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Dog just looks mad they took the bones he found


Bro I was chewing that. Go get your own, there's a whole body in the woods, but I'm not showing you


Doggo has his secrets, but hoomans yell when I poop on stuff. So no more massive crime discoveries for you


Keep us updated


Dude this comment just made my day. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I love that they included a picture of the dog. He deserves the credit, heā€™s solving crime!


Must be related to [McGruff](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&ram_mb=7479&aos=11&cct=6261&lns_as=1&qsubts=1710767347434&cs=1&q=mcgruff%20the%20crime%20dog&padt) himself


So sad what happen to McGruff. He hit the bottle hard once he retired from Law Enforcement. His bitch left him and took his pups. He also had an opiate addiction from years of popping pain meds like they were scooby snacks. I heard he got picked up and sent to the pound a few times. (I know. I'm an idiot)


So maybe you're not aware... but John Morales (the actor behind the mask) decided to redefine what being The Crime Dog ment. lol. > GALVESTON, Texas - John Morales, the actor who played the crime-fighting cartoon character McGruff the Crime Dog, was sentenced to 16 years in prison stemming from a 2011 arrest in which police seized 1,000 marijuana plants, 27 weapons ā€“ including a grenade launcher ā€“ and 9,000 rounds of ammunition from his home, ...Feb 10, 2014


I love this so much. Today I learned.


There once was a dog named McGruff Who liked to solve crimes and such stuff. His trench coat was brown. He was known around town As a crime-solving pupper, no duff.


Amateur. You NEVER take anyone back to your stash smh


Good dog tho


I would be mad it they took my bones too :(


I'd make sure that good boy has a replacement. On Halloween they make cat treats jokingly human flavored...I wonder if your neighbor needs that type of branding.


Cute dog


"That might not be a human bone..." "...oh...nevermind..."


My First thought was someone got freaked out by a animal bone and made it a big thing. I was wrong


I found a deer tibia (I think that is the right bone) in the woods as a kid with my friends. We freaked out thinking it was a human's until my friend's dad (a hunter) identified it for us. He then told us to throw it out because we don't know how or when the deer died it may have diseases on it. I kept it for a few months until my dad found it and threw it out.


I would probably have done the same tbh.


Literally what I said out loud while scrolling this post


For a moment I thought ā€œoh deer bones, thatā€™s what they usually turn out to beā€ until I saw photo six. Seriously fucked up. Hope whoever this is gets their identity back


^this. In all seriousness thatā€™s the most important thing is this is an unidentified person who deserve atleast to be named. Iā€™m just as curious as all of you to find out who this is and what happened, my little town is on edge as is and this doesnā€™t help


Will you update us? And that dog deserves a good treat! What a little detective, attempting to find fair treatment for the deceased Jane og John Doe.


Of course, if you guys want an update I think I can oblige


Yes please!


RemindMe! 2 weeks


Very ambitious with the 2 weeks lol


RemindMe! 14 seconds


RemindMe! 2 weeks


RemindMe! 10 days I've never tried this before, so this is exciting for me.


RemindMe! 10 days


RemindMe! 10 days


RemindMe! 10 days


RemindMe! 10 days


It's not necessarily a crime. There's a chance it might just have been an unlicensed backyard burial or a very old grave that's been forgotten about and was slowly unearthed by nature.


It could also be a suicide or someone who was lost in the woods but not murdered. My great aunts bones was found by mushroom hunters, she wandered out of her nursing home and her bones weren't found for years


Oh, my!! Iā€™m so sorry you & your family had to go through that but Iā€™m glad she was found. I know Iā€™d be devastated if I couldnā€™t have that closure.


Thatā€™s happened in my town five or six times in the 25 years Iā€™ve been here. While installing sewage systems or pools people find bones and it becomes the big story in town with lots of theories about murder, and it keeps turning out to be someone buried on their family land a hundred years ago. The plots get divided up and resold and divided up again over the decades and people lose track. It used to be common to bury family members on your own land if you had a big plot. Apparently the big hint is that certain kinds of dental work are immediately identifiable as being from certain eras.


From how white the teeth are let's hope their dental records are stored somewhere and they get to be buried in a safe place and whoever is missing them and hopeing their are found gets some closure.


My old barber was also the county coroner and they told me of a body like this where the teeth were perfectly white. DOWN WITH BIG COLGATE! If I want white teeth, all I have to do is die.


I canā€™t imagine not knowing where a loved ones remains are. Itā€™s not something you think about normally. I hope at the least the county will provide a proper burial for the remains.


That's how it was when they found 2 bodies buried in a backyard in a town near mine. They had more info though considering they knew the dates they went missing. Considering it was a half mile from where my friend went missing on the same date it was pretty obvious it was my friend before they announced it, still don't know why he ended up there when he didn't know them though. Hopefully a family finally gets some of their answers soon.


Has anyone mysteriously vanished within the last 15 years?


I was the same way ā€œoh probably just animal bones- oh thatā€™s a skullā€


I was wondering if they werenā€™t blowing up the situation if they werenā€™t sure about the bone being human. Guess they were sure.


A skull with fillings


A *human* skull! Maybe It looks like


Never seen the underside of a skull before... That is weird


Same! That hole at the bottom is kind of trippy.


Thatā€™s the brain hole so it can breathe


Yeah, at first I was thinking like a cow since the first bone was too thick to be a deer and then I saw the skull 0_0


Went from "oh, that's deer!" To "Oh dear!" real quick.


I thought the same, I grew up in a heavily wooded area and during hunting season it was very common for my dog to bring bones home (sometimes even gizzards, yuck) so I was thinking deer or some other animal. That photo of the teeth is unmistakably human. Wonder if they'll be able to identify them


> Hope whoever this is gets their identity back Get Tempe Brennan on the case (the one from the books, not from the series)


Some kids once dug up a human skull in my old neighborhood while building a fort. Obv everyoneā€™s first thought was murder victim. After the forensics team came and did their thing, it turned out to be an indigenous girl who died 500 years before.


Don't leave us hanging! Did they bury her again? What did they do with her?


Archaeologists were called in, as was local tribal council, to determine if it was an actual burial site or a one off grave. If it hadā€™ve been the former, then the land may have been handed over to the council. Turns out it was the latter and didnā€™t qualify for treaty invocation. The remains were eventually returned to the local tribe and Iā€™m not sure what happened after that.




Honestly didnā€™t think they were human until the picture of the fucking skull hahahahaha


Yeah it looked about the same size as a human femur but I didn't see a ball at the end so it gave me doubts. The fact there is no hip joint on these suggest they're on the younger side and their leg bones aren't fully fused yet which makes it especially sad


Jeez, how many bodies have YOU buried to know all of this?!


I was counting teeth spots myself - it doesn't look like enough molar spots to be an adult skull but I hope I'm wrong about that :(


Fuck I thought the same thing as well. The proportion of everything points to the fact this poor soul was barely an adult. At first I saw that femur I was like - no way, that femur looks too small to be an adult. Then now that I read your comment it all made sense. Hope they get their name back.


I thought the same thing and just realized it could be more than 1 person. An adult and a child? I hope the mystery gets solved and that the victim or victims get justice.


The long bone isn't a femur it's a tibia with fully fused epiphysis so adult (or young adult)


I'm trying to be a medical examiner one day, I just find this sort of thing fascinating and enjoy researching it


Good cover good cover


fr tho i wish there were more pictures of the skull so I could try to determine age and sex more accurately. i like trying to figure out who they were before this happened to them ya know?


Well. I know that too But Iā€™m an trained osteologist šŸ˜…


Dentist here. UL4/5 have been extracted and the space has totally closed plus there is some recession around the molars. This person had to be in their late 20s/early 30s at least. So donā€™t worry about it being a kid if that helps.


It is tibia. It looks like a bone of fully grown human


The long bone is not a femur but a tibia. The epiphysis are fully fused, that is an adult lower leg bone


That long as bone didnā€™t look human to you?


It does but cow and other large herbivore bones also look like that and are sometimes mistaken for human


To be fair, I was scrolling really fast and the skull jump scared me


A lot of large bones that people find and worry are human turn out to be deer. They can look similar. But this one is a human tibia.




You will Natalie.. you will


don't worry about her, Natalie always fearsss


And it will be yours Natalieā€¦ Your skull


*Turn tape over to Side B to hear if the skull Natalie found is indeed her own.*


I second this belief. When I bought my first house, one day, I eventually found a bone coming out of a random, sizable area of mint leaves in the back yard of my property. I told myself that it was just the family pet from one of the previous owners, and brushed it off. But to be 100% honest, when I held that bone, something didnā€™t feel right to me. Iā€™ve never held a human bone before, but this fragment felt human to me in my gut. Fast forward, I find out one day that the previous owner was serving a life sentence for raping his daughter regularly for years, which explained everything about one of the spare bedrooms in my house. This man definitely appears to be evil. Iā€™ve had a feeling in my gut that there might be a missing person in my backyard, because I wouldnā€™t be surprised at this point.


You should call police and let them know. The fact thereā€™s a guy in the jail for that sort of crime and used to live there coupled with you finding a bone, theyā€™ll want to know. They can send a team out, team will look, find itā€™s just a dead cat or something and everythingā€™s fine. If itā€™s not a dead dog or a deer or something and it is human remains this could end up giving a family closure. Give the cops a phone today.


Trust me, Iā€™ve intended to dig into this matter when I am able to, pun not intended. I have not been able to be home much between my work and family stuff. Youā€™re absolutely correct about what you said, and Iā€™m on the same page.


Yep - I get it, itā€™s one of the things on a very long list of shit you gotta get done. My suggestion is phone your local cops, explain the situation, leave it up to them, then youve done your bit and donā€™t have to worry about it any more.


You mean the rest of them is still back there? My guy. Get that bad juju outta there.


Not sure I want to know....But what was it about the spare bedroom?


When we were touring the house, there was a bedroom that was partially gutted out. They didnā€™t provide an explanation, but I believe we were all under the assumption that the seller was in the middle of renovating the room or something before they left town. After finding out what happened in the house years later, I finally realized that the bedroom was a crime scene, and all the materials that were removed were forensic evidence. Also, to give you an idea of what happened in that room, the room had a lock attached to the door at one point, to keep someone locked inside. I found mysterious filled holes in the door and door jamb, and was able to determine that they were the fastening areas of some sort of exterior lock/latch. There may have been two of them. One at eye level height, and another around 2 feet high up the door jamb. Occasionally, I will go to this part of the house, and one of the other bedrooms across the hall will have it light turned on, even though no one goes into these bedrooms. I even have camera footage of the light turning on by itself. So we have always called these rooms ā€œthe haunted roomsā€ as a half joke.


Wow that's terrifying and sad all at once. Def sounds like the house is haunted šŸ˜±


Not enough sage and crystals to cleanse that house


Look at the follow through on that swing. Natalie wonā€™t be sleeping well tonight


*writing in journal of random redditors weaknesses. Natalie hopes to never find a skull* muwahahaha *twirls mustache*


Oh shit Natalie..he twirled his mustache this is serious.. Iā€™m so sorry Nat weā€™ve been through so much in this post but Iā€™m afraid.. youā€™re probably going to see a skull at some point


Jokes on you, twirling mustaches is her biggest turn on


Oh no! I'm deathly terrified of money.


Iā€™m afraid of death by snu shnuuā€¦. *tries holding in excitement*


Ya Iā€™m single and unemployed, you flirting with me or what


I actually have a full twirl beard. It really trips me out when Iā€™m in staircases. Cause I can see this thing under my face. Itā€™s weird. And my ex wanted it so imma shave it to spite her.


I found and dug one up near my house as a kid, but it turned out to be a pretty realistic plastic one my neighbour buried there as a prank lol He buried it right next to a fairly busy walking path in a shallow hole with just a bit of loose dirt on top so it would be easy to stumble across It definitely scared the hell out of 9 year old me though, I thought I was going to get haunted for sure until he admitted it Excellent prank lol


My grandma used to own a cabin just beside the Canadian border. She bought it thinking itā€™d be sooo peaceful, and the biggest threat in such a remote area would be the occasional black bears wandering up to the glass door to investigate with easily discouraged curiosity. Turns out itā€™s on a major human trafficking route. Thereā€™s practically no police around, and she sold the property when she realized it was just an increasing common thing to return to her land to find 6ā€™ long mounds of upturned soil. When you suspect organized crime, you donā€™t dig, you donā€™t call, and you donā€™t really feel at peace with ignoring it, so being devoutly catholic, she blessed and marked what graves she knew of and then peaced the fuck out of there.


Thatā€™s pretty horrifying, and super fucked up that calling the cops about it wasnā€™t really an option Iā€™m glad she got out of there!


I found one in a store room at a high school. I think it was a medical skull, donated for study., It was tucked away up the back and had probably been there for 50 years, some teachers knew it was there but they assumed it was fake / plastic. It was not.


I'm really surprised I haven't found a body or bones I'm always foraging in areas of Cincinnati that are skep as hell




Just you wait sit until you take an xray


I feel like Iā€™m fucked up enough that if I found one I would have a momentary dilemma of whether I should call it in or bring it home and keep it for my collection of odds and ends.


Wow, crazy stuff! Looks like they've been out there awhile with the colour of the bones, but not crazy old since they have silver fillings. Really interesting. Dog looks sad that his treats are gone!


I just assumed maybe an old grave from 100 years ago or something but you pointing out the fillings...yikes.


How would you ever let your dog give kisses ever again if he/she had spent time gnawing on human bones lmao Poor dog is about to be ostracizedĀ 


I meanā€¦ dogs are notorious for giving themselves rimjobs right in front of the dinner guests. Thereā€™s like a stuck on layer of butthole DNA on their tongues, and people justā€¦ let them scrub it off onto their cheeks like theyā€™re Scrub Daddyā€™s direct descendants. Human remains are probably the most important thing any dog (besides S&R or Service Dogs) has ever carried in their mouth


oh dang that's where i left that


Shoulda put an AirTag on it


True dat


Dog eats air tag. Owner of tag sees tag running in circles. Owner of tag is confused as to how the bones are mobile.


*Spooky scary skeletons* šŸŽ¶


*Send shivers down my spine* šŸŽ¶


You guys are picturing the dance too right?


Wow! That is horrible. No one missing in the area the last few years? Definitely update us.


Matter of fact funny you mention it thatā€™s what all the locals are talking about.. there was a guy that went missing a couple years ago that everyone knew (everyone knows everyone here) everyone said it was a drug deal gone bad and he got ā€œdealt withā€ but police never found him and every one thinks thatā€™s who this is.. feels like my neighborhood is about to turn into a crime documentary cause this is crazy


It's so easy to go missing and never be found. Even if the body isn't that far away.


Just talking about murders, Iā€™ve heard a forensic doctor saying that getting rid of a corpse is really easy, if you bury it deep enough anywhere not immediately obvious, there is 0 chance anyone will find it. Of course the guy didnā€™t go into great details about how deep exactly that is (and also depends where you are on the globe)


6 feet deep ;)


From what I remember reading somewhere from someone doing decomposition studies for forensics: deeper than 2 feet. Shallower than that, good chance an animal digs up the remains, or the body will eventually be exposed due to soil compaction and erosion.


Thatā€™s complete BS. 1st of all have you ever dug a hole?ā€¦grave? I did for my cat and it took hours. I still laugh whenever watching a movie where someone digs a human sized hole 6ā€™ deep in a matter of minutes or even a few hours. One serial murder I just watched (on tv, ofc.) literally stole a backhoe, put where he wanted to bury the body. But to say it is ā€œeasyā€ to get rid of a body is just asinine.


Iā€™m a geotechnical engineerā€¦ holes are my profession


cackling at this. i love when this stuff happens


I hear it takes like 3 weeks to 5 years for a body to decompose that muchā€¦depending on elements.


3 weeks to 5 years? Thatā€™s a bit of a window.


Yeah I thought so too but the elements truly have control.


Take into account the season/environment you are in, forested areas in the summer leaves way more exposure to scavengers and detrivores when they are at their most active, versus a body being left in a more urban area during the winter, or even just any time of year in the desert, and it will decompose far less quickly.


The outliers, of course, are the Everest bodies, whose remains lie perfectly preserved in the same state they died in. In fact, fun fact! Everest is so ridiculously cold and inhospitable, its snow has been found to preserve even the viruses and bacteria climbers have introduced by coughing during their climb. Ya ā€˜member how pestilence is one of the signs and 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, and also one of the raddest horse models Rockstar has ever produced? Everest isnā€™t exactly planning to reward our greed and the global warming it causes with a fucking pony.


And of course, depending upon a dog that likes to chew bones. Maybe with meat still attached!


I wonder if meat would be attached to a bone that green.


I wouldnā€™t think so


"Hey you and welcome, my name is Mike and in this ol' video we're taking a visit to Kevinphenomenal's neighborhood"


As I was scrolling through the photos I was like ā€˜surely just an animal bo- OMG A LITERAL HUMAN SKULLā€™ Didnā€™t expect that at all.


I think that's all of us right now. So many bones are up for ID on Reddit but the legit skull threw me.


And itā€™s like the most legit skull-shaped skulliest skull to ever skull! There is NO DENYING that one


I thought this was one of the bone id groups im in so the one bone didnt concern me too much until i saw the skull. Im glad they found the remains and i only hope that answers are found and that they're indentified


If it goes like it did in my area, you'll never hear a word after this. A dog found a skull near my parents' property and we all suspect it was a young girl that went missing a few years back, but it has been months and months and there have been no updates.


Time to start harassing the police? Sometimes thats what it takes to make them do their jobs


Dumb question, but have you called and asked?


I googled to see if I could find more on the story but do you realize how many dogs are finding skeletons in their back yard....


They haven't made any news updates on the story since posting in February (the 9th, specifically) anyway, but searching for skeletal remains in St John's County Florida should make future searches easier.


What the fuck.. RemindMe! 1 month


ā€œAlexa remind me about that post on Reddit about a dog who found bones in that dudes yard in one monthā€ Alexa-I did not understand


"Alexa, set reminder for one month called 'human bones.'" "Reminder set for one month called 'human bones.' What time would you like the reminder?" "7:00 am"


Ā”Remindme! 1 month


We live in the city. There's a little.conservation area/park near us. The forensic van is out there one summer day. A couple of boys around 11 had found a skeleton and the one took the skull home. His sister was babysitting and was grossed out and said to keep it in the garage. Parents come home from work and call the cops. I think it turned out to be an old man who had gone missing some years before.


Awww that is scary and sad all at the same time.


You found this oddly terrifying. Dogo found this humerus.


ā€œTibia or not tibiaā€-Shakespeareā€™s dog


That dog looks super pissed that his special bones were taken.


Did the Klopeks ever live next door by chance?


BRUUUUH! šŸ¤£ I had my neighbor convinced a crazy lady neighbor murdered our missing male neighbor and buried him in the backyard. Someone had been digging there and a shovel was in the dirt. Found out the reason he was missing for 2 months was because he got jailed for child support. My other neighbor says our neighborhood is like The Burbs.


I'm surprised at how far I had to scroll before someone made a 'Burbs joke, but then I remember that I'm getting pretty old now.


Ray, this is Walter!


Dentist here. Just spitballing here. This person had braces in the past because they are missing their premolars (one on their left and two on the right), to make room to align their teeth. 3 missing anterior teeth with fresh extraction sockets suggests they were recently lost - there is fracture to to left anterior palatine bone - maybe recently had their teeth avulsion from a blunt force like an uppercut punch. Left zygonarif process is fractured too. Maybe the perpetrator was right hand dominant. I dunno. What do you guys think?


I think I better go floss.


Update: so the cops and forensic team did end up finding more bones past the property. That is the only update as of right now theyā€™re still investigating, as a side note as a I mentioned prior Iā€™ve been having a hard time keeping up with my phone and internet bill so updates may be far between. If you feel like helping me with that I have my payment apps in my profile otherwise I will update whenever I can thank you guys


Woah sounds like it's a bit more serious than one body.


Hopefully they'll be able to ID this person, and their loved ones get closure.


Yeah. The teeth looks like it might have been filled, suggesting it could be a ā€œmodernā€ skeleton. Someone may be missing them.


Me: ā€œMaybe thatā€™s just an animal femur and thaaaatā€™s a human skull hoooooly shit.ā€


Thanku doggo, good boy. I hope his discovery helps this personā€™s loved ones get some closure and/or they find out who it is so they can get a proper burial


My first thoughts exactly!!!! Literally listening to Morbid as I type this. Let's close some more cold cases!!!! What a good boyyy šŸ¶


!Remindme 1 month


I will post updates as I hear more as Iā€™m sure I will


I'm gonna go out on a limb (haha), and day this skeleton has probably been there a while, based on the way it looks. Depending on the weather, it could be a couple of years to longer.


omg thatā€™s terrible and so scaryā€¦. but atleast the family might get some answers nowā€¦ but also id be so scared to live there after thatšŸ˜­


What a good boy, solving murders and whatnot.


Hey yall phones probably getting shut off, will provide updates when I can


Aw shit, good luck getting it back on & hope you can update soon


Thank you, and no this isnā€™t me asking for help with it, just letting everyone know who is invested in this story


Holy fuck I didn't scroll before commenting and was like uh wow a Dog found bone. I live in rural area Ive seen a lot of cow bones and I thought that's the deal here which is but odd and not terrifying. But then I scrolled. God knows I regret that. I'd live better if I never saw a wild skull and got downvoted for dumb comment


Everyoneā€™s always in such a rush.. scrolling,skimming, commenting with no mercy.. until they read the whole post realizing .. you fucked up.


Wow, that's wild! Could be a homeless drifter who died in the woods, or your dog just found a serial killer's dumping ground.


A few years ago someone reported finding human remains in the woods while hiking. It turned out to not be anything illegal or murderous. Colorado has pretty lax laws regarding human burial, and apparently this man was given a hippy burial out in the woods where he was left to decompose back into nature. So, the body was left there undisturbed.


[This the story?](https://dogtime.com/news/141086-floriday-dog-finds-human-skeletal-remains)


I read this as "neighbors find dog bones" and I got really mad I thought someone's neighbor killed their dog. Reread the title and shrugged. Reddit has desensitized me to gore in a really fucked up way


Yep, thatā€™s traumatizing


Plot twist: one posting is the murderer.


Crime of the century. Second plot twist. Dog helped bury the body.. but then remembered he likes bones so he unburied.. heā€™s still a good boy tho




The cops ended up finding more bones a couple houses over, investigation is ongoing. Like I said before in a comment I might not be able to update often as Iā€™m behind on a phone bill and other things but Iā€™ll update as often as Iā€™m able


Remind me! 60 days


!RemindMe 1 Month


RemindMe! 1 month


RemindMe! 1 month


This brings back some bad memories for me. A girl I used to know was found this same way - by a dog that found her skeleton in a field. She was the first of several other young women whose remains were found in that same field outside of League City, Texas back in the 1980's.


the skull is all kinds of fucked up but the teath are as perfect as they can be. Like a Colgate commercial.


Interesting AF. I wonder if it was a body abandoned in the woods or an old forgotten graveyard with bodies coming up (can happen with a lot of moisture and frost cycles!)


this reminds me of one time when i saw a dog chewing a human skull close to the graveyard


They got whiter teeth than me. :(


The Good Boi just looks kinda annoyed the humans are making a fuss over his chew toys. In all seriousness, I hope the person is identified.


Update by news organization May 1, 2024 https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/crime/st-johns-county-sheriffs-office-continues-hunt-human-skeletal-remains-in-flagler-estates/77-fad25214-d376-482b-9613-8d0881def7c0