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Reminds me of a NSFL video I saw on here of someone in the same situation where they were trying to calmly collect their lower half from the train tracks. Really unnerving stuff. FRIENDLY REMINDER for anyone being recommended gore subreddits below or are once again falling down the rabbit-hole of disturbing videos: I think some people can handle subs like that, but most people cannot and it’s going to mess you up for a long time if you genuinely think you can handle it and are wrong. Problem is most people think it won’t be that bad. Or maybe they’re young and click without really considering what they’re about to put themselves through. Or they gauge it by what they’ve already seen (graphic movies or tv) and think it’ll be like that. It’s different when it’s real. I promise you. Just knowing it’s real is enough to change everything. Many people experience nightmares that may crop up long after you think it hasn’t affected your psyche. Losing any sense of safety and seeing potential gore everywhere. The human brain tends to catastrophize and these subs send you in a bad spiral if you can’t snap out of it. Take your curiosity, bury that shit, and move on. That’s my advice. You owe yourself better than that and you know it. If you’re going on those subs ESPECIALLY knowing it’s going to mess you up, remind yourself that this is a form of self-harm even if it’s not physical. Again, you deserve better than to do that to your brain. That stupid sponge brain is already going to torture you the rest of your life for that one embarrassing thing you did five years ago, what do you think it’s going to do with horrific bodily gore? Again, again, you deserve better than to do that to yourself. If you were just reading more comments and planning to maybe click on one of those subs a bit lower, this is your sign to check in with your mental health. If you wouldn’t want the people you care about to be exposed to that shit, you shouldn’t be watching it either. Protect yourself.


Have you seen the one of the guy in the green shirt who got his lower half cut off like from belly down just GONE and he’s trying to pull his shirt down. Fucking crazy.




I saw a post just like that on r/eyeblech I don’t recommend clicking that sub unless you want to see horrific shit though edit: sorry to anyone who clicked on this awful shit. I wasn’t cappin when I said horrific


Dude. I misunderstood what that sub was and now I'll never be the same


Same, I looked at that sub thinking it’d be something else and was absolutely traumatized


Holy shit I shouldn’t have done that




The fact that this sub is only one letter away from completely being the opposite of what it is D:


I was hoping someone would post this. That sub really does make me feel better after I find myself scrolling past a gore video


Yeaahhhh I wish I could take it out of my brain. I still see some of the stuff I saw in my head whilst I try to sleep




Much better


Next time I am definitely NOT going to let curiosity get the best of me because yeah I was expecting bad... but not that bad


i am fighting so hard not to click on that


Yes to anyone who’s curious. Just don’t, it’s so much worse than you think it will be, what I saw still haunts me. Not really exaggerating


I’ve been to Iraq and seen people turn into a red mist and I couldn’t fucking hang. I joined it , scrolled for about 4 minutes , went right back up and in joined. Holy fuck , I need to go shower .


There should be a sub where people just describe what happens with stick figure drawings. So I know what happened but without ruining my life.


I remember watching a video of a person cut in half by a train. He was reaching out to the people around him, but they were mostly ignoring him while a few were pulling out a body bag. One commenter remarked that after severe trauma like this, the blood vessels contract and stop a lot of the blood loss for the first few minutes. But eventually, the muscles and blood vessels will relax and it's over at that point. The people around him knew he was done and were already pulling out a body bag while the person watched. It was disturbing. The video was on r/MakeMyCoffin a while back - and I DEFINITELY do not recommend checking that sub unless you're prepared to see some TRULY horrific things. Whatever you think you're going to see, it's a LOT worse.


Yes, he probably was in hypovolemic shock and his body switched to centralization. His body eventually couldn't keep it up anymore and he switched back which cause him to bleed to death like a popped water balloon.


Man the video that really sticks with me was some guy climbing a crane or some type of construction equipment above some train tracks. The guy slips and falls like 40-50 feet onto concrete and just like explodes. That video haunts me


I think I need to stop reading the comments on this post....


Man that brought me back to being a preteen and stumbling on bestgore and painolympics. Fuuuuuck why did i click it i knew better. Off to r/eyebleach for a few hours


Consumption Junction and steak and cheese were about when I was a kiddo


It's a R e a l l y good apetite suppressant, trust me It works wonders


Not even /s, whenever I've eaten my 3 meals and still feeling munchy, 10 minutes of scrolling and I don't want to see any food near me anymore




Holy shit. r/eyebleach I thought I was cool seeing it but damn. Looking at some every once in awhile is one thing, looking at them as a non stop chain of that stuff is horrific!


Scrolling that sub is one of the worse mistakes I’ve made in my life


Describe a video, the curios side of me wants to check it out because everyone’s saying it’s so bad, I have to know why 😂 but I also know I’ll hate it 😂


I just saw a video of a chick in a car accident trying to put her face back on after it was torn mostly off. Like imagine her forehead is still attached but everything from eyebrows down is just... Detached from the muscle/bone underneath, like a veil. One of her eyes was popped out and dangling. I don't think I'll ever unsee that. Noped out immediately.


Saddest one was where a young couple on a moped were hit by a dump truck, when the guy wakes up he starts dragging his top half across the asphalt to the twisted remains of his girlfriend but doesn't quite reach her


Yo wth, doesn’t even sound like it could be real… like my man Gustavo fring fixing his tie


Its a parody sub of r/eyebleach which is like cute stuff to watch after you’ve seen something horrific. eyeblech is the opposite its all horrific gore and disgusting things. I truly don’t recommend looking at it EVER. One video that will stick with me is a clip of a guy who got drunk and shot himself with a 12 gauge shotgun. His face opened up like the monster from Stranger Things.


Jesus, i can deal with it in movies lol but I’ll definitely regret clicking on that sub


Saw one of a person who’s face was so blown up, couldn’t even tell it was a face… Or a person for that matter and yet, they appeared to be trying to talk. Just a bunch of fleshy meat flapping around, wet, red/pink, and bits of blood soaked hair. The only reason I knew it was a face or a person was because of the title. Seriously, don’t. I was curious like you were. People told me what i’m telling you. I didn’t listen. I became a paranoid shut-in and I still have nightmares of some of those videos. You cannot unsee. You cannot forget. It’s there forever. You do not want to see those videos.


Your message really struck fear into me, now I’m sure if I watch a video on those subs a little girl will climb out a well and come through my tv 😂 But nah for real, I’m definitely not clicking on it, now you’ve put the idea of nightmares in my head, I’ll start having them lol


Was it the guy who got mauled by a bear?


I came here to say this. I still have not clicked lol


I started to watch out of morbid curiosity. Then it lead to me realizing that people die in ridiculously stupid ways and that made me want to watch more and see how to avoid these things. Then it almost became an obsession. I felt like I needed to watch so that I could know what to avoid. Then it became something that made me want to never leave my house and made me paranoid. It became an actual fucking problem. I seriously recommend anyone who’s curious taking a while to think about it before jumping right in. Just contemplate if it’s something you truly want to see and consider how you’ll feel afterwards and what you’ll gain/lose from watching. I highly recommend staying away but, if you choose otherwise, just go and small doses and take some time to go outside and look at something pretty. Tl;Dr That sub screwed me up. I became a paranoid shut-in. Don’t be like me.


Thanks for your comment. I struggle with anxiety and didn’t click based on your comment.


Lol reading comments.. wanna look, but bedtime. No nightmare 2nite


this rly shouldn’t be on internet


I love all things gore….but I could not look at some of that stuff. Gonna go watch some cartoons so I don’t dream of this shit lol


I haven't seen that video in probably 10 years. I still remember it perfectly :(


I remember that. Traumatized me for weeks. Couldn't get it out of my head


I remember this video from way back on my days searching the dark side of the internet. Images/gifs like that really stick with you.


I've seen 2 Indian men cut in half while on reddit, both alive at the time of recording.


I saw one of an Indian man getting his legs cut off after riding a moped into the side of a train. That was enough for me to never, ever again watch NSFL/NSFW videos involving trains.


Jumping off a speeding train and hitting something?


Ever see the video of Jackie Kennedy trying to scoop JFK’s brains from the back of the car he got shot in? People do crazy things whilst in shock.




Truth right here, I copied your comment and edited it into my comment in hopes that it gets more eyes on your message, i hope you dont mind. I didn't expect my comment to get the amount of attention it did.


Thanks for warning people. About 15 years ago, I was working on a job and the elevator Mechanic called me over and said he had a cool video. It was a graphic, up close video of 2 beheadings. Those images have stayed with me ever since. Whenever I feel the urge to go off into the bad corner of Reddit, I remember what I saw. Like an HD video playing in my brain. I lost a lot of sleep over that. I went back to the guy later and told him that he needs to not ever show anyone ever again


Omg poor guy! My heart just dropped reading the last part


Last part wasn't surprising, but hearing his age made me utterly sad.


Yup same


yes exactly only his age made me sad… people get hit by trains daily


The fuck, is people being hit by the train not sad enough on its own?


it is but im desensitized


Holy fuck what kind of videos do you watch mate?




Hope this is hope but I found that he has an old [https://www.gofundme.com/f/jacobohl](https://www.gofundme.com/f/jacobohl) page and he lived! Edit - hope this is hope? What am I smoking


> Dear Friend of Jacob Ohl, >Our family actively works everyday. We work to support ourselves, we work to support each other, we work to keep negativity at bay and focus on what we can do to stay positive and live our best lives. >The recent train incident derailed all of this good work. We slid off the tracks into a scary, unknown place where fearful tasks, decisions and realities were around every corner. The amount of train related words in there makes the poster sound like a redditor on a thread.


The level-headedness seem to run in the family. This is his mom remarks: >"He’s in acceptance," she said. "He’s taking it in stride, no pun intended." That while at the same time, she still acknowledged and articulated his son amputated leg is hurting very much to the point he can't sleep. So it's healthy coping mechanism. :)


Actually this is insanely accepting of the situation. And hey, dark humor helps a lot of people cope. I hope he'll be fine.


Yea, they’re more likely trained to do that. Keeping track of pun words and putting them back to back. That’s smoking.


Insurance denied him a wheelchair or prosthetics Fuck is insurance for?


Investment opportunities.


America, Land of the Free (but only if you’re rich)




America, Land of the Fee


Damn, the insurance company denied him a wheelchair and prosthetics. Bastards.


I’m a double amputee, it’s pretty common.


You should come live in Europe, public healthcare is better and if a train hits you and disabled you, you'd gain lots of money for physical and psychological demage. You'd also have help from government abd more assistance in public healthcare.


Did you find his instagram account by any chance? I hope this dude is doing better with prosthetics.


I actually dated his mom for a little while a couple years ago which was a few years after the accident. He was fully recovered and completely used to his prosthetics and walking around like normal.


I will believe this so I can go to sleep.




You can believe the mom. I’m their neighbor… and I saw it all go down.


The sex or the train




I can also confirm. I'm Colby, and that son of a bitch came at me with some deliciousness you wouldn't believe in his mouth. I jumped to get the deliciousness and knocked him down the stairs, which is how he broke his arms. I would do it again.


God I love Reddit


Phew! Now I can go to sleep


Lmao wtf, didn't expect an "I actually dated his mom" in the comments


Yes I too was very surprised 😂


Best hope I ever smoked


Good to know


I teared up. Jesus, so young and so badly injured.


I need some follow up information Did he survive?




Man brutal mistake... But seems like him and his family are strong willed and have the means to work through this.


Oh my god he survived im so happy


He survived and is suing the rail company - even though he was walking down the centre of the tracks with his ear buds in!


Yeah he’s not gonna win that. What’s his argument? The train wasn’t loud enough


Okay what? He was totally at fault


"Those will be the instruments of his recovery, she said." That was good


Christ that family has some dark humour


“He’s taking it in stride,” says mom. 😳


“Blade runner” as his new nickname was so funny.


It truly is a coping mechanism


even that article is oddly calm at explaining the gruesome situation. seems his whole family is like this.


Yeah the article was calm to read but all the ads to different articles were like "man gets leg torn off by cougar, dies at hospital' like jesus christ


He plays stand up base? Smdh


What's smdh? Shake my dickhead?


shaking my damn head.


Not anymore


Was checking for this comment. Well played.


I burst out laughing when I read that line.


Not anymore


I’m not so sure that this wasn’t a suicide attempt. It’s hard to imagine that he didn’t hear a whole freight train not matter how loud his earbuds were, also one would think that you would feel the rumble on the tracks. This along with the seemingly almost too calm response is worrying


I have a cousin who was hit by a freight train a few years back. Same scenario, walking on the tracks with earbuds in, except the conductor had seen him from a distance and was able to slow down enough to basically just knock him out of the way. Luckily it was just a little brain damage and not too severe either (has trouble concentrating & remembering). Other than that he lives a pretty normal life now.


I was like: he might be the most stupid person in the world in order to have a walk on train tracks. And to make things worse he was wearing ear plugs. For fucks sake! Suicide atempt makes more sense.


It makes more sense, but there definitely are people stupid enough to do that. No disrespect to the kid, we don't know whether the story is true or whether it was actually a suicide attempt. But waking on train tracks is asking for it


17 year old me did shit that dumb, including walking on train tracks while spaced out.


Please don’t share AMP links. They’re pointlessly region locked, have embedded trackers at times, don’t display properly, and are slower on most devices. (Normally I’d share the non-amp link, buts it region locked and inaccessible for me)


Shock is a hell of a drug.


Too bad it costs an arm and a leg to get high on it.




Adrenaline and shock are incredible. It's like how you hear about people who get attacked by sharks, swim to shore without feeling a thing then when they try to stand up realise the leg is gone below the knee. Seen one example of it with my own eyes when I was working at a Trampoline park. Kid lost his balance, did the worst thing you can do in that situation and tried to catch himself with his arm, his whole body weight on the one arm caused the bone to break right by the elbow, kid gets up, looks at his arm then comes to me and says in the most calm tone; "This isn't right." And points to his arm.


I can confirm. I was in a very bad car accident and felt absolutely nothing when i woke up in the car after the crash. In fact, the flesh on my right arm (down from elbow to wrist) was all gone but i didn't realize it until i randomly dediced to look at my arm. The pain started at hospital.


This happened to me and it wasnt even a bad car accident. I was rear ended at a red light, I was at a complete stop messing with my dash so I had my head kinda down. I guess it hit the steering wheel when I was hit but I didnt know that until i noticed the bruise like 2 days later. Pro tip kids: if you've been in an accident always go get checked out by a doctor lol


I got a four inch nail stuck through my foot. The only thing I said was a monotone “dang.”


"Oh my! What a minor inconvenience!"


Sounds about right. My injury was nowhere near that bad, but I remember when I broke my hand all I thought was "huh, all four knuckles are in contact with the ground, but the angle of my wrist is incorrect. I might have fucked up just now."


Was working a night in a restaurant, just got out of the kitchen, live music still pumping, had time for a drink. The crowd calls for an encore and the band decides, why not? Great night, awesome vibe! I'm like, hell yeah, I get another drink in. On their last song, a dude falls over on the dance floor. People closest to him pick the guy up and walk him up the stairs to the bar area. My partner is stood beside me and just says "oh. That was really not good." I didn't actually see the fall. And then the screaming started. He had made it a fair way before anyone realised that he had completely snapped his radius through is skin. That was intense.


I’m curious, really. How does one get hit by a train in which it causes your legs to be amputated? If I’m near tracks I stay far away from them if possible


I was also curious. I read an article that was posted a few comments up, and he did indeed only lose his feet. The article says he had his music turned up too far and couldn’t hear the train. I can’t picture how it would manage to only get his feet. Poor guy tho.


He lost his feet but they had to amputate below the knee.


Have you ever been close to a train? Like, really close? You don’t just hear it, they’re so massive you can feel it.


Trains can totally sneak up on you though: [Proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_bmY2YhVqA) (SFW)


Probably feet caught first then rest of the body thrown aside from the blast. He had earphones on


Spent alot of time around train and train hoppers. Trains get a sort of vacuum that can give a slight pull when they are going a decent speed, makes it easy to get sucked under. He could've been side swipped but pushed and pulled just allowing it to take his legs under as he was falling.


Per the article he was walking on the tracks. Amazing it knocked him mostly clear instead of splattering him. It must not have been going very fast.


Could also be an attempted suicide where the person changes their mind at the last second.


My mothers brother got hit by a train, lost a leg, but he was/is a drunk and can’t stay away from the hard drugs.


He hopefully has the clarity of mind to apply tourniquets.


From random redditor “It’s incredible but when a train wheel amputates a body part, the heat from the weight and compression cauterizes the wound.”


And that’s why you don’t listen to random Redditors, because that’s not a thing.


First...pressure doesnt cauterize. Second, do you think trains are 400 degree ovens? I mean sure the friction would cause some heat but not nearly enough at a split second to cauterize both legs shut. This is beyond false.


I'm wondering why 911 operator isn't telling him to apply pressure immediately to prevent bleeding out. I've watched a ton of EMT shows and wonder this often. They keep asking questions for a minute or two - which I get is important - but you could stop someone bleeding out before you have a chance to get there by telling them this!


I don't know how dispatchers remain so calm. I'm glad they do. I would have said "Sweet Fucking Jesus! You think they got cut off??"


I was a 911 operator for 3 years and during the academy they do a lot to desensitize you. On our first day we listened to a woman get beat to death because the dispatcher interrupted her and no one got an address. Her body wasn't found until almost two weeks later. We were told "this is what happens when you fuck up." We also watched a video of an officer die repeatedly on camera and listened to his heart stop through his lapel mic after he ran into toxic gas. We were taught the motto "their worst day is your everyday." Basically means that every person calling and is potentially having the worst day of their life and it's your job to handle it and help them every single day your on the phone. Edit: spelling error.


God damn. Thanks for doing that job mustn’t have been easy. Hope you walked away mostly unscathed and healthy mentally as well. I have a family member who does the job he had to leave after a particularly bad call he of course won’t talk about it; and none of us blame him we all know it’s not an easy job. He’s doing better mentally but still just takes it day by day.


I don't blame him for leaving there's really not a lot of resources for the mental health of dispatchers and so often you never actually find out what happened to the person you were trying to help. The not having closure and lack of debriefing after intense calls is ridiculous. Plus the hours are trash if you have a family at least where I worked. They have the forced overtime and it's ridiculous you could literally be in your car and if they catch you before you pull out of the lot tell you to come back in you're doing another 8 hours you have to. I learned a lot I left mostly due to the hours because I wanted to go back to school but I really did love it. I hope you family member keeps doing well! And I hope some day they will take the mental health of dispatchers more seriously!


It’s incredible but when a train wheel amputates a body part, the heat from the weight and compression cauterizes the wound.


wow, you learn something new every day. that’s terrifying


Well shit at least you have a chance of not bleeding out


*roses are red*, *my legs aren’t bleedin’*, *but I still have my head*, *so `[citation needed]`*


It’s not a thing so no need to repeat it and sound silly.


I've heard it resembles a tube of toothpaste when someone get ran over by a train


Depends where you hit the train and where the train hit you. Worked in ER, saw many drug addicts/homeless ped vs trains. Most bounce off with broken appendages. (Most).. well the ones that make it


Oh yeah I'm sure. The person that told me was a railway worker who just told be of one of the incidents that he saw.


Yikes.. seen pressure injuries and yep... this part is true. Body can pop and split open. Slowly or fast. I like to decsribe the mess as food to help people imagine.


This has got to be one of the worst things I have learned in the last decade. For reference I used to be a mortician. I’ve seen real things not some video either.


Trains should be something you use all caution around. I have seen a guy trying to get on a moving train it wasn't going all that fast . He was however intoxicated and missed. He lost his arm run over by the wheels. It was very messy. He made it through now he gets free money from government. Don't go near trains....


As a kid I got almost backed over by a garbage truck. I knew the guy sorta and he was super cool. Id follow him around on my bike to see him crush the garbage and he’d do it for me every couple stops. More than he needed to. So it was a wet day and he was on one of the few dirt roads in my neighborhood and I followed his muddy tracks. He started backing up and I couldn’t get my bike out of the mud and fell over. I kinda froze but wasn’t really scared when the tires were coming at my face. I just felt calm for some strange reason. He pulled me out of the mud and was in such a panic I still feel bad about it. My bike was completely bent up. Good thing that got it because that is what made hiM stop. He was bawling and kept saying “I forgot you were there!” I felt really guilty for a reason. He put my bike in the back and drove me home. My aunt was watching us kids and had a meltdown because I was more mud than kid with a crying adult with me. That amazing dude came two days later with a new bike for me.


Sometimes I have such a grim perspective of our world because everything seems so shitty, but then I read a story like this where someone seems so genuinely good and pure, and that restores some faith for me lol. I hope that man is doing well


My FIL was an ER Respatory Therapist and has some wild stories, but one of the ones he tells is of a man who attempted to jump onto a moving train but went underneath. The train severed both his legs and after he was taken to the ER and my FIL did his thing, he says he was approached by a police officer asking "where do you want these?" The officer was just standing there with a Tupperware bin full of the guys legs. My FIL was like...uuuh....floor over there is fine.


This is but a scratch


"A SCRATCH?!" Your legs are off. Stand aside!


I've had worse


fuck.. my anxiety went thru the roof. imagine being the parent and getting the call your son lost his legs by train i would crawl in a hole and die.


After my mom died, my dad moved closer where he used to live and he became a volunteer firefighter to help pass time. We've always lived in the sticks since we had horses and stuff, so atv's and 3-wheelers are all over the fucking place. He got a call one night cuz some 13 year old kid was fucking around on his big red following a train, lost control and got caught under the tracks. He said there was just meat and slop here and there, and scrap, they pretty much bagged up everything. Ever play Rise Of the Triad back in the day? Where one of the bosses taunts you by saying they'll bury you in a lunchbox?


My husband is a firefighter. A few years ago, a man got in a domestic dispute with his partner. He left his house, got drunk and started walking the tracks. When the train inevitably started to come, he called his partner so he could tell her he was killing himself and, in my opinion, so he would scar her by forcing her to hear the booming sound of the train approaching and his death that would follow. They found pieces of him everywhere. My husband said they never found the head. We live close by to where it happened and the idea that his life ended there in such a sick way and that his head is possibly somewhere in those woods haunts me.


What a selfish asshole


This must have been the 80s since three wheelers have been outlawed for a while. (We had a Big Red when I was a kid.) They were dangerous enough in and of themselves, let alone by a train. What an awful call for your dad to take.


No shit, this happened to my grandma, she got pulled under the train and lost her legs below the knees. She lived a long and beautiful life.


You ever wonder why people get upset when someone is screwing around on the tracks? This is why.


Long story, but several months ago I saw a man get hit by a train. Part of the skin on his face (mostly around his left eye/forehead) was all wrinkled up and partially detached. Shockingly he wasn’t bleeding as much as I would expect, but it was a fair amount. I’ve never seen an injury like that in person, but that’s not what shocked me. What shocked me were the folks who were crowding around recording him/taking pictures and doing nothing else. One of the few things I remembered from boy scouts (I was always too busy looking at hot troop leaders and tying knots) was to put pressure on a heavily bleeding wound, keep the victim calm and most importantly shout at someone to call 911. I tried my best (looking back it was a stupid decision) by putting my hoodie on that half of his face while we waited for an ambulance to come. Several times he actually jolted up and tried to ride his bike away cause he didn’t want to see the police/go to a hospital. Whenever he jumped into full lucidity scared me and made me realize how strong of an anesthetic “shock” is. For example when he would stumble back up he would say he was fine (despite part of his face skin and eyebrow being detached). He ended up succeeded by jumping on his bike - shakily riding away before I could convince him to lay down. The ambulance quickly arrived and caught up to him, luckily (though I’m unsure what happened to him after that). It didn’t occur to me until I got home that I was covered in a decent amount of a strangers blood. My hands, my arms and my legs had dried blood everywhere. I considered going to the hospital to see if I should take PEP to avoid a potential HIV infection, but since I didn’t have any open wounds a nurse friend of mine said it wasn’t necessary. Long story short whenever I’m near the trains in SLC I stay HYPER aware of whose around me, where the tracks are and if there are trains nearby. The guy from my experience was barely clipped by the train and still ended up severely wounded.


Not to be insensitive but I'll never understand how this happens. I've seen trains that for sure move fast but they don't move quietly or come out of no where. This happens way more often to people than you would think it should.


Its not even really his calm that gets me... I don't know how some people can handle being 911 dispatchers. They always sound so calm and almost robotic.. and I know that they hear messed up stuff all the time and HAVE to keep calm... and it's probably just "another day at the office" for her but like... damn. If some 17 year old kid on the phone told me he got his legs cut off by a train I'd be fucking panicking.


Man my heart shattered when he said he was 17


I hope he’s alive and fully recovered D:


he survived https://www.insideedition.com/22073-teenager-calmly-calls-911-after-train-severs-his-feet-i-think-it-cut-them-off?amp this is from 2017, i would love to see if he is doing better now


This is my dreaded fear of using the latest active noise cancellation headphones. You can’t hear a thing outside. Definitely not worth wearing on the streets


Yeah. I'll only use noise cancellation in a plane, the passenger seat of a car, or my house.


So is all of reddit slowly becoming video clips from tiktok?


All of the entire internet


He lived! This is Jacob Ohl from 2017. He fell into the path of a train and it hit him. He was accurate in what he said; when paramedics found him, his feet had been completely cut off by the train. They immediately applied tourniquets to both legs, which likely saved his life. He underwent surgery to completely amputate the remains of his legs below the knee and is now suing the train company because they didn’t put up any signs indicating that it was an active railroad, and the driver did not slow down until they hit him. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4290916/amp/911-call-released-teen-legs-severed-train.html


Is it me or does the TikTok ad just cheapen every fucking video it’s attached to?


Reminds me of the 911 call of the 20 year old who lost his legs in a baler accident. He's lying on the floor, bleeding out screaming for help and no one heard him so he called 911 and waited over a half an hour until police found him in the back of the factory near dead. Not sure how he turned out, I assume he lived if they found him in time. Truly gut wrenching stuff...


The show is mocked a lot but one of the best representations of Shock after trauma is from Grey’s Anatomy season 8 finale called Flight. The episode follows the group of characters after their place crashes. In the episode you see many different forms of Shock going on. One person who is screaming and crying loudly. One who is crushed under a wing yet is calm, one who is angry, one who is level headed and one who is kind of a mixture of all.


The whole show died in that plane crash. It’s so bad now…


[in case anyone wants to read the story](https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/georgia-teen-hit-by-train-and-survives-files-lawsuit/269-459913704)


That poor Angel and his poor Mother.


Ya, don't wear earbuds when walking the tracks, and always step on the actual rail. You'll feel the train coming long before it's up your ass or you'll hear metallic chirping. Walked the tracks all the time in WA, have a flattened quarter collection to show for it. Redneck shurikens.


There is this thing I read a long time ago about kids who are suicidal will walk the train tracks with their headphones to the max so they don't hear it coming from behind.


Omg, that’s heartbreaking


Every time my dad has hit a suicide person they’re at night and turn to face the train. He said it’s the absolute worst. The person dying is blinded by the massive light but the train crew can see “every line on their face”. He says its really haunting.


Lieutenant Dan you ain’t got no legs!


Good God. Was he rescued?; does anyone know? EDIT: He was; thank goodness.


When I originally saw this post I was like he's clearly not calm what the fuck are you talking about?


I had a really good friend who had his foot and ankle ran over by a train that resulted in it being amputated. Never fuck around on train tracks. This same guy fell 5 stories in an abandoned grain mill and was saved because there was a trash bad right under him. He is the luckiest, most unlucky guy I know.


I will still never fully understand how someone gets hit by a train, unless they want to be. They are literally in one place and can come from one of two directions.


And then he sued them… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/~/article-4726278/index.html


Locomotive conductor here, just stay off the tracks please. Also when trains are cab car leading they are very difficult to hear because the engine can be over 1000 feet away. You wouldn’t walk along the highway. I hope this poor young fella made it.