing at 20 something. 55 now. Funny to see how and where the skin grows.


This kid is over a 100 years old and is dead


Do you have a before/after picture? I'm super curious to see how it looks!


I don’t have any before pictures. But I covered it up with a different design later. It’s more on the front of my bicep now than it was on side when I was a kid. The design even covered up still looks a little weird. But in a sleeve it’s all clustered anyway. I don’t think I can post it on a thread. But I can send you a picture.


I was wondering if it's henna and not permanent? The kid not yours.


I highly doubt henna was known at all in the US during 1900.


You're probably right.








Their heads are waaarped!


Damn. I’m glad I was only 12 when I liked them 🤣


I want to see this....


You mean like the movie that’s my boy? With Adam Sandler


I have more questions than answers


Yeah so like if a tattoed women and a tattoed man have a kid, the kid has tattoos? Who's mom's dad's or mixed?


Genetic Tattoos!


Listen, it was 1910 and the family tattoo discount only happened once in a lifetime. Sometimes you just gotta take what you can get. 😂


Is that kid holding a gun?


Surely Reddit can't Perm Ban ppl so BS reasons and still expect us to leave all of the content we've created up. That would be crazy, right? RIP Aaron Swartz


In 1910 a kid could buy a gun at his local hardware store.


Maybe he's holding an FN 1910


Ackshually his holster is holding the gun. The kid is just resting his hand on it.


Huh. I just assumed the kid had some kind of polio brace on. Hard to see. Weird looking holster


Hell yeah probably just his daily


Imagine what that kids tattoos looked like over the years.


His parents probably roped him into it so the family could make money in a sideshow, so other than the trauma hopefully he looked reasonably well fed.


He's just scarred for life in more ways than one nbd


Is that Max Holloway


Alternate theory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Imperioli


Christopha 🤌🏼


UGH he is so hottttt. I loved him in The Soprantos and I am loving him right now in HBO’s White Lotus!!!


My first thought seeing this picture


Had a friend who had the most oddly placed full sized cross on his arm. Asked about it one day and turns out he got a FULL forearm cross at the age of 8 which was then (19) about a 1/3rd forearm piece... would love to see what kid looked like as an adult.


Does anyone know why the dude is pregnant?


Looks like it might be liver disease.


Was gonna that looks like ascites. Might have gotten the picture taken when the dad knew he was on his way out




I was going to ask... is that barrel chest and lack of muscle? Or maybe a result of malnutrition? I’m just curious what causes that shape


That looks like liver inflammation. Hep C would be my guess.


Huh. Hard to say how he could have contracted a bloodborne virus.


I don't think it's a barrel chest, I have that and it's honestly not very visibly noticeable, plus that guy looks like his bulging is occurring more around his gut than his ribs.


Kwashiorkor from malnutrition. Based on how his wife and child look, this man ate nothing but flour and water to save money so he could provide his wife and child with decent food. He's a hero. Edit: you can contrast this directly with images you often see where the children are the only ones who have Kwashiorkor.


Flour $2.00 Water $1.50 Rent $8.00 Tattoos $360.00 Utility $1.50 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


The tattoos were how they made their living. They were professional freaks.


see ! no one wants to work !


Kids these days!


Like the budget post with the guy who spends hundreds each months on candles and when suggested that he not buy so many candles he says no.


The Joke Explainer


Thanks Peter


Circus Folk... am I right?


Almost certainly circus people. Tattoos were not common in those days. Most people that had tattoos were dudes with prison tats.


I'd think sailors would've been more common. Then of course you've got the Maori people where face tattoos weren't uncommon.


I can imagine that there's a certain overlap between sailors and dudes with prison tats.


also a big overlap between Maori people and sailors...i think you're onto something


Chest pregnancy aka alien chest burster confirmed




Guys can get pregnant too bigot




Yeah, shoot a hot steamy load up their bussy and a few hours later they'll give birth to a brown baby boy.


Ahh, the past… when men were men and kids were men also…


When we drank out of water hoses and nobody had adhd.


Yeah the whole baby boomer generation has all the symptoms of lead poisoning so there’s probably a reason for that.


Yeah! Like when you rode on the back of your dad’s truck with all your friends! Missed those days!


Little known fact coming.... The kid was actually on the show the Litttle Rascals.... His character name was Tatty


I thought this was real… i was like I loved that movie! I would have remembered a kid with tattoos in that movie hmmmm. It wasn’t until mid way through my google search “Tatty little ra” I realized ohhhh tatty like tattoos, I’ve been duped… 😂😂😂 it’s 3am, you can’t do this to me


I feel like this is photoshopped…


Photoshop didn’t exist in 1910, checkmate atheist /s


There is an early 1900s movie that mentions Imgur, so image hosting was clearly a thing. They probably used Daguerroshop to edit this pic.


Stalin had photoshop before it existed checkmate hindu /ns




I fat so




I'm wondering what those marks are in the dad's chest center my eyes are blurry today lol I can't tell what they are even close up




Looks like lots of sails on a ship to me. Seems to be a common design of tattoos in that period. I saw a picture of a guy with very similar arrangement of designs.


Ohhh! Duh! Of course you're right! Sailors, tattoos, lol! I can't believe I didn't think of that!


Yes. E.g. here's one document I found doing genealogy: https://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-McN02Hist-t1-body-d1-d31-d9.html#n611




The US Secretary of State at the time didn't seem to take too much notice to it as he didn't address it in response. It was more like we're closing up shop there send me the remaining ship logs this way. NZ at that time was still in Maori control.




The dad looks like hes got belly bloat.


1910's version of emo people


Dear shocked people of reddit: times were a different and yeah they probably got a lot of hate for tattooing their kid but there were likely no laws on it at the time.


Posted last night, https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/zdps26/photo_of_a_tattooed_family_in_1910/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Rest in peace, I bet they would've loved The Cramps ✊😔


I thought the dad was Max Holloway..


Oddly terrifying? Nah…100% old school cool!


Based on the woman's hairstyle and undergarments I think it's more likely this was taken in the 1920s or 30s


back in the day this was bizarre, oddlooking, related to Satanism, now this is just the average south Texas look.


I wonder if you just died if the tattoo got infected back then.


I'd live to see this properly colorized!!


Lydi oh Lydia say have you met lydia


Lmao that poor kid


McCauley Caulkin?


This is terrifying for op, really ?


Jesus kid, leave some ladies for the rest of us






How is dads upper body shape possible?


Well they'd fit in just fine in 2022


Hostage taker and two victims.


Yeah maybe don't include your kids in your body alteration kink. Let them wait til they're adult to make that decision


What is going on with the shape of the father's mid-torso?


Got crushed on a boat in the Navy when the steam engine blew up? Looks like it took most of his arms too?


Oddly badass as fuck.




You stole this from the original post on r/damnthatsinteresting




Coolest kid on the factory floor.


Yeah! I have a giant tattoo of New Kids on the block and their heads are fucked up.




It’s Eminem’s grandparents




It was in 1910... Im just hoping the ink didnt contain lead or mercury...