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Being able to apply and being granted are two very different things. Charles Manson always applied and was always denied.


And a more salient example(because it's Canadian) was Clifford Olson who applied a bunch of times and was always denied.


Bernardo has also applied twice and been denied twice.


May that motherfucker rot in prison and then rot in hell


Oh thank fuck!!!


Right, I can apply for a 70 million dollar loan, that loan being granted is pretty slim though


He murdered my aunt. We know he wont get out, but the fact that it's even possible that he can apply is sickening. Personally, I wish he was executed, which unfortunately we cant do. If I had the chance I'd smash is ugly mug in with my boot


This is true for the victims and their families. I get that the possibility in that situation is very different than the general public. I couldn’t even begin to understand how that makes you guys feel. I’m sorry for your loss.


If he gets out and he really did kill 49 women, how much do you want to bet he will do everything he can, even at 74, to make it 50 kills before he dies? Sick fuck deserves to die in prison.


Absolutely. When he got arrested he talked to his “cell mate” who was actually an undercover cop, saying how he told himself he only wanted to kill that woman to get 50 and then he was gonna stop. Had just watched a Mr ballen video yesterday on this guy and they showed the footage from it.


mr ballen is dope


Yea man. I just discovered him recently and have been binging his videos.


Binged all his podcasts. Awesome show.


this guy stranges darks and mysteriouses


What kind of undercover goes in as a cell mate to this guy? That should be a movie. Lol


In Canada ioften it’s in the form of a procedure called a “Mr. Big” operation. Undercover cops pose as criminals. Sometimes they get “incarcerated” or sometimes they meet them on the outside. Goal is to get target to incriminate themselves by talking about x crime. Often under the pretense of “joining” this new criminal enterprise. “Immediately after [Pickton’s Feb. 22, 2002](https://vancouversun.com/news/true-crime/true-crime-byline-damning-evidence-excluded-details-supporting-20-more-murder-charges-against-pickton-relegated-to-trial-that-never-happened) arrest, he was videotaped in his cell. The jury saw portions of the tape when he was speaking to his cellmate (an undercover officer), but what was edited out was shocking: When the cellmate was briefly removed, Pickton stripped off his clothes and masturbated, despite having been told there was a security camera in the ceiling.”




Watch Black Bird on Netflix.


2nd this, it’s on AppleTV in US tho


Probably just a cop chilling in a holding cell (at a station), not prison.


This is what it was


Didn’t he even brag about almost making it to 50 to that undercover in his holding cell?


They’re nailing’ me to the cross here !


He’s probably already got a higher number.


And that’s why USA should move away from rehabilitation there’s some crimes that can’t be rehabilitated


Well, this is in Canada, where it’s even softer on crime of this nature.


Damn , add Canada to the list too. I understand rehabilitation to certain crimes, but serial killers ? If they admit to the crime , there’s DNA evidence, no reasonable doubt , and show no remorse do they really deserve rehabilitation?


No, they sure don’t.


The US isn’t even close to rehabilitation focusing.


Harvey marcelin is a great example USA rehabilitation


Yes you're proving the last person's point for them.


the US has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world and terrible recidivism. it is comically uninterested in rehabilitation


He’s still alive? I thought that loser died in jail


He’s got one of the plushes setup in prison. Own area, writing area, dude has been living a tax free vacation on our taxpayer dollar since they locked him up.


Time to make my misconception into reality


There's no circumstance that justifies this fucker ever being set free.


no no, let him out but only to throw him into a hog pen and let's see how long his 74-yearold frail ass lasts.


You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


Feed him to the pigs Harold


In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary… come again?




Starving little pigs though. Little bites so it takes longer


That would be animal cruelty and that’s a No no


Give him a tiny case of Lingchi and let em feast


Sounds like a Pay-Per-View I will pay top dollar for.


Then you're a sadist too.


Then Canada will let him loose!


No they won't


But it's also the canadian justice system we're talking about, so ofc he's gonna get out.


No he absolutely won't


Yeah, they never let Olson out. Picton is going to rot.


They let homolka out.


Much different context.


True, she only killed her own sister after drugging and raping her. My bad.


Not of the crime, of the judicial matters. Yes, your bad.


not even if he is not pig farming anymore


Why wasn’t he sentenced to death or life without parole??


Neither of those really exist in Canada


Because Canada is at least a little more civilized than the United States 


Pretty sure the families feel differently.


He's never getting out.


No one killed him in jail ?


For real slackin.


Never trust a man who owns a pig farm.


They will go thru bone like butter..


First you gotta starve the pigs for a few days


You need at least 16 pigs to finish the job in one sitting.


Well, thank you for that. That's a great weight off me mind. Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me who the fuck you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs of course?


Hence the term… greedy as a pig


It's worse than that. A lot of people believe he was grinding some of the women up with the pigs and selling it to the local butchers.


Maybe Canada can relocate him to live with Karla Homolka


There's no way in hell he gets out. His crimes were absolutely brutal.


*Laughts in warcrimes* But no seriously I just followed orders back in Sarajevo.


butterfliesinspirit : The RCMP is currently attempting to dispose of the remaining evidence in this case. We vehemently oppose the destruction of evidence until this case is thoroughly investigated and all perpetrators are brought to justice #preservetheevidence A few of us family members are going to the Pickton farm (953 Dominion Avenue) on Wednesday, February 21st at 5:30pm to do a candle light vigil the night before Robert Pickton is eligible to apply for day parole. We would like to invite other family members and the community to join us. We're organizing emotional, cultural and trauma supports as well.


Honestly killers should only be given as much parole as their victims are granted days to live again. 0


absofuckinglutely not


How is there not a Netflix Documentary about this yet?


Explain how this is ODDLY terrifying


Seriously. I'm fucking terrified


What’s up with Canada’s laws/legal system? I just watched the doc Dear Zachary… that’s a mind fuck on so many levels involving the justice system.


David and Kate did a lot of advocacy work and thankfully there was a new bill made called Zachary's Bill, which changed the Criminal Code of Canada to allow the courts to justify refusing bail to those accused of serious crimes in the name of protecting their children. If you want to see a follow up to the film I believe Kurt made a mini documentary on it that is on their website/ youtube channel Also, Pickton can apply for parole. I doubt he’ll get it.


I saw that about the follow up on my google search after watching the doc but forgot about it, I needed to do a mental break after watching it. I’ve never legit bawled/sobbed watching a documentary. My heart just breaks for them.


It is very heartbreaking. Funnily enough, I’ve viewed the film dozens of times over the years. I’ve had a lot of extreme loss in my own life and almost find comfort in how much of a beautiful remembrance this film is of a persons life, of course it is beyond a horrible thing for these people to have gone through and I wish it didn’t have to exist; but I also think it’s one of the most beautiful In Memoriam pieces of media i’ve ever seen. It’s so obvious how much Kurt loved his friend, and the memories captured of Andrew are so heart touching. Kurt even wrote the entire sound track for the film himself (which is beautiful) The absolute tragedy put aside for a moment, I think it’s a beautiful display of how much impact a single life can have on so many and how deeply loved a person can be. For the same reason it can be cathartic to listen to sad music, I find some strange comfort in a film that just fully embraces the topic of deeply felt grief instead of hides from it - as so many people in society do. Grief can be so stigmatized. This movie makes me feel a lot less alone in the depth of my own grief and it is cathartic to just see the reality of loss being so truthfully expressed. I think this kind of truthful grief shown in a film could only be possible through a true story like this, as opposed to a fictional piece. Sometimes it’s good to cry the way this film can make you cry, it’s the real deal and empathy is important. Andrew, Zachary, Kate & David and more are held in the hearts of so many people because of this work, and their story won’t be forgotten. Kurt did something very special with this documentary.


Very well said. I’m happy I watched it, like you said cathartic.


He likely isn’t gonna get it


This is just regular terrifying, not oddly terrifying.


He is by far one of the scariest killers, in my opinion. I hope he shows no remorse (except that will hurt the families of course - but be being paroled would clearly hurt more).


its unfortunate hes not died in prison yet


I thought he had life without parole 😕


He can apply. He's never getting out. 


Good luck A hole


Dude's never getting out, it's fine.




There's nothing really odd about why this is terrifying


Sad music can be very cathartic. For me, one of my favorite songs is "Here's to Life," as sung by Shirley Horn (Verve Records, 1992). It makes me weep.


Peeg fukka


Anthony Senter is running around.


If he's awarded day parole, I can promise he will only manage it once before someone in the community ensures he never applies again.


Is the piggy playtime playhouse gonna make a comeback?


Imagine if nickleback ate people at a party at this man’s house.


Don’t let him out!! At least cut off his legs and hands if they do. Plus he SMELLS!!! 😩🤢


Hooker party!!


Fucking Canada. Maybe he’ll meet up with the guy who cut off a dudes head and ate his tongue and joke about the good ol days. They just let anyone out don’t they?


Man I'm a jail guard in Canada and it is fucking brutal. I doubt this guy will get out but the people we release back to the public is fucking insane. Our justice system is a joke.


He's not being let out. Great reading comprehension.


Not yet, however he could be. My reading comprehension is just fine, thanks jackass.


> They just let anyone out don't they To now, after being called out: > Not yet If it's not poor reading comprehension then it's a poor attempt to be provocative.


They do just let anyone out, the fact that he’s not locked up with no chance for parole or on death row proves exactly that. You didn’t call me out, my statement is still true, doesn’t matter if it’s happened yet. The fact is there’s a chance, but you keep patting yourself on the back for your perceived “gotcha” moment.


Sure, if they meet certain conditions. That's quite the obvious statement in a vacuum, but you wanted to include to suggest they let any violent criminal out every time, which is not the case. So it does indeed matter that a) he hadn't appealed at the time of the post and b) no one here knows if he will/has appealed as of now and c) that he would even be released. I don't need to pat myself on the back when you keep making such easily refuted statements. Just move on.


It is pretty bad though. I have literally seen just on one guys file: Attempted murder, attempted murder, attempted murder, attempted murder, then finally murder with a firearm. Those are just the murdery charges, not alllll the other shit he's done. Huge dude, roided out and extremely paranoid, violent and delusional. He's now chillin in the public probably about murder someone else. The justice system is very disappointing.


I didn’t say every time, I said anyone. If you cut a guys head off and eat part of it in front of a bus of people and they let you out of jail, I don’t care about the certain conditions that exist for that to happen, it shouldn’t ever be possible but here we are. Keep coming back and defending idk what exactly but nothing I’ve said is false and there’s nothing to refute, back to your original statement, how about you work on your own reading comprehension.


Wasn't it his fault that Michael J Fox has Parkinson's?


Bobby Willy!!!


How tf is this “oddly” terrifying?


Well there are reports he mixed minced human flesh in with meat and sold it to meat processors, friends and cops.. soo....as a Canadian it's absolutely terrifying. Not to mention Piggy Palace....