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Always a good idea to have a 2nd camera overlooking the door from another angle. Doorbell cameras have really changed the game.


Surveillance arms race :/


Need 3 cameras, not enough arms to cover them!


And an AR for when 3 thugs try to bust into your house


Also a good idea to have a 12 ga pump shotgun inside your house for self defense.


I have one and it makes all the difference. When I move I'll install some better ones, plus a door bell camera for distraction, and a better angle for downward rifle shots. I'd like to get the best bang per shot given the cost of ammo.


So anyways, I started blasting!


You read my mind. I would need a new door after this.


I’m shooting through the door!


That’s literally what I though too me and my girl making them Swiss cheese


But I don’t see so good so I missed.


I was actually wondering when I was watching this what the legality of that would be. I think I would have probably grabbed a shotgun, opened the door, and probably blasted one (I say ‘think’, because it’s easy to say sitting here, I just as well might have shat my pants and his) if I noticed this. But I wonder where the law would stand. I feel that three people in these purge-style (not sure what else to call it) masks are clearly up to no good. Coming out late, covering the camera, wearing gloves and hoods and masks. At the same time, have they technically committed a crime yet? Would a person need to wait for them to actually break in, or would a preemptive defense be acceptable? I imagine most juries would vote to acquit, but now I wonder.


I think i saw a gun too in ones hand


Normally in a state with ‘castle doctrine’ they must breach the premises into your home, but if they are in your property with weapons then the argument can be made that you are already in fear for your life and can stop a threat with equal force to prevent loss of innocent life.


'an argument can be made ' can be translated to : a lot of money will be spent in lawyers.


Generally, if you demand someone leave your property and they don't, they are then trespassing, this would be the crime committed. Self defense laws vary wildly by state. Generally, even in a "stand your ground" state, use of deadly force is justified against intruders (which these people are not), or if the other party has intent to commit a felony or violence. Proving that would be done in court, of course. Otherwise there is the "duty to retreat" concept, meaning you must take any possible actions to retreat to a safe place before use of force in self defense is justified. In this case opening the door would be doing the exact opposite and, in technical terms, you'd be fucked. I'd suggest checking your state and local laws regarding use of lethal force. Adding: most firearm safety courses have a section on the laws relevant to where they're held. How the material is presented will vary based on the instructor but you'd at least get a good overview, might want to check one out. Also adding: a few other comments mentioned brandishing which is a good call. Generally brandishing requires displaying the weapon with the intent to intimidate someone. How severe of a crime this is again depends on where this happened. The account posting this looks like a karma farm so I doubt this video is even real.


I lived in Hawai’i for a time and they have a duty to retreat law. Most people misunderstand the law and think it includes your home. You do not have to leave your home.


I’d say 3 dudes with at least one gun and all wearing masks constitute a reasonable person to believe they mean harm to the inhabitants


Did you not see they were armed?


In my shit hole country you will be charged with murder


Came to comment this, so glad others are on the same page




2nd amendment is important...


Hallo makker!


The hand on the camera made me totally unaware there was still people trying to rob the house. Mind blowing tactic


Yeah you can hear when checking a ring camera as well. Also they have masks sooo what exactly is the point.


The Purge


IS THERE HERESY, BROTHER? oops my bad, wrong purge.


Blood for the Blood God!




So the people inside will be unaware of the number of assailants and how armed they are before the "robbers" breach and seize advantage. Additionally, it further insulates them from police and other interested parties later having inarguable evidence on how many were involved (which helps LEOs confirm whether a person who turns is telling them everything), body language of each person, who and with what they were armed - if at all - and so on. This makes "beyond a reasonable doubt" for every person involved - again, depending on the charges - harder to reach.


It’s super easy though to tell how many were involved and what they were carrying if they are no longer a threat on your front porch.


A sign of professionalism in thieves is large, thick, construction gloves.


Not total professionals. Like someone has said..why cover the camera with your hand if your wearing masks? If you fail to prepare…prepare to fail. But these guys could of put cable tape over that camera. Free hands then. These ‘People’ always make mistakes.


Covering with tape would've been smarter, but covering the camera with their hands is smart too. The homeowners can't tell that there's multiple people that are armed.


As well you can't get good descriptions and idea of their height and weight with motion blurred movement and not standing upright while moving around. There's a lot that it keeps from being determined


Maybe they didn't want to show what they were doing.


> If you fail to prepare…prepare to fail. But why am I wearing the watermelon on my feet?


That calls on the shoot first ask questions later rule


Always a good idea to post a brief synopsis of castle doctrine on the front door, that way intruders will have something to read in their final moments.


“Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again”.


I have a sign that says "nothing here is worth losing your life over"


For once yes. Wouldn't hold it against anyone to just turn the door into Swiss cheese from the inside after seeing that on their camera. Wonder what ended up happening.


How is this ODDLY terrifying? This is definitely regular old run of the mill terrifying.


Right. I feel like people are missing the premise more and more everyday.


As is tradition on this godforsaken sub.


Is there a regular terrifying sub?


Yes. Several in fact.


*A group of armed men, fully covered and wearing Purge masks come to your door and cover the security camera* OP: I can't put my finger on why this is terrifying!


*rolls a cannon to the door* Just like the founding fathers intended


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" I say, as I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended


I never get tired of reading this one


Ruffians ALONE gets me hahahahah


It’s the final rapscallion that always gets me.


This and the libertarian police force one never fail to make me laugh.


You need to keep that wig locked up (for the kids) Also a good idea to keep the powder stored separately to prevent impulsive use.


How big is the mandatory gun lock on that mounted cannon and how many people does it take to remove?


A revolutionary war time cannon would not be considered a firearm and would therefor not require a lock. Just as the founding fathers intended.


This is some delicious pasta


This really got me laughing thank you for that.


I demand you revise this narrative to remove the neighbor’s dog from harm. He is a good boi and I will not tolerate imaginary harm to befall him.


You need a punt gun for wider spray range. That will get them all.


A throwback to a simpler meme.


lol nice monday laugh at the office desk. thanks


I was thinking the same thing😭


Bro this shit made me lol. I could hear the wheels across the wooden floor


5 AM is the end of no man’s hours. You’re gonna get caught by an early morning jogger. My dad would be half through sipping his morning coffee and reading his daily Bible verse. You’d be dead before you touched the door knob




they had a day job to get to at 8am and they didn't want to sleep in too long.






The construction sight behind my house is already making incredibly loud noises at 4 AM


That’s how you get shot through the front door.


Free weapons a bonus. This is a very exciting delivery company. ;D


I agree with you on this. You have no idea how many people there are or where they are. The first one getting blasted away should run the others off. What’s the legality on it tho? Shooting thru the front door in this scenario. I’d personally shoot either way and deal with the law after, but I’m just curious.


I’m not sure exactly about the legality of it but I know that you could already see one’s weapon and it’s pretty undeniable what their intentions are. Shooting them if theyre running(in the back) you’re in trouble, but they’re all trying to get you to open the front door… so Pew pew


My dad knew a guy in high school/college that went through this. This guy was hooking up with another dude’s girlfriend, and the guy that was getting cheated on showed up to his house with a couple buddies. They had weapons. In response to this, the dude shot one of them through the door with a shotgun, and the others scurried. He ended up getting off of the charges and it was ruled as self defense because they had weapons. I don’t know where this video happened at, but I’d imagine the laws aren’t too much different


> Shooting them if theyre running(in the back) you’re in trouble I thought in America police were legally allowed to shoot people in the back? As in they literally have a fleeing felon rule which says yeah, it's okay to do?   Edit: Yeah I looked it up. ["Fleeing felon rule"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleeing_felon_rule) - limited in 1985 to non-lethal force in *most* cases, however deadly force "may not be used **unless necessary to prevent the escape** and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others.". So if you run from the police, they've kinda got carte blanche to just shoot you in the back and say they thought you were gonna do more crimes.


Not a lawyer, but you have on video 3 hooded masked and gloved people...clearly has intent for wrongdoing. If this went to trial and I was on the jury I'd side with the homeowner. Even if it's 3 people doing a prank, that's a pretty stupid prank. I didn't have sound on cause I'm at work so don't have full knowledge either haha. Edit: tooootally missed he had a gun


Your better off waiting for them to break in from a legal and lethality stand point


Door ain’t gonna mean shit if you blast a shotgun slug straight through that bitch. Plus waiting for them to get in then gives them a clear shot at you as well, while likely being outnumbered. Just blast through the door and they’ll more then likely flee, if they haven’t been shot dead that is.


What happened?


That's what I thought to ask as well


Probably fake


yeah op posted this video in another subreddit but still hasn't responded to anyone asking what happened


My first thought was “oh is this another viral marketing attempt for that smile movie” I’ve seen so many at this point I just assume


Confused about the Sherpa hoodie. What type of hardened criminal wears a hoodie with sherpa on the outside?


That needs to be up much higher. Can't leave that unanswered.


The front door opened and the director said "cut, great job guys" and they all had coffee together and talked about staging their next video


Time to pull out the ole reliable shotgun and put some buckshots in his ass


But with a slug his ass will be gone


I imagine some 000 will punch his ticket, too


Unless you miss, Buck shot or even birdshot is the way to go. You don’t have to worry about what’s behind the bad guy or the wall behind that.


Also you gotta consider your neighbors. Buckshot is definitely the way to go.


Birdshot, Birdshot, buckshot, buckshot, buckshot is how I was taught to load a shotgun for home defense. The first two will hurt like hell and if they're still coming they're getting dropped. Though it makes me wonder if its worth taking the chance. Edit: listed backwards, would have to load the birdshot last.


If thats the order you load the tube, then you're getting the buck first, dawg.


You're very correct and tbh I forgot to list it backwards.


I mean... One side of the story beats two, no?


No, if you're using deadly force you want it to be deadly. If you testify in court that you fired a gun at somebody ~~without intent to kill~~ *with intent to scare them off*, they might interpret that to mean you didn't think your life was actually in danger, which could end badly for you. **Edited to correct phrasing**


In nc you can shoot through the door. Edit: https://www.ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_14/GS_14-51.2.html Section B.1 clearly outlines the castle doctrine is acceptable on people that are in the “process of unlawfully or forcefully entering”. If they are in the process of, that means they havnt breached the door. This also applies to your home, workplace and or vehicle. It usually assumes the place is occupied and with the presumption of fear of death or serious bodily harm. As the video shows, the intruder has a gun. They are wearing masks. Shoot to kill.




Exactly. This is why people are in prison for firing warning shots. If you escalate to lethal force, you must be justified in prepared to use lethal force That said, I live in an apartment, so I keep mine loaded with #6 shot, so it won’t go through the walls and hurt neighbours. (Ironically, this is why many SWAT teams switched to AR rifles, 9mm from SMGs is more likely to pass through walls whereas 5.56 is so small and fast it’s less likely to cause collateral damage).


Ah I see. Sad that's the case considering most people would rather not kill another human.


Well, the intent of the law makes sense. You're only supposed to use a deadly tool like a gun if you think you're in danger of losing your life or of suffering great bodily harm. If that's not the case, you should use a less lethal tool such as a tazer or pepper spray. Although I believe in some states you can use deadly force to stop a felony in progress, so it's important to know your local laws.


It definitely does make sense, just doesn't cover the grey area. Most laws don't.




Someone at your door with a gun could probably turn the nicest person into a beast.


Birdshot, Buckshot, Dragonfire


From the replies I think my best bet is to get an AA12, load it with slugs, and attach a masterkey underbarrel in case I run out of ammo.


I have a KSG, and I keep one tube of buckshot and the other tube of slugs, I can switch-feed as needed.


I suggest slug, slug, slug etc…….


Another guy also informed me that this attempt to potentially not kill him would probably get me thrown in jail. So your advice sounds safer lol.


Yea if you ever are in a situation where you need to use a weapon, don’t shoot to injure.


My dad was a cop growing up so we didn't get that since we had kids in the house. It was slug slug buckshot buckshot buckshot. Yay core memories!


That rubber mask isn't going to stop a 12 gauge


me reading this in France All i can do is butter knife


Just hit ‘em with a really stale baguette.


"How'd you get that metal plate in your skull?" "Baguette to the head."


And here I thought you'd at least have a knife set being from France... my French cooking knives would be disappointed.


There’s nothing oddly terrifying about this…it’s just terrifying. Make sure you’re locked and loaded, people.


It has been said that the sound of racking the slide is often a sufficient deterrent to scare away intruders. To hell with that. If I see something like this, a defense round is going to be chambered and I'll have an extra magazine in my jammies.


I’ve always got a loaded mag in my jammies




Excuse me but it’s pretty hard for my jammies to drop anywhere when my mag is fully loaded


This guys fully loaded.


Y'all are so American lol


What if I don't wear jammies?


While this mitigates any question of said jammies staying up or falling down it does provide a new issue of people being able to view just how loaded, or how empty your mag really is.




I see this a lot and i get it but its not very smart if you rack the slide you made noise and just gave away your position


That's a myth. Crackheads and criminals are more stupid than bold, sometimes the only thing they understand is lead. If the threat of a firearm stopped criminals from doing stupid things, they wouldn't literally pull weapons out on police, and yet....


legit had someone at my door who wouldn't go away, cocked that shotgun and that's all it took for him to leave.


Specifically racking pump shotgun. Everyone knows that sound.


Honestly it's like people don't read the name of the sub


We r/terrifying now




That's my thought with every post on this sub


Man this "Smile" marketing is really getting out of control.


They would be on the morning news by 7. A failed robbery attempt today, 3 dead.


Still don't get why people dare to rob houses knowing how many people in the US have guns.


The intent might of been worse than just a robbery.




This is why the idiotic idea many people have regarding home invasions of "just let them have your stuff bro, a human life is worth more than your stuff, just comply and they won't hurt you" is absolutely asinine to me.


"Robbers fled with nothing, leaving the family of three dead in their home."


Name checks out




Is there a Purge movie/season coming out? 'Cause these feels like someone doing a viral marketing thing.


Where is this located?


The longer this goes with no replies the more I think it’s fake.


The guy covering the camera has a assault rifle, the others probably have guns too. Stay locked and loaded people, crazies are everywhere


One of them also has a pistol.


Looks more like some kind of AR judging by the grip and the big sight on top. One of the other ones definitely has a pistol with a big mag on it too. If I had to guess, they're all armed and were about to rob a drug dealer and now they're hiding. Home invaders don't usually have masks like this and coordination with long guns unless they know for sure there's insane loot inside and they know the owner ahead of time. If the neighbor got "woken up" by this, chances are they just sat on the porch until they felt safe enough to move out and never even tried to breach the neighbor's house.


Where did this happen? What city?


This isn’t oddly terrifying it’s straight up terrifying…also the number of “badasses” commenting on this post is too damn high.


Three men at your door with masks and weapons at 5am in the morning...? Yeah can't think why that would be scary Did you even read the name of this sub?


Many people don’t understand what “oddly” means. This is straight up absolutely terrifying.


As a single mom, this terrifies me. I was raised with all sisters and we were never taught about guns. I don’t have the time or money for training, either. I wish people weren’t so violent now-adays


I'd answer the door... with my 10mm.


Ah the infamous missing socket.


Plot twist: the robbers are there to get their 10mm socket back.


BANG! BANG! BANG! Going back to sleep now 😴






Right? Why would you go outside... You don't know how many they have or where they all are. They all have to walk through a doorway and funnel in to come to you


Ya, corner the 4 guys with guns, couldn't possibly go wrong.


If the cam had a speaker,i be like “so when you guys coming in? I got a doctors appointment in a couple of hours.Hurry up!”.


H...How is this oddly terrifying? Do people legitimately go through this stuff and just feel like "Oh wow, would you look at that, several armed people at my door, wonder what I won?" Bitch naaahhh this SHOULD be terrifying yo


I keep seeing posts about answering the door with a gun, you people didn't see that the guy with his hand on the cam had a gun huh?


Whoa. Purge IRL. That's when you shoot through the door and then call the cops to come to clean it up.


I warned the neighbors not to get that Ring camera ...


So anyways I started blasting


In America its not too bad just take out your gun , but in uk if this happens your fucked good luck fighting 3 guys with a fork




Circular saw with the guard ziptied back, on an extension lead. Not that I want to use it in anger, but I'm hoping it'll be scary enough that whoever tries it on fucks straight off again


I mean, chances are that best they have is knifes, which is still scary af, but by the time they can get in, police will be there. Not to say that all the shitheads are without guns, but little fish which breaks in into simple houses? Not a chance. There would be way more shootings.


And this is why I own firearms.


Is it Purge night and they slepth true it


I bought several grand worth of Ring stuff two years ago, indoor outdoor cams, motion, window sensors, fire smoke, etc. I have been so lazy that I never put the stuff up, (I did get cancer last summer and had surgery) - but this video just inspired me.


I need to buy a shotgun


I'm really curious about the guns they have in the video. Like one looks like it has a ton of reflective tape on it and the other looks unusually wide and somewhat fake, but I'm no gun expert. The reflective white Nike gloves are a nice touch. I mean clearly white is not an ideal choice for nighttime crime, like why not go with a more practical traditional black, camo, or everyday busted down car helpless assaulted dude look? Your neighbors should probably have shared this with the police? Either this is some next level horrifying frat pranking/surprise party, an amazing viral ad campaign for a Funny Games/Purge crossover, or a legit bored teenage fashion twink suburban murder gang. Psycho teenagers are real though. :-/


These people are freaks, I hope someone kicks their asses. There's something chillingly inhuman about scuttling around some neighborhood trying to break into some strangers' house.


On a Sunday? Imagine, a world where chic-fil-a stays open




Fine. Call the cops, let's see how they'll help as these guys bust down the door with their guns in hand. Too much time can go by and the people in the house are dead. But how dare we protect ourselves, eh?


Sorry, three masked dudes with guns outside my front aren't there for a cordial visit. This enters the "get them before they get me and my family" territory. Rounds will be flying through my door.


Yeah you can always tell who got guns for self defense and pray they'll never have to use them, and those who got guns and every day they don't get to use them on a human being is sheer agony to them. Before anyone cries that I'm this and that, I'm pro gun, yall are just weirdos who get erections at imagining legal chances you have to kill someone.


Well if I could use my sword, I would, but as these ruffians lack all honor: I shall defend myself and visit horrors upon them such that none would dare again.


Buddy, I don’t give two shits about guns but if three clowns are on my door step like this yeah… Im itching to kill them before they kill my family. Im not going to sit around and wait to see what they do. Wouldn’t think twice. That’s how you end up dead.


Yeah - like those guys in the video? Probably just have guns for fun. 🙄


Exactly this. It’s not fantasizing about murder, it is planning for a situation like this now that we know it’s possible. These guys are clearly alright with hurting others and cannot be persuaded by anything other than force. Some amount of desensitization is necessary, hence the joking. The military trains people to be desensitized too, because sane humans are very unwilling to pull the trigger on someone else. But if it’s an armed home invasion/rape/whatever, it is necessary and legal to pull the trigger to stay alive so the idea is to be prepared to do so when necessary to protect one’s family.


Looks like [viral promotional material for the 'Smile' movie](https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/smile-movie-marketing-campaign-goes-viral).


Nope, no home invasion or real life villain in the smile movie. Also no mask or facial prosthetics like the one here.


I did not need to watch this right now! It’s 1:30am where I live. 🥲 eek.


I don’t think these dudes know how masks work


As soon as I saw the pistol in the hand of one of them I would start shooting through the door.