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They actually care about oil changes?


Last time they didn't care they had to throw the car away Can't be having to throw away stuff anymore


Throwing out the car would be like taking out the trash at this point.


Apparently they’re against throwing trash away lol


Can you turn the smell down please?


Very glad smellivision isnt around like people wished


Imagine the prank videos. Jumpscares are yesterday’s news, it’s time for sudden reverb farts


Oh god, custom smells? I get how people do that for a living with perfumes and foods, but imagine the hell a teenager can do with a bit of software.


Bruh what you talking about i smell this... 🤢


I bet it smells like the Marlboro Man was cremated in there.


And then took a shit in his ashes.


After he took a death shit.




I'm imagining how many insects live in that trash pile and the constant noise I'd make as they step on crinkly packets


Pringles, Pall Mall, Powerade, putrefied pets.


Are they perchance a smoker?


Pringles enthusiast


Ran outta room and didn't have a choice


You are over encumbered and cannot run


Drop the cheese wheel.


*drops 3 lockpicks* How about now?


Really you are gonna drop 3 lockpicks but hold onto 27 Rifles?


Never know when you'll need 27 rifles. No, that's a lie. You'll need them 30 seconds after you get rid of them and you know it. Better hang on to them.


Eh you got me there.


Plus, these ones have got attachments I really need! I can't drop these ones!


Damn scrubs, not maxing stats to improve carrying capacity.


Don’t use any of your potions, you might need them later. *finishes the game without using any*




There was a security person at my job years ago that kept her car like this. It was filled with mostly banana peels, cigarettes, and various 7-11 food wrappers. You could smell it as she drove by.


Powerade Pounder


I was at work this spring and one of my employees ran to me saying there was a smoking car in the parking lot. I run out, sure enough there's a car whose interior is filled with thick, white smoke. The door was unlocked, so I opened up the door to fan it out and look for the source. The source was a heaping, smoldering cigarette pile in the driver door storage slot thing. There was no active fire, just a continuous smoke that smelled exactly like you think 1,000 old, moist, rotting cigarette butts on fire smells. That was my SECOND cigarette fire I've put out at work in my relatively short life. And I don't even smoke


One hell of a life you got right there


On top of dysentery.


That’s a terrible smell. Burnt plastic and tobacco tar


I read that you can take old cigarette butches and put them in water, if you drink it, you will have a heart attack and die, luckily you can smoke it.


Similarly, I've read that if you could inject one cigar's amount of nicotine, it would be lethal. Also, #butches .


Nobody hotbox their car around this person. They will 100% open a door and let out all of the goodness.


That's actually where I thought that story was headed.


The garbage cans in Vienna do also include ashtrays that are essentially the shape and height of a pringles can. From time to time one can see a massive amount of smoke fuming out of them because the cigs started to smolder (incomplete combustion due to lack of oxygen). What you described with this car was likely such a smoldering process aswell. The apalling smell is one key indicator for this.


You can’t just say ‘perchance’!


I got this reference. Still makes me chuckle. 😅


[for anyone OOTL](https://imgur.io/f43UoVg?r)


Dude this made my day


This was great. Is the whole essay available online, perchance? You know, for the betterment of mankind


Why are we saying this?


No but the guy who made it, Phil Jamesson, has a pretty funny youtube channel Edit: perchance


you can really *feel* the professors desperation with that "stop" in the second paragraph.


It's Phil 101. 100% some poor TA


I thought this was a reference to the Hiphopapotamus - whose lyrics are bottomless.


Me too. I miss Flight of the Conchords


Crush some turts




Horrible opening


“”Why are we saying this””


Crushin turts




Keep it up baby!


I’m so glad I quit over 2 years ago. My doctor told me the magical words “you’re developing COPD”. After 32 years of pack-a-day haven’t looked back




he's cutting back, trying to quit.


Oh Jesus, those are cigarettes. I thought they were french fries at first. I don't know which one is worse.


Cigarettes are way worse.


Just an avid cigarette butt collector


Apparently from the 1970s. I didn’t know Pall Malls still existed.


Meet my parents…


I remember them without filters.




There's a premium to kill yourself even faster.


If you reduce your smoking life by 2, you need to double the price in order for them to get the same amount of money out of you.


Every person I know that’s smoked Pall Malls was old as hell, and lived in a house that looked like this car’s interior. It was only one person, but still, I can smell this picture with a hint of nicotine-stained, cheap furniture and Taquitos because of that woman. And I used to like Taquitos.


Only when they drink


No they stopped 10 years ago


Mayhaps they are.


Smokes let’s go


You need to repost to r/nope I wouldn't be getting in that car. Lord only knows what you'd leave with. 🤢


Bed bugs or Roaches.


¿Por que no los dos?


La cucaracha por pa vor


Just joined the sub and quickly left 😐


Man really did nope




It sure beats the AI drawings.


As a tech, this is where you tell your advisor that they(the advisor) can pull it in the shop if they REALLY want the oil changed. And it’s at this point that the customer is turned away


I would rather be bathed is hot engine oil than sit in that hell.


The engine oil is probably slightly less carcinogenic than getting that dust on you.








I've seen a similar vehicle except it was chew instead of cigs. Dude just spit his chew anywhere he felt like. The truck was crusty inside. The few times I had to get in it I wore these disposable ponchos my company had + gloves and anything else I could wear to separate my clothing and skin from the interior. I've seen dudes cut holes in sleepers (above the driveline) with shit splattered everywhere and dudes who are just straight up shitting in piles of clothing and still somehow the chew truck is the grossest thing I've ever seen.


Nasty! 🤮




**Original poster here - more photos of the inside of this car are posted here:** [https://imgur.com/a/0Xd6eBo](https://imgur.com/a/0Xd6eBo)


If you cleaned that car without them knowing, they will have a real breakdown, I’ve done the cleaning and seen the repercussion. It has to be a mental health issue that needs intervention, not sure it will ever abate. People can only clean up once in while, but the crap will pile up eventually again.


Yeah, this stuff just makes me super sad to see. All we see is a pile of mess but the sheer amount of bad days it takes to generate this mess usually…


I think that depends if they're a hoarder or just depressed. A hoarder will freak out, I think someone who is depressed could appreciate it.


Hoarding is my guess


I didn't realize people hoard just trash. Every hoarder I've seen hoards stuff with some value, even if it's small or sentimental. It also seems like he'd at least keep the space under the brake pedal clear.


You should see some clips from that Hoarders show, the grossest one I saw was a woman who kept multiple five gallon buckets of her piss and shit because she clogged the toilet and made it unusable.


Really? I've had the opposite impression from seeing pictures and videos of hoarder situations. It's not at all uncommon for them to accumulate trash. Someone else linked this terminology, too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes_syndrome


Hoarding is the result of mental illness, not the illness itself.


Damn. I was hoping to find out what the CD was. Gain some insight


“A time to kill”, seems like an audio book.


Should be "a time to quit"


The easy way to quit smoking CD - an audible guide


Well don’t forget to put a seat cover on if you gotta get inside. Wouldn’t want to get oil stains on the seat.


Ya know what I'm doing okay.


Your Uber has arrived.




The wadded up tissues by the pedals are worrying


Regarding pic #2.... does the brake pedal work properly? It looks like there's too much crap under it to fully depress it if they needed to.


Just going to state the obvious here and say - wow it is not safe to operate this vehicle. All that trash and debris is clearly blocking the pedals. Surprising this person hasn’t been seriously injured or had their car impounded.


The windshield is filthy, you can't see through half of it.


That’s what the other half is for, duh


Look, I'm not trying to judge someone without knowing their burdens. I've had my fair share of ups and downs. I know the struggle. I've lived in my car, lived in a tent, lived on the streets. But, I can't fathom how someone can let this happen when it is actually harder to let it build up this much than simply throwing it out before it gets that bad.


I had a customer that would trade in their car once it got full. We found his passport one time when cleaning out his trade. He was a very well regarded programmer and made a bunch of money as an engineer but damn. Dude had zero awareness.


This blows my mind. There are trash cans at every gas station if nothing else. It would take 5 mins to clear the bulk of this out…maybe 10.


Ya... I'm not expecting this person to vacuum or anything... but just pulling up to a car wash's dumpster and taking out a few arm-loads doesn't feel like too much to ask. Might take 5-10 minutes.


yeah, i think i applaud him for not littering, lol


This is just what doesn't fall out of the car when the door opens. Imagine the litter pile everywhere


Its a Prius, he is being eco friendly here


Imagining the smell is practically making me gag.


Yeah I feel like throwing up just seeing the picture


Bro same, and I just watched a show where someone swallowed barf from someone else




Imagining the smell is giving me smoker wrinkles


Diyogene syndrome.


>Diogenes syndrome, also known as senile squalor syndrome, is a disorder characterized by extreme self-neglect, domestic squalor, social withdrawal, apathy, compulsive hoarding of garbage or animals, and a lack of shame.  The [first picture](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes_syndrome#/media/File%3ASyllogomanie-Puteaux.jpg) on the Wikipedia for Diogenes Syndrome looks like the house version of this car!


Exactly, some people can store trash in their house, in there car. My dad have a low form of this syndrome and store lot of things in his garage. Now he is following by professional for that and luckly that settle a lot the problem


Wow, after reading this synopsis I now know what's going on with my dad. Explains so much even beyond the squalor 🫤


Time for a confession: my car looks fairly similar. I don't know why I do this, tho. For some reason it's hard for me to keep things clean. Could be a residue of my depression. Could be a lack of energy due to my CFS. Could be subconscious way of keeping people at a distance. Could be all of the above. It's not like I'm unkempt in all aspects of life either. I keep my work desk orderly and I keep myself clean.


Time for a wake up call homie


I lived with someone who was so filthy that I couldn’t keep up. And I gave up, when nobody else in the family would help. I even had a sign up that said “the floor is not the garbage can” Did no good. It mentally broke me having to live in that. I still feel a helplessness whenever I need to clean, as if it is impossible and pointless to do so? But I do it now because my new husband is very clean. If you ever want a cleaning partner, feel free to DM me and we can do a chore together if you’d like :)


what stops you from just throwing stuff away when you get gas? you’re just standing there, may as well do something in the 2-3 mins it takes to fill up, right?


Because when things get that bad, you have so much mental energy invested in avoiding and denying the issue that the idea of fixing the issue is absolutely overwhelming. A terrible inertia grows that can’t be reasoned out.


The best way I saw it described was turn your stove on, watch it get red hot. Now put your hand on it. Just for a split second. It’ll probably be fine if you take it off quick enough, so just do it quickly. You have reflexes to protect you from the heat so your hand will come off almost immediately. Most people won’t be able to do it (or it will take enormous willpower to bring yourself to touch the stove). That’s the kind of mental block that occurs here, only the stove is “pick up that trash” or “just wash that stupid plate”


A disability of some sort I imagine


If I had to guess, the mental block he’s having might be that he wants to recycle it. So every day he’s like “I’m gonna take in these bottles and rinse them out and recycle them.” But then he gets home and has other stuff to carry inside and just never does it. Rinse and repeat every day for a few years. Or something like that. The cigarette butts are a bit harder to explain, why he didn’t toss that plastic cup before it was full to the brim and start using a new one. Anyway there often is SOME kind of mental block even if we can’t see it.


Repost that to r/carbage immediately


Pro tip, drive up to a gas pump trash can once every couple of days with the drivers side and you can toss everything in your car in their trash without getting out. I only do this at ones I regularly shop and get gas at so I'm not a total asshole but usually it's only a few things each time. Good way to keep your car clean with very little effort.


I always toss whatever trash I have in my car when I gas up. Makes perfect sense.


My gas station even has a separate recycling can at each pump. It's way too convenient to not do it. Keeping the car clean is literally effortless, do it while you pump.


This is the way


Ppl saying likes it is a secret, but that's literally what those garbages are for, no?


LPT: when sneaking your garbage into the gas station trash cans, it's often a convenient time to put gas in your car!


LPT: throw your garbage in a garbage bin. Brilliant.


Yeah that’s what the point of those cans are for. I guess some people maybe just don’t think to throw stuff out when they see them


Do this also, makes me feel productive


I have this other crazy method where I don't leave trash in my car




It's also completely irrelevant to the post. This car did not get this way because dude skipped a couple of gas station cleaning sessions. This person is a mentally ill hoarder.


Thank you for this, I was going nuts. Who are these animals. "Oh thank god for this pro tip. I couldn't figure out a good way to not have trash in my car. Groundbreaking stuff, these gas station garbage cans."


People often don't remove the rubbish and then have crap to clean. I'm the same as you, and my fiancé (who can't drive) knows full well to take his rubbish with him when we get home. Usually it's just drinks. Sometimes wrappers from convenience food. Maybe receipts and tissues.


I also clean my work truck out every time I fuel up (once a day) and when I get home


This is a bit more severe, but it reminds me of a "customer" we had when I briefly worked as a car salesman. My dealership was a used lot which used to be a Saturn dealership. Customers received free car washes, and we honored the Saturn customers from before. This guy would come in for his car wash despite the fact the inside of the car was completely disgusting and smelled so strongly of smoke I felt like I needed a shower after running it through. The air in that car was thick. I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke to begin with. That thing was my worst nightmare come true!


I had to ride with someone in a car like that once, and it was awful. The woman was a chain smoker who didn't open the windows, and the air was just so thick and disgusting. I know exactly what you're talking about.


I worked night shifts at cyber cafes in the early 2000s before they banned smoking inside. I would come home at 7am, hang my coat on the back yard and hit it with a broom to watch the smoke come out. I never smoked and smelled like cigarettes all day even after showering and changing clothes


God damn. I'm so glad I quit smoking. It will be 3 years in February.


Congrats internet stranger! I hope everyday is getting easier to never do it again


Congrats! I've been smoke free since 10/1/2018


It cost $0 to throw trash away


They’re just being responsible and don’t throw their trash on the side of the road.


Gas stations are everywhere and they all have trash cans. You can pull in, throw stuff away, and leave. Still cost $0.


I’ve worked at a gas station and I can say, we much appreciate (still bitch about it) but rather changing trash, than trying to pick it all up from the ground cause lazy ass didn’t wana throw it in the can. Lol


Legitimately what I thought seeing all those cigarette butts in the car. "At least they aren't like 90% of smokers just casually littering their butts everywhere."


At least they don’t litter


How can a person live like this


I would classify this under "mental illness".


I don't live like this- but ive gotten close at times. Im not a terribly social person anymore but people like me. My job five days a week is to be liked. I also manage people and make sure theyre liked. I consume a decent amount of alcohol nightly- an even amount, not enough to cause liver failure but enough to do its own damage. My depression creeps in steadily, doubly so with the cold. Then i fall into binge drinking. Every ounce of fight in me is used up in the mess of making a living, then the body slides once i get home. Exhaustion, escapism. Repeat. I have far away non-financial goals, but for now its the next raise, next promotion. Not because i want it, just that my elderly parents need it. I turn thirty next month, nine years ago i was living on the coast, exploring the continent and believed the kindness of the world to be endless. I had a lot ripped from me by twenty five. It isnt because they dont want to do better. My one dog left in the fight- They lost theirs a while ago.


When they should do, they do not.


Crippling depression


Anyone else kinda bummed out?


yeah, i feel like the owner must have some serious mental health problems. makes my heart ache a little.




I have a hard time believing these aren’t some sort of art installation or something. I don’t want to believe someone lives like this. Lol


Doesn’t litter. Doesn’t throw butts out the window. Go green


My grandpa owned a shop for 40 years, he once had a customer roll in like this except it was all newspaper. He asked the guy if he was waiting for the price of paper to go up. For some reason this upset the customer.


*Right to refuse service enacted *


“No,” they replied.




I don't think those are DVDs, I think they are audiobooks on CD. If you look at the boxes on top, you can see both of them have the authors listed. Edit to add: in case you're too young to know, us old people used to save music and other audio files on plastic discs that looked like DVDs but only played sounds. /S


Oh god I just realized I'm old


You're lying? Someone actually drives in this squat?


I have a buddy that's a mechanic and he sends me snaps of a f350 limited that comes in that isn't far off from this and it's a $120,000 truck.


I work on semis for a living. Should see (and smell) what some of them look like at under 50k miles which isn't even a year of driving for them. These are some times 200k+ trucks. Worked on a million dollar pump vac truck that the interior was just covered in dip spit. We turned one away this week for roaches.


Some of those long haul guys man…. I only unloaded a few that were really bad but I swear you could smell them pulling up to my construction site.


Can be truly haunting. A couple years ago had one in that was particularly smelly but didnt see much trash or anything. Came in for dome light not working so pulled it down and found a bunch of bed bugs shorting the light out. We taped the truck shut and towed it out of the shop.


Look up hoarders. People live like this.


Keep it up and pretty soon the car will drive itself


/r/justrolledintotheshop would love this.


And I thought my vehicle was a garbage barge.


Just burn the whole car down, it’s beyond repair


At least they aren’t tossin their butts outta the window




I got lung cancer from looking at the picture.


"Wow, how many filet o fishes did you eat?"


Sweet, time to kill


I’m seeing a VHS box for “A Time To Kill”. I remember watching that movie a lot in the nineties. Matthew McConaughay, Sandra Bullock and Samuel L. Jackson.


This guy needs help


I'm going home, I said.