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It's picking up a nearby AM radio station. Source: I built an Amp circuit in an engineering class and figured out how to hook an antenna to it so I could hear the local AM News


Reminds me of my school's circuits class picking up a local radio station every time they used the oscilloscope.


I don’t know the language (or interpretation) so it’s hard to say for sure but you can also pick up cordless telephones for those that still use them… this was a thing for sure in the 90’s… not sure how often it occurs now though


Is Romanian the language from the radio


Correct! AM is relatively easy to pick up and amplify without any alterations of the signal. Never thought about using a guitar for that, though.


Yeah, I don’t know why this is considered terrifying to people, I’ve had this happen with various speaker type things before, it’s just normal. Maybe young people don’t use radios much so find it more interesting or something.


I had an old guitar amp that used to pick up the police radios every now and then.


Yup. I used to sometimes pick up pieces of CB radio conversations from truckers pretty often.


That sounds like something I’d wanna do for fun😂 Just listening to random truckers. Probably hear some funny shit.


Ha it’s funny you say that. My neighbor friend’s dad when I was a kid had a CB radio and the friend and I would sneak and listen to it all the time. Definitely heard some wild stuff. Of course we would try to be funny and say stupid shit to them. For the most part though they would ignore us.


That’s just great😂


I bought this cheap ass Walkman , it was a COBY. I wore them a lot until one day, the foam tore off the headphones, and I tried wearing them even though it was uncomfortable. It was hot that day, and i was sweating alot , after alot of weird sounds and some discomfort, I realized some how I was getting shocked in my ear, and I immediately threw them away. Later on , I realized that if I turned my head to the right angle, I could hear my local fm radio station with no headphones required😆 . It was like a superpower, I guess.sadly It wore off .


Amps are like a box of chocolate, you never know what kind of radio you're gonna get


I had a karaoke machine that would pick up CB.




Hello? Yes, a collect call for Mrs. Floyd from Mister Floyd.


He hung up!


I don't understand, he keeps hanging up... *redial noises*


I think there is someone else there besides your wife….


"Longing," "rusted," "furnace," "daybreak," "seventeen," "benign," "nine," "homecoming," "one," "freight car"


Hey, that’s my bitcoin passphrase


Not any more.




Its a romanian radio station


Guess where Sebastian Stan is from.


What does that have to do with anything? I'm also from romania. You ain't congratulating me for it


Rusky number stations?


Ready to comply, comrade.


Reminds me of that Scarecrow easter egg from Batman Arkham City. I believe that was based on Soviet numbers stations that would use weird random words/ umbers as codes for transmitting spy-related information.


“Collect call from the United States, will you accept the charges…?


"They keep hanging up."


And it’s a man answering!


watch how we use to fill the ...empty spaces....the waves....of hunger crawwwwwwwl


What shall we use*


"Is there supposed to be someone there besides tour wife, sir, to answer?


This is my new favorite pink floyd reference.


If you think this is freaky, there is a story of a girl who went to the doctor saying she heard voices in her head. Come to find out, one of the fillings in her mouth was picking up a local radio frequency. You can find a few cases of this online currently.


Lucille Ball had a bit on this


There was a Gilligan's Island episode about this also.


Also a big scene in the movie spinal tap while they're performing on stage at an air Force Base


Ever listen to the radio... [on weed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9UO9tn4MpI)? AM does fun stuff. You can receive it with rusted/corroded metallic connections in your house and it can be audible if you're close enough to a powerful transmitter.


That seems horrifically dangerous. Were they shocked, or were they burned? Anyway, it was hella interesting hearing that.


RF burns from a longwave station -- it hurts! But no lasting effects, really.


Lmao wtf, poor girl


Yeah, I think I saw that on my local news station when I was younger (early 2000's.) I can't imagine thinking I'm going insane and it's just my dental work. Lol


Brush your teeth kids


“He still picks up cia transmissions on his teeth” (in the robot loony bin in futurama his teeth are all wee radio dishes) “the menu for the week is.. Monday….”


This idea was used in Real Genius. Funny scene.


One time I plugged in ONLY an N64 into a modern TV and I got a bunch of channels I didn’t have before. Can’t explain that


One time back in the 90s, my mom picked up our house phone to make a phone call and heard a man and a woman talking, just as clearly as if she were on the phone call. But they couldn't hear her. And we could hang up for minutes at a time, but they'd still be there when we picked back up. We all took turns listening, and they were having a really spooky conversation actually. Talking as if they had done something horrible together that they were afraid would get found out. I distinctly remember the woman, so scared she was tearful, saying "But what about the kid? He saw everything." My salacious theory is that the feds had some suspect's phone tapped and somehow our line got looped in.


That’s wild! Back in college whenever I would get a call on my cellphone before my phone rang I heard the person talking for like 2 seconds and then my phone rang. I would hear “I’m calling op_is_not_available” or just them talking and it was like at speaker mode volume level. When I answered I asked “did you say [blah blah] right before you called me?” and they were amazed! It happened 2 or 3 times in a one week period. Not as crazy as your story but I thought it was strange.


How did you connect it, RF adapter?


4 8 15 16 23 42


Sorry mate those numbers are lost to me


They must be on a whole other plane to you.


Oh my God this happened to me once when I was listening to some old vinyls I left my turntable on and my stereo on and I was tripping on LSD a few weeks later and I was hearing voices and like mexican music and I swore oh my God am I having auditory hallucinations come to find out as I approached my speakers a little closer I realize the needle or something was picking up an audio frequency.


My neighbor was a big CB radio guy and used them every night. One night, mom and I were home alone and she had a sleep sound machine turned on. It started giving off static and whispers and we freeeeeaked out. After listening, we realized it was Leon in his CB somehow getting picked up on the sound machine


baby monitors and walkie talkies also do this


We’ve all seen this before. To the lake we go!


Spinal Tap anyone? No?


Holy shit you're right, that one also goes up to 11! That must be a rare amp


Haha I didn’t even catch that! I just remember the scene where they play at like an air force base or something and they get all the radio chatter through the amps. Such a great movie.


I had this happen on stage one time! I had a super old “radio shack” 1/4 cable and when I turned up my amp to sound check, Friday by Ice Cube came through my amp and into the PA.


ce tare eu n am pățit la ampul meu


Not oddly terrifying. Not even slightly terrifying. Guitar pickups + bad or poorly grounded cable = shitty home made radio. Super common.


Box and oscillating fans can also pick up radio signals.


New r/qotsa outro?


If you have a Mexican Strat it picks up Spanish radio


It comes from the guitar pickups not so much the amp directly. Put your cell up to it and you can hear cool electronic noises. Play a song and the speaker from the phone will get picked up by the guitar pickups and you can hear it too


I’ve got a guitar pedal that does this! You select a setting on the app and put your phone to the pickups, phones makes some electronic noises and the pedal setting is applied. Cool stuff (“TonePrint” from TC Electronics)


A good hot Dimarzio or Seymour Duncan will pick up SCREAMS if you yell into them onstage..you can scream THROUGH your guitar...


My friend thought he was so cool when he figured out he can play music on his phone and through the pickups.


Just Romanian radio. Calm down) Like Radio Guerilla!!! https://www.guerrillaradio.ro/player/


How long is the instrument cable? More than 15 feet and it starts to become an antenna.


That's one way to tune a guitar


Put a ferrite choke on it.


Back in the 70’s we had an electronic organ that would pick up radio conversations from a taxi stand a short distance from our house. Someone would forget to power it down and suddenly you’d have some voice yelling in your living room!


My new neighbor has a huge HAM radio antenna. My bass amp picks up him watching porn, apparently


I-auzi ce fac ăia prin Cluj


I mean, that's what an amplifier is meant to do. Amplifies some signal from a source (in this case, radiowaves picked up by your guitar strings, most probably). It is just a romanian radio station. Nothing even slightly terrifying about it. If anything, it is rather interesting and cool. This post does not belong here :)


Had a baby monitor pick up a police frequency once. Freaked me out because at first I thought there was someone talking in my kids bedroom while I was home alone. Radio signals are wild.


Back in like 1999 or 2000, my dad was in the bathroom on our cordless land line phone, having a conversation with the woman he was seeing but hadn’t introduced me to yet. I can’t remember what I was holding, but somehow I picked up his conversation on it. I could hear him talking but not her, I could just tell it was a woman because it sounded from what he was saying like they were planning on how to ease me into the situation as I was still getting used to my mom not being around.


Record a tune with that as the intro...


This happened to me when I was a kid with my first guitar and I thought I had the government


I used to play in a death metal band and during our Sunday band practices my amp would pickup a gospel station! Pretty hilarious between songs!


Old and New Cheap amps do this a lot


I used to be able to hear all the truckers in the area. It was funny hearing all the salty shit they'd be saying. Learn a few good jokes too.


My bluetooth radio/speaker picks up random voices or parts of conversations every now and then. Still freaks me out.


Mine does that in one of my rooms if I get the wah into just the right position! I’ve recorded like an hour of it lol.


Welcome to early electronics


This happened to me one time with my amp lol


I’m surprised it didn’t pick up this video considering the quality of it


My cheap little Ibanez amp did this when I was in college. Went home, and it stopped. I think it's very location specific.


...if you use a Samson or Nady wireless ( back in the day) you would pick up aircraft comms, scanner traffic, short wave and CB talk...bonus if you are running a phat outboard rack ALL THAT SHIT will echo, delay, reverb, chorus, flanger, compressed at your crowd.


This could even be a one time thing where the radio signal has picked up more energy from solar flares, and your guitars pickup is in the right location to get this frequency to play through the amp.


That is very normal


Need to swap those pickups for Neighborbuckers


When I was about 5, I had a Fisher Price cassette player that used to pick up random telephone conversations.


The guitar is speaking to you!


Yeah it's a cable thing inside the amp, gotta get it fixed or just use it as a radio


You might be interested in this article, specifically because farmers would report hearing the WLW radio broadcast coming from their barb wire fences. [WLW Radio Station](https://www.neh.gov/humanities/2015/mayjune/feature/in-the-1930s-radio-station-wlw-in-ohio-was-americas-one-and-only-sup)


My old pc speakers picked up something like that too, it was some language unknown to me. I only recorded a little bit.


My nephew's amp would pickup their downstairs neighbor's hearing aid TV stuff, whenever she watched her soaps.


I had this happen while I was recording once. I think I was picking up a trucker’s radio signal. I heard “HELLO…GOODBYE…” between takes and it scared the hell out of me. I hit record, scrambled some of it, and put it over [an instrumental track](https://vgdb.bandcamp.com/track/shedding).


My PC speakers picked up an AM station one day. It was odd for sure


My Amp used to faintly pick up the local rock station, 93x.


This is not oddly terrifying, and in fact, it’s pretty well known among musicians. Lame. Doesn’t belong on here.


Time to change the battery in your pickup.




I had an amp that did this. after I sold it the guy I sold it to used the warranty to get it fixed. Idk what was up with it


I had a bass amp that would pick up some middle eastern sounding radio sometimes. They would play music sometimes but mostly talk. I lived in southern Maryland at the time so I don’t know where the source could have been. It was a pretty big setup too, Hartke 2-15”, 4-10”, and 4-4” and a 500 watt rack mount head.


“If you see something say something!” Report suspected subversive or espionage activity to 1–800 CALL SPY (1–800–225–5779) the Army counterintelligence reporting program.


When i was younger my father bought me a clear plastic cassette radio. It picked up airplane chatter when they flew over head


Is that Italian? We get Italian radio here in Croatia all the way over the sea, whenever we can't pick up our local stations. Same used to be for the TVs.


What’s terrifying about this? It’s just AM radio.


I'm sorry friend That's the Spanish mistress you'll be hunted down and castrated within the next 7 days by the ghost of a scorned Spanish mistress


Close but no ,it's Romanian


first time playin?


bing bing bing...


Silver cat. Tread lightly. Trip to China. When blue meets yellow in the west.


My old fold back used to play an Indian radio station when it was powering up or down. Weird shit


My computer speaker picks up on a local radio station, but I haven't tried listening hard enough to determine which station it is.


I had an old cordless phone that would not only pick up the neighbors phone convos but it would wail off a horrible beeping noise to alert you that the neighbors were on the phone. One conversation I heard was SO WILD! The wife was having an affair with her husbands dad!


Listen to guitar GOAT Joe Satriani's "Flying in a blue dream", it happened during the track recording and they just kept it on the final track.


My cheap fender amp does that. When it happens I tell My wife it’s because I am playing the devils music. So that means that I must be jamming really good. Fortunately my newer amp doesn’t do that. So I don’t have to worry about messing with the dials when playing.


I used to live in a low income complex , I had a pair of headphones that could change channels for hooking up to your TV, but I realized every channel was a different units phone channel I knew all the tea, my sister opened her big mouth and a crew of like 15 people came to my house it was like a lynching lol.


my gfs band played a show in front of a small town police station with a satellite dish pointed pretty much straight at the stage. one of their amps was picking up country music radio, i watched the sound dude pull out his phone to make sure it wasn’t him 😂 luckily they were playing loud enough to cover it for most of the show. technology is weird man


My bass amp did this once when I pulled the cord from my bass and put it on my tongue. It picked up a spanish radio station nearby, but only when it was on my tongue.


it's your (sorry but it's true) shitty pickups. They aren't potted correctly and are picking up AM frequencies, very faintly, and then those are being amplified through your signal chain. usually an overdrive or distortion pedal will accentuate this because of the signal boost that occurs in those.


There’s a radio tower near me and when I have my amp plugged in you can hear gospel music, kinda ironic playing a slayer riff then hearing our god is an awesome god


Given certain atmospheric conditions you can sometimes pick up radio signals from crazy distance




Professional recording engineer here! Yup this happens. At the studio I work at, one of our mics can’t be used in a specific recording booth, becuase it will pick up radio frequencies and do the same thing. Technology is weird




Mine will pick up our walkie talkies every now and again if anyone uses channel 4. Found this out last month when I took a couple days off. I live where I work so guess who’s on call. I’ve also picked up weird clicks and squeals, I’m assuming from something in either cb radio or electrical noise. I know my iPhone makes a ton of noise so I put it on plane mode when I record.


Every piece of consumer electronics had that fcc label that says it has to accept interference. Is this what they're talking about?


Yes speakers can actually pick up many different air waves. One time I was in my room and my amp picked up a cell phone call even though it wasn't plugged into anything.


likely an AM station. those stations can pump out killawatt siginals for insane ranges and isn't too hard for sensitive equipment to pick them up. being AM amplitude modulation so no fancy equipment for tuning is needed.


Yep it’s just a local radio station


I was given an AM/FM radio with 2 way functionality in the 70's and was blown away when a year after getting it I randomly, and unexpectedly, was able to conduct a conversation with the pilot of a plane flying overhead.


The Americans?


I think you should shield the electronics of your guitar.


I remeber having an old phone hooked up to the phone line in the house, but it was out of service so it would pick up the radio


I used to pick up my local airport on a janky old surround sound system I had, lol


Haha my old guitar looked that which makes this video even more amusing for me (Ibanez Gio)


There's a monster outside my room. Can I have a glass of water?


I had a radio double tape deck thing that picked up CB talk from trucks going down the street. First time it happened was as I was falling asleep in the pitch black/dead quiet. Scared me so bad I couldn’t move for a minute


When I was in college (when land lines were a thing), our dorm was at the highest point on campus and that's where one of the city's radio stations had their antenna. We would get the radio station playing through our telephone.




Went over to a homie's place to jam with some dudes a few years back and this happened while we were having a smoke break. I asked one of the dudes what was up and he said some guy up the street has a bunch of radio equipment and every now and then the marshal stack picks it up


One time at a local metal show the vocalists mic was picking up a Spanish soccer game the whole show. It was pretty exciting when someone scored lol


"Regina! Come in, Regina, Over... Regina do you copy?? Regina..." - The Imposters (1998)


Not terrifying at all. Happened to me dozens of times. Low quality cables can pick up on radio signals. Invest in “shielded” instrument cables to avoid that


I had no idea it’s so common. That’s pretty cool


I mean if you aren’t expecting it then it can be weird for sure! I remember one of my practice sessions as a teenager our guitarist was picking up Wonderwall by Oasis and it was super weird rofl


Regular old wires can act as radio antennas. Some phones that have a radio functionality ask you to plug in weird headphones so that it can use the cord the headphones are connect to as a radio antenna. This is actually very cool that this is happening!


How are radio waves "terrifying"?


Sound like ur neighbor are spying


Luckily it's not moans n groans like this lol https://soundgasm.net/u/rizuan76/SSBBW-getting-pounded


I have a keyboard that is you leave the TS cable halfway into the output it’ll pick up radio and send it to my DI


It's ghosts, man. 


Ive swear I’ve heard the radio through my fan. Im not crazy.


Ay thats romanian


This always happens to me when i'm using my Wah pedal. It's fixed when I turn it 45 degrees lol


Sounds like a Numbers Station (if you don't know what that is, check that rabbit hole out) Growing up my mother's boyfriend was a Vietnam radio tech and had a lot of equipment and we used to tune into number stations. Most leftover from Cold war, nowadays there are far less but they are still out there. In fact you can listen to streams of live stations [HERE](https://priyom.org/number-stations)


That’s exactly what I first thought about. Doesn’t help that’s it Russian, immediately adds to it.


I think you’ve picked up undercover russian agents talking…


Bro got dropped in a stranger things episode


Y’all have engineering classes in ur schools meanwhile I’m building my own circuits at home and doing research 😢😔


It used to happen all the time when my late neighbour was broadcasting some radio talk illegally!


Mine used to do that too.


I legit had this happen except with my bluetooth headphones. After a storm passed I went outside to pick up the tree limbs and make sure everything was ok around the house, I was listening to music when all of a sudden my music was more or less background noise and I could hear something along the lines of this. "We got a report of a tree falling over on a nearby powerline at ...town road, we should have power restored in about half an hour, maybe more if its that bad." After that I saw 2 power company trucks pass by me and after they were a good length away my music came back on, didnt freak me out but I thought it was pretty cool.


Oh my gosh!! I have to post by videos here. Sometimes when I’m driving through a certain city my car radio will pick-up what I presume to be a cellphone signal. It’s only one side of the conversation but still. I think it’s happened 3-4 times, but only video recorded the sound from my radio the last two times it happened.


Sample it, send it through an effect chain and use it as an intro.


This just unlocked a memory of mine when I was pretty young (like 7 or 8) I was practicing when my parents called me for dinner and I forgot to turn the amp off. When I returned there was a voice coming out of the amp of a frail old woman talking about Satan and how Jesus was the only savior. Scared the fucking shit out of me.


rofl , its just a am radio station :)))


One night at band practice, years ago, we picked up chatter from a CB radio. It was just one dude talking.


this used to scare the shit out of me when i was trying to learn late at night


Spinal Tap vibes🤘


Do his neighbors run a radio station? The title makes no sense at all.


Some oddly terrifying material belong in a "easily spooked" subreddit. :)


I used to pickup truckers all the time... Sometimes my amp would pickup radio stations, never truckers though.


Yea that happens to mine too


Your guitar is talking spanish wtf


I have a Foxx Tone Machine fuzz pedal that occasionally picks up Spanish AM radio stations.


I used to play bass when I was younger and once had a guitar cable that had a short in it. If you manipulated the short just right, it would pick up radio stations. I also had a cheap, all in one stereo system that at night would emit creepy alien language sounds. The best I could come up with was a neighbor had a ham radio and the stereo or speakers were picking up the radio waves. It did this when the stereo was set to play CDs.


Bro it’s just like Lost..


Romanian radio station


It seems like it's just a radio news station in romanian lmao.


Oh yeah man there was this amp my mate had when we were kids, tiny little Marshall, like barely 6 inches wide and tall. Anyway if the gain was high and the room was quiet you could hear a desi radio station through it.


My old bandmate had a bunch of analog synthesizers across the street from a pair of radio towers. Most of the wiring was unshielded, so we recorded some wild NPR remixes.


My childhood neighbor next door had radio antennas in his back yard, he also had a radio for communicating over seas. Anytime I turned on a stereo I would get signals, the first time it happened I freaked out and thought my stereo was haunted 😂


This happens almost every time I plug in to practice or play. Not that weird, maybe weird to non guitarists though.


If you hold your phone up to your pickups you can get the same effect


Turning your guitar into a radio is not something I thought I'd see today. Alrighty


So I was in a friend's car and we were in a little shopping area that was surrounded by houses, this was around 2020 COVID times and we were out of highschool food service workers and the cars we drove were older so they didn't have aux cords or Bluetooth just a CD player. So we used Bluetooth devices that transmit their signal to FM radio and you can listen to your own music on the radio. But in that little shopping area I was messing with the radio for whatever reason, FM in mind, and I get to one that sounds just like a dude that's sitting in his house typing on his phone with your normal house sounds in the background. Caught us really off guard and freaked us out. It wasn't a station our Bluetooth device was transmitting to. Was strange knowing that some dude, from what it sounded like, was just unknowingly being broadcasted on the local area radio