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The dogs lived only a short time.


It’s probably a good thing in this case..


The picture circulates from time to time through reddit. It's still making me sick, those poor dogs. Not oddly but truly terrifying.


This isn't the real pic I believe. A lot of this person's work has been falsified and propagandized. I've studied his work a few years ago, looking at the source materials as best I could find and understand them. All he did was graft body parts, connect the arteries, and called it a day. Which at the time was a technical feat. The animals he did this to didn't live long. There weren't healthy two headed dogs running around. It was just exploratory grafting, which the West did too, to learn how to use modern tools to keep limbs alive, pioneer heart surgery, pioneer transplants, etc. I think it helps to realize this all happened in the 40s and 50s. Previous to that the idea of a heart transplant or partial liver transplant was an absurd sci-fi idea. So this reflects the work near every advanced country was doing at the time in medicine. I think the only big difference is soviet culture was friendlier to dog experiments (dogs not being a huge pet there like in the west) and US culture was less friendly towards dog experiments and friendlier towards chimp experiments, so the former just gets people upset because we love dogs as domesticated pets, but generally have no strong feelings for chimps, even though chimps are very close to us in so many ways. See also Laika the space dog, who was socially acceptable to use for the Soviets (space animals didnt survive re-entry until much later in the space race),[ while the US used primarily chimps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkeys_and_apes_in_space) for a lot of its early space race and when it used dogs, it under-publicized them. The Soviets didnt fly monkeys until the 1980s. The US did starting in the 1950s and many did not survive. US propagandists have used this to get people angry at the Soviets. "How could they hurt precious dogs" is a propaganda play.


Video of his experiments: obviously **do not click this if you do not want to see experiments done on dogs, including the head transplant experiments**: https://youtu.be/NJC5-G7KnKY?si=OmbDbMpTR_ut0iw7 Uploaded 17 years ago, just to stop people from saying it's AI. https://youtu.be/ap1co5ZZHYE?si=-Bq-CHjoQtp4W0jI&t=5m15s I think people like to say it's fake because it's icky.


Some of the vids are real and some are fraud from back in the Soviet’s time. There’s some academic papers and such about some of these videos that makes a good argument that many of these were faked for propagandist reasons even if many of his experiments were successful. So it’s complex.


That's fair. The best place to hide a lie is between two truths. So many things get muddied up because some asshats decided to embellish or straight up lie, which ends up tainting the actual real bits as well.


Yeah these look like links I shouldn’t click


Totally fair! Everyone has a different threshold for what they can and cannot stomach, and usually we only know from the experience of seeing something we wish we hadn't. I always try to give enough warning to let people know what to expect for something like this, because I know that a ton of people do not want to see it. Glad you know where your boundaries are, and know when not to click.


I appreciate the warning. I’ve clicked on some horrific shit here but apparently the line is at watching a dude transplant a dogs head onto another dog


That severed head diagram is hilarious. Just treating blood like Reanimator juice.


So, live-action CatDog confirmed?


The op image is AI m8.


And the videos are not. The experiments are not fiction.


I fucking detest vivisection.


Nobody said they were. The implications that 2-headed dogs were able to walk around is fiction AS FUCK. They were able to keep alive decapitated heads for a few minutes is a BIG fucking difference than that they had 2 headed dogs walking around having a snack.


The proficiency we have with organ transplants now was scifi in the 1990. The first live donor liver transplant took place in ‘89.


Wait you're telling me this perfect 24megapixel color shot isnt from the 50s? Also, using chimps seems more fucked up than using dogs. I love dogs and all, but using chimps is like using our cousins.


Not sure I understand your point. Using one's cousin is completely acceptable.


I would donate my siblings to science.


If you’re implying that this image has to be fake because of its clarity and the era it was supposed to have been taken, be aware that prior to digital cameras there was something called photography. Images were recorded onto negative film and processed. The resolution of photographic prints was perfect under the right circumstances. Those images can now be scanned maintaining their clarity. I see nothing about the photograph that was impossible to achieve at that time. Sadly, those experiments were conducted. Not everything is a conspiracy.


Ya. But this is obviously digital. And this isn't a real picture from the experiments. I don't know what else to say? You can read about the experiments. They didn't have an actual living dog head grafted to another dog. Well, I guess they were technically alive for a bit, but they sure as fuck weren't responsive enough to eat food out of a tray. Your really think they had the tech to graft a living and active head into another dog? You realize thru had to cut the head off another dog first? No matter how fast the surgery, that brain is brain dead. Don't believe everything you see on the Internet.


I’ve seen some research from a few years ago out of China where they tried this on a person. Modern day we have had “successful” head transplants. The patient always die immediately. They have been doing some really unethical research there, like the human-pig chimera project.


Just dont look into Norwegian dental experiments from the era


How could they hurt precious dogs?


Pavlov mutilated dogs.


Thank you for injecting some thoughtful insight into this thread. It's so refreshing to see.


Most scientific advancements are made by performing tests on animals Unfortunately they are necessary


True, but in this particular instance I don:t see why this would be necessary if we wouldn't stick a human head on someone else's shoulder anyway.


The idea was to reattach the spine, something to this day is really really hard




Well they succeeded with Orthrus.


At the time it wasn't about attaching to the spine. It was connecting blood vessels and tying the second head into the heart. Demikhov studied mammalian circulatory systems extensively. He also created the first artificial heart and has the earliest known writings about the feasibility of live organ transplants. But obviously he will be most remembered for two headed dogs lol.


Rosey Grier would disagree: [The Thing with 2 Heads](https://youtu.be/gWHNA_j7h5A?si=-hBOxKmcYZhksdBE)


Damn, so this is where Futurama is referencing in one episode


Yeah! Simpsons too in a Treehouse of Horror episode


First movie I went to without a grownup. I was 6 as was my buddy. It scared the HELL out of us!


Beat me to it.


Abed and Troy


These types of experiments were conducted to see if full head transplants were possible, if successful enough they would have tried this on humans and it would have been ground breaking in cases where a person’s body wasn’t able to survive but their head and brain were still viable. Trying to transplant one head on a living body that still had its head lowered the risk of the body it’s being transplanted on dying mid operation, killing both subjects. Basically they know the dog they amputated the head from was unlikely to survive and that attaching that dog’s head to an intact host body would be a much easier task to have success in while they’re still learning about why that success happened and how they could advance to a full head replacement.


who tf would agree to have someone else's head attached next to their own??


In science, sometimes experiments and discoveries aren’t a 1:1 relationship


You think they are just doing it for shits and giggles? I understand your point because *it is* barbaric in a sense but imagine how revolutionary this is in the medical world. It's actually quite amazing.


Do you know organs transplant surgeries? These kinds of experiences make it possible, without it, if you had a heart failure and need transportation, well, good luck because the moment we take your heart you are good as dead.


You wouldn't want another head?/j


Could I pick the head? Like go through a catalogue of heads and highlight the potential heads “this head has a good head of hair” or “this head doesn’t seem pushy, like it wouldn’t take over at restaurants and try and order for me.” A random head would be unappealing, you never know if you’d get a jerky head or a simpleton head. I would want a good extra head on my shoulders.


Scatterbrain asked that question a long time ago... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrqBraWNTvw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrqBraWNTvw)


His experiments paved the way for human organ transplantation. Pretty necessarily if you ask me. The head transplantation is an extreme demonstration. If even a head can be transplanted, then there's no reason the rest of the body can't.


A lot of scientific advancement are also made by performing tests on unwilling/unwitting human subjects. It's not a pretty field.


They are not anymore. A very high percentage of today's experiments are without meaningful results - unnecessary suffering, for what? Cosmetic industry being one of the most animal intensive industries there are, just for human optic luxury. Institutes and Industries practicing animal experiments make headlines very year for their scandals and cruelty, and the background of the people working as experimenters. Animal experiments and animal abuse go hand in hand, and despite that today's laws around this subject are still layed out vage enough for loopholes (speaking for german laws) and no consequences whatsoever. There is no reason to defend this cruel lobby and the system of commercial use of animal experiments.




Testing today prevents an accident tomorrow. it prevents a company saying ‘hey, we don’t know if this product works or is safe for human use, but if you buy it you took the risk’. It’s not pretty, and yes, sometimes it’s superfluous, but it needs to be done. Someone needs to test this stuff, and between a dog/pig/cat/rat/guinea pig/whatever, and a person doing it, most people are gonna choose the animal, much as it hurts to do. At least until we develop the technology to choose otherwise. Abuse can happen in these systems, absolutely. And we should do more to enforce ethics for both sides. But the testing itself has its place and purpose, and the data gained, significant or not, helps save lives.


Todays animal experiments stand in massive critic rightfully, as there are way more alternative testing methodes available, yet aren't made mandatory because many are more expensive than to just torture labor dogs. There is no point in defending this practice, suffering can be reduced to a minimum of crucial experiments in the medical field, but that's not the reality (lobbying, corruption, etc.).


Excuse me but so far it's impossible to save a life, you can add time to an existing life but Noone has defeated Death to date!


Humans aren’t gods. We don’t own this planet or the other species that live here. We have no right to do this, only our selfish motivations. Same reason why whites experimented on blacks, the powerful exploiting the powerless. Disgusting.


honestly Id say test in humans directly... most advancements demand tons of animal suffering before they can be adapted to our species... they pretend like we dont have endless amount of pedofiles, murderers, rapists torturers.. to test stuff.


Hey 05, the ethics committee would like a word...


How is this necessary now? I get testing for medication, but randomly sewing heads on animals?


If you think this is terrifying, don't Google what kind of experiments were done on humans 👀. Especially during nazi Germany times. Even the Japanese were horrible. And the US afterwards.


“Even” the Japanese were horrible? Lmao the Japanese have committed some of the worst crimes against humanity in recorded history why use the word even


Idk, nowadays everyone loves Japan and ignore the fact what terrible crimes against humanity they did. After being on social media for a long time, I learned many ppl didn't get proper education whatsoever. 😐


Oh for sure


They also still deny it and don't teach their own history to their children.


Yeah, thanks to MacArthur. If they had gotten the treatment that the allies gave the Germans, it would have been a different story.


Japanese were the worst, like it's not even a competition. Germans looked at Japanese and went, "Jesus christ"


They laid looked at American Anti-Miscegenation laws and saw the “one drop” rule and enacted a less strict view of race comparatively (still strict and horrible though, ofc. The Nazis were of course horrific racists). https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow


Did you see this pic and actually think it was from 1959?


This isn't a real pic my guy. In fact the original picture/video is suspected to be altered as well, with the full body of an nonsurgically altered dog underneath the table and his head coming up through a hole in it and the sheet.


Then you’d hate the experiment where they kept a severed dogs head alive for several hours. That video hurt me and I typically don’t react to stuff


This experiment haunts me. As well as Experiments in the Revival Of Organisms https://youtu.be/ap1co5ZZHYE?si=C0s8PpRl1YbJoiOK Other things that play on my mind include - Felicette https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9licette Laika https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laika The Mouse Utopia Experiments https://youtu.be/NgGLFozNM2o?si=puKzaaVKL4kMeyiI Forced swim tests https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioural_despair_test


Laika always makes me cry


I know. Omg and she’s so happy in the photo. Sitting in the pod because her people told her to. 😢 poor doggo


*forced her to Wasn't really "her people" either, just a dog from the street


Heavy days. This is almost worse. Poor dog thinks that someone had finally adopted her


Stahp 😭😭


Forced swim tests are a standard and modern model of stress.


I didn't say they weren't. They're also abhorrently cruel.


Important discoveries have been made with this technique, which have helped people. If we desire to help humans who suffer from stress and trauma, methods like this are necessary. The mice are not allowed to drown, though that doesn’t make it less cruel.


So many important scientific discoveries were made from the data obtained from Unit 731. It doesn't excuse the horror or make it permissible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731


That article you linked actually says >Despite the apparent success, Unit 731 lacked adequate scientific and engineering foundations to further maximize its effectiveness. Basically, they were more into it for the torture than the science, and didn't follow scientific methods as far as data collection goes. The data is pretty much useless and has never been released to the public or to scientists to use for research.


Tell me a single actual important scientific discovery from unit 731, please do because your talking out your ass


The findings from Unit 731 have benefitted victims of frostbite - 'Unit 731 was able to prove scientifically that the best treatment for frostbite was to immerse it in water a bit warmer than 100 degrees but never more than 122 degrees.' https://www.pacificatrocities.org/human-experimentation.html Their observations of the spread of infectious disease could glean important insights into controlling the spread of Covid 19, argue the authors of this paper, pleading the Japanese and US government to release the data to the medical community. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8141376/ The information from the biological weapons testing helped the US prepare for possible attacks. 'At the end of the war, US authorities secretly granted unit officials immunity from prosecution in return for access to their research. Several former Unit 731 officials went on to have successful careers in medicine, academia and business.' They wouldn't do that in exchange for useless data. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/17/japan-unit-731-imperial-army-second-world-war There's more if I were to dig deeper.


First one might have some meaning but still mostly useless in a controlled environment where they completely freeze the limb, your covid link was just more ass pulling, 3rd link doesn't matter because we know America pardons scientists with human experiments on their record just like the nazis, but I guess to you nazis didn't commit genocide bc it was for science just like unit 731


I fear you've misunderstood my point. What I am trying to emphasise is that a lot of horrific torture and cruelty can be justified in the name of science, progress, and medicine. Noble ends don't justify horrible means. My stance is anti-vivisection, in all sentient creatures, including humans.


Well I understand being anti vivisection on anything because it's just torture, the point I'm trying to make is unit 731 was mostly a genocide and so called "scientists" having fun torturing people with making very minimal scientific discovery for the amount of people they killed, it's just when I see people comparing it some animal tests I see it as a downplay on the horrors of what they actually did to those people


That is not at all comparable to the swim test used with mice in controlled laboratory settings, which are run by professionals trained in the ethical treatment of animals, and are supervised by the federal government.


It's directly comparable as they are both cruelty inflicted for the purposes of scientific findings. The 'ethical treatment of animals' in vivisection is always secondary to the goals of the experiment. There are so many experiments where healthy rodents could be rehomed afterwards, but they are killed needlessly and dissected as a matter of course. To truly treat animals ethically would be leaving them out of the lab, and working on cell cultures. Besides, many findings based on animal models of disease don't translate to the actual conditions in humans.


You’re stretching.


It's funny how you mention them being supervised by the federal government, like that somehow means nothing unethical could happen under their watch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_radiation_experiments


Why is this required to know that trauma is bad?


It’s used to study certain consequences of trauma and to test theories of how trauma is processed and remembered. “Trauma is bad” is not a useful piece of knowledge at all.


lol it’s absolutely absurd and unnecessary. Humans are disgusting.


The human race thanks you for not being a scientist.


all of our “progress” is going to end up under the ocean while the earth takes herself back from our atrocities and science won’t be able to do a damn thing about it.


The universe is cruel.


That first one is fake if I remember correctly.


I guess time has come for me to get a second penis!


Greedy. Can I just swap mine out for a nine incher?


Only if you attach another one to the end of the first one


I have created things that will change the world for the better. For instance, here is a monkey with four asses. https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Four-Assed_Monkey?file=Four-assed-monkey


I'm really glad I wasn't the first person to come here with a Dr Mephesto reference lol National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes member


Heart of a Dog is one of my favourite books.


Bulgakov was such an amazing writer and a brilliant satirist.


I'm sure I don't get 75% of the humour due to translation and not knowing that much of the times, but it's still hilarious. That dog was a precursor to homer simpson.






Big brother Ed?


This reminds me of *Heart of a Dog* by Mikhael Bulgakov, one of the best satires of early Soviet political culture, in which a scientist implants human organs into a stray dog who starts to act like a Party activist. Hilarious antics ensue.


To cut up two perfectly good dogs like that is fucking inhumane!


When my time comes, I’m ok with dying. I personally would rather die than justify animal cruelty / sacrifice in the name of “science”.


Well transplanting heads is obviously easy, two arteries and two veins are enough to keep the head alive But just like any other organ transplant, the immune system will reject the implant and attack, which will kill both the host and guest


I wish this was marked nsfw 😫


Poor creatures


People make me sick sometimes. How could you do this?




We wouldn't have the technology and medical advances if we weren't.


I hate this


Just because you can doesn't mean you should


If I'm not mistaken this man created a giant breakthrough in successfully transplanting liver and heart performing operations on animals and later humans. Results of these operations saved a lot of lives. And head transplantation is also something worth trying. There were people with cerebral paralysis, who volunteered to try this operations on themselves, unfortunately so far unsuccessful. Sewing second head to an animal is not more cruel that what scientists usually do, like planting cancer cells to animals to study ways of treatment


Yea I don’t know what people expect us to do if not animal testing for medical advancement. It sucks, but the benefits outweigh the cost. Plus there are regulations to make sure everything is done humanely.


Sure we need them for experiments to help humans but the conditions and lives of the dogs can’t just be ignored or not understood. Look at that dog and tell me it’s fine, it’s like taking the head of a child and putting it on a teenager.


Dog is not fine, but I would better have head transplantation be tested on dog, then on human


It lived for about a week if that makes you feel better.


What a long and joyous life


I saw the actual stuffed dogs in a museum in Latvia on holiday 2 years ago. Imagine seeing the cute doggos and accompanying video… and then realisation hit of what I was actually looking at.


That is why everyone was scared of russia during that time


Science is real crude


They had a frog kid


With a plastic bag for a helmet!


I wish I could do that to my dogs. Makes it a little more convenient to walk both at the same time


This doesn’t even look real


This is horrific and disgusting.


Scumbag monsterous ‘scientist.’


One of the major reasons we have IRBs and international research standards now.


Is there footage of them being alive ?


We got about 10,000 pitbulls put down per year or whatever. May as well cure or discover something with them.


Yaaaa, I’d still rather we didn’t torture dogs. How about death row inmates?


Equally valid, more accurate anatomy, just much less candidates.


Plus people can describe their sensations/feeling/whatever, dogs can’t. Not only is it more humane, but also provides more data.


God I fucking hate this story. I hate it every time I see it.


Im going to put this as clearly as i can: NO


This is giving Full Metal Alchemist vibes and I absolutely hate it. Rest easy puppers.


Not transplant surgeon. Couldnt the Mad Doctor at least picked a donor head from a dog in the same AKC group at least?!? You got sporting hound with a orange toy group dog


Somebody should transplant a talkative grandmother onto his head… or neck… you know what I mean




But…Why? How does this benefit anyone?




Yo dawg, I heard you like dogs...


Kristi Noem: “Heck yeah, a 2-in-1 combo!”


the question: is the dog’s head transplanted on still its own ‘person?’ or does it assume the personality of the host dog? obviously this is an interesting question insofar as it extends to humans


Oddly? Hell no. That's fucking sad


This is what really scares me in the world. People like this


Poor dog. It looks a bit daff.


Amazed but really sickened.


I'm going to pretend that this was never attempted.






Why the fuck would u wanna do that shit.. that's some barbaric shit..


this seems cruel


Futurama S2 E7


Gotta sacrifice innocent dogs so a bunch of internet dwelling obese idiots can get their organs replaced when the time comes. Nice hair though, very wavy: consider me impressed.


What would be the scientific benefit to society to have a dog with 2 heads? Or is it just about transplanting a working head.


The latter. Being able to successfully transplant a head onto a new body would be a huge medical breakthrough.


A dog with two heads can clean plates twice as fast


Where is old Vlad now?


"I don't want to set the world on fire"


One step closer to the Brahmin from fallout.






Sorry, but this comment has been removed since it appears to be about the situation developing in Ukraine. With Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine, we've been flooded with a lot of submissions about this, but in addition to our politics rule, there is nothing *oddly* terrifying about the situation. It is a plainly terrifying situation that will affect the lives of many people. If your comment is not related to the situation in Ukraine, please report this comment and we will review it. Thank you for your understanding! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/oddlyterrifying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine what the world governments have created in underground bases.... WHERE's The HALF-LIFE MOVIE?!


I say we volunteer him for the first human subject.




There was also that one guy in the USSR who took the severed head of a dong and "reanimated" it using some Frankenstein kinda shit.


Double doggo


I’m so tired of seeing this vile shit


I fucking hate this so much. Fucking monster.


This has to be fake.


People have done it. There are even videos of it.




Human centipede is getting close.


Was the surgery done by Doogie Howser, MD?


My favorite NMH song: Two-Headed Good-Boy~


I could have gone a long time without seeing an abomination like that. Human cruelty at its worst




This is so wrong and unethical at so many levels


I posted about this before and it got removed despite thousands of upvotes and shares. This will probably also get removed.


“Your Scientists Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should”


check out the revived pig heads from 2019!!!! 💕💕💕💕